
2023-01-03 06:41:34李煜杨绍佳唐骁王安城安建峰
大坝与安全 2022年5期


(1.中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司,浙江 杭州,311122;2.国网新源浙江缙云抽水蓄能有限公司,浙江 丽水,321400;3.南京水利科学研究院,江苏 南京,210024)

1 工程概况

某抽水蓄能电站尾水洞内径6.2 m,阻抗式调压室设置在尾水岔管下游20.0 m处,调压室大井直径13.0 m,高度76 m,阻抗孔直径5.0 m。尾水洞与连接管通过直角岔管和弯道连接,岔管支臂中心高程低于尾水洞中心高程0.6 m,弯道内径5.0 m,中心转弯半径5.0 m,连接管长度约66.0 m。

考虑到带长连接管的阻抗式调压室布置复杂性和工程建设实际情况,重点研究与该抽水蓄能电站尾水调压室类似的三种典型布置型式(方案一、二、三)下的调压室底部流态及流量系数。其中,原方案(见图1)连接管直径为5.0 m;方案一连接管直径为6.2 m,与隧洞直径相同;方案二连接管直径为4.0 m,洞径比40%;方案三连接管直径与隧洞直径相同,但在连接管和大井连接处采用阻抗板型式,孔口直径4.0 m,断面面积有所减小。

图1 原方案示意图Fig.1 The original plan

针对各典型方案建立三维数学模型进行计算分析。本研究数值计算采用有限体积法离散控制方程,并采用具有二阶精度且绝对稳定的二阶迎风格式插值求解控制体边界上的物理量及其导数,通过基于压力修正法的SIMPLIC 算法迭代求解代数方程组[1-10]。

2 各方案下流速分布

2.1 水流全部流入调压室


图2 水流全部流入调压室时底部隧洞和岔管水流流速(原方案)Fig.2 The flow velocity in tailrace tunnel and bifurcated pipe when all water flows into the surge tank under original plan

图3 水流全部流入调压室时连接管和大井水流流速(原方案)Fig.3 The flow velocity in connecting pipe and surge tank when all water flows into the surge tank under original plan

图4 水流全部流入调压室时底部隧洞和岔管水流流速(方案一)Fig.4 The flow velocity in tailrace tunnel and bifurcated pipe when all water flows into the surge tank under plan A

图5 水流全部流入调压室时连接管和大井水流流速(方案一)Fig.5 The flow velocity in connecting pipe and surge tank when all water flows into the surge tank under plan A

图6 水流全部流入调压室时底部隧洞和岔管水流流速(方案二)Fig.6 The flow velocity in tailrace tunnel and bifurcated pipe when all water flows into the surge tank under plan B

图7 水流全部流入调压室时连接管和大井水流流速(方案二)Fig.7 The flow velocity in connecting pipe and surge tank when all water flows into the surge tank under plan B

图8 水流全部流入调压室时底部隧洞和岔管水流流速(方案三)Fig.8 The flow velocity in tailrace tunnel and bifurcated pipe when all water flows into the surge tank under plan C

图9 水流全部流入调压室时连接管和大井水流流速(方案三)Fig.9 The flow velocity in connecting pipe and surge tank when all water flows into the surge tank under plan C


2.2 水流全部流出调压室


图10 水流全部流出调压室时底部隧洞和岔管水流流速(原方案)Fig.10 The flow velocity in tailrace tunnel and bifurcated pipe when all water flows out of the surge tank under original plan

图11 水流全部流出调压室时连接管和大井水流流速(原方案)Fig.11 The flow velocity in connecting pipe and surge tank when all water flows out of the surge tank under original plan

图12 水流全部流出调压室时底部隧洞和岔管水流流速(方案一)Fig.12 The flow velocity in tailrace tunnel and bifurcated pipe when all water flows out of the surge tank under plan A

图13 水流全部流出调压室时连接管和大井水流流速(方案一)Fig.13 The flow velocity in connecting pipe and surge tank when all water flows out of the surge tank under plan A

图14 水流全部流出调压室时底部隧洞和岔管水流流速(方案二)Fig.14 The flow velocity in tailrace tunnel and bifurcated pipe when all water flows out of the surge tank under plan B

图15 水流全部流出调压室时连接管和大井水流流速(方案二)Fig.15 The flow velocity in connecting pipe and surge tank when all water flows out of the surge tank under plan B

图16 水流全部流出调压室时底部隧洞和岔管水流流速(方案三)Fig.16 The flow velocity in tailrace tunnel and bifurcated pipe when all water flows out of the surge tank under plan C

图17 水流全部流出调压室时连接管和大井水流流速(方案三)Fig.17 The flow velocity in connecting pipe and surge tank when all water flows out of the surge tank under plan C


3 各方案下压力分布


图18 水流全部流入调压室时底部隧洞和岔管压力(原方案)Fig.18 The pressure in tailrace tunnel and bifurcated pipe when all water flows into the surge tank under original plan

图19 水流全部流入调压室时连接管和大井压力(原方案)Fig.19 The pressure in connecting pipe and surge tank when all water flows into the surge tank under original plan

图20 水流全部流入调压室时底部隧洞和岔管压力(方案一)Fig.20 The pressure in tailrace tunnel and bifurcated pipe when all water flows into the surge tank under plan A

图21 水流全部流入调压室时连接管和大井压力(方案一)Fig.21 The pressure in connecting pipe and surge tank when all water flows into the surge tank under plan A

图22 水流全部流入调压室时底部隧洞和岔管压力(方案二)Fig.22 The pressure in tailrace tunnel and bifurcated pipe when all water flows into the surge tank under plan B

图23 水流全部流入调压室时连接管和大井压力(方案二)Fig.23 The pressure in connecting pipe and surge tank when all water flows into the surge tank under plan B

图24 水流全部流入调压室时底部隧洞和岔管压力(方案三)Fig.24 The pressure in tailrace tunnel and bifurcated pipe when all water flows into the surge tank under plan C

图25 水流全部流入调压室时连接管和大井压力(方案三)Fig.25 The pressure in connecting pipe and surge tank when all water flows into the surge tank under plan C

4 各方案下进出流流量系数


表1 不同布置型式下水流进出调压室流量系数Table 1 Coefficients of inflow and outflow with different layout patterns


5 结语




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