
2022-12-24 07:11
红外技术 2022年12期

题目作者期次页码 ▲综述与评论▲ 量子点合成及其光电功能薄膜研究进展钟和甫,唐利斌,余黎静,等2103 PbS胶体量子点稳定性研究进展赵逸群,吴桢芬,杨晓杰,等3205 典型单兵作战场景与夜视镜蔡 毅4315 太赫兹成像技术研究进展及应用周强国,黄志明4328 黑硅光电探测材料与器件研究进展王 博,唐利斌,张玉平,等5437 硫化锌体材料制备及其光学性能研究进展吴绍华,赵劲松,赵跃进,等5453 自然环境下拉曼光谱遥测技术及其应用进展郭一新,金伟其,何玉青,等6543 红外与可见光图像配准技术研究综述李云红,刘宇栋,苏雪平,等7641 HgCdTe多层异质结红外探测材料与器件研究进展陈正超,唐利斌,郝 群,等9889 锑化物中/中波双色红外探测器研究进展张宏飞,朱旭波,李 墨,等9904 空间用红外探测器拼接技术研究吕玮东,邓旭光,王乾威,等10999 铟砷锑红外探测器的研究进展陈冬琼,杨文运,邓功荣,等101009 模拟绿色植被光谱特征的高光谱伪装材料与技术研究进展祖 梅,鄢 峰,甘沅丰,等101018 空间红外相机技术发展现状及应用潘朝猛,康丽珠,罗 敏,等111186 欧洲超二代像增强器技术的选择及进一步发展李晓峰,何雁彬,徐传平,等121249 ▲材料与器件▲ Mg和V2O5共溅射制备+4价钒的氧化物薄膜付学成,乌李瑛,权雪玲,等179 不同抛光方式下InSb晶片表面质量的对比研究李德香,龚晓霞,张丽霞,等185 640×512小型化红外探测器杜瓦组件可靠性研究熊 雄,段 煜,胡明灯,等189 InAs/GaSb II类超晶格材料界面特性的表征分析任 洋,覃 钢,李俊斌,等2115 石墨烯与典型光导型光电探测器读出电路的对比研究韩 钦,高恺聪,任思伟,等2123 As注入长波碲镉汞红外探测器工艺研究熊伯俊,李立华,杨超伟,等2129 红外低辐射膜的设计、制备与表征韩建龙,邱桂花,张瑞蓉,等3249 雪崩光电二极管过剩噪声的测量和抑制方法李再波,李云雪,马 旭,等4343 退火处理对锑化铟MIS器件C­V特性的影响周伟佳,龚晓霞,陈冬琼,等4351 Cd1-xZnxTe晶体中由本征缺陷引起的导电类型转变界面研究赵 文,孔金丞,姜 军,等6560 光学微腔调节顶发射单色绿光OLED微显示器件色纯度研究秦国辉,于晓辉,钱福丽,等7652 异质衬底外延碲镉汞薄膜位错抑制技术进展杨 晋,李艳辉,杨春章,等8828 InAs/GaSb II类超晶格长波焦平面阵列台面ICP刻蚀技术研究王海澎,木迎春,彭秋思,等101027 材料形貌对碲镉汞红外焦平面器件性能的影响陈书真,祁娇娇,王 丹,等101033 940 nm滤光片的设计、制备及低角度效应的研究唐家建,沈龙海,仲维平,等101041 黑曲霉菌对Ge镀增透膜层的腐蚀行为研究戈 帆,郭 骞,肖建军,等111228 基于石墨烯/硅微米孔阵列异质结的高性能近红外光探测器何 峰,徐 波,蓝镇立,等111236 单片晶圆气液混合流清洗技术研究刘佰红,杨炜平,梁 翔,等121332 ▲系统与设计▲ 钢丝绳传动的三轴转台伺服控制的设计王 凯,孔德杰,宋悦铭,等154 一体化铝合金反射镜的拓扑优化设计与分析王 上,张星祥,沙 巍,等161 大规模高帧频读出电路高速数据传输模型研究叶联华,刘 煦,李云铎,等166 碲锌镉晶体生长炉自主设计与控温性能实验罗亚南,陈亦忻,郭关柱,等173 中段飞行弹道导弹表面温度与辐射特性计算李 享,李劲东,王玉莹,等2134 一种用于机器视觉系统的双远心镜头设计曹一青2140 某型红外热像仪结构改进设计研究高有涛2145 大气气溶胶红外散射透过率计算研究吴辉阳,王泽洋,黄兴军,等2151 热电堆型激光功率计设计与仿真雷 程,武学占,梁 庭,等2157 基于动态规划的对焦步进电机控制邝先验,周亚龙,吴玉刚2163 一种便携式外场用MRTD测试仪的研制吴李鹏,郭 羽,王学新,等3212 基于统计窄谱带模型的油料火焰辐射光谱模拟彭吴迪,刘礼喜,陈志莉,等3217 基于模态试验的PCB板结构动态性能的等效建模汤贺鑫,张 巍,管照阳,等3225 基于日盲紫外成像探测器的光子计数算法研究杨 锋,阮 莹,吕 扬,等3231 基于视轴矢量序列的目标轨迹确认方法薛永宏,王铁兵,乔 凯,等4357 空间相机全铝合金光机结构的设计与分析王 上,张星祥,朱俊青4364 红外搜索跟踪系统的虚警率降低方法宋治杭,张 晋,朱 亮,等4371 基于FPGA的低照度图像采集与处理系统研究柳 磊,钱芸生5462 紫外像增强器的调制传递函数测试系统设计苏天宁,刘峰阁,王 强,等5469 低轨道遥感相机光机热一体化分析及优化设计刘朋朋,靳利锋,赵 慧,等6614 弹载红外相机静态质量质心配平张生全,赵劲松,何红星,等6622 对某型红外热像仪可靠性增长的研究与改进王琦艺,夏丽昆,曾邦泽,等6628 两轴水平框架式粗跟踪结构及其控制系统设计康永斌,艾志伟,陈振荣,等7732 微光多谱段成像仪调焦及像移补偿机构设计与性能分析曹业豪,贺玉坤,单博闻,等8837 短波红外相机的最小可分辨对比度测试王 棪,金 宁,刘国平,等8846 一种连续变焦凸轮优化设计及试验验证罗 敏,张生全,王海洋,等9958 一种基于图像处理的红外微扫描器件测量与校准的方法王贵全,徐志文,段永进,等9964 微光探测成像系统电路设计与实现姜 婷,陈伟男,夏振涛,等101045 512×512 MOS电阻阵列驱动控制方法研究钟国雳,廖守亿,杨薪洁101052 中波红外宽波段多光谱成像光学系统设计王海洋,明景谦,贾星蕊,等101059 大相对孔径大面阵长波红外光学无热化镜头的设计冯丽军,李训牛,陈 洁,等101066 基于自由曲面双波段离轴三反光学系统的优化设计杨 旭,李艳红,张远健,等111195 稀疏激光雷达与可见光/红外成像系统的标定方法刘 宇,蔡 毅,戎宁涛,等121264 红外系统点目标作用距离计算方法分析与实例赵 丽,杨国庆,李 周,等121273 基于微光头盔观察、悬挂式红外夜视仪光学系统设计孙爱平,胡健钏,安长亮,等121278 飞行员夜视镜的人机工效分析及效能提升方法袁有志,宋建华,董保根,等121287 专栏▲前沿微光技术▲ 超二代与三代像增强器性能的比较研究李晓峰,何雁彬,常 乐,等8764 半导体光电阴极的研究进展张益军8778 适用于电子倍增器件的电荷灵敏放大器的设计张斌婷,闫保军,刘术林,等8792 氮化镓光阴极薄膜材料表面光电压谱特性高剑森,刘 健8798 普通高压电源超二代微光像增强器亮度增益温度特性研究李亚情,周盛涛,王光凡,等8804 外场微光像增强器成像效果对比评测方法与系统韩正昊,褚祝军,刘 璇,等8811 采用干法刻蚀进行微通道板扩口理论模型研究邱祥彪,闵信杰,金 戈,等8818 高真空系统气体成分对GaAs光电阴极稳定性的影响邬昊宇,郭 欣,干林于,等8824 专栏▲红外目标检测▲ 基于深度卷积神经网络的小型民用无人机检测研究进展杨 欣,王 刚,李 椋,等111119 基于IHBF的增强局部对比度红外小目标检测方法贺 顺,谢永妮,杨志伟,等111132 融合判别性与细粒度特征的抗遮挡红外目标跟踪算法吴 捷,马小虎111139 红外热成像中低分辨率行人小目标检测方法胡 焱,胡皓冰,赵宇航,等111146 基于红外可见光融合的低能见度道路目标检测算法吴 泽,缪小冬,李伟文,等111154 基于红外特征的三维目标识别算法研究夏 琰111161 基于YOLOX和Swin Transformer的车载红外目标检测楼哲航,罗素云111167 一种自适应红外目标尺寸变化的检测跟踪算法杨擎宇,王永让,李 昊,111176 ▲图像处理与仿真▲ 基于RPCA和LatLRR分解的红外与可见光的图像融合丁 健,高清维,卢一相,等11 多特征融合下的高光谱图像混合卷积分类熊 余,单德明,姚 玉,等19 基于全卷积网络的红外图像非均匀性校正算法牟新刚,崔 健,周 晓121 基于红外结构光的三维人脸建模唐诗扬,朱江平,张建伟128 一种人体体表三维温度场的融合重建方法杨炎龙,徐 超133 基于双判别器加权生成对抗网络的图像去模糊方法黄梦涛,高 娜,刘 宝141 一种基于低分辨红外传感器的动作识别方法张昱彤,翟旭平,汪 静147 红外与可见光图像注意力生成对抗融合方法研究武圆圆,王志社,王君尧,等2170 自适应权重的偏微分分割模型在变电设备红外图像中的应用陈 达,何全才,迪二镇,等2179 基于三次B样条小波变换和Franklin矩亚像素级图像边缘检测算法李锦鹏,熊显名,曾启林,等3255 双重降维HOG结合SVM的快速手指静脉识别褚洪佳,陈光化,汪凯旋3262 模态自适应的红外与可见光图像融合曲海成,王宇萍,高健康,等3268 基于相关滤波的红外目标跟踪抗遮挡处理张 晋,王元余,林丹丹,等3277 基于低分辨率红外传感器的深度学习动作识别方法张昱彤,翟旭平,聂 宏3286 引导滤波和对数变换算法融合的多尺度Retinex红外图像增强陈文艺,杨承勋,杨 辉4397 基于自适应加权的多尺度图像融合研究胡雪凯,罗 蓬,李铁成,等4404 基于多尺度小波U型网络的低光照图像增强马 璐4410 改进时空滤波的红外弱小目标检测樊香所,范锦龙,文良华,等5475 基于偏振图像的低照度场景多目标检测算法寻华生,张晶晶,刘 晓,等5483 基于区域间相似度的红外与可见光图像融合算法研究任全会,孙逸洁,黄灿胜5492 基于NSST-DWT-ICSAPCNN的多模态图像融合算法王晓娜,潘 晴,田妮莉5497 基于改进YOLOv5的复杂背景红外弱小目标检测算法代 牮,赵 旭,李连鹏,等5504 基于置信度的飞行时间点云去噪方法王明星,郑 福,王艳秋,等5513 基于双分支卷积神经网络的红外与可见光图像局部融合算法许云英,杨 瑞,贺天福,等5521 基于多尺度语义网络的红外舰船目标检测陈初侠,丁 勇5529 基于时序信息的红外图像缺陷信息提取王东升,王海龙,张 芳,等6565 红外与可见光图像多特征自适应融合方法王君尧,王志社,武圆圆,等6571 改进最佳缝合线的红外图像拼接方法卢 泉,杨振华,黄粒峰6580 一种基于区域分割的直方图均衡算法朱家乙,杨宏双,何 伟,等6587 基于红外双波段的盲元补偿算法李 谦,赵灿兵,刘 星,等6593 基于滚动引导滤波的红外与可见光图像融合张 慧,韩新宁,韩惠丽,等6598 基于超分辨率与在线检测DSST的红外小目标跟踪李 斌,李秀红,艾斯卡尔·艾木都7659 RBNSM:一种复杂背景下红外弱小目标检测新方法蔺素珍,张海松,禄晓飞,等7667 基于SGWT和多显著性的红外与可见光图像融合田立凡,杨 莘,梁佳明,等7676 一种基于EASSF的红外与可见光图像视觉保真度融合李 威,李忠民7686 基于高斯模糊逻辑和ADCSCM的红外与可见光图像融合算法李 文,叶坤涛,舒蕾蕾,等7693 基于改进YOLOv3的瞳孔屈光度检测方法李岳毅,丁红昌,张 雷,等7702 基于MST框架的PCNN输电线路红外热故障区域提取方法葛黄徐,郑 雷,江 洪,等7709 基于PUCS与DTCWT的红外与弱可见光图像融合姜 迈,沙贵君,李 宁7716 基于能量分割的空间域图像融合算法研究王新赛,冯小二,李明明7726 基于潜在低秩表示的红外和可见光图像融合孙 彬,诸葛吴为,高云翔,等8853 基于相似度阈值模糊聚类的红外区域提取方法郭 锋,郑 雷,葛黄徐,等8863 形状自适应低秩表示的电力设备热故障诊断方法研究黄志鸿,洪 峰,黄 伟8870 基于改进暗通道算法的红外图像去雾王昊昱,何明枢8875 基于红外与可见光图像的目标检测算法邝楚文,何 望9912 基于细节信息提取的全色与多光谱图像融合方法王 欧,罗小波9920 一种水上目标可见光图像生成红外图像的方法徐亦欣,胡清平,熊 张,等9929 基于深度学习的电力设备红外与可见光图像配准付 添,邓长征,韩欣月,等9936 基于双直方图均衡算法的红外图像增强闫 哲,蒋 砾,杨 帆,等9944 基于自动门控电源的微光像增强器局部强光防护延 波,倪小兵,智 强,等9951 基于目标增强和视觉跟踪的红外运动点目标半自动标注算法何 敏,回丙伟,易梦妮,等101073 基于多尺度加权引导滤波的红外图像增强方法胡家珲,詹伟达,桂婷婷,等101082 一种改进的透射率分布估计的夜间图像去雾算法薛 楠,严利民101089 基于显著性的多波段图像同步融合方法余 东,蔺素珍,禄晓飞,等101095 室外环境下红外热图像内眼角定位孙 磊,陈树越,戚亚明101103 基于Harris图像拼接的全景视频稳像算法王正家,吴春林,柯黎明,等111203 基于密集连接和空谱变换器的双支路高光谱图像分类模型李鑫伟,杨 甜111210 基于变换域VGGNet19的红外与可见光图像融合李永萍,杨艳春,党建武,等121293 光电跟踪系统高精度模板匹配跟踪算法吴 浩,张 勇,李 欣,等121301 自适应双边滤波与方向梯度的红外图像增强聂丰英,侯利霞,万里勇121309 基于改进SSD的人群异常行为检测算法研究亢 洁,田 野,杨 刚121316 一种基于参数自适应引导滤波的红外图像细节增强算法欧阳慧明,夏丽昆,李泽民,等121324 ▲红外应用▲ 基于无人机热成像的建筑饰面层脱粘缺陷识别彭 雄,钟新谷,赵 超,等2189 SF6气体泄漏红外成像检测的技术分析和应用探讨季怡萍,邓先钦,徐 鹏,等2198 基于热成像技术的非接触式生命体征测量方法李 牧,吴 彤,田哲嘉4428 基于无人机的光伏电站智能巡检王 浩,闫 号,叶海瑞,等5537 红外光谱结合化学计量学检验直液式走珠笔墨水刘新磊,韩丹岩,肖 强,等8882 红外成像和倾斜摄影三维融合在建筑检测中的应用孙保燕,莫春华,薛 伟,等9991 基于直觉模糊C均值聚类的红外图像缺陷检测王禄祥,张志杰,汪 权,等111220 基于多尺度引导滤波和决策融合的电力设备热故障诊断方法研究梁 剑,黄志鸿,张可人121344 基于深度残差UNet网络的电气设备红外图像分割方法刘 赫,赵天成,刘俊博,等121351 基于红外图像处理技术的建筑外窗缺陷面积计算研究张玲玲,许 廒,张继冉,等121358 ▲制导与对抗▲ 基于桶滚机动和诱饵投射的红外空空导弹对抗策略研究(英文)张 楠,陈长胜,孙靖国,等3236 恒热流边界条件下降膜温度场及其对红外探测距离的影响李东臻,杜永成,彭友顺,等6604 一种红外导引头制冷供气测试系统的设计任春杰,费 凡,宾 玲,等6609 ▲微光技术▲ 低阻MCP在直流模式下的线性动态范围姚文静,刘术林,闫保军,等3310 超二代像增强器分辨力随输入照度变化研究李晓峰,常 乐,刘倍宏,等4377 亮度增益对基于像增强器的目标背景对比度影响苏 悦,拜晓锋,党小刚,等4383 基于成像对比度的微光装备侦察能力研究荆卫国,王红培,栾光琦,等4389 基于自动门控电源的微光像增强器局部强光防护延 波,倪小兵,智 强,等9951 ▲测量技术▲ 基于红外激光干涉仪的非球面面形测试技术研究李彦生,唐莹娟,李汝劼,等111243 ▲制冷技术▲ 单活塞线性斯特林制冷机半正定减振系统研究孔德锐,夏 明,唐天敏,等196 金属C型密封圈在斯特林制冷机中的应用苏永强7757 ▲无损检测▲ 红外热成像技术在孔隙尺度下多孔介质相变过程表征中的应用与优化研究王 淑,冷 航,陈彦伶,等3294 锁相红外检测技术对耐候涂层厚度的评估李 波,陈俊卫,刘卓毅,等3303 基于卤素灯激励的红外热成像裂纹无损检测研究金玫秀,朱士虎,王 通,等4421 基于相位和表面温度的缺陷定量识别及其对比研究陈 林,黎敏谦,高 峰,等6635 起重机械金属结构缺陷的热成像技术研究谢文昕,马 伟,杜雪雪,等7741 基于热成像的渗漏源检测杨 羽,贺超广,涂 圆,等7750 基于超声红外热像的电缆终端局部放电缺陷检测方法邓 琨,温启良,张渊渊9972 基于趋势分析法的虚焊缺陷热像数据处理技术徐丽霞,刘丽霞,杨耀东,等9979 基于阵列热风激励的航发叶片近表面缺陷红外检测方法王 浩,吴易泽,王 涛101112 复合材料板在变温场下的超声导波传播特性及损伤成像方法王长林,任 利,钟永腾121338 ▲太赫兹技术▲ 宽频太赫兹非对称主副波导定向耦合器设计董兰宵,南雪莉,刘昊炀,等9986

题目作者期次页码 ▲综述与评论▲ 量子点合成及其光电功能薄膜研究进展钟和甫,唐利斌,余黎静,等2103 PbS胶体量子点稳定性研究进展赵逸群,吴桢芬,杨晓杰,等3205 典型单兵作战场景与夜视镜蔡 毅4315 太赫兹成像技术研究进展及应用周强国,黄志明4328 黑硅光电探测材料与器件研究进展王 博,唐利斌,张玉平,等5437 硫化锌体材料制备及其光学性能研究进展吴绍华,赵劲松,赵跃进,等5453 自然环境下拉曼光谱遥测技术及其应用进展郭一新,金伟其,何玉青,等6543 红外与可见光图像配准技术研究综述李云红,刘宇栋,苏雪平,等7641 HgCdTe多层异质结红外探测材料与器件研究进展陈正超,唐利斌,郝 群,等9889 锑化物中/中波双色红外探测器研究进展张宏飞,朱旭波,李 墨,等9904 空间用红外探测器拼接技术研究吕玮东,邓旭光,王乾威,等10999 铟砷锑红外探测器的研究进展陈冬琼,杨文运,邓功荣,等101009 模拟绿色植被光谱特征的高光谱伪装材料与技术研究进展祖 梅,鄢 峰,甘沅丰,等101018 空间红外相机技术发展现状及应用潘朝猛,康丽珠,罗 敏,等111186 欧洲超二代像增强器技术的选择及进一步发展李晓峰,何雁彬,徐传平,等121249 ▲材料与器件▲ Mg和V2O5共溅射制备+4价钒的氧化物薄膜付学成,乌李瑛,权雪玲,等179 不同抛光方式下InSb晶片表面质量的对比研究李德香,龚晓霞,张丽霞,等185 640×512小型化红外探测器杜瓦组件可靠性研究熊 雄,段 煜,胡明灯,等189 InAs/GaSb II类超晶格材料界面特性的表征分析任 洋,覃 钢,李俊斌,等2115 石墨烯与典型光导型光电探测器读出电路的对比研究韩 钦,高恺聪,任思伟,等2123 As注入长波碲镉汞红外探测器工艺研究熊伯俊,李立华,杨超伟,等2129 红外低辐射膜的设计、制备与表征韩建龙,邱桂花,张瑞蓉,等3249 雪崩光电二极管过剩噪声的测量和抑制方法李再波,李云雪,马 旭,等4343 退火处理对锑化铟MIS器件C­V特性的影响周伟佳,龚晓霞,陈冬琼,等4351 Cd1-xZnxTe晶体中由本征缺陷引起的导电类型转变界面研究赵 文,孔金丞,姜 军,等6560 光学微腔调节顶发射单色绿光OLED微显示器件色纯度研究秦国辉,于晓辉,钱福丽,等7652 异质衬底外延碲镉汞薄膜位错抑制技术进展杨 晋,李艳辉,杨春章,等8828 InAs/GaSb II类超晶格长波焦平面阵列台面ICP刻蚀技术研究王海澎,木迎春,彭秋思,等101027 材料形貌对碲镉汞红外焦平面器件性能的影响陈书真,祁娇娇,王 丹,等101033 940 nm滤光片的设计、制备及低角度效应的研究唐家建,沈龙海,仲维平,等101041 黑曲霉菌对Ge镀增透膜层的腐蚀行为研究戈 帆,郭 骞,肖建军,等111228 基于石墨烯/硅微米孔阵列异质结的高性能近红外光探测器何 峰,徐 波,蓝镇立,等111236 单片晶圆气液混合流清洗技术研究刘佰红,杨炜平,梁 翔,等121332 ▲系统与设计▲ 钢丝绳传动的三轴转台伺服控制的设计王 凯,孔德杰,宋悦铭,等154 一体化铝合金反射镜的拓扑优化设计与分析王 上,张星祥,沙 巍,等161 大规模高帧频读出电路高速数据传输模型研究叶联华,刘 煦,李云铎,等166 碲锌镉晶体生长炉自主设计与控温性能实验罗亚南,陈亦忻,郭关柱,等173 中段飞行弹道导弹表面温度与辐射特性计算李 享,李劲东,王玉莹,等2134 一种用于机器视觉系统的双远心镜头设计曹一青2140 某型红外热像仪结构改进设计研究高有涛2145 大气气溶胶红外散射透过率计算研究吴辉阳,王泽洋,黄兴军,等2151 热电堆型激光功率计设计与仿真雷 程,武学占,梁 庭,等2157 基于动态规划的对焦步进电机控制邝先验,周亚龙,吴玉刚2163 一种便携式外场用MRTD测试仪的研制吴李鹏,郭 羽,王学新,等3212 基于统计窄谱带模型的油料火焰辐射光谱模拟彭吴迪,刘礼喜,陈志莉,等3217 基于模态试验的PCB板结构动态性能的等效建模汤贺鑫,张 巍,管照阳,等3225 基于日盲紫外成像探测器的光子计数算法研究杨 锋,阮 莹,吕 扬,等3231 基于视轴矢量序列的目标轨迹确认方法薛永宏,王铁兵,乔 凯,等4357 空间相机全铝合金光机结构的设计与分析王 上,张星祥,朱俊青4364 红外搜索跟踪系统的虚警率降低方法宋治杭,张 晋,朱 亮,等4371 基于FPGA的低照度图像采集与处理系统研究柳 磊,钱芸生5462 紫外像增强器的调制传递函数测试系统设计苏天宁,刘峰阁,王 强,等5469 低轨道遥感相机光机热一体化分析及优化设计刘朋朋,靳利锋,赵 慧,等6614 弹载红外相机静态质量质心配平张生全,赵劲松,何红星,等6622 对某型红外热像仪可靠性增长的研究与改进王琦艺,夏丽昆,曾邦泽,等6628 两轴水平框架式粗跟踪结构及其控制系统设计康永斌,艾志伟,陈振荣,等7732 微光多谱段成像仪调焦及像移补偿机构设计与性能分析曹业豪,贺玉坤,单博闻,等8837 短波红外相机的最小可分辨对比度测试王 棪,金 宁,刘国平,等8846 一种连续变焦凸轮优化设计及试验验证罗 敏,张生全,王海洋,等9958 一种基于图像处理的红外微扫描器件测量与校准的方法王贵全,徐志文,段永进,等9964 微光探测成像系统电路设计与实现姜 婷,陈伟男,夏振涛,等101045 512×512 MOS电阻阵列驱动控制方法研究钟国雳,廖守亿,杨薪洁101052 中波红外宽波段多光谱成像光学系统设计王海洋,明景谦,贾星蕊,等101059 大相对孔径大面阵长波红外光学无热化镜头的设计冯丽军,李训牛,陈 洁,等101066 基于自由曲面双波段离轴三反光学系统的优化设计杨 旭,李艳红,张远健,等111195 稀疏激光雷达与可见光/红外成像系统的标定方法刘 宇,蔡 毅,戎宁涛,等121264 红外系统点目标作用距离计算方法分析与实例赵 丽,杨国庆,李 周,等121273 基于微光头盔观察、悬挂式红外夜视仪光学系统设计孙爱平,胡健钏,安长亮,等121278 飞行员夜视镜的人机工效分析及效能提升方法袁有志,宋建华,董保根,等121287 专栏▲前沿微光技术▲ 超二代与三代像增强器性能的比较研究李晓峰,何雁彬,常 乐,等8764 半导体光电阴极的研究进展张益军8778 适用于电子倍增器件的电荷灵敏放大器的设计张斌婷,闫保军,刘术林,等8792 氮化镓光阴极薄膜材料表面光电压谱特性高剑森,刘 健8798 普通高压电源超二代微光像增强器亮度增益温度特性研究李亚情,周盛涛,王光凡,等8804 外场微光像增强器成像效果对比评测方法与系统韩正昊,褚祝军,刘 璇,等8811 采用干法刻蚀进行微通道板扩口理论模型研究邱祥彪,闵信杰,金 戈,等8818 高真空系统气体成分对GaAs光电阴极稳定性的影响邬昊宇,郭 欣,干林于,等8824 专栏▲红外目标检测▲ 基于深度卷积神经网络的小型民用无人机检测研究进展杨 欣,王 刚,李 椋,等111119 基于IHBF的增强局部对比度红外小目标检测方法贺 顺,谢永妮,杨志伟,等111132 融合判别性与细粒度特征的抗遮挡红外目标跟踪算法吴 捷,马小虎111139 红外热成像中低分辨率行人小目标检测方法胡 焱,胡皓冰,赵宇航,等111146 基于红外可见光融合的低能见度道路目标检测算法吴 泽,缪小冬,李伟文,等111154 基于红外特征的三维目标识别算法研究夏 琰111161 基于YOLOX和Swin Transformer的车载红外目标检测楼哲航,罗素云111167 一种自适应红外目标尺寸变化的检测跟踪算法杨擎宇,王永让,李 昊,111176 ▲图像处理与仿真▲ 基于RPCA和LatLRR分解的红外与可见光的图像融合丁 健,高清维,卢一相,等11 多特征融合下的高光谱图像混合卷积分类熊 余,单德明,姚 玉,等19 基于全卷积网络的红外图像非均匀性校正算法牟新刚,崔 健,周 晓121 基于红外结构光的三维人脸建模唐诗扬,朱江平,张建伟128 一种人体体表三维温度场的融合重建方法杨炎龙,徐 超133 基于双判别器加权生成对抗网络的图像去模糊方法黄梦涛,高 娜,刘 宝141 一种基于低分辨红外传感器的动作识别方法张昱彤,翟旭平,汪 静147 红外与可见光图像注意力生成对抗融合方法研究武圆圆,王志社,王君尧,等2170 自适应权重的偏微分分割模型在变电设备红外图像中的应用陈 达,何全才,迪二镇,等2179 基于三次B样条小波变换和Franklin矩亚像素级图像边缘检测算法李锦鹏,熊显名,曾启林,等3255 双重降维HOG结合SVM的快速手指静脉识别褚洪佳,陈光化,汪凯旋3262 模态自适应的红外与可见光图像融合曲海成,王宇萍,高健康,等3268 基于相关滤波的红外目标跟踪抗遮挡处理张 晋,王元余,林丹丹,等3277 基于低分辨率红外传感器的深度学习动作识别方法张昱彤,翟旭平,聂 宏3286 引导滤波和对数变换算法融合的多尺度Retinex红外图像增强陈文艺,杨承勋,杨 辉4397 基于自适应加权的多尺度图像融合研究胡雪凯,罗 蓬,李铁成,等4404 基于多尺度小波U型网络的低光照图像增强马 璐4410 改进时空滤波的红外弱小目标检测樊香所,范锦龙,文良华,等5475 基于偏振图像的低照度场景多目标检测算法寻华生,张晶晶,刘 晓,等5483 基于区域间相似度的红外与可见光图像融合算法研究任全会,孙逸洁,黄灿胜5492 基于NSST-DWT-ICSAPCNN的多模态图像融合算法王晓娜,潘 晴,田妮莉5497 基于改进YOLOv5的复杂背景红外弱小目标检测算法代 牮,赵 旭,李连鹏,等5504 基于置信度的飞行时间点云去噪方法王明星,郑 福,王艳秋,等5513 基于双分支卷积神经网络的红外与可见光图像局部融合算法许云英,杨 瑞,贺天福,等5521 基于多尺度语义网络的红外舰船目标检测陈初侠,丁 勇5529 基于时序信息的红外图像缺陷信息提取王东升,王海龙,张 芳,等6565 红外与可见光图像多特征自适应融合方法王君尧,王志社,武圆圆,等6571 改进最佳缝合线的红外图像拼接方法卢 泉,杨振华,黄粒峰6580 一种基于区域分割的直方图均衡算法朱家乙,杨宏双,何 伟,等6587 基于红外双波段的盲元补偿算法李 谦,赵灿兵,刘 星,等6593 基于滚动引导滤波的红外与可见光图像融合张 慧,韩新宁,韩惠丽,等6598 基于超分辨率与在线检测DSST的红外小目标跟踪李 斌,李秀红,艾斯卡尔·艾木都7659 RBNSM:一种复杂背景下红外弱小目标检测新方法蔺素珍,张海松,禄晓飞,等7667 基于SGWT和多显著性的红外与可见光图像融合田立凡,杨 莘,梁佳明,等7676 一种基于EASSF的红外与可见光图像视觉保真度融合李 威,李忠民7686 基于高斯模糊逻辑和ADCSCM的红外与可见光图像融合算法李 文,叶坤涛,舒蕾蕾,等7693 基于改进YOLOv3的瞳孔屈光度检测方法李岳毅,丁红昌,张 雷,等7702 基于MST框架的PCNN输电线路红外热故障区域提取方法葛黄徐,郑 雷,江 洪,等7709 基于PUCS与DTCWT的红外与弱可见光图像融合姜 迈,沙贵君,李 宁7716 基于能量分割的空间域图像融合算法研究王新赛,冯小二,李明明7726 基于潜在低秩表示的红外和可见光图像融合孙 彬,诸葛吴为,高云翔,等8853 基于相似度阈值模糊聚类的红外区域提取方法郭 锋,郑 雷,葛黄徐,等8863 形状自适应低秩表示的电力设备热故障诊断方法研究黄志鸿,洪 峰,黄 伟8870 基于改进暗通道算法的红外图像去雾王昊昱,何明枢8875 基于红外与可见光图像的目标检测算法邝楚文,何 望9912 基于细节信息提取的全色与多光谱图像融合方法王 欧,罗小波9920 一种水上目标可见光图像生成红外图像的方法徐亦欣,胡清平,熊 张,等9929 基于深度学习的电力设备红外与可见光图像配准付 添,邓长征,韩欣月,等9936 基于双直方图均衡算法的红外图像增强闫 哲,蒋 砾,杨 帆,等9944 基于自动门控电源的微光像增强器局部强光防护延 波,倪小兵,智 强,等9951 基于目标增强和视觉跟踪的红外运动点目标半自动标注算法何 敏,回丙伟,易梦妮,等101073 基于多尺度加权引导滤波的红外图像增强方法胡家珲,詹伟达,桂婷婷,等101082 一种改进的透射率分布估计的夜间图像去雾算法薛 楠,严利民101089 基于显著性的多波段图像同步融合方法余 东,蔺素珍,禄晓飞,等101095 室外环境下红外热图像内眼角定位孙 磊,陈树越,戚亚明101103 基于Harris图像拼接的全景视频稳像算法王正家,吴春林,柯黎明,等111203 基于密集连接和空谱变换器的双支路高光谱图像分类模型李鑫伟,杨 甜111210 基于变换域VGGNet19的红外与可见光图像融合李永萍,杨艳春,党建武,等121293 光电跟踪系统高精度模板匹配跟踪算法吴 浩,张 勇,李 欣,等121301 自适应双边滤波与方向梯度的红外图像增强聂丰英,侯利霞,万里勇121309 基于改进SSD的人群异常行为检测算法研究亢 洁,田 野,杨 刚121316 一种基于参数自适应引导滤波的红外图像细节增强算法欧阳慧明,夏丽昆,李泽民,等121324 ▲红外应用▲ 基于无人机热成像的建筑饰面层脱粘缺陷识别彭 雄,钟新谷,赵 超,等2189 SF6气体泄漏红外成像检测的技术分析和应用探讨季怡萍,邓先钦,徐 鹏,等2198 基于热成像技术的非接触式生命体征测量方法李 牧,吴 彤,田哲嘉4428 基于无人机的光伏电站智能巡检王 浩,闫 号,叶海瑞,等5537 红外光谱结合化学计量学检验直液式走珠笔墨水刘新磊,韩丹岩,肖 强,等8882 红外成像和倾斜摄影三维融合在建筑检测中的应用孙保燕,莫春华,薛 伟,等9991 基于直觉模糊C均值聚类的红外图像缺陷检测王禄祥,张志杰,汪 权,等111220 基于多尺度引导滤波和决策融合的电力设备热故障诊断方法研究梁 剑,黄志鸿,张可人121344 基于深度残差UNet网络的电气设备红外图像分割方法刘 赫,赵天成,刘俊博,等121351 基于红外图像处理技术的建筑外窗缺陷面积计算研究张玲玲,许 廒,张继冉,等121358 ▲制导与对抗▲ 基于桶滚机动和诱饵投射的红外空空导弹对抗策略研究(英文)张 楠,陈长胜,孙靖国,等3236 恒热流边界条件下降膜温度场及其对红外探测距离的影响李东臻,杜永成,彭友顺,等6604 一种红外导引头制冷供气测试系统的设计任春杰,费 凡,宾 玲,等6609 ▲微光技术▲ 低阻MCP在直流模式下的线性动态范围姚文静,刘术林,闫保军,等3310 超二代像增强器分辨力随输入照度变化研究李晓峰,常 乐,刘倍宏,等4377 亮度增益对基于像增强器的目标背景对比度影响苏 悦,拜晓锋,党小刚,等4383 基于成像对比度的微光装备侦察能力研究荆卫国,王红培,栾光琦,等4389 基于自动门控电源的微光像增强器局部强光防护延 波,倪小兵,智 强,等9951 ▲测量技术▲ 基于红外激光干涉仪的非球面面形测试技术研究李彦生,唐莹娟,李汝劼,等111243 ▲制冷技术▲ 单活塞线性斯特林制冷机半正定减振系统研究孔德锐,夏 明,唐天敏,等196 金属C型密封圈在斯特林制冷机中的应用苏永强7757 ▲无损检测▲ 红外热成像技术在孔隙尺度下多孔介质相变过程表征中的应用与优化研究王 淑,冷 航,陈彦伶,等3294 锁相红外检测技术对耐候涂层厚度的评估李 波,陈俊卫,刘卓毅,等3303 基于卤素灯激励的红外热成像裂纹无损检测研究金玫秀,朱士虎,王 通,等4421 基于相位和表面温度的缺陷定量识别及其对比研究陈 林,黎敏谦,高 峰,等6635 起重机械金属结构缺陷的热成像技术研究谢文昕,马 伟,杜雪雪,等7741 基于热成像的渗漏源检测杨 羽,贺超广,涂 圆,等7750 基于超声红外热像的电缆终端局部放电缺陷检测方法邓 琨,温启良,张渊渊9972 基于趋势分析法的虚焊缺陷热像数据处理技术徐丽霞,刘丽霞,杨耀东,等9979 基于阵列热风激励的航发叶片近表面缺陷红外检测方法王 浩,吴易泽,王 涛101112 复合材料板在变温场下的超声导波传播特性及损伤成像方法王长林,任 利,钟永腾121338 ▲太赫兹技术▲ 宽频太赫兹非对称主副波导定向耦合器设计董兰宵,南雪莉,刘昊炀,等9986

题目作者期次页码 ▲综述与评论▲ 量子点合成及其光电功能薄膜研究进展钟和甫,唐利斌,余黎静,等2103 PbS胶体量子点稳定性研究进展赵逸群,吴桢芬,杨晓杰,等3205 典型单兵作战场景与夜视镜蔡 毅4315 太赫兹成像技术研究进展及应用周强国,黄志明4328 黑硅光电探测材料与器件研究进展王 博,唐利斌,张玉平,等5437 硫化锌体材料制备及其光学性能研究进展吴绍华,赵劲松,赵跃进,等5453 自然环境下拉曼光谱遥测技术及其应用进展郭一新,金伟其,何玉青,等6543 红外与可见光图像配准技术研究综述李云红,刘宇栋,苏雪平,等7641 HgCdTe多层异质结红外探测材料与器件研究进展陈正超,唐利斌,郝 群,等9889 锑化物中/中波双色红外探测器研究进展张宏飞,朱旭波,李 墨,等9904 空间用红外探测器拼接技术研究吕玮东,邓旭光,王乾威,等10999 铟砷锑红外探测器的研究进展陈冬琼,杨文运,邓功荣,等101009 模拟绿色植被光谱特征的高光谱伪装材料与技术研究进展祖 梅,鄢 峰,甘沅丰,等101018 空间红外相机技术发展现状及应用潘朝猛,康丽珠,罗 敏,等111186 欧洲超二代像增强器技术的选择及进一步发展李晓峰,何雁彬,徐传平,等121249 ▲材料与器件▲ Mg和V2O5共溅射制备+4价钒的氧化物薄膜付学成,乌李瑛,权雪玲,等179 不同抛光方式下InSb晶片表面质量的对比研究李德香,龚晓霞,张丽霞,等185 640×512小型化红外探测器杜瓦组件可靠性研究熊 雄,段 煜,胡明灯,等189 InAs/GaSb II类超晶格材料界面特性的表征分析任 洋,覃 钢,李俊斌,等2115 石墨烯与典型光导型光电探测器读出电路的对比研究韩 钦,高恺聪,任思伟,等2123 As注入长波碲镉汞红外探测器工艺研究熊伯俊,李立华,杨超伟,等2129 红外低辐射膜的设计、制备与表征韩建龙,邱桂花,张瑞蓉,等3249 雪崩光电二极管过剩噪声的测量和抑制方法李再波,李云雪,马 旭,等4343 退火处理对锑化铟MIS器件C­V特性的影响周伟佳,龚晓霞,陈冬琼,等4351 Cd1-xZnxTe晶体中由本征缺陷引起的导电类型转变界面研究赵 文,孔金丞,姜 军,等6560 光学微腔调节顶发射单色绿光OLED微显示器件色纯度研究秦国辉,于晓辉,钱福丽,等7652 异质衬底外延碲镉汞薄膜位错抑制技术进展杨 晋,李艳辉,杨春章,等8828 InAs/GaSb II类超晶格长波焦平面阵列台面ICP刻蚀技术研究王海澎,木迎春,彭秋思,等101027 材料形貌对碲镉汞红外焦平面器件性能的影响陈书真,祁娇娇,王 丹,等101033 940 nm滤光片的设计、制备及低角度效应的研究唐家建,沈龙海,仲维平,等101041 黑曲霉菌对Ge镀增透膜层的腐蚀行为研究戈 帆,郭 骞,肖建军,等111228 基于石墨烯/硅微米孔阵列异质结的高性能近红外光探测器何 峰,徐 波,蓝镇立,等111236 单片晶圆气液混合流清洗技术研究刘佰红,杨炜平,梁 翔,等121332 ▲系统与设计▲ 钢丝绳传动的三轴转台伺服控制的设计王 凯,孔德杰,宋悦铭,等154 一体化铝合金反射镜的拓扑优化设计与分析王 上,张星祥,沙 巍,等161 大规模高帧频读出电路高速数据传输模型研究叶联华,刘 煦,李云铎,等166 碲锌镉晶体生长炉自主设计与控温性能实验罗亚南,陈亦忻,郭关柱,等173 中段飞行弹道导弹表面温度与辐射特性计算李 享,李劲东,王玉莹,等2134 一种用于机器视觉系统的双远心镜头设计曹一青2140 某型红外热像仪结构改进设计研究高有涛2145 大气气溶胶红外散射透过率计算研究吴辉阳,王泽洋,黄兴军,等2151 热电堆型激光功率计设计与仿真雷 程,武学占,梁 庭,等2157 基于动态规划的对焦步进电机控制邝先验,周亚龙,吴玉刚2163 一种便携式外场用MRTD测试仪的研制吴李鹏,郭 羽,王学新,等3212 基于统计窄谱带模型的油料火焰辐射光谱模拟彭吴迪,刘礼喜,陈志莉,等3217 基于模态试验的PCB板结构动态性能的等效建模汤贺鑫,张 巍,管照阳,等3225 基于日盲紫外成像探测器的光子计数算法研究杨 锋,阮 莹,吕 扬,等3231 基于视轴矢量序列的目标轨迹确认方法薛永宏,王铁兵,乔 凯,等4357 空间相机全铝合金光机结构的设计与分析王 上,张星祥,朱俊青4364 红外搜索跟踪系统的虚警率降低方法宋治杭,张 晋,朱 亮,等4371 基于FPGA的低照度图像采集与处理系统研究柳 磊,钱芸生5462 紫外像增强器的调制传递函数测试系统设计苏天宁,刘峰阁,王 强,等5469 低轨道遥感相机光机热一体化分析及优化设计刘朋朋,靳利锋,赵 慧,等6614 弹载红外相机静态质量质心配平张生全,赵劲松,何红星,等6622 对某型红外热像仪可靠性增长的研究与改进王琦艺,夏丽昆,曾邦泽,等6628 两轴水平框架式粗跟踪结构及其控制系统设计康永斌,艾志伟,陈振荣,等7732 微光多谱段成像仪调焦及像移补偿机构设计与性能分析曹业豪,贺玉坤,单博闻,等8837 短波红外相机的最小可分辨对比度测试王 棪,金 宁,刘国平,等8846 一种连续变焦凸轮优化设计及试验验证罗 敏,张生全,王海洋,等9958 一种基于图像处理的红外微扫描器件测量与校准的方法王贵全,徐志文,段永进,等9964 微光探测成像系统电路设计与实现姜 婷,陈伟男,夏振涛,等101045 512×512 MOS电阻阵列驱动控制方法研究钟国雳,廖守亿,杨薪洁101052 中波红外宽波段多光谱成像光学系统设计王海洋,明景谦,贾星蕊,等101059 大相对孔径大面阵长波红外光学无热化镜头的设计冯丽军,李训牛,陈 洁,等101066 基于自由曲面双波段离轴三反光学系统的优化设计杨 旭,李艳红,张远健,等111195 稀疏激光雷达与可见光/红外成像系统的标定方法刘 宇,蔡 毅,戎宁涛,等121264 红外系统点目标作用距离计算方法分析与实例赵 丽,杨国庆,李 周,等121273 基于微光头盔观察、悬挂式红外夜视仪光学系统设计孙爱平,胡健钏,安长亮,等121278 飞行员夜视镜的人机工效分析及效能提升方法袁有志,宋建华,董保根,等121287 专栏▲前沿微光技术▲ 超二代与三代像增强器性能的比较研究李晓峰,何雁彬,常 乐,等8764 半导体光电阴极的研究进展张益军8778 适用于电子倍增器件的电荷灵敏放大器的设计张斌婷,闫保军,刘术林,等8792 氮化镓光阴极薄膜材料表面光电压谱特性高剑森,刘 健8798 普通高压电源超二代微光像增强器亮度增益温度特性研究李亚情,周盛涛,王光凡,等8804 外场微光像增强器成像效果对比评测方法与系统韩正昊,褚祝军,刘 璇,等8811 采用干法刻蚀进行微通道板扩口理论模型研究邱祥彪,闵信杰,金 戈,等8818 高真空系统气体成分对GaAs光电阴极稳定性的影响邬昊宇,郭 欣,干林于,等8824 专栏▲红外目标检测▲ 基于深度卷积神经网络的小型民用无人机检测研究进展杨 欣,王 刚,李 椋,等111119 基于IHBF的增强局部对比度红外小目标检测方法贺 顺,谢永妮,杨志伟,等111132 融合判别性与细粒度特征的抗遮挡红外目标跟踪算法吴 捷,马小虎111139 红外热成像中低分辨率行人小目标检测方法胡 焱,胡皓冰,赵宇航,等111146 基于红外可见光融合的低能见度道路目标检测算法吴 泽,缪小冬,李伟文,等111154 基于红外特征的三维目标识别算法研究夏 琰111161 基于YOLOX和Swin Transformer的车载红外目标检测楼哲航,罗素云111167 一种自适应红外目标尺寸变化的检测跟踪算法杨擎宇,王永让,李 昊,111176 ▲图像处理与仿真▲ 基于RPCA和LatLRR分解的红外与可见光的图像融合丁 健,高清维,卢一相,等11 多特征融合下的高光谱图像混合卷积分类熊 余,单德明,姚 玉,等19 基于全卷积网络的红外图像非均匀性校正算法牟新刚,崔 健,周 晓121 基于红外结构光的三维人脸建模唐诗扬,朱江平,张建伟128 一种人体体表三维温度场的融合重建方法杨炎龙,徐 超133 基于双判别器加权生成对抗网络的图像去模糊方法黄梦涛,高 娜,刘 宝141 一种基于低分辨红外传感器的动作识别方法张昱彤,翟旭平,汪 静147 红外与可见光图像注意力生成对抗融合方法研究武圆圆,王志社,王君尧,等2170 自适应权重的偏微分分割模型在变电设备红外图像中的应用陈 达,何全才,迪二镇,等2179 基于三次B样条小波变换和Franklin矩亚像素级图像边缘检测算法李锦鹏,熊显名,曾启林,等3255 双重降维HOG结合SVM的快速手指静脉识别褚洪佳,陈光化,汪凯旋3262 模态自适应的红外与可见光图像融合曲海成,王宇萍,高健康,等3268 基于相关滤波的红外目标跟踪抗遮挡处理张 晋,王元余,林丹丹,等3277 基于低分辨率红外传感器的深度学习动作识别方法张昱彤,翟旭平,聂 宏3286 引导滤波和对数变换算法融合的多尺度Retinex红外图像增强陈文艺,杨承勋,杨 辉4397 基于自适应加权的多尺度图像融合研究胡雪凯,罗 蓬,李铁成,等4404 基于多尺度小波U型网络的低光照图像增强马 璐4410 改进时空滤波的红外弱小目标检测樊香所,范锦龙,文良华,等5475 基于偏振图像的低照度场景多目标检测算法寻华生,张晶晶,刘 晓,等5483 基于区域间相似度的红外与可见光图像融合算法研究任全会,孙逸洁,黄灿胜5492 基于NSST-DWT-ICSAPCNN的多模态图像融合算法王晓娜,潘 晴,田妮莉5497 基于改进YOLOv5的复杂背景红外弱小目标检测算法代 牮,赵 旭,李连鹏,等5504 基于置信度的飞行时间点云去噪方法王明星,郑 福,王艳秋,等5513 基于双分支卷积神经网络的红外与可见光图像局部融合算法许云英,杨 瑞,贺天福,等5521 基于多尺度语义网络的红外舰船目标检测陈初侠,丁 勇5529 基于时序信息的红外图像缺陷信息提取王东升,王海龙,张 芳,等6565 红外与可见光图像多特征自适应融合方法王君尧,王志社,武圆圆,等6571 改进最佳缝合线的红外图像拼接方法卢 泉,杨振华,黄粒峰6580 一种基于区域分割的直方图均衡算法朱家乙,杨宏双,何 伟,等6587 基于红外双波段的盲元补偿算法李 谦,赵灿兵,刘 星,等6593 基于滚动引导滤波的红外与可见光图像融合张 慧,韩新宁,韩惠丽,等6598 基于超分辨率与在线检测DSST的红外小目标跟踪李 斌,李秀红,艾斯卡尔·艾木都7659 RBNSM:一种复杂背景下红外弱小目标检测新方法蔺素珍,张海松,禄晓飞,等7667 基于SGWT和多显著性的红外与可见光图像融合田立凡,杨 莘,梁佳明,等7676 一种基于EASSF的红外与可见光图像视觉保真度融合李 威,李忠民7686 基于高斯模糊逻辑和ADCSCM的红外与可见光图像融合算法李 文,叶坤涛,舒蕾蕾,等7693 基于改进YOLOv3的瞳孔屈光度检测方法李岳毅,丁红昌,张 雷,等7702 基于MST框架的PCNN输电线路红外热故障区域提取方法葛黄徐,郑 雷,江 洪,等7709 基于PUCS与DTCWT的红外与弱可见光图像融合姜 迈,沙贵君,李 宁7716 基于能量分割的空间域图像融合算法研究王新赛,冯小二,李明明7726 基于潜在低秩表示的红外和可见光图像融合孙 彬,诸葛吴为,高云翔,等8853 基于相似度阈值模糊聚类的红外区域提取方法郭 锋,郑 雷,葛黄徐,等8863 形状自适应低秩表示的电力设备热故障诊断方法研究黄志鸿,洪 峰,黄 伟8870 基于改进暗通道算法的红外图像去雾王昊昱,何明枢8875 基于红外与可见光图像的目标检测算法邝楚文,何 望9912 基于细节信息提取的全色与多光谱图像融合方法王 欧,罗小波9920 一种水上目标可见光图像生成红外图像的方法徐亦欣,胡清平,熊 张,等9929 基于深度学习的电力设备红外与可见光图像配准付 添,邓长征,韩欣月,等9936 基于双直方图均衡算法的红外图像增强闫 哲,蒋 砾,杨 帆,等9944 基于自动门控电源的微光像增强器局部强光防护延 波,倪小兵,智 强,等9951 基于目标增强和视觉跟踪的红外运动点目标半自动标注算法何 敏,回丙伟,易梦妮,等101073 基于多尺度加权引导滤波的红外图像增强方法胡家珲,詹伟达,桂婷婷,等101082 一种改进的透射率分布估计的夜间图像去雾算法薛 楠,严利民101089 基于显著性的多波段图像同步融合方法余 东,蔺素珍,禄晓飞,等101095 室外环境下红外热图像内眼角定位孙 磊,陈树越,戚亚明101103 基于Harris图像拼接的全景视频稳像算法王正家,吴春林,柯黎明,等111203 基于密集连接和空谱变换器的双支路高光谱图像分类模型李鑫伟,杨 甜111210 基于变换域VGGNet19的红外与可见光图像融合李永萍,杨艳春,党建武,等121293 光电跟踪系统高精度模板匹配跟踪算法吴 浩,张 勇,李 欣,等121301 自适应双边滤波与方向梯度的红外图像增强聂丰英,侯利霞,万里勇121309 基于改进SSD的人群异常行为检测算法研究亢 洁,田 野,杨 刚121316 一种基于参数自适应引导滤波的红外图像细节增强算法欧阳慧明,夏丽昆,李泽民,等121324 ▲红外应用▲ 基于无人机热成像的建筑饰面层脱粘缺陷识别彭 雄,钟新谷,赵 超,等2189 SF6气体泄漏红外成像检测的技术分析和应用探讨季怡萍,邓先钦,徐 鹏,等2198 基于热成像技术的非接触式生命体征测量方法李 牧,吴 彤,田哲嘉4428 基于无人机的光伏电站智能巡检王 浩,闫 号,叶海瑞,等5537 红外光谱结合化学计量学检验直液式走珠笔墨水刘新磊,韩丹岩,肖 强,等8882 红外成像和倾斜摄影三维融合在建筑检测中的应用孙保燕,莫春华,薛 伟,等9991 基于直觉模糊C均值聚类的红外图像缺陷检测王禄祥,张志杰,汪 权,等111220 基于多尺度引导滤波和决策融合的电力设备热故障诊断方法研究梁 剑,黄志鸿,张可人121344 基于深度残差UNet网络的电气设备红外图像分割方法刘 赫,赵天成,刘俊博,等121351 基于红外图像处理技术的建筑外窗缺陷面积计算研究张玲玲,许 廒,张继冉,等121358 ▲制导与对抗▲ 基于桶滚机动和诱饵投射的红外空空导弹对抗策略研究(英文)张 楠,陈长胜,孙靖国,等3236 恒热流边界条件下降膜温度场及其对红外探测距离的影响李东臻,杜永成,彭友顺,等6604 一种红外导引头制冷供气测试系统的设计任春杰,费 凡,宾 玲,等6609 ▲微光技术▲ 低阻MCP在直流模式下的线性动态范围姚文静,刘术林,闫保军,等3310 超二代像增强器分辨力随输入照度变化研究李晓峰,常 乐,刘倍宏,等4377 亮度增益对基于像增强器的目标背景对比度影响苏 悦,拜晓锋,党小刚,等4383 基于成像对比度的微光装备侦察能力研究荆卫国,王红培,栾光琦,等4389 基于自动门控电源的微光像增强器局部强光防护延 波,倪小兵,智 强,等9951 ▲测量技术▲ 基于红外激光干涉仪的非球面面形测试技术研究李彦生,唐莹娟,李汝劼,等111243 ▲制冷技术▲ 单活塞线性斯特林制冷机半正定减振系统研究孔德锐,夏 明,唐天敏,等196 金属C型密封圈在斯特林制冷机中的应用苏永强7757 ▲无损检测▲ 红外热成像技术在孔隙尺度下多孔介质相变过程表征中的应用与优化研究王 淑,冷 航,陈彦伶,等3294 锁相红外检测技术对耐候涂层厚度的评估李 波,陈俊卫,刘卓毅,等3303 基于卤素灯激励的红外热成像裂纹无损检测研究金玫秀,朱士虎,王 通,等4421 基于相位和表面温度的缺陷定量识别及其对比研究陈 林,黎敏谦,高 峰,等6635 起重机械金属结构缺陷的热成像技术研究谢文昕,马 伟,杜雪雪,等7741 基于热成像的渗漏源检测杨 羽,贺超广,涂 圆,等7750 基于超声红外热像的电缆终端局部放电缺陷检测方法邓 琨,温启良,张渊渊9972 基于趋势分析法的虚焊缺陷热像数据处理技术徐丽霞,刘丽霞,杨耀东,等9979 基于阵列热风激励的航发叶片近表面缺陷红外检测方法王 浩,吴易泽,王 涛101112 复合材料板在变温场下的超声导波传播特性及损伤成像方法王长林,任 利,钟永腾121338 ▲太赫兹技术▲ 宽频太赫兹非对称主副波导定向耦合器设计董兰宵,南雪莉,刘昊炀,等9986

题目作者期次页码 ▲综述与评论▲ 量子点合成及其光电功能薄膜研究进展钟和甫,唐利斌,余黎静,等2103 PbS胶体量子点稳定性研究进展赵逸群,吴桢芬,杨晓杰,等3205 典型单兵作战场景与夜视镜蔡 毅4315 太赫兹成像技术研究进展及应用周强国,黄志明4328 黑硅光电探测材料与器件研究进展王 博,唐利斌,张玉平,等5437 硫化锌体材料制备及其光学性能研究进展吴绍华,赵劲松,赵跃进,等5453 自然环境下拉曼光谱遥测技术及其应用进展郭一新,金伟其,何玉青,等6543 红外与可见光图像配准技术研究综述李云红,刘宇栋,苏雪平,等7641 HgCdTe多层异质结红外探测材料与器件研究进展陈正超,唐利斌,郝 群,等9889 锑化物中/中波双色红外探测器研究进展张宏飞,朱旭波,李 墨,等9904 空间用红外探测器拼接技术研究吕玮东,邓旭光,王乾威,等10999 铟砷锑红外探测器的研究进展陈冬琼,杨文运,邓功荣,等101009 模拟绿色植被光谱特征的高光谱伪装材料与技术研究进展祖 梅,鄢 峰,甘沅丰,等101018 空间红外相机技术发展现状及应用潘朝猛,康丽珠,罗 敏,等111186 欧洲超二代像增强器技术的选择及进一步发展李晓峰,何雁彬,徐传平,等121249 ▲材料与器件▲ Mg和V2O5共溅射制备+4价钒的氧化物薄膜付学成,乌李瑛,权雪玲,等179 不同抛光方式下InSb晶片表面质量的对比研究李德香,龚晓霞,张丽霞,等185 640×512小型化红外探测器杜瓦组件可靠性研究熊 雄,段 煜,胡明灯,等189 InAs/GaSb II类超晶格材料界面特性的表征分析任 洋,覃 钢,李俊斌,等2115 石墨烯与典型光导型光电探测器读出电路的对比研究韩 钦,高恺聪,任思伟,等2123 As注入长波碲镉汞红外探测器工艺研究熊伯俊,李立华,杨超伟,等2129 红外低辐射膜的设计、制备与表征韩建龙,邱桂花,张瑞蓉,等3249 雪崩光电二极管过剩噪声的测量和抑制方法李再波,李云雪,马 旭,等4343 退火处理对锑化铟MIS器件C­V特性的影响周伟佳,龚晓霞,陈冬琼,等4351 Cd1-xZnxTe晶体中由本征缺陷引起的导电类型转变界面研究赵 文,孔金丞,姜 军,等6560 光学微腔调节顶发射单色绿光OLED微显示器件色纯度研究秦国辉,于晓辉,钱福丽,等7652 异质衬底外延碲镉汞薄膜位错抑制技术进展杨 晋,李艳辉,杨春章,等8828 InAs/GaSb II类超晶格长波焦平面阵列台面ICP刻蚀技术研究王海澎,木迎春,彭秋思,等101027 材料形貌对碲镉汞红外焦平面器件性能的影响陈书真,祁娇娇,王 丹,等101033 940 nm滤光片的设计、制备及低角度效应的研究唐家建,沈龙海,仲维平,等101041 黑曲霉菌对Ge镀增透膜层的腐蚀行为研究戈 帆,郭 骞,肖建军,等111228 基于石墨烯/硅微米孔阵列异质结的高性能近红外光探测器何 峰,徐 波,蓝镇立,等111236 单片晶圆气液混合流清洗技术研究刘佰红,杨炜平,梁 翔,等121332 ▲系统与设计▲ 钢丝绳传动的三轴转台伺服控制的设计王 凯,孔德杰,宋悦铭,等154 一体化铝合金反射镜的拓扑优化设计与分析王 上,张星祥,沙 巍,等161 大规模高帧频读出电路高速数据传输模型研究叶联华,刘 煦,李云铎,等166 碲锌镉晶体生长炉自主设计与控温性能实验罗亚南,陈亦忻,郭关柱,等173 中段飞行弹道导弹表面温度与辐射特性计算李 享,李劲东,王玉莹,等2134 一种用于机器视觉系统的双远心镜头设计曹一青2140 某型红外热像仪结构改进设计研究高有涛2145 大气气溶胶红外散射透过率计算研究吴辉阳,王泽洋,黄兴军,等2151 热电堆型激光功率计设计与仿真雷 程,武学占,梁 庭,等2157 基于动态规划的对焦步进电机控制邝先验,周亚龙,吴玉刚2163 一种便携式外场用MRTD测试仪的研制吴李鹏,郭 羽,王学新,等3212 基于统计窄谱带模型的油料火焰辐射光谱模拟彭吴迪,刘礼喜,陈志莉,等3217 基于模态试验的PCB板结构动态性能的等效建模汤贺鑫,张 巍,管照阳,等3225 基于日盲紫外成像探测器的光子计数算法研究杨 锋,阮 莹,吕 扬,等3231 基于视轴矢量序列的目标轨迹确认方法薛永宏,王铁兵,乔 凯,等4357 空间相机全铝合金光机结构的设计与分析王 上,张星祥,朱俊青4364 红外搜索跟踪系统的虚警率降低方法宋治杭,张 晋,朱 亮,等4371 基于FPGA的低照度图像采集与处理系统研究柳 磊,钱芸生5462 紫外像增强器的调制传递函数测试系统设计苏天宁,刘峰阁,王 强,等5469 低轨道遥感相机光机热一体化分析及优化设计刘朋朋,靳利锋,赵 慧,等6614 弹载红外相机静态质量质心配平张生全,赵劲松,何红星,等6622 对某型红外热像仪可靠性增长的研究与改进王琦艺,夏丽昆,曾邦泽,等6628 两轴水平框架式粗跟踪结构及其控制系统设计康永斌,艾志伟,陈振荣,等7732 微光多谱段成像仪调焦及像移补偿机构设计与性能分析曹业豪,贺玉坤,单博闻,等8837 短波红外相机的最小可分辨对比度测试王 棪,金 宁,刘国平,等8846 一种连续变焦凸轮优化设计及试验验证罗 敏,张生全,王海洋,等9958 一种基于图像处理的红外微扫描器件测量与校准的方法王贵全,徐志文,段永进,等9964 微光探测成像系统电路设计与实现姜 婷,陈伟男,夏振涛,等101045 512×512 MOS电阻阵列驱动控制方法研究钟国雳,廖守亿,杨薪洁101052 中波红外宽波段多光谱成像光学系统设计王海洋,明景谦,贾星蕊,等101059 大相对孔径大面阵长波红外光学无热化镜头的设计冯丽军,李训牛,陈 洁,等101066 基于自由曲面双波段离轴三反光学系统的优化设计杨 旭,李艳红,张远健,等111195 稀疏激光雷达与可见光/红外成像系统的标定方法刘 宇,蔡 毅,戎宁涛,等121264 红外系统点目标作用距离计算方法分析与实例赵 丽,杨国庆,李 周,等121273 基于微光头盔观察、悬挂式红外夜视仪光学系统设计孙爱平,胡健钏,安长亮,等121278 飞行员夜视镜的人机工效分析及效能提升方法袁有志,宋建华,董保根,等121287 专栏▲前沿微光技术▲ 超二代与三代像增强器性能的比较研究李晓峰,何雁彬,常 乐,等8764 半导体光电阴极的研究进展张益军8778 适用于电子倍增器件的电荷灵敏放大器的设计张斌婷,闫保军,刘术林,等8792 氮化镓光阴极薄膜材料表面光电压谱特性高剑森,刘 健8798 普通高压电源超二代微光像增强器亮度增益温度特性研究李亚情,周盛涛,王光凡,等8804 外场微光像增强器成像效果对比评测方法与系统韩正昊,褚祝军,刘 璇,等8811 采用干法刻蚀进行微通道板扩口理论模型研究邱祥彪,闵信杰,金 戈,等8818 高真空系统气体成分对GaAs光电阴极稳定性的影响邬昊宇,郭 欣,干林于,等8824 专栏▲红外目标检测▲ 基于深度卷积神经网络的小型民用无人机检测研究进展杨 欣,王 刚,李 椋,等111119 基于IHBF的增强局部对比度红外小目标检测方法贺 顺,谢永妮,杨志伟,等111132 融合判别性与细粒度特征的抗遮挡红外目标跟踪算法吴 捷,马小虎111139 红外热成像中低分辨率行人小目标检测方法胡 焱,胡皓冰,赵宇航,等111146 基于红外可见光融合的低能见度道路目标检测算法吴 泽,缪小冬,李伟文,等111154 基于红外特征的三维目标识别算法研究夏 琰111161 基于YOLOX和Swin Transformer的车载红外目标检测楼哲航,罗素云111167 一种自适应红外目标尺寸变化的检测跟踪算法杨擎宇,王永让,李 昊,111176 ▲图像处理与仿真▲ 基于RPCA和LatLRR分解的红外与可见光的图像融合丁 健,高清维,卢一相,等11 多特征融合下的高光谱图像混合卷积分类熊 余,单德明,姚 玉,等19 基于全卷积网络的红外图像非均匀性校正算法牟新刚,崔 健,周 晓121 基于红外结构光的三维人脸建模唐诗扬,朱江平,张建伟128 一种人体体表三维温度场的融合重建方法杨炎龙,徐 超133 基于双判别器加权生成对抗网络的图像去模糊方法黄梦涛,高 娜,刘 宝141 一种基于低分辨红外传感器的动作识别方法张昱彤,翟旭平,汪 静147 红外与可见光图像注意力生成对抗融合方法研究武圆圆,王志社,王君尧,等2170 自适应权重的偏微分分割模型在变电设备红外图像中的应用陈 达,何全才,迪二镇,等2179 基于三次B样条小波变换和Franklin矩亚像素级图像边缘检测算法李锦鹏,熊显名,曾启林,等3255 双重降维HOG结合SVM的快速手指静脉识别褚洪佳,陈光化,汪凯旋3262 模态自适应的红外与可见光图像融合曲海成,王宇萍,高健康,等3268 基于相关滤波的红外目标跟踪抗遮挡处理张 晋,王元余,林丹丹,等3277 基于低分辨率红外传感器的深度学习动作识别方法张昱彤,翟旭平,聂 宏3286 引导滤波和对数变换算法融合的多尺度Retinex红外图像增强陈文艺,杨承勋,杨 辉4397 基于自适应加权的多尺度图像融合研究胡雪凯,罗 蓬,李铁成,等4404 基于多尺度小波U型网络的低光照图像增强马 璐4410 改进时空滤波的红外弱小目标检测樊香所,范锦龙,文良华,等5475 基于偏振图像的低照度场景多目标检测算法寻华生,张晶晶,刘 晓,等5483 基于区域间相似度的红外与可见光图像融合算法研究任全会,孙逸洁,黄灿胜5492 基于NSST-DWT-ICSAPCNN的多模态图像融合算法王晓娜,潘 晴,田妮莉5497 基于改进YOLOv5的复杂背景红外弱小目标检测算法代 牮,赵 旭,李连鹏,等5504 基于置信度的飞行时间点云去噪方法王明星,郑 福,王艳秋,等5513 基于双分支卷积神经网络的红外与可见光图像局部融合算法许云英,杨 瑞,贺天福,等5521 基于多尺度语义网络的红外舰船目标检测陈初侠,丁 勇5529 基于时序信息的红外图像缺陷信息提取王东升,王海龙,张 芳,等6565 红外与可见光图像多特征自适应融合方法王君尧,王志社,武圆圆,等6571 改进最佳缝合线的红外图像拼接方法卢 泉,杨振华,黄粒峰6580 一种基于区域分割的直方图均衡算法朱家乙,杨宏双,何 伟,等6587 基于红外双波段的盲元补偿算法李 谦,赵灿兵,刘 星,等6593 基于滚动引导滤波的红外与可见光图像融合张 慧,韩新宁,韩惠丽,等6598 基于超分辨率与在线检测DSST的红外小目标跟踪李 斌,李秀红,艾斯卡尔·艾木都7659 RBNSM:一种复杂背景下红外弱小目标检测新方法蔺素珍,张海松,禄晓飞,等7667 基于SGWT和多显著性的红外与可见光图像融合田立凡,杨 莘,梁佳明,等7676 一种基于EASSF的红外与可见光图像视觉保真度融合李 威,李忠民7686 基于高斯模糊逻辑和ADCSCM的红外与可见光图像融合算法李 文,叶坤涛,舒蕾蕾,等7693 基于改进YOLOv3的瞳孔屈光度检测方法李岳毅,丁红昌,张 雷,等7702 基于MST框架的PCNN输电线路红外热故障区域提取方法葛黄徐,郑 雷,江 洪,等7709 基于PUCS与DTCWT的红外与弱可见光图像融合姜 迈,沙贵君,李 宁7716 基于能量分割的空间域图像融合算法研究王新赛,冯小二,李明明7726 基于潜在低秩表示的红外和可见光图像融合孙 彬,诸葛吴为,高云翔,等8853 基于相似度阈值模糊聚类的红外区域提取方法郭 锋,郑 雷,葛黄徐,等8863 形状自适应低秩表示的电力设备热故障诊断方法研究黄志鸿,洪 峰,黄 伟8870 基于改进暗通道算法的红外图像去雾王昊昱,何明枢8875 基于红外与可见光图像的目标检测算法邝楚文,何 望9912 基于细节信息提取的全色与多光谱图像融合方法王 欧,罗小波9920 一种水上目标可见光图像生成红外图像的方法徐亦欣,胡清平,熊 张,等9929 基于深度学习的电力设备红外与可见光图像配准付 添,邓长征,韩欣月,等9936 基于双直方图均衡算法的红外图像增强闫 哲,蒋 砾,杨 帆,等9944 基于自动门控电源的微光像增强器局部强光防护延 波,倪小兵,智 强,等9951 基于目标增强和视觉跟踪的红外运动点目标半自动标注算法何 敏,回丙伟,易梦妮,等101073 基于多尺度加权引导滤波的红外图像增强方法胡家珲,詹伟达,桂婷婷,等101082 一种改进的透射率分布估计的夜间图像去雾算法薛 楠,严利民101089 基于显著性的多波段图像同步融合方法余 东,蔺素珍,禄晓飞,等101095 室外环境下红外热图像内眼角定位孙 磊,陈树越,戚亚明101103 基于Harris图像拼接的全景视频稳像算法王正家,吴春林,柯黎明,等111203 基于密集连接和空谱变换器的双支路高光谱图像分类模型李鑫伟,杨 甜111210 基于变换域VGGNet19的红外与可见光图像融合李永萍,杨艳春,党建武,等121293 光电跟踪系统高精度模板匹配跟踪算法吴 浩,张 勇,李 欣,等121301 自适应双边滤波与方向梯度的红外图像增强聂丰英,侯利霞,万里勇121309 基于改进SSD的人群异常行为检测算法研究亢 洁,田 野,杨 刚121316 一种基于参数自适应引导滤波的红外图像细节增强算法欧阳慧明,夏丽昆,李泽民,等121324 ▲红外应用▲ 基于无人机热成像的建筑饰面层脱粘缺陷识别彭 雄,钟新谷,赵 超,等2189 SF6气体泄漏红外成像检测的技术分析和应用探讨季怡萍,邓先钦,徐 鹏,等2198 基于热成像技术的非接触式生命体征测量方法李 牧,吴 彤,田哲嘉4428 基于无人机的光伏电站智能巡检王 浩,闫 号,叶海瑞,等5537 红外光谱结合化学计量学检验直液式走珠笔墨水刘新磊,韩丹岩,肖 强,等8882 红外成像和倾斜摄影三维融合在建筑检测中的应用孙保燕,莫春华,薛 伟,等9991 基于直觉模糊C均值聚类的红外图像缺陷检测王禄祥,张志杰,汪 权,等111220 基于多尺度引导滤波和决策融合的电力设备热故障诊断方法研究梁 剑,黄志鸿,张可人121344 基于深度残差UNet网络的电气设备红外图像分割方法刘 赫,赵天成,刘俊博,等121351 基于红外图像处理技术的建筑外窗缺陷面积计算研究张玲玲,许 廒,张继冉,等121358 ▲制导与对抗▲ 基于桶滚机动和诱饵投射的红外空空导弹对抗策略研究(英文)张 楠,陈长胜,孙靖国,等3236 恒热流边界条件下降膜温度场及其对红外探测距离的影响李东臻,杜永成,彭友顺,等6604 一种红外导引头制冷供气测试系统的设计任春杰,费 凡,宾 玲,等6609 ▲微光技术▲ 低阻MCP在直流模式下的线性动态范围姚文静,刘术林,闫保军,等3310 超二代像增强器分辨力随输入照度变化研究李晓峰,常 乐,刘倍宏,等4377 亮度增益对基于像增强器的目标背景对比度影响苏 悦,拜晓锋,党小刚,等4383 基于成像对比度的微光装备侦察能力研究荆卫国,王红培,栾光琦,等4389 基于自动门控电源的微光像增强器局部强光防护延 波,倪小兵,智 强,等9951 ▲测量技术▲ 基于红外激光干涉仪的非球面面形测试技术研究李彦生,唐莹娟,李汝劼,等111243 ▲制冷技术▲ 单活塞线性斯特林制冷机半正定减振系统研究孔德锐,夏 明,唐天敏,等196 金属C型密封圈在斯特林制冷机中的应用苏永强7757 ▲无损检测▲ 红外热成像技术在孔隙尺度下多孔介质相变过程表征中的应用与优化研究王 淑,冷 航,陈彦伶,等3294 锁相红外检测技术对耐候涂层厚度的评估李 波,陈俊卫,刘卓毅,等3303 基于卤素灯激励的红外热成像裂纹无损检测研究金玫秀,朱士虎,王 通,等4421 基于相位和表面温度的缺陷定量识别及其对比研究陈 林,黎敏谦,高 峰,等6635 起重机械金属结构缺陷的热成像技术研究谢文昕,马 伟,杜雪雪,等7741 基于热成像的渗漏源检测杨 羽,贺超广,涂 圆,等7750 基于超声红外热像的电缆终端局部放电缺陷检测方法邓 琨,温启良,张渊渊9972 基于趋势分析法的虚焊缺陷热像数据处理技术徐丽霞,刘丽霞,杨耀东,等9979 基于阵列热风激励的航发叶片近表面缺陷红外检测方法王 浩,吴易泽,王 涛101112 复合材料板在变温场下的超声导波传播特性及损伤成像方法王长林,任 利,钟永腾121338 ▲太赫兹技术▲ 宽频太赫兹非对称主副波导定向耦合器设计董兰宵,南雪莉,刘昊炀,等9986

题目作者期次页码 ▲综述与评论▲ 量子点合成及其光电功能薄膜研究进展钟和甫,唐利斌,余黎静,等2103 PbS胶体量子点稳定性研究进展赵逸群,吴桢芬,杨晓杰,等3205 典型单兵作战场景与夜视镜蔡 毅4315 太赫兹成像技术研究进展及应用周强国,黄志明4328 黑硅光电探测材料与器件研究进展王 博,唐利斌,张玉平,等5437 硫化锌体材料制备及其光学性能研究进展吴绍华,赵劲松,赵跃进,等5453 自然环境下拉曼光谱遥测技术及其应用进展郭一新,金伟其,何玉青,等6543 红外与可见光图像配准技术研究综述李云红,刘宇栋,苏雪平,等7641 HgCdTe多层异质结红外探测材料与器件研究进展陈正超,唐利斌,郝 群,等9889 锑化物中/中波双色红外探测器研究进展张宏飞,朱旭波,李 墨,等9904 空间用红外探测器拼接技术研究吕玮东,邓旭光,王乾威,等10999 铟砷锑红外探测器的研究进展陈冬琼,杨文运,邓功荣,等101009 模拟绿色植被光谱特征的高光谱伪装材料与技术研究进展祖 梅,鄢 峰,甘沅丰,等101018 空间红外相机技术发展现状及应用潘朝猛,康丽珠,罗 敏,等111186 欧洲超二代像增强器技术的选择及进一步发展李晓峰,何雁彬,徐传平,等121249 ▲材料与器件▲ Mg和V2O5共溅射制备+4价钒的氧化物薄膜付学成,乌李瑛,权雪玲,等179 不同抛光方式下InSb晶片表面质量的对比研究李德香,龚晓霞,张丽霞,等185 640×512小型化红外探测器杜瓦组件可靠性研究熊 雄,段 煜,胡明灯,等189 InAs/GaSb II类超晶格材料界面特性的表征分析任 洋,覃 钢,李俊斌,等2115 石墨烯与典型光导型光电探测器读出电路的对比研究韩 钦,高恺聪,任思伟,等2123 As注入长波碲镉汞红外探测器工艺研究熊伯俊,李立华,杨超伟,等2129 红外低辐射膜的设计、制备与表征韩建龙,邱桂花,张瑞蓉,等3249 雪崩光电二极管过剩噪声的测量和抑制方法李再波,李云雪,马 旭,等4343 退火处理对锑化铟MIS器件C­V特性的影响周伟佳,龚晓霞,陈冬琼,等4351 Cd1-xZnxTe晶体中由本征缺陷引起的导电类型转变界面研究赵 文,孔金丞,姜 军,等6560 光学微腔调节顶发射单色绿光OLED微显示器件色纯度研究秦国辉,于晓辉,钱福丽,等7652 异质衬底外延碲镉汞薄膜位错抑制技术进展杨 晋,李艳辉,杨春章,等8828 InAs/GaSb II类超晶格长波焦平面阵列台面ICP刻蚀技术研究王海澎,木迎春,彭秋思,等101027 材料形貌对碲镉汞红外焦平面器件性能的影响陈书真,祁娇娇,王 丹,等101033 940 nm滤光片的设计、制备及低角度效应的研究唐家建,沈龙海,仲维平,等101041 黑曲霉菌对Ge镀增透膜层的腐蚀行为研究戈 帆,郭 骞,肖建军,等111228 基于石墨烯/硅微米孔阵列异质结的高性能近红外光探测器何 峰,徐 波,蓝镇立,等111236 单片晶圆气液混合流清洗技术研究刘佰红,杨炜平,梁 翔,等121332 ▲系统与设计▲ 钢丝绳传动的三轴转台伺服控制的设计王 凯,孔德杰,宋悦铭,等154 一体化铝合金反射镜的拓扑优化设计与分析王 上,张星祥,沙 巍,等161 大规模高帧频读出电路高速数据传输模型研究叶联华,刘 煦,李云铎,等166 碲锌镉晶体生长炉自主设计与控温性能实验罗亚南,陈亦忻,郭关柱,等173 中段飞行弹道导弹表面温度与辐射特性计算李 享,李劲东,王玉莹,等2134 一种用于机器视觉系统的双远心镜头设计曹一青2140 某型红外热像仪结构改进设计研究高有涛2145 大气气溶胶红外散射透过率计算研究吴辉阳,王泽洋,黄兴军,等2151 热电堆型激光功率计设计与仿真雷 程,武学占,梁 庭,等2157 基于动态规划的对焦步进电机控制邝先验,周亚龙,吴玉刚2163 一种便携式外场用MRTD测试仪的研制吴李鹏,郭 羽,王学新,等3212 基于统计窄谱带模型的油料火焰辐射光谱模拟彭吴迪,刘礼喜,陈志莉,等3217 基于模态试验的PCB板结构动态性能的等效建模汤贺鑫,张 巍,管照阳,等3225 基于日盲紫外成像探测器的光子计数算法研究杨 锋,阮 莹,吕 扬,等3231 基于视轴矢量序列的目标轨迹确认方法薛永宏,王铁兵,乔 凯,等4357 空间相机全铝合金光机结构的设计与分析王 上,张星祥,朱俊青4364 红外搜索跟踪系统的虚警率降低方法宋治杭,张 晋,朱 亮,等4371 基于FPGA的低照度图像采集与处理系统研究柳 磊,钱芸生5462 紫外像增强器的调制传递函数测试系统设计苏天宁,刘峰阁,王 强,等5469 低轨道遥感相机光机热一体化分析及优化设计刘朋朋,靳利锋,赵 慧,等6614 弹载红外相机静态质量质心配平张生全,赵劲松,何红星,等6622 对某型红外热像仪可靠性增长的研究与改进王琦艺,夏丽昆,曾邦泽,等6628 两轴水平框架式粗跟踪结构及其控制系统设计康永斌,艾志伟,陈振荣,等7732 微光多谱段成像仪调焦及像移补偿机构设计与性能分析曹业豪,贺玉坤,单博闻,等8837 短波红外相机的最小可分辨对比度测试王 棪,金 宁,刘国平,等8846 一种连续变焦凸轮优化设计及试验验证罗 敏,张生全,王海洋,等9958 一种基于图像处理的红外微扫描器件测量与校准的方法王贵全,徐志文,段永进,等9964 微光探测成像系统电路设计与实现姜 婷,陈伟男,夏振涛,等101045 512×512 MOS电阻阵列驱动控制方法研究钟国雳,廖守亿,杨薪洁101052 中波红外宽波段多光谱成像光学系统设计王海洋,明景谦,贾星蕊,等101059 大相对孔径大面阵长波红外光学无热化镜头的设计冯丽军,李训牛,陈 洁,等101066 基于自由曲面双波段离轴三反光学系统的优化设计杨 旭,李艳红,张远健,等111195 稀疏激光雷达与可见光/红外成像系统的标定方法刘 宇,蔡 毅,戎宁涛,等121264 红外系统点目标作用距离计算方法分析与实例赵 丽,杨国庆,李 周,等121273 基于微光头盔观察、悬挂式红外夜视仪光学系统设计孙爱平,胡健钏,安长亮,等121278 飞行员夜视镜的人机工效分析及效能提升方法袁有志,宋建华,董保根,等121287 专栏▲前沿微光技术▲ 超二代与三代像增强器性能的比较研究李晓峰,何雁彬,常 乐,等8764 半导体光电阴极的研究进展张益军8778 适用于电子倍增器件的电荷灵敏放大器的设计张斌婷,闫保军,刘术林,等8792 氮化镓光阴极薄膜材料表面光电压谱特性高剑森,刘 健8798 普通高压电源超二代微光像增强器亮度增益温度特性研究李亚情,周盛涛,王光凡,等8804 外场微光像增强器成像效果对比评测方法与系统韩正昊,褚祝军,刘 璇,等8811 采用干法刻蚀进行微通道板扩口理论模型研究邱祥彪,闵信杰,金 戈,等8818 高真空系统气体成分对GaAs光电阴极稳定性的影响邬昊宇,郭 欣,干林于,等8824 专栏▲红外目标检测▲ 基于深度卷积神经网络的小型民用无人机检测研究进展杨 欣,王 刚,李 椋,等111119 基于IHBF的增强局部对比度红外小目标检测方法贺 顺,谢永妮,杨志伟,等111132 融合判别性与细粒度特征的抗遮挡红外目标跟踪算法吴 捷,马小虎111139 红外热成像中低分辨率行人小目标检测方法胡 焱,胡皓冰,赵宇航,等111146 基于红外可见光融合的低能见度道路目标检测算法吴 泽,缪小冬,李伟文,等111154 基于红外特征的三维目标识别算法研究夏 琰111161 基于YOLOX和Swin Transformer的车载红外目标检测楼哲航,罗素云111167 一种自适应红外目标尺寸变化的检测跟踪算法杨擎宇,王永让,李 昊,111176 ▲图像处理与仿真▲ 基于RPCA和LatLRR分解的红外与可见光的图像融合丁 健,高清维,卢一相,等11 多特征融合下的高光谱图像混合卷积分类熊 余,单德明,姚 玉,等19 基于全卷积网络的红外图像非均匀性校正算法牟新刚,崔 健,周 晓121 基于红外结构光的三维人脸建模唐诗扬,朱江平,张建伟128 一种人体体表三维温度场的融合重建方法杨炎龙,徐 超133 基于双判别器加权生成对抗网络的图像去模糊方法黄梦涛,高 娜,刘 宝141 一种基于低分辨红外传感器的动作识别方法张昱彤,翟旭平,汪 静147 红外与可见光图像注意力生成对抗融合方法研究武圆圆,王志社,王君尧,等2170 自适应权重的偏微分分割模型在变电设备红外图像中的应用陈 达,何全才,迪二镇,等2179 基于三次B样条小波变换和Franklin矩亚像素级图像边缘检测算法李锦鹏,熊显名,曾启林,等3255 双重降维HOG结合SVM的快速手指静脉识别褚洪佳,陈光化,汪凯旋3262 模态自适应的红外与可见光图像融合曲海成,王宇萍,高健康,等3268 基于相关滤波的红外目标跟踪抗遮挡处理张 晋,王元余,林丹丹,等3277 基于低分辨率红外传感器的深度学习动作识别方法张昱彤,翟旭平,聂 宏3286 引导滤波和对数变换算法融合的多尺度Retinex红外图像增强陈文艺,杨承勋,杨 辉4397 基于自适应加权的多尺度图像融合研究胡雪凯,罗 蓬,李铁成,等4404 基于多尺度小波U型网络的低光照图像增强马 璐4410 改进时空滤波的红外弱小目标检测樊香所,范锦龙,文良华,等5475 基于偏振图像的低照度场景多目标检测算法寻华生,张晶晶,刘 晓,等5483 基于区域间相似度的红外与可见光图像融合算法研究任全会,孙逸洁,黄灿胜5492 基于NSST-DWT-ICSAPCNN的多模态图像融合算法王晓娜,潘 晴,田妮莉5497 基于改进YOLOv5的复杂背景红外弱小目标检测算法代 牮,赵 旭,李连鹏,等5504 基于置信度的飞行时间点云去噪方法王明星,郑 福,王艳秋,等5513 基于双分支卷积神经网络的红外与可见光图像局部融合算法许云英,杨 瑞,贺天福,等5521 基于多尺度语义网络的红外舰船目标检测陈初侠,丁 勇5529 基于时序信息的红外图像缺陷信息提取王东升,王海龙,张 芳,等6565 红外与可见光图像多特征自适应融合方法王君尧,王志社,武圆圆,等6571 改进最佳缝合线的红外图像拼接方法卢 泉,杨振华,黄粒峰6580 一种基于区域分割的直方图均衡算法朱家乙,杨宏双,何 伟,等6587 基于红外双波段的盲元补偿算法李 谦,赵灿兵,刘 星,等6593 基于滚动引导滤波的红外与可见光图像融合张 慧,韩新宁,韩惠丽,等6598 基于超分辨率与在线检测DSST的红外小目标跟踪李 斌,李秀红,艾斯卡尔·艾木都7659 RBNSM:一种复杂背景下红外弱小目标检测新方法蔺素珍,张海松,禄晓飞,等7667 基于SGWT和多显著性的红外与可见光图像融合田立凡,杨 莘,梁佳明,等7676 一种基于EASSF的红外与可见光图像视觉保真度融合李 威,李忠民7686 基于高斯模糊逻辑和ADCSCM的红外与可见光图像融合算法李 文,叶坤涛,舒蕾蕾,等7693 基于改进YOLOv3的瞳孔屈光度检测方法李岳毅,丁红昌,张 雷,等7702 基于MST框架的PCNN输电线路红外热故障区域提取方法葛黄徐,郑 雷,江 洪,等7709 基于PUCS与DTCWT的红外与弱可见光图像融合姜 迈,沙贵君,李 宁7716 基于能量分割的空间域图像融合算法研究王新赛,冯小二,李明明7726 基于潜在低秩表示的红外和可见光图像融合孙 彬,诸葛吴为,高云翔,等8853 基于相似度阈值模糊聚类的红外区域提取方法郭 锋,郑 雷,葛黄徐,等8863 形状自适应低秩表示的电力设备热故障诊断方法研究黄志鸿,洪 峰,黄 伟8870 基于改进暗通道算法的红外图像去雾王昊昱,何明枢8875 基于红外与可见光图像的目标检测算法邝楚文,何 望9912 基于细节信息提取的全色与多光谱图像融合方法王 欧,罗小波9920 一种水上目标可见光图像生成红外图像的方法徐亦欣,胡清平,熊 张,等9929 基于深度学习的电力设备红外与可见光图像配准付 添,邓长征,韩欣月,等9936 基于双直方图均衡算法的红外图像增强闫 哲,蒋 砾,杨 帆,等9944 基于自动门控电源的微光像增强器局部强光防护延 波,倪小兵,智 强,等9951 基于目标增强和视觉跟踪的红外运动点目标半自动标注算法何 敏,回丙伟,易梦妮,等101073 基于多尺度加权引导滤波的红外图像增强方法胡家珲,詹伟达,桂婷婷,等101082 一种改进的透射率分布估计的夜间图像去雾算法薛 楠,严利民101089 基于显著性的多波段图像同步融合方法余 东,蔺素珍,禄晓飞,等101095 室外环境下红外热图像内眼角定位孙 磊,陈树越,戚亚明101103 基于Harris图像拼接的全景视频稳像算法王正家,吴春林,柯黎明,等111203 基于密集连接和空谱变换器的双支路高光谱图像分类模型李鑫伟,杨 甜111210 基于变换域VGGNet19的红外与可见光图像融合李永萍,杨艳春,党建武,等121293 光电跟踪系统高精度模板匹配跟踪算法吴 浩,张 勇,李 欣,等121301 自适应双边滤波与方向梯度的红外图像增强聂丰英,侯利霞,万里勇121309 基于改进SSD的人群异常行为检测算法研究亢 洁,田 野,杨 刚121316 一种基于参数自适应引导滤波的红外图像细节增强算法欧阳慧明,夏丽昆,李泽民,等121324 ▲红外应用▲ 基于无人机热成像的建筑饰面层脱粘缺陷识别彭 雄,钟新谷,赵 超,等2189 SF6气体泄漏红外成像检测的技术分析和应用探讨季怡萍,邓先钦,徐 鹏,等2198 基于热成像技术的非接触式生命体征测量方法李 牧,吴 彤,田哲嘉4428 基于无人机的光伏电站智能巡检王 浩,闫 号,叶海瑞,等5537 红外光谱结合化学计量学检验直液式走珠笔墨水刘新磊,韩丹岩,肖 强,等8882 红外成像和倾斜摄影三维融合在建筑检测中的应用孙保燕,莫春华,薛 伟,等9991 基于直觉模糊C均值聚类的红外图像缺陷检测王禄祥,张志杰,汪 权,等111220 基于多尺度引导滤波和决策融合的电力设备热故障诊断方法研究梁 剑,黄志鸿,张可人121344 基于深度残差UNet网络的电气设备红外图像分割方法刘 赫,赵天成,刘俊博,等121351 基于红外图像处理技术的建筑外窗缺陷面积计算研究张玲玲,许 廒,张继冉,等121358 ▲制导与对抗▲ 基于桶滚机动和诱饵投射的红外空空导弹对抗策略研究(英文)张 楠,陈长胜,孙靖国,等3236 恒热流边界条件下降膜温度场及其对红外探测距离的影响李东臻,杜永成,彭友顺,等6604 一种红外导引头制冷供气测试系统的设计任春杰,费 凡,宾 玲,等6609 ▲微光技术▲ 低阻MCP在直流模式下的线性动态范围姚文静,刘术林,闫保军,等3310 超二代像增强器分辨力随输入照度变化研究李晓峰,常 乐,刘倍宏,等4377 亮度增益对基于像增强器的目标背景对比度影响苏 悦,拜晓锋,党小刚,等4383 基于成像对比度的微光装备侦察能力研究荆卫国,王红培,栾光琦,等4389 基于自动门控电源的微光像增强器局部强光防护延 波,倪小兵,智 强,等9951 ▲测量技术▲ 基于红外激光干涉仪的非球面面形测试技术研究李彦生,唐莹娟,李汝劼,等111243 ▲制冷技术▲ 单活塞线性斯特林制冷机半正定减振系统研究孔德锐,夏 明,唐天敏,等196 金属C型密封圈在斯特林制冷机中的应用苏永强7757 ▲无损检测▲ 红外热成像技术在孔隙尺度下多孔介质相变过程表征中的应用与优化研究王 淑,冷 航,陈彦伶,等3294 锁相红外检测技术对耐候涂层厚度的评估李 波,陈俊卫,刘卓毅,等3303 基于卤素灯激励的红外热成像裂纹无损检测研究金玫秀,朱士虎,王 通,等4421 基于相位和表面温度的缺陷定量识别及其对比研究陈 林,黎敏谦,高 峰,等6635 起重机械金属结构缺陷的热成像技术研究谢文昕,马 伟,杜雪雪,等7741 基于热成像的渗漏源检测杨 羽,贺超广,涂 圆,等7750 基于超声红外热像的电缆终端局部放电缺陷检测方法邓 琨,温启良,张渊渊9972 基于趋势分析法的虚焊缺陷热像数据处理技术徐丽霞,刘丽霞,杨耀东,等9979 基于阵列热风激励的航发叶片近表面缺陷红外检测方法王 浩,吴易泽,王 涛101112 复合材料板在变温场下的超声导波传播特性及损伤成像方法王长林,任 利,钟永腾121338 ▲太赫兹技术▲ 宽频太赫兹非对称主副波导定向耦合器设计董兰宵,南雪莉,刘昊炀,等9986

题目作者期次页码 ▲综述与评论▲ 量子点合成及其光电功能薄膜研究进展钟和甫,唐利斌,余黎静,等2103 PbS胶体量子点稳定性研究进展赵逸群,吴桢芬,杨晓杰,等3205 典型单兵作战场景与夜视镜蔡 毅4315 太赫兹成像技术研究进展及应用周强国,黄志明4328 黑硅光电探测材料与器件研究进展王 博,唐利斌,张玉平,等5437 硫化锌体材料制备及其光学性能研究进展吴绍华,赵劲松,赵跃进,等5453 自然环境下拉曼光谱遥测技术及其应用进展郭一新,金伟其,何玉青,等6543 红外与可见光图像配准技术研究综述李云红,刘宇栋,苏雪平,等7641 HgCdTe多层异质结红外探测材料与器件研究进展陈正超,唐利斌,郝 群,等9889 锑化物中/中波双色红外探测器研究进展张宏飞,朱旭波,李 墨,等9904 空间用红外探测器拼接技术研究吕玮东,邓旭光,王乾威,等10999 铟砷锑红外探测器的研究进展陈冬琼,杨文运,邓功荣,等101009 模拟绿色植被光谱特征的高光谱伪装材料与技术研究进展祖 梅,鄢 峰,甘沅丰,等101018 空间红外相机技术发展现状及应用潘朝猛,康丽珠,罗 敏,等111186 欧洲超二代像增强器技术的选择及进一步发展李晓峰,何雁彬,徐传平,等121249 ▲材料与器件▲ Mg和V2O5共溅射制备+4价钒的氧化物薄膜付学成,乌李瑛,权雪玲,等179 不同抛光方式下InSb晶片表面质量的对比研究李德香,龚晓霞,张丽霞,等185 640×512小型化红外探测器杜瓦组件可靠性研究熊 雄,段 煜,胡明灯,等189 InAs/GaSb II类超晶格材料界面特性的表征分析任 洋,覃 钢,李俊斌,等2115 石墨烯与典型光导型光电探测器读出电路的对比研究韩 钦,高恺聪,任思伟,等2123 As注入长波碲镉汞红外探测器工艺研究熊伯俊,李立华,杨超伟,等2129 红外低辐射膜的设计、制备与表征韩建龙,邱桂花,张瑞蓉,等3249 雪崩光电二极管过剩噪声的测量和抑制方法李再波,李云雪,马 旭,等4343 退火处理对锑化铟MIS器件C­V特性的影响周伟佳,龚晓霞,陈冬琼,等4351 Cd1-xZnxTe晶体中由本征缺陷引起的导电类型转变界面研究赵 文,孔金丞,姜 军,等6560 光学微腔调节顶发射单色绿光OLED微显示器件色纯度研究秦国辉,于晓辉,钱福丽,等7652 异质衬底外延碲镉汞薄膜位错抑制技术进展杨 晋,李艳辉,杨春章,等8828 InAs/GaSb II类超晶格长波焦平面阵列台面ICP刻蚀技术研究王海澎,木迎春,彭秋思,等101027 材料形貌对碲镉汞红外焦平面器件性能的影响陈书真,祁娇娇,王 丹,等101033 940 nm滤光片的设计、制备及低角度效应的研究唐家建,沈龙海,仲维平,等101041 黑曲霉菌对Ge镀增透膜层的腐蚀行为研究戈 帆,郭 骞,肖建军,等111228 基于石墨烯/硅微米孔阵列异质结的高性能近红外光探测器何 峰,徐 波,蓝镇立,等111236 单片晶圆气液混合流清洗技术研究刘佰红,杨炜平,梁 翔,等121332 ▲系统与设计▲ 钢丝绳传动的三轴转台伺服控制的设计王 凯,孔德杰,宋悦铭,等154 一体化铝合金反射镜的拓扑优化设计与分析王 上,张星祥,沙 巍,等161 大规模高帧频读出电路高速数据传输模型研究叶联华,刘 煦,李云铎,等166 碲锌镉晶体生长炉自主设计与控温性能实验罗亚南,陈亦忻,郭关柱,等173 中段飞行弹道导弹表面温度与辐射特性计算李 享,李劲东,王玉莹,等2134 一种用于机器视觉系统的双远心镜头设计曹一青2140 某型红外热像仪结构改进设计研究高有涛2145 大气气溶胶红外散射透过率计算研究吴辉阳,王泽洋,黄兴军,等2151 热电堆型激光功率计设计与仿真雷 程,武学占,梁 庭,等2157 基于动态规划的对焦步进电机控制邝先验,周亚龙,吴玉刚2163 一种便携式外场用MRTD测试仪的研制吴李鹏,郭 羽,王学新,等3212 基于统计窄谱带模型的油料火焰辐射光谱模拟彭吴迪,刘礼喜,陈志莉,等3217 基于模态试验的PCB板结构动态性能的等效建模汤贺鑫,张 巍,管照阳,等3225 基于日盲紫外成像探测器的光子计数算法研究杨 锋,阮 莹,吕 扬,等3231 基于视轴矢量序列的目标轨迹确认方法薛永宏,王铁兵,乔 凯,等4357 空间相机全铝合金光机结构的设计与分析王 上,张星祥,朱俊青4364 红外搜索跟踪系统的虚警率降低方法宋治杭,张 晋,朱 亮,等4371 基于FPGA的低照度图像采集与处理系统研究柳 磊,钱芸生5462 紫外像增强器的调制传递函数测试系统设计苏天宁,刘峰阁,王 强,等5469 低轨道遥感相机光机热一体化分析及优化设计刘朋朋,靳利锋,赵 慧,等6614 弹载红外相机静态质量质心配平张生全,赵劲松,何红星,等6622 对某型红外热像仪可靠性增长的研究与改进王琦艺,夏丽昆,曾邦泽,等6628 两轴水平框架式粗跟踪结构及其控制系统设计康永斌,艾志伟,陈振荣,等7732 微光多谱段成像仪调焦及像移补偿机构设计与性能分析曹业豪,贺玉坤,单博闻,等8837 短波红外相机的最小可分辨对比度测试王 棪,金 宁,刘国平,等8846 一种连续变焦凸轮优化设计及试验验证罗 敏,张生全,王海洋,等9958 一种基于图像处理的红外微扫描器件测量与校准的方法王贵全,徐志文,段永进,等9964 微光探测成像系统电路设计与实现姜 婷,陈伟男,夏振涛,等101045 512×512 MOS电阻阵列驱动控制方法研究钟国雳,廖守亿,杨薪洁101052 中波红外宽波段多光谱成像光学系统设计王海洋,明景谦,贾星蕊,等101059 大相对孔径大面阵长波红外光学无热化镜头的设计冯丽军,李训牛,陈 洁,等101066 基于自由曲面双波段离轴三反光学系统的优化设计杨 旭,李艳红,张远健,等111195 稀疏激光雷达与可见光/红外成像系统的标定方法刘 宇,蔡 毅,戎宁涛,等121264 红外系统点目标作用距离计算方法分析与实例赵 丽,杨国庆,李 周,等121273 基于微光头盔观察、悬挂式红外夜视仪光学系统设计孙爱平,胡健钏,安长亮,等121278 飞行员夜视镜的人机工效分析及效能提升方法袁有志,宋建华,董保根,等121287 专栏▲前沿微光技术▲ 超二代与三代像增强器性能的比较研究李晓峰,何雁彬,常 乐,等8764 半导体光电阴极的研究进展张益军8778 适用于电子倍增器件的电荷灵敏放大器的设计张斌婷,闫保军,刘术林,等8792 氮化镓光阴极薄膜材料表面光电压谱特性高剑森,刘 健8798 普通高压电源超二代微光像增强器亮度增益温度特性研究李亚情,周盛涛,王光凡,等8804 外场微光像增强器成像效果对比评测方法与系统韩正昊,褚祝军,刘 璇,等8811 采用干法刻蚀进行微通道板扩口理论模型研究邱祥彪,闵信杰,金 戈,等8818 高真空系统气体成分对GaAs光电阴极稳定性的影响邬昊宇,郭 欣,干林于,等8824 专栏▲红外目标检测▲ 基于深度卷积神经网络的小型民用无人机检测研究进展杨 欣,王 刚,李 椋,等111119 基于IHBF的增强局部对比度红外小目标检测方法贺 顺,谢永妮,杨志伟,等111132 融合判别性与细粒度特征的抗遮挡红外目标跟踪算法吴 捷,马小虎111139 红外热成像中低分辨率行人小目标检测方法胡 焱,胡皓冰,赵宇航,等111146 基于红外可见光融合的低能见度道路目标检测算法吴 泽,缪小冬,李伟文,等111154 基于红外特征的三维目标识别算法研究夏 琰111161 基于YOLOX和Swin Transformer的车载红外目标检测楼哲航,罗素云111167 一种自适应红外目标尺寸变化的检测跟踪算法杨擎宇,王永让,李 昊,111176 ▲图像处理与仿真▲ 基于RPCA和LatLRR分解的红外与可见光的图像融合丁 健,高清维,卢一相,等11 多特征融合下的高光谱图像混合卷积分类熊 余,单德明,姚 玉,等19 基于全卷积网络的红外图像非均匀性校正算法牟新刚,崔 健,周 晓121 基于红外结构光的三维人脸建模唐诗扬,朱江平,张建伟128 一种人体体表三维温度场的融合重建方法杨炎龙,徐 超133 基于双判别器加权生成对抗网络的图像去模糊方法黄梦涛,高 娜,刘 宝141 一种基于低分辨红外传感器的动作识别方法张昱彤,翟旭平,汪 静147 红外与可见光图像注意力生成对抗融合方法研究武圆圆,王志社,王君尧,等2170 自适应权重的偏微分分割模型在变电设备红外图像中的应用陈 达,何全才,迪二镇,等2179 基于三次B样条小波变换和Franklin矩亚像素级图像边缘检测算法李锦鹏,熊显名,曾启林,等3255 双重降维HOG结合SVM的快速手指静脉识别褚洪佳,陈光化,汪凯旋3262 模态自适应的红外与可见光图像融合曲海成,王宇萍,高健康,等3268 基于相关滤波的红外目标跟踪抗遮挡处理张 晋,王元余,林丹丹,等3277 基于低分辨率红外传感器的深度学习动作识别方法张昱彤,翟旭平,聂 宏3286 引导滤波和对数变换算法融合的多尺度Retinex红外图像增强陈文艺,杨承勋,杨 辉4397 基于自适应加权的多尺度图像融合研究胡雪凯,罗 蓬,李铁成,等4404 基于多尺度小波U型网络的低光照图像增强马 璐4410 改进时空滤波的红外弱小目标检测樊香所,范锦龙,文良华,等5475 基于偏振图像的低照度场景多目标检测算法寻华生,张晶晶,刘 晓,等5483 基于区域间相似度的红外与可见光图像融合算法研究任全会,孙逸洁,黄灿胜5492 基于NSST-DWT-ICSAPCNN的多模态图像融合算法王晓娜,潘 晴,田妮莉5497 基于改进YOLOv5的复杂背景红外弱小目标检测算法代 牮,赵 旭,李连鹏,等5504 基于置信度的飞行时间点云去噪方法王明星,郑 福,王艳秋,等5513 基于双分支卷积神经网络的红外与可见光图像局部融合算法许云英,杨 瑞,贺天福,等5521 基于多尺度语义网络的红外舰船目标检测陈初侠,丁 勇5529 基于时序信息的红外图像缺陷信息提取王东升,王海龙,张 芳,等6565 红外与可见光图像多特征自适应融合方法王君尧,王志社,武圆圆,等6571 改进最佳缝合线的红外图像拼接方法卢 泉,杨振华,黄粒峰6580 一种基于区域分割的直方图均衡算法朱家乙,杨宏双,何 伟,等6587 基于红外双波段的盲元补偿算法李 谦,赵灿兵,刘 星,等6593 基于滚动引导滤波的红外与可见光图像融合张 慧,韩新宁,韩惠丽,等6598 基于超分辨率与在线检测DSST的红外小目标跟踪李 斌,李秀红,艾斯卡尔·艾木都7659 RBNSM:一种复杂背景下红外弱小目标检测新方法蔺素珍,张海松,禄晓飞,等7667 基于SGWT和多显著性的红外与可见光图像融合田立凡,杨 莘,梁佳明,等7676 一种基于EASSF的红外与可见光图像视觉保真度融合李 威,李忠民7686 基于高斯模糊逻辑和ADCSCM的红外与可见光图像融合算法李 文,叶坤涛,舒蕾蕾,等7693 基于改进YOLOv3的瞳孔屈光度检测方法李岳毅,丁红昌,张 雷,等7702 基于MST框架的PCNN输电线路红外热故障区域提取方法葛黄徐,郑 雷,江 洪,等7709 基于PUCS与DTCWT的红外与弱可见光图像融合姜 迈,沙贵君,李 宁7716 基于能量分割的空间域图像融合算法研究王新赛,冯小二,李明明7726 基于潜在低秩表示的红外和可见光图像融合孙 彬,诸葛吴为,高云翔,等8853 基于相似度阈值模糊聚类的红外区域提取方法郭 锋,郑 雷,葛黄徐,等8863 形状自适应低秩表示的电力设备热故障诊断方法研究黄志鸿,洪 峰,黄 伟8870 基于改进暗通道算法的红外图像去雾王昊昱,何明枢8875 基于红外与可见光图像的目标检测算法邝楚文,何 望9912 基于细节信息提取的全色与多光谱图像融合方法王 欧,罗小波9920 一种水上目标可见光图像生成红外图像的方法徐亦欣,胡清平,熊 张,等9929 基于深度学习的电力设备红外与可见光图像配准付 添,邓长征,韩欣月,等9936 基于双直方图均衡算法的红外图像增强闫 哲,蒋 砾,杨 帆,等9944 基于自动门控电源的微光像增强器局部强光防护延 波,倪小兵,智 强,等9951 基于目标增强和视觉跟踪的红外运动点目标半自动标注算法何 敏,回丙伟,易梦妮,等101073 基于多尺度加权引导滤波的红外图像增强方法胡家珲,詹伟达,桂婷婷,等101082 一种改进的透射率分布估计的夜间图像去雾算法薛 楠,严利民101089 基于显著性的多波段图像同步融合方法余 东,蔺素珍,禄晓飞,等101095 室外环境下红外热图像内眼角定位孙 磊,陈树越,戚亚明101103 基于Harris图像拼接的全景视频稳像算法王正家,吴春林,柯黎明,等111203 基于密集连接和空谱变换器的双支路高光谱图像分类模型李鑫伟,杨 甜111210 基于变换域VGGNet19的红外与可见光图像融合李永萍,杨艳春,党建武,等121293 光电跟踪系统高精度模板匹配跟踪算法吴 浩,张 勇,李 欣,等121301 自适应双边滤波与方向梯度的红外图像增强聂丰英,侯利霞,万里勇121309 基于改进SSD的人群异常行为检测算法研究亢 洁,田 野,杨 刚121316 一种基于参数自适应引导滤波的红外图像细节增强算法欧阳慧明,夏丽昆,李泽民,等121324 ▲红外应用▲ 基于无人机热成像的建筑饰面层脱粘缺陷识别彭 雄,钟新谷,赵 超,等2189 SF6气体泄漏红外成像检测的技术分析和应用探讨季怡萍,邓先钦,徐 鹏,等2198 基于热成像技术的非接触式生命体征测量方法李 牧,吴 彤,田哲嘉4428 基于无人机的光伏电站智能巡检王 浩,闫 号,叶海瑞,等5537 红外光谱结合化学计量学检验直液式走珠笔墨水刘新磊,韩丹岩,肖 强,等8882 红外成像和倾斜摄影三维融合在建筑检测中的应用孙保燕,莫春华,薛 伟,等9991 基于直觉模糊C均值聚类的红外图像缺陷检测王禄祥,张志杰,汪 权,等111220 基于多尺度引导滤波和决策融合的电力设备热故障诊断方法研究梁 剑,黄志鸿,张可人121344 基于深度残差UNet网络的电气设备红外图像分割方法刘 赫,赵天成,刘俊博,等121351 基于红外图像处理技术的建筑外窗缺陷面积计算研究张玲玲,许 廒,张继冉,等121358 ▲制导与对抗▲ 基于桶滚机动和诱饵投射的红外空空导弹对抗策略研究(英文)张 楠,陈长胜,孙靖国,等3236 恒热流边界条件下降膜温度场及其对红外探测距离的影响李东臻,杜永成,彭友顺,等6604 一种红外导引头制冷供气测试系统的设计任春杰,费 凡,宾 玲,等6609 ▲微光技术▲ 低阻MCP在直流模式下的线性动态范围姚文静,刘术林,闫保军,等3310 超二代像增强器分辨力随输入照度变化研究李晓峰,常 乐,刘倍宏,等4377 亮度增益对基于像增强器的目标背景对比度影响苏 悦,拜晓锋,党小刚,等4383 基于成像对比度的微光装备侦察能力研究荆卫国,王红培,栾光琦,等4389 基于自动门控电源的微光像增强器局部强光防护延 波,倪小兵,智 强,等9951 ▲测量技术▲ 基于红外激光干涉仪的非球面面形测试技术研究李彦生,唐莹娟,李汝劼,等111243 ▲制冷技术▲ 单活塞线性斯特林制冷机半正定减振系统研究孔德锐,夏 明,唐天敏,等196 金属C型密封圈在斯特林制冷机中的应用苏永强7757 ▲无损检测▲ 红外热成像技术在孔隙尺度下多孔介质相变过程表征中的应用与优化研究王 淑,冷 航,陈彦伶,等3294 锁相红外检测技术对耐候涂层厚度的评估李 波,陈俊卫,刘卓毅,等3303 基于卤素灯激励的红外热成像裂纹无损检测研究金玫秀,朱士虎,王 通,等4421 基于相位和表面温度的缺陷定量识别及其对比研究陈 林,黎敏谦,高 峰,等6635 起重机械金属结构缺陷的热成像技术研究谢文昕,马 伟,杜雪雪,等7741 基于热成像的渗漏源检测杨 羽,贺超广,涂 圆,等7750 基于超声红外热像的电缆终端局部放电缺陷检测方法邓 琨,温启良,张渊渊9972 基于趋势分析法的虚焊缺陷热像数据处理技术徐丽霞,刘丽霞,杨耀东,等9979 基于阵列热风激励的航发叶片近表面缺陷红外检测方法王 浩,吴易泽,王 涛101112 复合材料板在变温场下的超声导波传播特性及损伤成像方法王长林,任 利,钟永腾121338 ▲太赫兹技术▲ 宽频太赫兹非对称主副波导定向耦合器设计董兰宵,南雪莉,刘昊炀,等9986

Subject MatterAuthorNo.Page ▲SURVEY & REVIEW▲ Research Progress of Quantum Dots Synthesis and Their Photoelectric Functional FilmsZHONG Hefu,TANG Libin,YU Lijing,et al.2103 Research Progress on Stability of PbS Colloidal Quantum DotsZHAO Yiqun,WU Zhenfen,YANG Xiaojie,3205 Typical Individual Combat Scenarios and Night Vision GogglesCAI Yi4315 Review of Research and Application of Terahertz Imaging TechnologyZHOU Qiangguo,HUANG Zhiming4328 Research Progress of Black Silicon Photoelectric Detection Materials and DevicesWANG Bo,TANG Libin,ZHANG Yuping,et al.5437 Review on the Fabrication and Optical Performance of ZnS Bulk MaterialsWU Shaohua,ZHAO Jingsong,ZHAO Yuejin,et al.5453 Remote Raman Spectroscopy in Natural EnvironmentsGUO Yixin,JIN Weiqi,HE Yuqing,et al.6543 Review of Infrared and Visible Image RegistrationLI Yunhong,LIU Yudong,SU Xueping,et al.7641 Research Progress on Infrared Detection Materials and Devices of HgCdTe Multilayer HeterojunctionCHEN Zhengchao,TANG Libin,HAO Qun,et al.9889 Research Progress of Mid-/Mid-Wavelength Dual-color Antimonide-based Infrared DetectorZHANG Hongfei,ZHU Xubo,LI Mo,et al.9904 Infrared Detector Butted Technology for SpaceLYU Weidong,DENG Xuguang,WANG Qianwei,et al10999 Research Progress of InAsSb Infrared DetectorsCHEN Dongqiong,YANG Wenyun,DENG Gongrong,et al.101009 Progress on Hyperspectral Camouflage Materials and Techniques for Spectral Characteristic Simulation of Green VegetationZU Mei,YAN Feng,GAN Yuanfeng,et al.101018 Development Status and Application of Space Infrared Camera Optical TechnologyPAN Chaomeng,KANG Lizhu,LUO Min,et al.111186 Choice of European Super Second Generation Image Intensifier Technology and its Further DevelopmentLI Xiaofeng,HE Yanbin,XU Chuanping,et al.121249 ▲MATERIALS & DEVICES▲ Preparation of +4-Valent Vanadium Oxide Films via the Co-Sputtering of Mg and V2O5FU Xuecheng,WU Liying,QUAN Xueling,et al.179 Surface Quality of InSb Wafer Using Different Polishing MethodsLI Dexiang,GONG Xiaoxia,ZHANG Lixia,et al.185 Reliability Research for 640×512 Miniaturized IR Detector Dewar AssemblyXIONG Xiong,DUAN Yu,HU Mingdeng,et al.189 Characterization and Analysis of Interface Characteristics of InAs/GaSb Type-II Superlattice MaterialsREN Yang,QIN Gang,LI Junbin,et al.2115 Comparative Study on Readout Circuit for Graphene and Typical Photo- conductors PhotodetectorsHAN Qin,GAO Kaicong,REN Siwei,et al.2123 As Ion Implantation Technology for LWIR HgCdTe Infrared DetectorXIONG Bojun,LI Lihua,YANG Chaowei,et al.2129 Design, Preparation and Characterization of Infrared Low-Emissivity FilmHAN Jianlong,QIU Guihua,ZHANG Ruirong,et al.3249 Measurement and Suppression Method for Excess Noise in Avalanche PhotodiodesLI Zaibo,LI Yunxue,MA Xu,et al.4343 Effect of Annealing on C­V Characteristics of InSb Metal -Insulator- Semiconductor DevicesZHOU Weijia,GONG Xiaoxia,CHEN Dongqiong,et al.4351 Position-Dependent Conductivity Transition by Intrinsic Defects in Cd1-xZnxTe CrystalZHAO Wen,KONG Jincheng,JIANG Jun,et al.6560 Improvement of Color Purity of Organic Monochromatic Green Top-emitting Micro-display Devices by Using Optical MicrocavityQIN Guohui,YU Xiaohui,QIAN Fuli,7652 Research Progress of Dislocation Density Reduction in MBE HgCdTe on Alternative SubstratesYANG Jin,LI Yanhui,YANG Chunzhang,8828 ICP Dry Etching of Type II InAs/GaSb Superlattice Long-wavelength Focal Plane ArraysWANG Haipeng,MU Yingchun,PENG Qiusi,et al.101027 Effect of Material Morphology on the Performance of HgCdTe Infrared Focal Plane DevicesCHEN Shuzhen,QI Jiaojiao,WANG Dan,et al. 101033 Design and Fabrication of 940 nm Filter and Research on Its Low Angle EffectTANG Jiajian,SHEN Longhai,ZHONG Weiping,et al.101041 Study on Corrosion Behavior of Aspergillus niger on Ge Antireflection CoatingGE Fan,GUO Qian,XIAO Jianjun,et al.111228 High-Performance Near-Infrared Photodetector Based on a Graphene/Silicon Microholes Array HeterojunctionHE Feng,XU Bo,LAN Zhengli,et al.111236 Study on Dual-Fluid Spray Cleaning Technique for Single-wafer Particle RemovalLIU Baihong,YANG Weiping,LIANG Xiang,et al.121332 ▲SYSTEMS & DESIGNS▲ Design of a Three-Axis Turntable Servo Control Using Wirerope TransmissionWANG Kai,KONG Dejie,SONG Yueming,154 Topology Optimization Design and Analysis of an Integrated Aluminum Alloy MirrorWANG Shang,ZHANG Xingxiang,SHA Wei,161 Research on High-Speed Data Transmission Model of Large-Format High-Frame-Rate Readout Integrated CircuitYE Lianhua,LIU Xu,LI Yunduo,et al.166 Independent Design and Temperature Control Performance Experiment of the CdZnTe Crystal Growth FurnaceLUO Yanan,CHEN Yixin,GUO Guanzhu et al.173 Calculation of Temperature and Radiation Characteristics of Midcourse Ballistic MissilesLI Xiang,LI Jindong,WANG Yuying,et al.2134 Design of Double Telecentric Lens Using Machine Vision SystemCAO Yiqing2140 Structural Improvement Design of an Infrared Thermal ImagerGAO Youtao2145 Calculation of Infrared Scattering Transmittance of AerosolWU Huiyang,WANG Zeyang,HUANG Xinjun,et al.2151 Design and Simulation of Thermopile Laser Power MeterLEI Cheng,WU Xuezhan,LIANG Ting,et al.2157 Control of Focusing System of Stepper Motor Based on Dynamic ProgrammingKUANG Xianyan,ZHOU Yalong,WU Yugang2163 Development of a Portable Field MRTD TesterWU Lipeng,GUO Yu,WANG Xuexin,et al.3212 Oil Fire Radiation Calculation Based on a Statistical Narrow-Band ModelPENG Wudi,LIU Lixi,CHEN Zhili,et al.3217 Equivalent Modeling of PCB for Dynamic Properties Based on The Modal TestTANG Hexin,ZHANG Wei,GUAN Zhaoyang,et al.3225 Research on Photon Counting Algorithm Based on Solar Blind Ultraviolet Imaging DetectorYANG Feng,RUAN Ying,LYU Yang,et al.3231 Target Confirmation Method Based on Line of Sight Vector SequenceXUE Yonghong,WANG Tiebing,QIAO Kai,et al.4357 Design and Analysis of All Aluminum Alloy Optical Mechanical Structure of Space CamerasWANG Shang,ZHANG Xingxiang,ZHU Junqing4364 False Alarm Rate Reduction in Infrared Search and Track SystemsSONG Zhihang,ZHANG Jin,ZHU Liang,et al.4371 A Low Illumination Image Acquisition and Processing System Based on FPGALIU Lei,QIAN Yunsheng5462 Design of Modulation Transfer Function Test System for Ultraviolet Image IntensifiersSU Tianning,LIU Fengge,WANG Qiang,et al.5469 Integrated Opto-mechanical-thermal Analysis and Optimization Design of a Low-Orbit Remote Sensing CameraLIU Pengpeng,JIN Lifeng,ZHAO Hui,et al.6614 Static Centroid Balancing for Missile Borne Infrared CamerasZHANG Shengquan,ZHAO Jinsong,HE Hongxing,et al.6622 Research and Improvement on Reliability Growth of a Type of Infrared Thermal ImagerWANG Qiyi,XIA Likun,ZENG Bangze,et al.6628 Structure and Control System Design for Two Axes Horizontal Coarse Tracking FrameKANG Yongbin,AI Zhiwei,CHEN Zhenrong,et al.7732 Design and Performance Analysis of Focusing and Image Motion Compensation Mechanism for Low Light Level Multispectral ImagerCAO Yehao,HE Yukun,SHAN Bowen,et al.8837 Minimum Resolvable Contrast Testing of Short-wave IR CameraWANG Yan,JIN Ning,LIU Guoping,et al.8846 Optimal Design and Experimental Verification of a Continuous Zoom CamLUO Min,ZHANG Shengquan,WANG Haiyang,et al.9958 An Infrared Micro Scanner Measurement and Calibration Method Based on Image ProcessingWANG Guiquan,XU Zhiwen,DUAN Yongjin,et al.9964 Design and Development of a Low-Light Detection Imaging System CircuitJIANG Ting,CHEN Weinan,XIA Zhentao,et al.101045 Drive-and-control Scheme for 512×512 MOS Resistor ArrayZHONG Guoli,LIAO Shouyi,YANG Xinjie101052 Optical Design of Multispectral Imaging Spectrometer in Broadband Mid-wave InfraredWANG Haiyang,MING Jingqian,JIA Xingrui,et al.101059 Design of Long-wavelength Infrared Athermalization Lens with Large Relative Aperture for Large-array DetectorsFENG Lijun,LI Xunniu,CHEN Jie,ZHOU Lingling,et al.101066 Optimal Design of Dual-Band Off-Axis Three-Reflection Optical System Based on Free-form SurfaceYANG Xu,LI Yanhong,ZHANG Yuanjian,et al.111195 Calibration Between Sparse LIDAR and Visible/Infrared Imaging SystemsLIU Yu,CAI Yi,RONG Ningtao,et al.121264 Analysis and Example of Operating Range Calculation Method for Point Target in Infrared SystemZHAO Li,YANG Guoqing,LI Zhou,et al.121273 Optical System Design of Suspended Infrared Night Vision Based on Low Light Level Helmet ObservationSUN Aiping,HU Jianchuan,AN Changliang,et al.121278 Ergonomic Analysis of Pilot's Night Vision Goggles in Operational Use and Performance ImprovementYUAN Youzhi,SONG Jianhua,DONG Baogen,et al.121287 Special Column ▲ADVANCED LOW-LIGHT-LEVEL TECHNOLOGY▲ Performance Comparison Between Super Second Generation and Third Generation Image IntensifiersLI Xiaofeng,HE Yanbin,CHANG Le,et al.8764 Progress in Research on Semiconductor PhotocathodesZHANG Yijun8778 Design of Charge-Sensitive Amplifiers for Electron MultipliersZHANG Binting,YAN Baojun,LIU Shulin,et al.8792 Characteristics of Photovoltage Spectrum on Surfaces of Gallium Nitride Photocathode Film MaterialsGAO Jiansen,LIU Jian8798 Research on Brightness Gain Temperature Characteristics of Super Gen. II Low-Light-Level Image Intensifier Using High-voltage DC Power SupplyLI Yaqing,ZHOU Shengtao,WANG Guangfan,et al.8804 Comparison and Evaluation Method and System of Imaging Effect of Field-Low -Light-Level Image IntensifiersHAN Zhenghao,CHU Zhujun,LIU Xuan,et al.8811 Theoretical Model of Funnel Microchannel Plate Fabricated through Dry EtchingQIU Xiangbiao,MIN Xinjie,JIN Ge,et al.8818 Influence of Chamber Gas Composition on the Stability of GaAs PhotocathodeWU Haoyu,GUO Xin,GAN Linyu,et al.8824 Special Column: ▲INFRARED TARGET DETECTION▲ Civil Drone Detection Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: a SurveyYANG Xin,WANG Gang,LI Liang,et al.111119 IHBF-Based Enhanced Local Contrast Measure Method for Infrared Small Target DetectionHE Shun,XIE Yongni,YANG Zhiwei,et al.111132 Anti-Occlusion Infrared Target Tracking Algorithm Based on Fusion of Discriminant and Fine-Grained FeaturesWU Jie,MA Xiaohu111139 Infrared Thermal Imaging Low-Resolution and Small Pedestrian Target Detection MethodHU Yan,HU Haobing,ZHAO Yuhang,et al.111146 Low-Visibility Road Target Detection Algorithm Based on Infrared and Visible Light FusionWU Ze,MIAO Xiaodong,LI Weiwen,et al.111154 Research on 3D Target Recognition Algorithm Based on Infrared FeaturesXIA Yan111161 Vehicle Infrared Target Detection Based on YOLOX and Swin TransformerLOU Zhehang,LUO Suyun111167 Adaptive Detection and Tracking Algorithm for Infrared Target Size VariationYANG Qingyu,WANG Yongrang,LI Hao,111176 ▲IMAGE PROCESSING AND SIMULATION▲ Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on the Decomposition of Robust Principal Component Analysis and Latent Low Rank RepresentationDING Jian,GAO Qingwei,LU Yixiang,11 Hyperspectral Image Hybrid Convolution Classification under Multi-Feature FusionXIONG Yu,SHAN Deming,YAO Yu,19 Infrared Image Non-uniformity Correction Algorithm Based on Full Convolutional NetworkMOU Xingang,CUI Jian,ZHOU Xiao121 Infrared Structured Light for 3D Face ReconstructionTANG Shiyang,ZHU Jiangping,ZHANG Jianwei128 Fusion Reconstruction Method for 3D Temperature Fields on the Human Body SurfaceYANG Yanlong,XU Chao133 Image Deblurring Method Based on a Dual-Discriminator Weighted Generative Adversarial NetworkHUANG Mengtao,GAO Na,LIU Bao141 Activity Recognition Approach Using a Low-Resolution Infrared SensorZHANG Yutong,ZHAI Xuping,WANG Jing147 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Using Attention-Based Generative Adversarial NetworksWU Yuanyuan,WANG Zhishe,WANG Junyao,et al.2170 Application of Partial Differential Segmentation Model with Adaptive Weight in Infrared Image of Substation EquipmentCHEN Da,HE Quancai,DI Erzhen,et al.2179 Sub-pixel Level Image Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Cubic B-spline Wavelet Transform and Franklin MomentLI Jinpeng,XIONG Xianming,ZENG Qilin,et al.3255 Fast Finger Vein Recognition Based on a Dual Dimension Reduction Histogram of Oriented Gradient and Support Vector MachineCHU Hongjia,CHEN Guanghua,WANG Kaixuan3262 Mode Adaptive Infrared and Visible Image FusionQU Haicheng,WANG Yuping,GAO Jiankang,et al.3268 Anti-occlusion Process of Infrared Target Tracking Based on Correlation FiltersZHANG Jin,WANG Yuanyu,LIN Dandan,et al.3277 Deep Learning Method for Action Recognition Based on Low Resolution Infrared SensorsZHANG Yutong,ZHAI Xuping,NIE Hong3286 Multiscale Retinex Infrared Image Enhancement Based on the Fusion of Guided Filtering and Logarithmic Transformation AlgorithmCHEN Wenyi,YANG Chengxun,YANG Hui4397 Multi-scale Image Fusion Based on Adaptive WeightingHU Xuekai,LUO Peng,LI Tiecheng,et al.4404 Low-light Image Enhancement Based on Multi-scale Wavelet U-NetMA Lu4410 Infrared Dim-Small Target Detection Based on Improved Spatio-Temporal FilteringFAN Xiangsuo,FAN Jinlong,WEN Lianghua,et al.5475 Multi-Target Detection of Low-Illuminance Scene Based on Polarization ImageXUN Huasheng,ZHANG Jingjing,LIU Xiao,et al.5483 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Regional SimilarityREN Quanhui,SUN Yijie,HUANG Cansheng5492 Multi-modality Image Fusion Algorithm Based on NSST-DWT -ICSAPCNNWANG Xiaona,PAN Qing,TIAN Nili5497 Improved YOLOv5-based Infrared Dim–small Target Detection under Complex BackgroundDAI Jian,ZHAO Xu,LI Lianpeng,et al.5504 Time-of-Flight Point Cloud Denoising Method Based on Confidence LevelWANG Mingxing,ZHENG Fu,WANG Yanqiu,et al.5513 Local Fusion Algorithm of Infrared and Visible Light Images Based on Double-Branch Convolutional Neural NetworkXU Yunying,YANG Rui,HE Tianfu,et al.5521 Infrared Ship Detection Based on Multi-scale Semantic NetworkCHEN Chuxia,DING Yong5529 Infrared Image Defect Information Extraction Based on Temporal InformationWANG Dongsheng,WANG Hailong,ZHANG Fang,et al.6565 Multi-Feature Adaptive Fusion Method for Infrared and Visible ImagesWANG Junyao,WANG Zhishe,WU Yuanyuan,et al.6571 Infrared Image Mosaic Method for Improving the Best Seam-lineLU Quan,YANG Zhenhua,HUANG Lifeng6580 Implementation of a Histogram Equalization Algorithm Based on Image SegmentationZHU Jiayi,YANG Hongshuang,HE Wei,et al.6587 Blind Pixel Compensation Algorithm Based on Dual-Band Infrared ImagesLI Qian,ZHAO Canbing,LIU Xing,et al.6593 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on a Rolling Guidance FilterZHANG Hui,HAN Xinning,HAN Huili6598 Infrared Small Target Tracking Based on Super-resolution and Online Detection DSSTLI Bin,LI Xiuhong,Askar Hamdulla7659 RBNSM: a New Method for Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection in Complex BackgroundsLIN Suzhen,ZHANG Haisong,LU Xiaofei,et al.7667 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on SGWT and Multi-SaliencyTIAN Lifan,YANG Shen,LIANG Jiaming,et al7676 Visual Fidelity Fusion of Infrared and Visible Image Using Edge-Aware Smoothing-Sharpening FilterLI Wei,LI Zhongmin7686 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Gaussian Fuzzy Logic and Adaptive Dual-Channel Spiking Cortical ModelLI Wen,YE Kuntao,SHU Leilei,et al.7693 Pupil Diopter Detection Approach Based on Improved YOLOv3LI Yueyi,DING Hongchang,ZHANG Lei,et al.7702 PCNN Infrared Fault Region Detection Along Transmission Lines Based on the MST FrameworkGE Huangxu,ZHENG Lei,JIANG Hong,et al.7709 Infrared and Low-level Visible Light Images Fusion Based on Perception Unified JIANG Mai,SHA Guijun,LI Ning7716 Research on Spatial Domain Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Energy SegmentationWANG Xinsai,FENG Xiao’er,LI Mingming7726 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Latent Low-rank RepresentationSUN Bin,ZHUGE Wuwei,GAO Yunxiang,et al.8853 Infrared Image Segmentation Method Based on Fuzzy Clustering with Similarity ThresholdingGUO Feng,ZHENG Lei,GE Huangxu,et al.8863 Shape Adaptation Low Rank Representation for Thermal Fault Diagnosis of Power EquipmentsHUANG Zhihong,HONG Feng,HUANG Wei8870 Infrared Image Dehazing Based on Improved Dark Channel PriorWANG Haoyu,HE Mingshu8875 Object Detection Algorithm Based on Infrared and Visible Light ImagesKUANG Chuwen,HE Wang9912 Panchromatic and Multispectral Images Fusion Method Based on Detail Information ExtractionWANG Ou,LUO Xiaobo9920 Method for Generating Infrared Image from Visible Image of Water Surface TargetsXU Yixin,HU Qingping,XIONG Zhang,et al.9929 Infrared and Visible Image Registration for Power Equipments Based on Deep LearningFU Tian,DENG Changzheng,HAN Xinyue,et al.9936 Bi-Histogram Equalization Algorithm for Infrared Image EnhancementYAN Zhe,JIANG Li,YANG Fan,et al.9944 Infrared Moving-point Target Semi-Automatic Labeling Algorithm Based on Target Enhancement and Visual TrackingHE Min,HUI Bingwei,YI Mengni,et al.101073 Infrared Image Enhancement Method Based on Multiscale Weighted Guided FilteringHU Jiahui,ZHAN Weida,GUI Tingting,et al.101082 Nighttime Image Dehazing Algorithm Based on Improved Transmittance Distribution EstimationXUE Nan,YAN Limin101089 Saliency-based Multiband Image Synchronization Fusion MethodYU Dong,LIN Suzhen,LU Xiaofei,et al.101095 Inner-Canthus Localization in Infrared Thermal Images in Outdoor EnvironmentsSUN Lei,CHEN Shuyue,QI Yamin101103 Panoramic Video Image Stabilization Algorithm Based on Harris Image StitchingWANG Zhenjia,WU Chunlin,KE Liming,et al.111203 Double-Branch DenseNet-Transformer Hyperspectral Image ClassificationLI Xinwei,YANG Tian111210 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Transform Domain VGGNet19LI Yongping,YANG Yanchun,DANG Jianwu,et al.121293 High-precision Template Matching Tracking Algorithm for Optoelectronic Tracking SystemWU Hao,ZHANG Yong,LI Xin,et al.121301 Infrared Image Enhancement Based on Adaptive Bilateral Filtering and Directional GradientNIE Fengying,HOU Lixia,WAN Liyong121309 Research on Crowd Abnormal Behavior Detection Based on Improved SSDKANG Jie,TIAN Ye,YANG Gang121316 An Infrared Image Detail Enhancement Algorithm Based on Parameter Adaptive Guided FilteringOUYANG Huiming,XIA Likun,LI Zemin,et al.121324 ▲IR APPLICATIONS▲ Debonding Defect Recognition of Building Decoration Layers by UAV ThermographyPENG Xiong,ZHONG Xingu,ZHAO Chao,et al.2189 Analysis of SF6 Leakage Detection Using Infrared ImagingJI Yiping,DENG Xianqin,XU Peng,et al.2198 Non-contact Vital Signs Measurement by Thermal Imaging TechnologyLI Mu,WU Tong,TIAN Zhejia4428 Intelligent Patrol Inspection of Photovoltaic Power Station Based on UAVsWANG Hao,YAN Hao,YE Hairui,et al.5537 Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Chemometrics to Test Ink Type of Straight LIU Xinlei,HAN Danyan,XIAO Qiang,et al.8882 Application of 3D Fusion of Infrared Imaging and Tilt Photography in Building DetectionSUN Baoyan,MO Chunhua,XUE Wei,et al.9991 Infrared Image Defect Detection Based on the Algorithm of Intuitionistic Fuzzy C-Means ClusteringWANG Luxiang,ZHANG Zhijie,WANG Quan,et al.111220 Multi-scale Guided Filter and Decision Fusion for Thermal Fault Diagnosis of Power EquipmentLIANG Jian,HUANG Zhihong,ZHANG Keren121344 Deep Residual UNet Network-based Infrared Image Segmentation Method for Electrical EquipmentLIU He,ZHAO Tiancheng,LIU Junbo,et al.121351 Research on Calculation of Defect Area of Building Exterior Windows Based on Infrared Image Processing TechnologyZHANG Lingling,XU Ao,ZHANG Jiran,et al.121358 ▲GUIDANCE & COUNTERMEASURE▲ Strategy of Barrel Roll and Decoy Deployment Against Infrared Air-to-Air MissileZHANG Nan,CHEN Changsheng,SUN Jingguo,et al.3236 Temperature Field of a Falling Film with Constant Heat Flux Boundary Conditions and Its Influence on the Infrared Detection RangeLI Dongzhen,DU Yongcheng,PENG Youshun,et al.6604 Infrared Seeker Refrigeration Gas Supply Test SystemREN Chunjie,FEI Fan,BIN Ling,6609 ▲LOW-LIGHT-LEVEL▲ Linear Dynamic Range of Low Resistance Microchannel Plate in DC ModeYAO Wenjing,LIU Shulin,YAN Baojun,et al.3310 Analysis of Resolution Change of the Super Gen.Ⅱ Image Intensifier with Input Illumination VariationLI Xiaofeng,CHANG Le,LIU Beihong,et al.4377 Influence of Brightness Gain on the Object-Background Contrast of an Image IntensifierSU Yue,BAI Xiaofeng,DANG Xiaogang,et al.4383 Reconnaissance Capability of Low-Light Level Equipment Based on Imaging ContrastJING Weiguo,WANG Hongpei,LUAN Guangqi,et al.4389 Local Bright-light Protection for Low-Light-Level Image Intensifier Based on Auto-gating Power SupplyYAN Bo,NI Xiaobing,ZHI Qiang,et al.9951 ▲MEASUREMENTS▲ Aspheric Surface Measurement Based on Infrared Laser InterferometerLI Yansheng,TANG Yingjuan,LI Rujie,et al.111243 ▲REFRIGERATION▲ Research on Positive Semi-Definite Vibration Damping System of Single-Piston Linear Stirling CryocoolerKONG Derui,XIA Ming,TANG Tianmin,et al.196 Application of Metal C Ring in Stirling CryocoolerSU Yongqiang7757 ▲NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING▲ Application of Infrared Thermography for Characterizing Phase Change Process of Porous Media at Pore ScaleWANG Shu,LENG Hang,CHEN Yanling,et al.3294 Thickness Evaluation of Weather Resistant Coatings Based on Lock-in ThermographyLI Bo,CHEN Junwei,LIU Zhuoyi,et al.3303 Nondestructive Crack Testing via Infrared Thermal Imaging Using Halogen Lamp ExcitationJIN Meixiu,ZHU Shihu,WANG Tong,et al.4421 Quantitative Identification and Comparative Study of Defects Based on Phase and Surface TemperaturesCHEN Lin,LI Minqian,GAO Feng,et al.6635 Thermal Imaging Technology for Metal Structure Defects of Lifting MachineryXIE Wenxin,MA Wei,DU Xuexue,et al.7741 Leakage Source Detection Based on Thermal ImagingYANG Yu,HE Chaoguang,TU Yuan,et al.7750 Detection Method of Partial Discharge Defects in Cable Terminals Based on Ultrasonic Infrared ThermographyDENG Kun,WEN Qiliang,ZHANG Yuanyuan9972 Thermal Image Data Processing Technology of Pseudo Soldering Based on Trend AnalyzingXU Lixia,LIU Lixia,YANG Yaodong,et al.9979 Infrared Detection of Near Surface Defects of Aeroengine Blade Based on Array Hot Air ExcitationWANG Hao,WU Yize,WANG Tao101112 Study on Ultrasonic Guided Wave Propagation Characteristics and Damage Imaging for Composite Structures Under Variable Temperature FieldWANG Changlin,REN Li,ZHONG Yongteng,et al.121338 ▲TERAHERTZ TECHNOLOGY▲ Broadband Terahertz Asymmetric Primary and Secondary Waveguide Directional Coupler DesignDONG Lanxiao,NAN Xueli,LIU Haoyang,et al.9986

Subject MatterAuthorNo.Page ▲SURVEY & REVIEW▲ Research Progress of Quantum Dots Synthesis and Their Photoelectric Functional FilmsZHONG Hefu,TANG Libin,YU Lijing,et al.2103 Research Progress on Stability of PbS Colloidal Quantum DotsZHAO Yiqun,WU Zhenfen,YANG Xiaojie,3205 Typical Individual Combat Scenarios and Night Vision GogglesCAI Yi4315 Review of Research and Application of Terahertz Imaging TechnologyZHOU Qiangguo,HUANG Zhiming4328 Research Progress of Black Silicon Photoelectric Detection Materials and DevicesWANG Bo,TANG Libin,ZHANG Yuping,et al.5437 Review on the Fabrication and Optical Performance of ZnS Bulk MaterialsWU Shaohua,ZHAO Jingsong,ZHAO Yuejin,et al.5453 Remote Raman Spectroscopy in Natural EnvironmentsGUO Yixin,JIN Weiqi,HE Yuqing,et al.6543 Review of Infrared and Visible Image RegistrationLI Yunhong,LIU Yudong,SU Xueping,et al.7641 Research Progress on Infrared Detection Materials and Devices of HgCdTe Multilayer HeterojunctionCHEN Zhengchao,TANG Libin,HAO Qun,et al.9889 Research Progress of Mid-/Mid-Wavelength Dual-color Antimonide-based Infrared DetectorZHANG Hongfei,ZHU Xubo,LI Mo,et al.9904 Infrared Detector Butted Technology for SpaceLYU Weidong,DENG Xuguang,WANG Qianwei,et al10999 Research Progress of InAsSb Infrared DetectorsCHEN Dongqiong,YANG Wenyun,DENG Gongrong,et al.101009 Progress on Hyperspectral Camouflage Materials and Techniques for Spectral Characteristic Simulation of Green VegetationZU Mei,YAN Feng,GAN Yuanfeng,et al.101018 Development Status and Application of Space Infrared Camera Optical TechnologyPAN Chaomeng,KANG Lizhu,LUO Min,et al.111186 Choice of European Super Second Generation Image Intensifier Technology and its Further DevelopmentLI Xiaofeng,HE Yanbin,XU Chuanping,et al.121249 ▲MATERIALS & DEVICES▲ Preparation of +4-Valent Vanadium Oxide Films via the Co-Sputtering of Mg and V2O5FU Xuecheng,WU Liying,QUAN Xueling,et al.179 Surface Quality of InSb Wafer Using Different Polishing MethodsLI Dexiang,GONG Xiaoxia,ZHANG Lixia,et al.185 Reliability Research for 640×512 Miniaturized IR Detector Dewar AssemblyXIONG Xiong,DUAN Yu,HU Mingdeng,et al.189 Characterization and Analysis of Interface Characteristics of InAs/GaSb Type-II Superlattice MaterialsREN Yang,QIN Gang,LI Junbin,et al.2115 Comparative Study on Readout Circuit for Graphene and Typical Photo- conductors PhotodetectorsHAN Qin,GAO Kaicong,REN Siwei,et al.2123 As Ion Implantation Technology for LWIR HgCdTe Infrared DetectorXIONG Bojun,LI Lihua,YANG Chaowei,et al.2129 Design, Preparation and Characterization of Infrared Low-Emissivity FilmHAN Jianlong,QIU Guihua,ZHANG Ruirong,et al.3249 Measurement and Suppression Method for Excess Noise in Avalanche PhotodiodesLI Zaibo,LI Yunxue,MA Xu,et al.4343 Effect of Annealing on C­V Characteristics of InSb Metal -Insulator- Semiconductor DevicesZHOU Weijia,GONG Xiaoxia,CHEN Dongqiong,et al.4351 Position-Dependent Conductivity Transition by Intrinsic Defects in Cd1-xZnxTe CrystalZHAO Wen,KONG Jincheng,JIANG Jun,et al.6560 Improvement of Color Purity of Organic Monochromatic Green Top-emitting Micro-display Devices by Using Optical MicrocavityQIN Guohui,YU Xiaohui,QIAN Fuli,7652 Research Progress of Dislocation Density Reduction in MBE HgCdTe on Alternative SubstratesYANG Jin,LI Yanhui,YANG Chunzhang,8828 ICP Dry Etching of Type II InAs/GaSb Superlattice Long-wavelength Focal Plane ArraysWANG Haipeng,MU Yingchun,PENG Qiusi,et al.101027 Effect of Material Morphology on the Performance of HgCdTe Infrared Focal Plane DevicesCHEN Shuzhen,QI Jiaojiao,WANG Dan,et al. 101033 Design and Fabrication of 940 nm Filter and Research on Its Low Angle EffectTANG Jiajian,SHEN Longhai,ZHONG Weiping,et al.101041 Study on Corrosion Behavior of Aspergillus niger on Ge Antireflection CoatingGE Fan,GUO Qian,XIAO Jianjun,et al.111228 High-Performance Near-Infrared Photodetector Based on a Graphene/Silicon Microholes Array HeterojunctionHE Feng,XU Bo,LAN Zhengli,et al.111236 Study on Dual-Fluid Spray Cleaning Technique for Single-wafer Particle RemovalLIU Baihong,YANG Weiping,LIANG Xiang,et al.121332 ▲SYSTEMS & DESIGNS▲ Design of a Three-Axis Turntable Servo Control Using Wirerope TransmissionWANG Kai,KONG Dejie,SONG Yueming,154 Topology Optimization Design and Analysis of an Integrated Aluminum Alloy MirrorWANG Shang,ZHANG Xingxiang,SHA Wei,161 Research on High-Speed Data Transmission Model of Large-Format High-Frame-Rate Readout Integrated CircuitYE Lianhua,LIU Xu,LI Yunduo,et al.166 Independent Design and Temperature Control Performance Experiment of the CdZnTe Crystal Growth FurnaceLUO Yanan,CHEN Yixin,GUO Guanzhu et al.173 Calculation of Temperature and Radiation Characteristics of Midcourse Ballistic MissilesLI Xiang,LI Jindong,WANG Yuying,et al.2134 Design of Double Telecentric Lens Using Machine Vision SystemCAO Yiqing2140 Structural Improvement Design of an Infrared Thermal ImagerGAO Youtao2145 Calculation of Infrared Scattering Transmittance of AerosolWU Huiyang,WANG Zeyang,HUANG Xinjun,et al.2151 Design and Simulation of Thermopile Laser Power MeterLEI Cheng,WU Xuezhan,LIANG Ting,et al.2157 Control of Focusing System of Stepper Motor Based on Dynamic ProgrammingKUANG Xianyan,ZHOU Yalong,WU Yugang2163 Development of a Portable Field MRTD TesterWU Lipeng,GUO Yu,WANG Xuexin,et al.3212 Oil Fire Radiation Calculation Based on a Statistical Narrow-Band ModelPENG Wudi,LIU Lixi,CHEN Zhili,et al.3217 Equivalent Modeling of PCB for Dynamic Properties Based on The Modal TestTANG Hexin,ZHANG Wei,GUAN Zhaoyang,et al.3225 Research on Photon Counting Algorithm Based on Solar Blind Ultraviolet Imaging DetectorYANG Feng,RUAN Ying,LYU Yang,et al.3231 Target Confirmation Method Based on Line of Sight Vector SequenceXUE Yonghong,WANG Tiebing,QIAO Kai,et al.4357 Design and Analysis of All Aluminum Alloy Optical Mechanical Structure of Space CamerasWANG Shang,ZHANG Xingxiang,ZHU Junqing4364 False Alarm Rate Reduction in Infrared Search and Track SystemsSONG Zhihang,ZHANG Jin,ZHU Liang,et al.4371 A Low Illumination Image Acquisition and Processing System Based on FPGALIU Lei,QIAN Yunsheng5462 Design of Modulation Transfer Function Test System for Ultraviolet Image IntensifiersSU Tianning,LIU Fengge,WANG Qiang,et al.5469 Integrated Opto-mechanical-thermal Analysis and Optimization Design of a Low-Orbit Remote Sensing CameraLIU Pengpeng,JIN Lifeng,ZHAO Hui,et al.6614 Static Centroid Balancing for Missile Borne Infrared CamerasZHANG Shengquan,ZHAO Jinsong,HE Hongxing,et al.6622 Research and Improvement on Reliability Growth of a Type of Infrared Thermal ImagerWANG Qiyi,XIA Likun,ZENG Bangze,et al.6628 Structure and Control System Design for Two Axes Horizontal Coarse Tracking FrameKANG Yongbin,AI Zhiwei,CHEN Zhenrong,et al.7732 Design and Performance Analysis of Focusing and Image Motion Compensation Mechanism for Low Light Level Multispectral ImagerCAO Yehao,HE Yukun,SHAN Bowen,et al.8837 Minimum Resolvable Contrast Testing of Short-wave IR CameraWANG Yan,JIN Ning,LIU Guoping,et al.8846 Optimal Design and Experimental Verification of a Continuous Zoom CamLUO Min,ZHANG Shengquan,WANG Haiyang,et al.9958 An Infrared Micro Scanner Measurement and Calibration Method Based on Image ProcessingWANG Guiquan,XU Zhiwen,DUAN Yongjin,et al.9964 Design and Development of a Low-Light Detection Imaging System CircuitJIANG Ting,CHEN Weinan,XIA Zhentao,et al.101045 Drive-and-control Scheme for 512×512 MOS Resistor ArrayZHONG Guoli,LIAO Shouyi,YANG Xinjie101052 Optical Design of Multispectral Imaging Spectrometer in Broadband Mid-wave InfraredWANG Haiyang,MING Jingqian,JIA Xingrui,et al.101059 Design of Long-wavelength Infrared Athermalization Lens with Large Relative Aperture for Large-array DetectorsFENG Lijun,LI Xunniu,CHEN Jie,ZHOU Lingling,et al.101066 Optimal Design of Dual-Band Off-Axis Three-Reflection Optical System Based on Free-form SurfaceYANG Xu,LI Yanhong,ZHANG Yuanjian,et al.111195 Calibration Between Sparse LIDAR and Visible/Infrared Imaging SystemsLIU Yu,CAI Yi,RONG Ningtao,et al.121264 Analysis and Example of Operating Range Calculation Method for Point Target in Infrared SystemZHAO Li,YANG Guoqing,LI Zhou,et al.121273 Optical System Design of Suspended Infrared Night Vision Based on Low Light Level Helmet ObservationSUN Aiping,HU Jianchuan,AN Changliang,et al.121278 Ergonomic Analysis of Pilot's Night Vision Goggles in Operational Use and Performance ImprovementYUAN Youzhi,SONG Jianhua,DONG Baogen,et al.121287 Special Column ▲ADVANCED LOW-LIGHT-LEVEL TECHNOLOGY▲ Performance Comparison Between Super Second Generation and Third Generation Image IntensifiersLI Xiaofeng,HE Yanbin,CHANG Le,et al.8764 Progress in Research on Semiconductor PhotocathodesZHANG Yijun8778 Design of Charge-Sensitive Amplifiers for Electron MultipliersZHANG Binting,YAN Baojun,LIU Shulin,et al.8792 Characteristics of Photovoltage Spectrum on Surfaces of Gallium Nitride Photocathode Film MaterialsGAO Jiansen,LIU Jian8798 Research on Brightness Gain Temperature Characteristics of Super Gen. II Low-Light-Level Image Intensifier Using High-voltage DC Power SupplyLI Yaqing,ZHOU Shengtao,WANG Guangfan,et al.8804 Comparison and Evaluation Method and System of Imaging Effect of Field-Low -Light-Level Image IntensifiersHAN Zhenghao,CHU Zhujun,LIU Xuan,et al.8811 Theoretical Model of Funnel Microchannel Plate Fabricated through Dry EtchingQIU Xiangbiao,MIN Xinjie,JIN Ge,et al.8818 Influence of Chamber Gas Composition on the Stability of GaAs PhotocathodeWU Haoyu,GUO Xin,GAN Linyu,et al.8824 Special Column: ▲INFRARED TARGET DETECTION▲ Civil Drone Detection Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: a SurveyYANG Xin,WANG Gang,LI Liang,et al.111119 IHBF-Based Enhanced Local Contrast Measure Method for Infrared Small Target DetectionHE Shun,XIE Yongni,YANG Zhiwei,et al.111132 Anti-Occlusion Infrared Target Tracking Algorithm Based on Fusion of Discriminant and Fine-Grained FeaturesWU Jie,MA Xiaohu111139 Infrared Thermal Imaging Low-Resolution and Small Pedestrian Target Detection MethodHU Yan,HU Haobing,ZHAO Yuhang,et al.111146 Low-Visibility Road Target Detection Algorithm Based on Infrared and Visible Light FusionWU Ze,MIAO Xiaodong,LI Weiwen,et al.111154 Research on 3D Target Recognition Algorithm Based on Infrared FeaturesXIA Yan111161 Vehicle Infrared Target Detection Based on YOLOX and Swin TransformerLOU Zhehang,LUO Suyun111167 Adaptive Detection and Tracking Algorithm for Infrared Target Size VariationYANG Qingyu,WANG Yongrang,LI Hao,111176 ▲IMAGE PROCESSING AND SIMULATION▲ Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on the Decomposition of Robust Principal Component Analysis and Latent Low Rank RepresentationDING Jian,GAO Qingwei,LU Yixiang,11 Hyperspectral Image Hybrid Convolution Classification under Multi-Feature FusionXIONG Yu,SHAN Deming,YAO Yu,19 Infrared Image Non-uniformity Correction Algorithm Based on Full Convolutional NetworkMOU Xingang,CUI Jian,ZHOU Xiao121 Infrared Structured Light for 3D Face ReconstructionTANG Shiyang,ZHU Jiangping,ZHANG Jianwei128 Fusion Reconstruction Method for 3D Temperature Fields on the Human Body SurfaceYANG Yanlong,XU Chao133 Image Deblurring Method Based on a Dual-Discriminator Weighted Generative Adversarial NetworkHUANG Mengtao,GAO Na,LIU Bao141 Activity Recognition Approach Using a Low-Resolution Infrared SensorZHANG Yutong,ZHAI Xuping,WANG Jing147 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Using Attention-Based Generative Adversarial NetworksWU Yuanyuan,WANG Zhishe,WANG Junyao,et al.2170 Application of Partial Differential Segmentation Model with Adaptive Weight in Infrared Image of Substation EquipmentCHEN Da,HE Quancai,DI Erzhen,et al.2179 Sub-pixel Level Image Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Cubic B-spline Wavelet Transform and Franklin MomentLI Jinpeng,XIONG Xianming,ZENG Qilin,et al.3255 Fast Finger Vein Recognition Based on a Dual Dimension Reduction Histogram of Oriented Gradient and Support Vector MachineCHU Hongjia,CHEN Guanghua,WANG Kaixuan3262 Mode Adaptive Infrared and Visible Image FusionQU Haicheng,WANG Yuping,GAO Jiankang,et al.3268 Anti-occlusion Process of Infrared Target Tracking Based on Correlation FiltersZHANG Jin,WANG Yuanyu,LIN Dandan,et al.3277 Deep Learning Method for Action Recognition Based on Low Resolution Infrared SensorsZHANG Yutong,ZHAI Xuping,NIE Hong3286 Multiscale Retinex Infrared Image Enhancement Based on the Fusion of Guided Filtering and Logarithmic Transformation AlgorithmCHEN Wenyi,YANG Chengxun,YANG Hui4397 Multi-scale Image Fusion Based on Adaptive WeightingHU Xuekai,LUO Peng,LI Tiecheng,et al.4404 Low-light Image Enhancement Based on Multi-scale Wavelet U-NetMA Lu4410 Infrared Dim-Small Target Detection Based on Improved Spatio-Temporal FilteringFAN Xiangsuo,FAN Jinlong,WEN Lianghua,et al.5475 Multi-Target Detection of Low-Illuminance Scene Based on Polarization ImageXUN Huasheng,ZHANG Jingjing,LIU Xiao,et al.5483 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Regional SimilarityREN Quanhui,SUN Yijie,HUANG Cansheng5492 Multi-modality Image Fusion Algorithm Based on NSST-DWT -ICSAPCNNWANG Xiaona,PAN Qing,TIAN Nili5497 Improved YOLOv5-based Infrared Dim–small Target Detection under Complex BackgroundDAI Jian,ZHAO Xu,LI Lianpeng,et al.5504 Time-of-Flight Point Cloud Denoising Method Based on Confidence LevelWANG Mingxing,ZHENG Fu,WANG Yanqiu,et al.5513 Local Fusion Algorithm of Infrared and Visible Light Images Based on Double-Branch Convolutional Neural NetworkXU Yunying,YANG Rui,HE Tianfu,et al.5521 Infrared Ship Detection Based on Multi-scale Semantic NetworkCHEN Chuxia,DING Yong5529 Infrared Image Defect Information Extraction Based on Temporal InformationWANG Dongsheng,WANG Hailong,ZHANG Fang,et al.6565 Multi-Feature Adaptive Fusion Method for Infrared and Visible ImagesWANG Junyao,WANG Zhishe,WU Yuanyuan,et al.6571 Infrared Image Mosaic Method for Improving the Best Seam-lineLU Quan,YANG Zhenhua,HUANG Lifeng6580 Implementation of a Histogram Equalization Algorithm Based on Image SegmentationZHU Jiayi,YANG Hongshuang,HE Wei,et al.6587 Blind Pixel Compensation Algorithm Based on Dual-Band Infrared ImagesLI Qian,ZHAO Canbing,LIU Xing,et al.6593 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on a Rolling Guidance FilterZHANG Hui,HAN Xinning,HAN Huili6598 Infrared Small Target Tracking Based on Super-resolution and Online Detection DSSTLI Bin,LI Xiuhong,Askar Hamdulla7659 RBNSM: a New Method for Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection in Complex BackgroundsLIN Suzhen,ZHANG Haisong,LU Xiaofei,et al.7667 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on SGWT and Multi-SaliencyTIAN Lifan,YANG Shen,LIANG Jiaming,et al7676 Visual Fidelity Fusion of Infrared and Visible Image Using Edge-Aware Smoothing-Sharpening FilterLI Wei,LI Zhongmin7686 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Gaussian Fuzzy Logic and Adaptive Dual-Channel Spiking Cortical ModelLI Wen,YE Kuntao,SHU Leilei,et al.7693 Pupil Diopter Detection Approach Based on Improved YOLOv3LI Yueyi,DING Hongchang,ZHANG Lei,et al.7702 PCNN Infrared Fault Region Detection Along Transmission Lines Based on the MST FrameworkGE Huangxu,ZHENG Lei,JIANG Hong,et al.7709 Infrared and Low-level Visible Light Images Fusion Based on Perception Unified JIANG Mai,SHA Guijun,LI Ning7716 Research on Spatial Domain Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Energy SegmentationWANG Xinsai,FENG Xiao’er,LI Mingming7726 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Latent Low-rank RepresentationSUN Bin,ZHUGE Wuwei,GAO Yunxiang,et al.8853 Infrared Image Segmentation Method Based on Fuzzy Clustering with Similarity ThresholdingGUO Feng,ZHENG Lei,GE Huangxu,et al.8863 Shape Adaptation Low Rank Representation for Thermal Fault Diagnosis of Power EquipmentsHUANG Zhihong,HONG Feng,HUANG Wei8870 Infrared Image Dehazing Based on Improved Dark Channel PriorWANG Haoyu,HE Mingshu8875 Object Detection Algorithm Based on Infrared and Visible Light ImagesKUANG Chuwen,HE Wang9912 Panchromatic and Multispectral Images Fusion Method Based on Detail Information ExtractionWANG Ou,LUO Xiaobo9920 Method for Generating Infrared Image from Visible Image of Water Surface TargetsXU Yixin,HU Qingping,XIONG Zhang,et al.9929 Infrared and Visible Image Registration for Power Equipments Based on Deep LearningFU Tian,DENG Changzheng,HAN Xinyue,et al.9936 Bi-Histogram Equalization Algorithm for Infrared Image EnhancementYAN Zhe,JIANG Li,YANG Fan,et al.9944 Infrared Moving-point Target Semi-Automatic Labeling Algorithm Based on Target Enhancement and Visual TrackingHE Min,HUI Bingwei,YI Mengni,et al.101073 Infrared Image Enhancement Method Based on Multiscale Weighted Guided FilteringHU Jiahui,ZHAN Weida,GUI Tingting,et al.101082 Nighttime Image Dehazing Algorithm Based on Improved Transmittance Distribution EstimationXUE Nan,YAN Limin101089 Saliency-based Multiband Image Synchronization Fusion MethodYU Dong,LIN Suzhen,LU Xiaofei,et al.101095 Inner-Canthus Localization in Infrared Thermal Images in Outdoor EnvironmentsSUN Lei,CHEN Shuyue,QI Yamin101103 Panoramic Video Image Stabilization Algorithm Based on Harris Image StitchingWANG Zhenjia,WU Chunlin,KE Liming,et al.111203 Double-Branch DenseNet-Transformer Hyperspectral Image ClassificationLI Xinwei,YANG Tian111210 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Transform Domain VGGNet19LI Yongping,YANG Yanchun,DANG Jianwu,et al.121293 High-precision Template Matching Tracking Algorithm for Optoelectronic Tracking SystemWU Hao,ZHANG Yong,LI Xin,et al.121301 Infrared Image Enhancement Based on Adaptive Bilateral Filtering and Directional GradientNIE Fengying,HOU Lixia,WAN Liyong121309 Research on Crowd Abnormal Behavior Detection Based on Improved SSDKANG Jie,TIAN Ye,YANG Gang121316 An Infrared Image Detail Enhancement Algorithm Based on Parameter Adaptive Guided FilteringOUYANG Huiming,XIA Likun,LI Zemin,et al.121324 ▲IR APPLICATIONS▲ Debonding Defect Recognition of Building Decoration Layers by UAV ThermographyPENG Xiong,ZHONG Xingu,ZHAO Chao,et al.2189 Analysis of SF6 Leakage Detection Using Infrared ImagingJI Yiping,DENG Xianqin,XU Peng,et al.2198 Non-contact Vital Signs Measurement by Thermal Imaging TechnologyLI Mu,WU Tong,TIAN Zhejia4428 Intelligent Patrol Inspection of Photovoltaic Power Station Based on UAVsWANG Hao,YAN Hao,YE Hairui,et al.5537 Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Chemometrics to Test Ink Type of Straight LIU Xinlei,HAN Danyan,XIAO Qiang,et al.8882 Application of 3D Fusion of Infrared Imaging and Tilt Photography in Building DetectionSUN Baoyan,MO Chunhua,XUE Wei,et al.9991 Infrared Image Defect Detection Based on the Algorithm of Intuitionistic Fuzzy C-Means ClusteringWANG Luxiang,ZHANG Zhijie,WANG Quan,et al.111220 Multi-scale Guided Filter and Decision Fusion for Thermal Fault Diagnosis of Power EquipmentLIANG Jian,HUANG Zhihong,ZHANG Keren121344 Deep Residual UNet Network-based Infrared Image Segmentation Method for Electrical EquipmentLIU He,ZHAO Tiancheng,LIU Junbo,et al.121351 Research on Calculation of Defect Area of Building Exterior Windows Based on Infrared Image Processing TechnologyZHANG Lingling,XU Ao,ZHANG Jiran,et al.121358 ▲GUIDANCE & COUNTERMEASURE▲ Strategy of Barrel Roll and Decoy Deployment Against Infrared Air-to-Air MissileZHANG Nan,CHEN Changsheng,SUN Jingguo,et al.3236 Temperature Field of a Falling Film with Constant Heat Flux Boundary Conditions and Its Influence on the Infrared Detection RangeLI Dongzhen,DU Yongcheng,PENG Youshun,et al.6604 Infrared Seeker Refrigeration Gas Supply Test SystemREN Chunjie,FEI Fan,BIN Ling,6609 ▲LOW-LIGHT-LEVEL▲ Linear Dynamic Range of Low Resistance Microchannel Plate in DC ModeYAO Wenjing,LIU Shulin,YAN Baojun,et al.3310 Analysis of Resolution Change of the Super Gen.Ⅱ Image Intensifier with Input Illumination VariationLI Xiaofeng,CHANG Le,LIU Beihong,et al.4377 Influence of Brightness Gain on the Object-Background Contrast of an Image IntensifierSU Yue,BAI Xiaofeng,DANG Xiaogang,et al.4383 Reconnaissance Capability of Low-Light Level Equipment Based on Imaging ContrastJING Weiguo,WANG Hongpei,LUAN Guangqi,et al.4389 Local Bright-light Protection for Low-Light-Level Image Intensifier Based on Auto-gating Power SupplyYAN Bo,NI Xiaobing,ZHI Qiang,et al.9951 ▲MEASUREMENTS▲ Aspheric Surface Measurement Based on Infrared Laser InterferometerLI Yansheng,TANG Yingjuan,LI Rujie,et al.111243 ▲REFRIGERATION▲ Research on Positive Semi-Definite Vibration Damping System of Single-Piston Linear Stirling CryocoolerKONG Derui,XIA Ming,TANG Tianmin,et al.196 Application of Metal C Ring in Stirling CryocoolerSU Yongqiang7757 ▲NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING▲ Application of Infrared Thermography for Characterizing Phase Change Process of Porous Media at Pore ScaleWANG Shu,LENG Hang,CHEN Yanling,et al.3294 Thickness Evaluation of Weather Resistant Coatings Based on Lock-in ThermographyLI Bo,CHEN Junwei,LIU Zhuoyi,et al.3303 Nondestructive Crack Testing via Infrared Thermal Imaging Using Halogen Lamp ExcitationJIN Meixiu,ZHU Shihu,WANG Tong,et al.4421 Quantitative Identification and Comparative Study of Defects Based on Phase and Surface TemperaturesCHEN Lin,LI Minqian,GAO Feng,et al.6635 Thermal Imaging Technology for Metal Structure Defects of Lifting MachineryXIE Wenxin,MA Wei,DU Xuexue,et al.7741 Leakage Source Detection Based on Thermal ImagingYANG Yu,HE Chaoguang,TU Yuan,et al.7750 Detection Method of Partial Discharge Defects in Cable Terminals Based on Ultrasonic Infrared ThermographyDENG Kun,WEN Qiliang,ZHANG Yuanyuan9972 Thermal Image Data Processing Technology of Pseudo Soldering Based on Trend AnalyzingXU Lixia,LIU Lixia,YANG Yaodong,et al.9979 Infrared Detection of Near Surface Defects of Aeroengine Blade Based on Array Hot Air ExcitationWANG Hao,WU Yize,WANG Tao101112 Study on Ultrasonic Guided Wave Propagation Characteristics and Damage Imaging for Composite Structures Under Variable Temperature FieldWANG Changlin,REN Li,ZHONG Yongteng,et al.121338 ▲TERAHERTZ TECHNOLOGY▲ Broadband Terahertz Asymmetric Primary and Secondary Waveguide Directional Coupler DesignDONG Lanxiao,NAN Xueli,LIU Haoyang,et al.9986

Subject MatterAuthorNo.Page ▲SURVEY & REVIEW▲ Research Progress of Quantum Dots Synthesis and Their Photoelectric Functional FilmsZHONG Hefu,TANG Libin,YU Lijing,et al.2103 Research Progress on Stability of PbS Colloidal Quantum DotsZHAO Yiqun,WU Zhenfen,YANG Xiaojie,3205 Typical Individual Combat Scenarios and Night Vision GogglesCAI Yi4315 Review of Research and Application of Terahertz Imaging TechnologyZHOU Qiangguo,HUANG Zhiming4328 Research Progress of Black Silicon Photoelectric Detection Materials and DevicesWANG Bo,TANG Libin,ZHANG Yuping,et al.5437 Review on the Fabrication and Optical Performance of ZnS Bulk MaterialsWU Shaohua,ZHAO Jingsong,ZHAO Yuejin,et al.5453 Remote Raman Spectroscopy in Natural EnvironmentsGUO Yixin,JIN Weiqi,HE Yuqing,et al.6543 Review of Infrared and Visible Image RegistrationLI Yunhong,LIU Yudong,SU Xueping,et al.7641 Research Progress on Infrared Detection Materials and Devices of HgCdTe Multilayer HeterojunctionCHEN Zhengchao,TANG Libin,HAO Qun,et al.9889 Research Progress of Mid-/Mid-Wavelength Dual-color Antimonide-based Infrared DetectorZHANG Hongfei,ZHU Xubo,LI Mo,et al.9904 Infrared Detector Butted Technology for SpaceLYU Weidong,DENG Xuguang,WANG Qianwei,et al10999 Research Progress of InAsSb Infrared DetectorsCHEN Dongqiong,YANG Wenyun,DENG Gongrong,et al.101009 Progress on Hyperspectral Camouflage Materials and Techniques for Spectral Characteristic Simulation of Green VegetationZU Mei,YAN Feng,GAN Yuanfeng,et al.101018 Development Status and Application of Space Infrared Camera Optical TechnologyPAN Chaomeng,KANG Lizhu,LUO Min,et al.111186 Choice of European Super Second Generation Image Intensifier Technology and its Further DevelopmentLI Xiaofeng,HE Yanbin,XU Chuanping,et al.121249 ▲MATERIALS & DEVICES▲ Preparation of +4-Valent Vanadium Oxide Films via the Co-Sputtering of Mg and V2O5FU Xuecheng,WU Liying,QUAN Xueling,et al.179 Surface Quality of InSb Wafer Using Different Polishing MethodsLI Dexiang,GONG Xiaoxia,ZHANG Lixia,et al.185 Reliability Research for 640×512 Miniaturized IR Detector Dewar AssemblyXIONG Xiong,DUAN Yu,HU Mingdeng,et al.189 Characterization and Analysis of Interface Characteristics of InAs/GaSb Type-II Superlattice MaterialsREN Yang,QIN Gang,LI Junbin,et al.2115 Comparative Study on Readout Circuit for Graphene and Typical Photo- conductors PhotodetectorsHAN Qin,GAO Kaicong,REN Siwei,et al.2123 As Ion Implantation Technology for LWIR HgCdTe Infrared DetectorXIONG Bojun,LI Lihua,YANG Chaowei,et al.2129 Design, Preparation and Characterization of Infrared Low-Emissivity FilmHAN Jianlong,QIU Guihua,ZHANG Ruirong,et al.3249 Measurement and Suppression Method for Excess Noise in Avalanche PhotodiodesLI Zaibo,LI Yunxue,MA Xu,et al.4343 Effect of Annealing on C­V Characteristics of InSb Metal -Insulator- Semiconductor DevicesZHOU Weijia,GONG Xiaoxia,CHEN Dongqiong,et al.4351 Position-Dependent Conductivity Transition by Intrinsic Defects in Cd1-xZnxTe CrystalZHAO Wen,KONG Jincheng,JIANG Jun,et al.6560 Improvement of Color Purity of Organic Monochromatic Green Top-emitting Micro-display Devices by Using Optical MicrocavityQIN Guohui,YU Xiaohui,QIAN Fuli,7652 Research Progress of Dislocation Density Reduction in MBE HgCdTe on Alternative SubstratesYANG Jin,LI Yanhui,YANG Chunzhang,8828 ICP Dry Etching of Type II InAs/GaSb Superlattice Long-wavelength Focal Plane ArraysWANG Haipeng,MU Yingchun,PENG Qiusi,et al.101027 Effect of Material Morphology on the Performance of HgCdTe Infrared Focal Plane DevicesCHEN Shuzhen,QI Jiaojiao,WANG Dan,et al. 101033 Design and Fabrication of 940 nm Filter and Research on Its Low Angle EffectTANG Jiajian,SHEN Longhai,ZHONG Weiping,et al.101041 Study on Corrosion Behavior of Aspergillus niger on Ge Antireflection CoatingGE Fan,GUO Qian,XIAO Jianjun,et al.111228 High-Performance Near-Infrared Photodetector Based on a Graphene/Silicon Microholes Array HeterojunctionHE Feng,XU Bo,LAN Zhengli,et al.111236 Study on Dual-Fluid Spray Cleaning Technique for Single-wafer Particle RemovalLIU Baihong,YANG Weiping,LIANG Xiang,et al.121332 ▲SYSTEMS & DESIGNS▲ Design of a Three-Axis Turntable Servo Control Using Wirerope TransmissionWANG Kai,KONG Dejie,SONG Yueming,154 Topology Optimization Design and Analysis of an Integrated Aluminum Alloy MirrorWANG Shang,ZHANG Xingxiang,SHA Wei,161 Research on High-Speed Data Transmission Model of Large-Format High-Frame-Rate Readout Integrated CircuitYE Lianhua,LIU Xu,LI Yunduo,et al.166 Independent Design and Temperature Control Performance Experiment of the CdZnTe Crystal Growth FurnaceLUO Yanan,CHEN Yixin,GUO Guanzhu et al.173 Calculation of Temperature and Radiation Characteristics of Midcourse Ballistic MissilesLI Xiang,LI Jindong,WANG Yuying,et al.2134 Design of Double Telecentric Lens Using Machine Vision SystemCAO Yiqing2140 Structural Improvement Design of an Infrared Thermal ImagerGAO Youtao2145 Calculation of Infrared Scattering Transmittance of AerosolWU Huiyang,WANG Zeyang,HUANG Xinjun,et al.2151 Design and Simulation of Thermopile Laser Power MeterLEI Cheng,WU Xuezhan,LIANG Ting,et al.2157 Control of Focusing System of Stepper Motor Based on Dynamic ProgrammingKUANG Xianyan,ZHOU Yalong,WU Yugang2163 Development of a Portable Field MRTD TesterWU Lipeng,GUO Yu,WANG Xuexin,et al.3212 Oil Fire Radiation Calculation Based on a Statistical Narrow-Band ModelPENG Wudi,LIU Lixi,CHEN Zhili,et al.3217 Equivalent Modeling of PCB for Dynamic Properties Based on The Modal TestTANG Hexin,ZHANG Wei,GUAN Zhaoyang,et al.3225 Research on Photon Counting Algorithm Based on Solar Blind Ultraviolet Imaging DetectorYANG Feng,RUAN Ying,LYU Yang,et al.3231 Target Confirmation Method Based on Line of Sight Vector SequenceXUE Yonghong,WANG Tiebing,QIAO Kai,et al.4357 Design and Analysis of All Aluminum Alloy Optical Mechanical Structure of Space CamerasWANG Shang,ZHANG Xingxiang,ZHU Junqing4364 False Alarm Rate Reduction in Infrared Search and Track SystemsSONG Zhihang,ZHANG Jin,ZHU Liang,et al.4371 A Low Illumination Image Acquisition and Processing System Based on FPGALIU Lei,QIAN Yunsheng5462 Design of Modulation Transfer Function Test System for Ultraviolet Image IntensifiersSU Tianning,LIU Fengge,WANG Qiang,et al.5469 Integrated Opto-mechanical-thermal Analysis and Optimization Design of a Low-Orbit Remote Sensing CameraLIU Pengpeng,JIN Lifeng,ZHAO Hui,et al.6614 Static Centroid Balancing for Missile Borne Infrared CamerasZHANG Shengquan,ZHAO Jinsong,HE Hongxing,et al.6622 Research and Improvement on Reliability Growth of a Type of Infrared Thermal ImagerWANG Qiyi,XIA Likun,ZENG Bangze,et al.6628 Structure and Control System Design for Two Axes Horizontal Coarse Tracking FrameKANG Yongbin,AI Zhiwei,CHEN Zhenrong,et al.7732 Design and Performance Analysis of Focusing and Image Motion Compensation Mechanism for Low Light Level Multispectral ImagerCAO Yehao,HE Yukun,SHAN Bowen,et al.8837 Minimum Resolvable Contrast Testing of Short-wave IR CameraWANG Yan,JIN Ning,LIU Guoping,et al.8846 Optimal Design and Experimental Verification of a Continuous Zoom CamLUO Min,ZHANG Shengquan,WANG Haiyang,et al.9958 An Infrared Micro Scanner Measurement and Calibration Method Based on Image ProcessingWANG Guiquan,XU Zhiwen,DUAN Yongjin,et al.9964 Design and Development of a Low-Light Detection Imaging System CircuitJIANG Ting,CHEN Weinan,XIA Zhentao,et al.101045 Drive-and-control Scheme for 512×512 MOS Resistor ArrayZHONG Guoli,LIAO Shouyi,YANG Xinjie101052 Optical Design of Multispectral Imaging Spectrometer in Broadband Mid-wave InfraredWANG Haiyang,MING Jingqian,JIA Xingrui,et al.101059 Design of Long-wavelength Infrared Athermalization Lens with Large Relative Aperture for Large-array DetectorsFENG Lijun,LI Xunniu,CHEN Jie,ZHOU Lingling,et al.101066 Optimal Design of Dual-Band Off-Axis Three-Reflection Optical System Based on Free-form SurfaceYANG Xu,LI Yanhong,ZHANG Yuanjian,et al.111195 Calibration Between Sparse LIDAR and Visible/Infrared Imaging SystemsLIU Yu,CAI Yi,RONG Ningtao,et al.121264 Analysis and Example of Operating Range Calculation Method for Point Target in Infrared SystemZHAO Li,YANG Guoqing,LI Zhou,et al.121273 Optical System Design of Suspended Infrared Night Vision Based on Low Light Level Helmet ObservationSUN Aiping,HU Jianchuan,AN Changliang,et al.121278 Ergonomic Analysis of Pilot's Night Vision Goggles in Operational Use and Performance ImprovementYUAN Youzhi,SONG Jianhua,DONG Baogen,et al.121287 Special Column ▲ADVANCED LOW-LIGHT-LEVEL TECHNOLOGY▲ Performance Comparison Between Super Second Generation and Third Generation Image IntensifiersLI Xiaofeng,HE Yanbin,CHANG Le,et al.8764 Progress in Research on Semiconductor PhotocathodesZHANG Yijun8778 Design of Charge-Sensitive Amplifiers for Electron MultipliersZHANG Binting,YAN Baojun,LIU Shulin,et al.8792 Characteristics of Photovoltage Spectrum on Surfaces of Gallium Nitride Photocathode Film MaterialsGAO Jiansen,LIU Jian8798 Research on Brightness Gain Temperature Characteristics of Super Gen. II Low-Light-Level Image Intensifier Using High-voltage DC Power SupplyLI Yaqing,ZHOU Shengtao,WANG Guangfan,et al.8804 Comparison and Evaluation Method and System of Imaging Effect of Field-Low -Light-Level Image IntensifiersHAN Zhenghao,CHU Zhujun,LIU Xuan,et al.8811 Theoretical Model of Funnel Microchannel Plate Fabricated through Dry EtchingQIU Xiangbiao,MIN Xinjie,JIN Ge,et al.8818 Influence of Chamber Gas Composition on the Stability of GaAs PhotocathodeWU Haoyu,GUO Xin,GAN Linyu,et al.8824 Special Column: ▲INFRARED TARGET DETECTION▲ Civil Drone Detection Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: a SurveyYANG Xin,WANG Gang,LI Liang,et al.111119 IHBF-Based Enhanced Local Contrast Measure Method for Infrared Small Target DetectionHE Shun,XIE Yongni,YANG Zhiwei,et al.111132 Anti-Occlusion Infrared Target Tracking Algorithm Based on Fusion of Discriminant and Fine-Grained FeaturesWU Jie,MA Xiaohu111139 Infrared Thermal Imaging Low-Resolution and Small Pedestrian Target Detection MethodHU Yan,HU Haobing,ZHAO Yuhang,et al.111146 Low-Visibility Road Target Detection Algorithm Based on Infrared and Visible Light FusionWU Ze,MIAO Xiaodong,LI Weiwen,et al.111154 Research on 3D Target Recognition Algorithm Based on Infrared FeaturesXIA Yan111161 Vehicle Infrared Target Detection Based on YOLOX and Swin TransformerLOU Zhehang,LUO Suyun111167 Adaptive Detection and Tracking Algorithm for Infrared Target Size VariationYANG Qingyu,WANG Yongrang,LI Hao,111176 ▲IMAGE PROCESSING AND SIMULATION▲ Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on the Decomposition of Robust Principal Component Analysis and Latent Low Rank RepresentationDING Jian,GAO Qingwei,LU Yixiang,11 Hyperspectral Image Hybrid Convolution Classification under Multi-Feature FusionXIONG Yu,SHAN Deming,YAO Yu,19 Infrared Image Non-uniformity Correction Algorithm Based on Full Convolutional NetworkMOU Xingang,CUI Jian,ZHOU Xiao121 Infrared Structured Light for 3D Face ReconstructionTANG Shiyang,ZHU Jiangping,ZHANG Jianwei128 Fusion Reconstruction Method for 3D Temperature Fields on the Human Body SurfaceYANG Yanlong,XU Chao133 Image Deblurring Method Based on a Dual-Discriminator Weighted Generative Adversarial NetworkHUANG Mengtao,GAO Na,LIU Bao141 Activity Recognition Approach Using a Low-Resolution Infrared SensorZHANG Yutong,ZHAI Xuping,WANG Jing147 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Using Attention-Based Generative Adversarial NetworksWU Yuanyuan,WANG Zhishe,WANG Junyao,et al.2170 Application of Partial Differential Segmentation Model with Adaptive Weight in Infrared Image of Substation EquipmentCHEN Da,HE Quancai,DI Erzhen,et al.2179 Sub-pixel Level Image Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Cubic B-spline Wavelet Transform and Franklin MomentLI Jinpeng,XIONG Xianming,ZENG Qilin,et al.3255 Fast Finger Vein Recognition Based on a Dual Dimension Reduction Histogram of Oriented Gradient and Support Vector MachineCHU Hongjia,CHEN Guanghua,WANG Kaixuan3262 Mode Adaptive Infrared and Visible Image FusionQU Haicheng,WANG Yuping,GAO Jiankang,et al.3268 Anti-occlusion Process of Infrared Target Tracking Based on Correlation FiltersZHANG Jin,WANG Yuanyu,LIN Dandan,et al.3277 Deep Learning Method for Action Recognition Based on Low Resolution Infrared SensorsZHANG Yutong,ZHAI Xuping,NIE Hong3286 Multiscale Retinex Infrared Image Enhancement Based on the Fusion of Guided Filtering and Logarithmic Transformation AlgorithmCHEN Wenyi,YANG Chengxun,YANG Hui4397 Multi-scale Image Fusion Based on Adaptive WeightingHU Xuekai,LUO Peng,LI Tiecheng,et al.4404 Low-light Image Enhancement Based on Multi-scale Wavelet U-NetMA Lu4410 Infrared Dim-Small Target Detection Based on Improved Spatio-Temporal FilteringFAN Xiangsuo,FAN Jinlong,WEN Lianghua,et al.5475 Multi-Target Detection of Low-Illuminance Scene Based on Polarization ImageXUN Huasheng,ZHANG Jingjing,LIU Xiao,et al.5483 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Regional SimilarityREN Quanhui,SUN Yijie,HUANG Cansheng5492 Multi-modality Image Fusion Algorithm Based on NSST-DWT -ICSAPCNNWANG Xiaona,PAN Qing,TIAN Nili5497 Improved YOLOv5-based Infrared Dim–small Target Detection under Complex BackgroundDAI Jian,ZHAO Xu,LI Lianpeng,et al.5504 Time-of-Flight Point Cloud Denoising Method Based on Confidence LevelWANG Mingxing,ZHENG Fu,WANG Yanqiu,et al.5513 Local Fusion Algorithm of Infrared and Visible Light Images Based on Double-Branch Convolutional Neural NetworkXU Yunying,YANG Rui,HE Tianfu,et al.5521 Infrared Ship Detection Based on Multi-scale Semantic NetworkCHEN Chuxia,DING Yong5529 Infrared Image Defect Information Extraction Based on Temporal InformationWANG Dongsheng,WANG Hailong,ZHANG Fang,et al.6565 Multi-Feature Adaptive Fusion Method for Infrared and Visible ImagesWANG Junyao,WANG Zhishe,WU Yuanyuan,et al.6571 Infrared Image Mosaic Method for Improving the Best Seam-lineLU Quan,YANG Zhenhua,HUANG Lifeng6580 Implementation of a Histogram Equalization Algorithm Based on Image SegmentationZHU Jiayi,YANG Hongshuang,HE Wei,et al.6587 Blind Pixel Compensation Algorithm Based on Dual-Band Infrared ImagesLI Qian,ZHAO Canbing,LIU Xing,et al.6593 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on a Rolling Guidance FilterZHANG Hui,HAN Xinning,HAN Huili6598 Infrared Small Target Tracking Based on Super-resolution and Online Detection DSSTLI Bin,LI Xiuhong,Askar Hamdulla7659 RBNSM: a New Method for Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection in Complex BackgroundsLIN Suzhen,ZHANG Haisong,LU Xiaofei,et al.7667 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on SGWT and Multi-SaliencyTIAN Lifan,YANG Shen,LIANG Jiaming,et al7676 Visual Fidelity Fusion of Infrared and Visible Image Using Edge-Aware Smoothing-Sharpening FilterLI Wei,LI Zhongmin7686 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Gaussian Fuzzy Logic and Adaptive Dual-Channel Spiking Cortical ModelLI Wen,YE Kuntao,SHU Leilei,et al.7693 Pupil Diopter Detection Approach Based on Improved YOLOv3LI Yueyi,DING Hongchang,ZHANG Lei,et al.7702 PCNN Infrared Fault Region Detection Along Transmission Lines Based on the MST FrameworkGE Huangxu,ZHENG Lei,JIANG Hong,et al.7709 Infrared and Low-level Visible Light Images Fusion Based on Perception Unified JIANG Mai,SHA Guijun,LI Ning7716 Research on Spatial Domain Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Energy SegmentationWANG Xinsai,FENG Xiao’er,LI Mingming7726 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Latent Low-rank RepresentationSUN Bin,ZHUGE Wuwei,GAO Yunxiang,et al.8853 Infrared Image Segmentation Method Based on Fuzzy Clustering with Similarity ThresholdingGUO Feng,ZHENG Lei,GE Huangxu,et al.8863 Shape Adaptation Low Rank Representation for Thermal Fault Diagnosis of Power EquipmentsHUANG Zhihong,HONG Feng,HUANG Wei8870 Infrared Image Dehazing Based on Improved Dark Channel PriorWANG Haoyu,HE Mingshu8875 Object Detection Algorithm Based on Infrared and Visible Light ImagesKUANG Chuwen,HE Wang9912 Panchromatic and Multispectral Images Fusion Method Based on Detail Information ExtractionWANG Ou,LUO Xiaobo9920 Method for Generating Infrared Image from Visible Image of Water Surface TargetsXU Yixin,HU Qingping,XIONG Zhang,et al.9929 Infrared and Visible Image Registration for Power Equipments Based on Deep LearningFU Tian,DENG Changzheng,HAN Xinyue,et al.9936 Bi-Histogram Equalization Algorithm for Infrared Image EnhancementYAN Zhe,JIANG Li,YANG Fan,et al.9944 Infrared Moving-point Target Semi-Automatic Labeling Algorithm Based on Target Enhancement and Visual TrackingHE Min,HUI Bingwei,YI Mengni,et al.101073 Infrared Image Enhancement Method Based on Multiscale Weighted Guided FilteringHU Jiahui,ZHAN Weida,GUI Tingting,et al.101082 Nighttime Image Dehazing Algorithm Based on Improved Transmittance Distribution EstimationXUE Nan,YAN Limin101089 Saliency-based Multiband Image Synchronization Fusion MethodYU Dong,LIN Suzhen,LU Xiaofei,et al.101095 Inner-Canthus Localization in Infrared Thermal Images in Outdoor EnvironmentsSUN Lei,CHEN Shuyue,QI Yamin101103 Panoramic Video Image Stabilization Algorithm Based on Harris Image StitchingWANG Zhenjia,WU Chunlin,KE Liming,et al.111203 Double-Branch DenseNet-Transformer Hyperspectral Image ClassificationLI Xinwei,YANG Tian111210 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Transform Domain VGGNet19LI Yongping,YANG Yanchun,DANG Jianwu,et al.121293 High-precision Template Matching Tracking Algorithm for Optoelectronic Tracking SystemWU Hao,ZHANG Yong,LI Xin,et al.121301 Infrared Image Enhancement Based on Adaptive Bilateral Filtering and Directional GradientNIE Fengying,HOU Lixia,WAN Liyong121309 Research on Crowd Abnormal Behavior Detection Based on Improved SSDKANG Jie,TIAN Ye,YANG Gang121316 An Infrared Image Detail Enhancement Algorithm Based on Parameter Adaptive Guided FilteringOUYANG Huiming,XIA Likun,LI Zemin,et al.121324 ▲IR APPLICATIONS▲ Debonding Defect Recognition of Building Decoration Layers by UAV ThermographyPENG Xiong,ZHONG Xingu,ZHAO Chao,et al.2189 Analysis of SF6 Leakage Detection Using Infrared ImagingJI Yiping,DENG Xianqin,XU Peng,et al.2198 Non-contact Vital Signs Measurement by Thermal Imaging TechnologyLI Mu,WU Tong,TIAN Zhejia4428 Intelligent Patrol Inspection of Photovoltaic Power Station Based on UAVsWANG Hao,YAN Hao,YE Hairui,et al.5537 Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Chemometrics to Test Ink Type of Straight LIU Xinlei,HAN Danyan,XIAO Qiang,et al.8882 Application of 3D Fusion of Infrared Imaging and Tilt Photography in Building DetectionSUN Baoyan,MO Chunhua,XUE Wei,et al.9991 Infrared Image Defect Detection Based on the Algorithm of Intuitionistic Fuzzy C-Means ClusteringWANG Luxiang,ZHANG Zhijie,WANG Quan,et al.111220 Multi-scale Guided Filter and Decision Fusion for Thermal Fault Diagnosis of Power EquipmentLIANG Jian,HUANG Zhihong,ZHANG Keren121344 Deep Residual UNet Network-based Infrared Image Segmentation Method for Electrical EquipmentLIU He,ZHAO Tiancheng,LIU Junbo,et al.121351 Research on Calculation of Defect Area of Building Exterior Windows Based on Infrared Image Processing TechnologyZHANG Lingling,XU Ao,ZHANG Jiran,et al.121358 ▲GUIDANCE & COUNTERMEASURE▲ Strategy of Barrel Roll and Decoy Deployment Against Infrared Air-to-Air MissileZHANG Nan,CHEN Changsheng,SUN Jingguo,et al.3236 Temperature Field of a Falling Film with Constant Heat Flux Boundary Conditions and Its Influence on the Infrared Detection RangeLI Dongzhen,DU Yongcheng,PENG Youshun,et al.6604 Infrared Seeker Refrigeration Gas Supply Test SystemREN Chunjie,FEI Fan,BIN Ling,6609 ▲LOW-LIGHT-LEVEL▲ Linear Dynamic Range of Low Resistance Microchannel Plate in DC ModeYAO Wenjing,LIU Shulin,YAN Baojun,et al.3310 Analysis of Resolution Change of the Super Gen.Ⅱ Image Intensifier with Input Illumination VariationLI Xiaofeng,CHANG Le,LIU Beihong,et al.4377 Influence of Brightness Gain on the Object-Background Contrast of an Image IntensifierSU Yue,BAI Xiaofeng,DANG Xiaogang,et al.4383 Reconnaissance Capability of Low-Light Level Equipment Based on Imaging ContrastJING Weiguo,WANG Hongpei,LUAN Guangqi,et al.4389 Local Bright-light Protection for Low-Light-Level Image Intensifier Based on Auto-gating Power SupplyYAN Bo,NI Xiaobing,ZHI Qiang,et al.9951 ▲MEASUREMENTS▲ Aspheric Surface Measurement Based on Infrared Laser InterferometerLI Yansheng,TANG Yingjuan,LI Rujie,et al.111243 ▲REFRIGERATION▲ Research on Positive Semi-Definite Vibration Damping System of Single-Piston Linear Stirling CryocoolerKONG Derui,XIA Ming,TANG Tianmin,et al.196 Application of Metal C Ring in Stirling CryocoolerSU Yongqiang7757 ▲NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING▲ Application of Infrared Thermography for Characterizing Phase Change Process of Porous Media at Pore ScaleWANG Shu,LENG Hang,CHEN Yanling,et al.3294 Thickness Evaluation of Weather Resistant Coatings Based on Lock-in ThermographyLI Bo,CHEN Junwei,LIU Zhuoyi,et al.3303 Nondestructive Crack Testing via Infrared Thermal Imaging Using Halogen Lamp ExcitationJIN Meixiu,ZHU Shihu,WANG Tong,et al.4421 Quantitative Identification and Comparative Study of Defects Based on Phase and Surface TemperaturesCHEN Lin,LI Minqian,GAO Feng,et al.6635 Thermal Imaging Technology for Metal Structure Defects of Lifting MachineryXIE Wenxin,MA Wei,DU Xuexue,et al.7741 Leakage Source Detection Based on Thermal ImagingYANG Yu,HE Chaoguang,TU Yuan,et al.7750 Detection Method of Partial Discharge Defects in Cable Terminals Based on Ultrasonic Infrared ThermographyDENG Kun,WEN Qiliang,ZHANG Yuanyuan9972 Thermal Image Data Processing Technology of Pseudo Soldering Based on Trend AnalyzingXU Lixia,LIU Lixia,YANG Yaodong,et al.9979 Infrared Detection of Near Surface Defects of Aeroengine Blade Based on Array Hot Air ExcitationWANG Hao,WU Yize,WANG Tao101112 Study on Ultrasonic Guided Wave Propagation Characteristics and Damage Imaging for Composite Structures Under Variable Temperature FieldWANG Changlin,REN Li,ZHONG Yongteng,et al.121338 ▲TERAHERTZ TECHNOLOGY▲ Broadband Terahertz Asymmetric Primary and Secondary Waveguide Directional Coupler DesignDONG Lanxiao,NAN Xueli,LIU Haoyang,et al.9986

Subject MatterAuthorNo.Page ▲SURVEY & REVIEW▲ Research Progress of Quantum Dots Synthesis and Their Photoelectric Functional FilmsZHONG Hefu,TANG Libin,YU Lijing,et al.2103 Research Progress on Stability of PbS Colloidal Quantum DotsZHAO Yiqun,WU Zhenfen,YANG Xiaojie,3205 Typical Individual Combat Scenarios and Night Vision GogglesCAI Yi4315 Review of Research and Application of Terahertz Imaging TechnologyZHOU Qiangguo,HUANG Zhiming4328 Research Progress of Black Silicon Photoelectric Detection Materials and DevicesWANG Bo,TANG Libin,ZHANG Yuping,et al.5437 Review on the Fabrication and Optical Performance of ZnS Bulk MaterialsWU Shaohua,ZHAO Jingsong,ZHAO Yuejin,et al.5453 Remote Raman Spectroscopy in Natural EnvironmentsGUO Yixin,JIN Weiqi,HE Yuqing,et al.6543 Review of Infrared and Visible Image RegistrationLI Yunhong,LIU Yudong,SU Xueping,et al.7641 Research Progress on Infrared Detection Materials and Devices of HgCdTe Multilayer HeterojunctionCHEN Zhengchao,TANG Libin,HAO Qun,et al.9889 Research Progress of Mid-/Mid-Wavelength Dual-color Antimonide-based Infrared DetectorZHANG Hongfei,ZHU Xubo,LI Mo,et al.9904 Infrared Detector Butted Technology for SpaceLYU Weidong,DENG Xuguang,WANG Qianwei,et al10999 Research Progress of InAsSb Infrared DetectorsCHEN Dongqiong,YANG Wenyun,DENG Gongrong,et al.101009 Progress on Hyperspectral Camouflage Materials and Techniques for Spectral Characteristic Simulation of Green VegetationZU Mei,YAN Feng,GAN Yuanfeng,et al.101018 Development Status and Application of Space Infrared Camera Optical TechnologyPAN Chaomeng,KANG Lizhu,LUO Min,et al.111186 Choice of European Super Second Generation Image Intensifier Technology and its Further DevelopmentLI Xiaofeng,HE Yanbin,XU Chuanping,et al.121249 ▲MATERIALS & DEVICES▲ Preparation of +4-Valent Vanadium Oxide Films via the Co-Sputtering of Mg and V2O5FU Xuecheng,WU Liying,QUAN Xueling,et al.179 Surface Quality of InSb Wafer Using Different Polishing MethodsLI Dexiang,GONG Xiaoxia,ZHANG Lixia,et al.185 Reliability Research for 640×512 Miniaturized IR Detector Dewar AssemblyXIONG Xiong,DUAN Yu,HU Mingdeng,et al.189 Characterization and Analysis of Interface Characteristics of InAs/GaSb Type-II Superlattice MaterialsREN Yang,QIN Gang,LI Junbin,et al.2115 Comparative Study on Readout Circuit for Graphene and Typical Photo- conductors PhotodetectorsHAN Qin,GAO Kaicong,REN Siwei,et al.2123 As Ion Implantation Technology for LWIR HgCdTe Infrared DetectorXIONG Bojun,LI Lihua,YANG Chaowei,et al.2129 Design, Preparation and Characterization of Infrared Low-Emissivity FilmHAN Jianlong,QIU Guihua,ZHANG Ruirong,et al.3249 Measurement and Suppression Method for Excess Noise in Avalanche PhotodiodesLI Zaibo,LI Yunxue,MA Xu,et al.4343 Effect of Annealing on C­V Characteristics of InSb Metal -Insulator- Semiconductor DevicesZHOU Weijia,GONG Xiaoxia,CHEN Dongqiong,et al.4351 Position-Dependent Conductivity Transition by Intrinsic Defects in Cd1-xZnxTe CrystalZHAO Wen,KONG Jincheng,JIANG Jun,et al.6560 Improvement of Color Purity of Organic Monochromatic Green Top-emitting Micro-display Devices by Using Optical MicrocavityQIN Guohui,YU Xiaohui,QIAN Fuli,7652 Research Progress of Dislocation Density Reduction in MBE HgCdTe on Alternative SubstratesYANG Jin,LI Yanhui,YANG Chunzhang,8828 ICP Dry Etching of Type II InAs/GaSb Superlattice Long-wavelength Focal Plane ArraysWANG Haipeng,MU Yingchun,PENG Qiusi,et al.101027 Effect of Material Morphology on the Performance of HgCdTe Infrared Focal Plane DevicesCHEN Shuzhen,QI Jiaojiao,WANG Dan,et al. 101033 Design and Fabrication of 940 nm Filter and Research on Its Low Angle EffectTANG Jiajian,SHEN Longhai,ZHONG Weiping,et al.101041 Study on Corrosion Behavior of Aspergillus niger on Ge Antireflection CoatingGE Fan,GUO Qian,XIAO Jianjun,et al.111228 High-Performance Near-Infrared Photodetector Based on a Graphene/Silicon Microholes Array HeterojunctionHE Feng,XU Bo,LAN Zhengli,et al.111236 Study on Dual-Fluid Spray Cleaning Technique for Single-wafer Particle RemovalLIU Baihong,YANG Weiping,LIANG Xiang,et al.121332 ▲SYSTEMS & DESIGNS▲ Design of a Three-Axis Turntable Servo Control Using Wirerope TransmissionWANG Kai,KONG Dejie,SONG Yueming,154 Topology Optimization Design and Analysis of an Integrated Aluminum Alloy MirrorWANG Shang,ZHANG Xingxiang,SHA Wei,161 Research on High-Speed Data Transmission Model of Large-Format High-Frame-Rate Readout Integrated CircuitYE Lianhua,LIU Xu,LI Yunduo,et al.166 Independent Design and Temperature Control Performance Experiment of the CdZnTe Crystal Growth FurnaceLUO Yanan,CHEN Yixin,GUO Guanzhu et al.173 Calculation of Temperature and Radiation Characteristics of Midcourse Ballistic MissilesLI Xiang,LI Jindong,WANG Yuying,et al.2134 Design of Double Telecentric Lens Using Machine Vision SystemCAO Yiqing2140 Structural Improvement Design of an Infrared Thermal ImagerGAO Youtao2145 Calculation of Infrared Scattering Transmittance of AerosolWU Huiyang,WANG Zeyang,HUANG Xinjun,et al.2151 Design and Simulation of Thermopile Laser Power MeterLEI Cheng,WU Xuezhan,LIANG Ting,et al.2157 Control of Focusing System of Stepper Motor Based on Dynamic ProgrammingKUANG Xianyan,ZHOU Yalong,WU Yugang2163 Development of a Portable Field MRTD TesterWU Lipeng,GUO Yu,WANG Xuexin,et al.3212 Oil Fire Radiation Calculation Based on a Statistical Narrow-Band ModelPENG Wudi,LIU Lixi,CHEN Zhili,et al.3217 Equivalent Modeling of PCB for Dynamic Properties Based on The Modal TestTANG Hexin,ZHANG Wei,GUAN Zhaoyang,et al.3225 Research on Photon Counting Algorithm Based on Solar Blind Ultraviolet Imaging DetectorYANG Feng,RUAN Ying,LYU Yang,et al.3231 Target Confirmation Method Based on Line of Sight Vector SequenceXUE Yonghong,WANG Tiebing,QIAO Kai,et al.4357 Design and Analysis of All Aluminum Alloy Optical Mechanical Structure of Space CamerasWANG Shang,ZHANG Xingxiang,ZHU Junqing4364 False Alarm Rate Reduction in Infrared Search and Track SystemsSONG Zhihang,ZHANG Jin,ZHU Liang,et al.4371 A Low Illumination Image Acquisition and Processing System Based on FPGALIU Lei,QIAN Yunsheng5462 Design of Modulation Transfer Function Test System for Ultraviolet Image IntensifiersSU Tianning,LIU Fengge,WANG Qiang,et al.5469 Integrated Opto-mechanical-thermal Analysis and Optimization Design of a Low-Orbit Remote Sensing CameraLIU Pengpeng,JIN Lifeng,ZHAO Hui,et al.6614 Static Centroid Balancing for Missile Borne Infrared CamerasZHANG Shengquan,ZHAO Jinsong,HE Hongxing,et al.6622 Research and Improvement on Reliability Growth of a Type of Infrared Thermal ImagerWANG Qiyi,XIA Likun,ZENG Bangze,et al.6628 Structure and Control System Design for Two Axes Horizontal Coarse Tracking FrameKANG Yongbin,AI Zhiwei,CHEN Zhenrong,et al.7732 Design and Performance Analysis of Focusing and Image Motion Compensation Mechanism for Low Light Level Multispectral ImagerCAO Yehao,HE Yukun,SHAN Bowen,et al.8837 Minimum Resolvable Contrast Testing of Short-wave IR CameraWANG Yan,JIN Ning,LIU Guoping,et al.8846 Optimal Design and Experimental Verification of a Continuous Zoom CamLUO Min,ZHANG Shengquan,WANG Haiyang,et al.9958 An Infrared Micro Scanner Measurement and Calibration Method Based on Image ProcessingWANG Guiquan,XU Zhiwen,DUAN Yongjin,et al.9964 Design and Development of a Low-Light Detection Imaging System CircuitJIANG Ting,CHEN Weinan,XIA Zhentao,et al.101045 Drive-and-control Scheme for 512×512 MOS Resistor ArrayZHONG Guoli,LIAO Shouyi,YANG Xinjie101052 Optical Design of Multispectral Imaging Spectrometer in Broadband Mid-wave InfraredWANG Haiyang,MING Jingqian,JIA Xingrui,et al.101059 Design of Long-wavelength Infrared Athermalization Lens with Large Relative Aperture for Large-array DetectorsFENG Lijun,LI Xunniu,CHEN Jie,ZHOU Lingling,et al.101066 Optimal Design of Dual-Band Off-Axis Three-Reflection Optical System Based on Free-form SurfaceYANG Xu,LI Yanhong,ZHANG Yuanjian,et al.111195 Calibration Between Sparse LIDAR and Visible/Infrared Imaging SystemsLIU Yu,CAI Yi,RONG Ningtao,et al.121264 Analysis and Example of Operating Range Calculation Method for Point Target in Infrared SystemZHAO Li,YANG Guoqing,LI Zhou,et al.121273 Optical System Design of Suspended Infrared Night Vision Based on Low Light Level Helmet ObservationSUN Aiping,HU Jianchuan,AN Changliang,et al.121278 Ergonomic Analysis of Pilot's Night Vision Goggles in Operational Use and Performance ImprovementYUAN Youzhi,SONG Jianhua,DONG Baogen,et al.121287 Special Column ▲ADVANCED LOW-LIGHT-LEVEL TECHNOLOGY▲ Performance Comparison Between Super Second Generation and Third Generation Image IntensifiersLI Xiaofeng,HE Yanbin,CHANG Le,et al.8764 Progress in Research on Semiconductor PhotocathodesZHANG Yijun8778 Design of Charge-Sensitive Amplifiers for Electron MultipliersZHANG Binting,YAN Baojun,LIU Shulin,et al.8792 Characteristics of Photovoltage Spectrum on Surfaces of Gallium Nitride Photocathode Film MaterialsGAO Jiansen,LIU Jian8798 Research on Brightness Gain Temperature Characteristics of Super Gen. II Low-Light-Level Image Intensifier Using High-voltage DC Power SupplyLI Yaqing,ZHOU Shengtao,WANG Guangfan,et al.8804 Comparison and Evaluation Method and System of Imaging Effect of Field-Low -Light-Level Image IntensifiersHAN Zhenghao,CHU Zhujun,LIU Xuan,et al.8811 Theoretical Model of Funnel Microchannel Plate Fabricated through Dry EtchingQIU Xiangbiao,MIN Xinjie,JIN Ge,et al.8818 Influence of Chamber Gas Composition on the Stability of GaAs PhotocathodeWU Haoyu,GUO Xin,GAN Linyu,et al.8824 Special Column: ▲INFRARED TARGET DETECTION▲ Civil Drone Detection Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: a SurveyYANG Xin,WANG Gang,LI Liang,et al.111119 IHBF-Based Enhanced Local Contrast Measure Method for Infrared Small Target DetectionHE Shun,XIE Yongni,YANG Zhiwei,et al.111132 Anti-Occlusion Infrared Target Tracking Algorithm Based on Fusion of Discriminant and Fine-Grained FeaturesWU Jie,MA Xiaohu111139 Infrared Thermal Imaging Low-Resolution and Small Pedestrian Target Detection MethodHU Yan,HU Haobing,ZHAO Yuhang,et al.111146 Low-Visibility Road Target Detection Algorithm Based on Infrared and Visible Light FusionWU Ze,MIAO Xiaodong,LI Weiwen,et al.111154 Research on 3D Target Recognition Algorithm Based on Infrared FeaturesXIA Yan111161 Vehicle Infrared Target Detection Based on YOLOX and Swin TransformerLOU Zhehang,LUO Suyun111167 Adaptive Detection and Tracking Algorithm for Infrared Target Size VariationYANG Qingyu,WANG Yongrang,LI Hao,111176 ▲IMAGE PROCESSING AND SIMULATION▲ Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on the Decomposition of Robust Principal Component Analysis and Latent Low Rank RepresentationDING Jian,GAO Qingwei,LU Yixiang,11 Hyperspectral Image Hybrid Convolution Classification under Multi-Feature FusionXIONG Yu,SHAN Deming,YAO Yu,19 Infrared Image Non-uniformity Correction Algorithm Based on Full Convolutional NetworkMOU Xingang,CUI Jian,ZHOU Xiao121 Infrared Structured Light for 3D Face ReconstructionTANG Shiyang,ZHU Jiangping,ZHANG Jianwei128 Fusion Reconstruction Method for 3D Temperature Fields on the Human Body SurfaceYANG Yanlong,XU Chao133 Image Deblurring Method Based on a Dual-Discriminator Weighted Generative Adversarial NetworkHUANG Mengtao,GAO Na,LIU Bao141 Activity Recognition Approach Using a Low-Resolution Infrared SensorZHANG Yutong,ZHAI Xuping,WANG Jing147 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Using Attention-Based Generative Adversarial NetworksWU Yuanyuan,WANG Zhishe,WANG Junyao,et al.2170 Application of Partial Differential Segmentation Model with Adaptive Weight in Infrared Image of Substation EquipmentCHEN Da,HE Quancai,DI Erzhen,et al.2179 Sub-pixel Level Image Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Cubic B-spline Wavelet Transform and Franklin MomentLI Jinpeng,XIONG Xianming,ZENG Qilin,et al.3255 Fast Finger Vein Recognition Based on a Dual Dimension Reduction Histogram of Oriented Gradient and Support Vector MachineCHU Hongjia,CHEN Guanghua,WANG Kaixuan3262 Mode Adaptive Infrared and Visible Image FusionQU Haicheng,WANG Yuping,GAO Jiankang,et al.3268 Anti-occlusion Process of Infrared Target Tracking Based on Correlation FiltersZHANG Jin,WANG Yuanyu,LIN Dandan,et al.3277 Deep Learning Method for Action Recognition Based on Low Resolution Infrared SensorsZHANG Yutong,ZHAI Xuping,NIE Hong3286 Multiscale Retinex Infrared Image Enhancement Based on the Fusion of Guided Filtering and Logarithmic Transformation AlgorithmCHEN Wenyi,YANG Chengxun,YANG Hui4397 Multi-scale Image Fusion Based on Adaptive WeightingHU Xuekai,LUO Peng,LI Tiecheng,et al.4404 Low-light Image Enhancement Based on Multi-scale Wavelet U-NetMA Lu4410 Infrared Dim-Small Target Detection Based on Improved Spatio-Temporal FilteringFAN Xiangsuo,FAN Jinlong,WEN Lianghua,et al.5475 Multi-Target Detection of Low-Illuminance Scene Based on Polarization ImageXUN Huasheng,ZHANG Jingjing,LIU Xiao,et al.5483 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Regional SimilarityREN Quanhui,SUN Yijie,HUANG Cansheng5492 Multi-modality Image Fusion Algorithm Based on NSST-DWT -ICSAPCNNWANG Xiaona,PAN Qing,TIAN Nili5497 Improved YOLOv5-based Infrared Dim–small Target Detection under Complex BackgroundDAI Jian,ZHAO Xu,LI Lianpeng,et al.5504 Time-of-Flight Point Cloud Denoising Method Based on Confidence LevelWANG Mingxing,ZHENG Fu,WANG Yanqiu,et al.5513 Local Fusion Algorithm of Infrared and Visible Light Images Based on Double-Branch Convolutional Neural NetworkXU Yunying,YANG Rui,HE Tianfu,et al.5521 Infrared Ship Detection Based on Multi-scale Semantic NetworkCHEN Chuxia,DING Yong5529 Infrared Image Defect Information Extraction Based on Temporal InformationWANG Dongsheng,WANG Hailong,ZHANG Fang,et al.6565 Multi-Feature Adaptive Fusion Method for Infrared and Visible ImagesWANG Junyao,WANG Zhishe,WU Yuanyuan,et al.6571 Infrared Image Mosaic Method for Improving the Best Seam-lineLU Quan,YANG Zhenhua,HUANG Lifeng6580 Implementation of a Histogram Equalization Algorithm Based on Image SegmentationZHU Jiayi,YANG Hongshuang,HE Wei,et al.6587 Blind Pixel Compensation Algorithm Based on Dual-Band Infrared ImagesLI Qian,ZHAO Canbing,LIU Xing,et al.6593 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on a Rolling Guidance FilterZHANG Hui,HAN Xinning,HAN Huili6598 Infrared Small Target Tracking Based on Super-resolution and Online Detection DSSTLI Bin,LI Xiuhong,Askar Hamdulla7659 RBNSM: a New Method for Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection in Complex BackgroundsLIN Suzhen,ZHANG Haisong,LU Xiaofei,et al.7667 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on SGWT and Multi-SaliencyTIAN Lifan,YANG Shen,LIANG Jiaming,et al7676 Visual Fidelity Fusion of Infrared and Visible Image Using Edge-Aware Smoothing-Sharpening FilterLI Wei,LI Zhongmin7686 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Gaussian Fuzzy Logic and Adaptive Dual-Channel Spiking Cortical ModelLI Wen,YE Kuntao,SHU Leilei,et al.7693 Pupil Diopter Detection Approach Based on Improved YOLOv3LI Yueyi,DING Hongchang,ZHANG Lei,et al.7702 PCNN Infrared Fault Region Detection Along Transmission Lines Based on the MST FrameworkGE Huangxu,ZHENG Lei,JIANG Hong,et al.7709 Infrared and Low-level Visible Light Images Fusion Based on Perception Unified JIANG Mai,SHA Guijun,LI Ning7716 Research on Spatial Domain Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Energy SegmentationWANG Xinsai,FENG Xiao’er,LI Mingming7726 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Latent Low-rank RepresentationSUN Bin,ZHUGE Wuwei,GAO Yunxiang,et al.8853 Infrared Image Segmentation Method Based on Fuzzy Clustering with Similarity ThresholdingGUO Feng,ZHENG Lei,GE Huangxu,et al.8863 Shape Adaptation Low Rank Representation for Thermal Fault Diagnosis of Power EquipmentsHUANG Zhihong,HONG Feng,HUANG Wei8870 Infrared Image Dehazing Based on Improved Dark Channel PriorWANG Haoyu,HE Mingshu8875 Object Detection Algorithm Based on Infrared and Visible Light ImagesKUANG Chuwen,HE Wang9912 Panchromatic and Multispectral Images Fusion Method Based on Detail Information ExtractionWANG Ou,LUO Xiaobo9920 Method for Generating Infrared Image from Visible Image of Water Surface TargetsXU Yixin,HU Qingping,XIONG Zhang,et al.9929 Infrared and Visible Image Registration for Power Equipments Based on Deep LearningFU Tian,DENG Changzheng,HAN Xinyue,et al.9936 Bi-Histogram Equalization Algorithm for Infrared Image EnhancementYAN Zhe,JIANG Li,YANG Fan,et al.9944 Infrared Moving-point Target Semi-Automatic Labeling Algorithm Based on Target Enhancement and Visual TrackingHE Min,HUI Bingwei,YI Mengni,et al.101073 Infrared Image Enhancement Method Based on Multiscale Weighted Guided FilteringHU Jiahui,ZHAN Weida,GUI Tingting,et al.101082 Nighttime Image Dehazing Algorithm Based on Improved Transmittance Distribution EstimationXUE Nan,YAN Limin101089 Saliency-based Multiband Image Synchronization Fusion MethodYU Dong,LIN Suzhen,LU Xiaofei,et al.101095 Inner-Canthus Localization in Infrared Thermal Images in Outdoor EnvironmentsSUN Lei,CHEN Shuyue,QI Yamin101103 Panoramic Video Image Stabilization Algorithm Based on Harris Image StitchingWANG Zhenjia,WU Chunlin,KE Liming,et al.111203 Double-Branch DenseNet-Transformer Hyperspectral Image ClassificationLI Xinwei,YANG Tian111210 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Transform Domain VGGNet19LI Yongping,YANG Yanchun,DANG Jianwu,et al.121293 High-precision Template Matching Tracking Algorithm for Optoelectronic Tracking SystemWU Hao,ZHANG Yong,LI Xin,et al.121301 Infrared Image Enhancement Based on Adaptive Bilateral Filtering and Directional GradientNIE Fengying,HOU Lixia,WAN Liyong121309 Research on Crowd Abnormal Behavior Detection Based on Improved SSDKANG Jie,TIAN Ye,YANG Gang121316 An Infrared Image Detail Enhancement Algorithm Based on Parameter Adaptive Guided FilteringOUYANG Huiming,XIA Likun,LI Zemin,et al.121324 ▲IR APPLICATIONS▲ Debonding Defect Recognition of Building Decoration Layers by UAV ThermographyPENG Xiong,ZHONG Xingu,ZHAO Chao,et al.2189 Analysis of SF6 Leakage Detection Using Infrared ImagingJI Yiping,DENG Xianqin,XU Peng,et al.2198 Non-contact Vital Signs Measurement by Thermal Imaging TechnologyLI Mu,WU Tong,TIAN Zhejia4428 Intelligent Patrol Inspection of Photovoltaic Power Station Based on UAVsWANG Hao,YAN Hao,YE Hairui,et al.5537 Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Chemometrics to Test Ink Type of Straight LIU Xinlei,HAN Danyan,XIAO Qiang,et al.8882 Application of 3D Fusion of Infrared Imaging and Tilt Photography in Building DetectionSUN Baoyan,MO Chunhua,XUE Wei,et al.9991 Infrared Image Defect Detection Based on the Algorithm of Intuitionistic Fuzzy C-Means ClusteringWANG Luxiang,ZHANG Zhijie,WANG Quan,et al.111220 Multi-scale Guided Filter and Decision Fusion for Thermal Fault Diagnosis of Power EquipmentLIANG Jian,HUANG Zhihong,ZHANG Keren121344 Deep Residual UNet Network-based Infrared Image Segmentation Method for Electrical EquipmentLIU He,ZHAO Tiancheng,LIU Junbo,et al.121351 Research on Calculation of Defect Area of Building Exterior Windows Based on Infrared Image Processing TechnologyZHANG Lingling,XU Ao,ZHANG Jiran,et al.121358 ▲GUIDANCE & COUNTERMEASURE▲ Strategy of Barrel Roll and Decoy Deployment Against Infrared Air-to-Air MissileZHANG Nan,CHEN Changsheng,SUN Jingguo,et al.3236 Temperature Field of a Falling Film with Constant Heat Flux Boundary Conditions and Its Influence on the Infrared Detection RangeLI Dongzhen,DU Yongcheng,PENG Youshun,et al.6604 Infrared Seeker Refrigeration Gas Supply Test SystemREN Chunjie,FEI Fan,BIN Ling,6609 ▲LOW-LIGHT-LEVEL▲ Linear Dynamic Range of Low Resistance Microchannel Plate in DC ModeYAO Wenjing,LIU Shulin,YAN Baojun,et al.3310 Analysis of Resolution Change of the Super Gen.Ⅱ Image Intensifier with Input Illumination VariationLI Xiaofeng,CHANG Le,LIU Beihong,et al.4377 Influence of Brightness Gain on the Object-Background Contrast of an Image IntensifierSU Yue,BAI Xiaofeng,DANG Xiaogang,et al.4383 Reconnaissance Capability of Low-Light Level Equipment Based on Imaging ContrastJING Weiguo,WANG Hongpei,LUAN Guangqi,et al.4389 Local Bright-light Protection for Low-Light-Level Image Intensifier Based on Auto-gating Power SupplyYAN Bo,NI Xiaobing,ZHI Qiang,et al.9951 ▲MEASUREMENTS▲ Aspheric Surface Measurement Based on Infrared Laser InterferometerLI Yansheng,TANG Yingjuan,LI Rujie,et al.111243 ▲REFRIGERATION▲ Research on Positive Semi-Definite Vibration Damping System of Single-Piston Linear Stirling CryocoolerKONG Derui,XIA Ming,TANG Tianmin,et al.196 Application of Metal C Ring in Stirling CryocoolerSU Yongqiang7757 ▲NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING▲ Application of Infrared Thermography for Characterizing Phase Change Process of Porous Media at Pore ScaleWANG Shu,LENG Hang,CHEN Yanling,et al.3294 Thickness Evaluation of Weather Resistant Coatings Based on Lock-in ThermographyLI Bo,CHEN Junwei,LIU Zhuoyi,et al.3303 Nondestructive Crack Testing via Infrared Thermal Imaging Using Halogen Lamp ExcitationJIN Meixiu,ZHU Shihu,WANG Tong,et al.4421 Quantitative Identification and Comparative Study of Defects Based on Phase and Surface TemperaturesCHEN Lin,LI Minqian,GAO Feng,et al.6635 Thermal Imaging Technology for Metal Structure Defects of Lifting MachineryXIE Wenxin,MA Wei,DU Xuexue,et al.7741 Leakage Source Detection Based on Thermal ImagingYANG Yu,HE Chaoguang,TU Yuan,et al.7750 Detection Method of Partial Discharge Defects in Cable Terminals Based on Ultrasonic Infrared ThermographyDENG Kun,WEN Qiliang,ZHANG Yuanyuan9972 Thermal Image Data Processing Technology of Pseudo Soldering Based on Trend AnalyzingXU Lixia,LIU Lixia,YANG Yaodong,et al.9979 Infrared Detection of Near Surface Defects of Aeroengine Blade Based on Array Hot Air ExcitationWANG Hao,WU Yize,WANG Tao101112 Study on Ultrasonic Guided Wave Propagation Characteristics and Damage Imaging for Composite Structures Under Variable Temperature FieldWANG Changlin,REN Li,ZHONG Yongteng,et al.121338 ▲TERAHERTZ TECHNOLOGY▲ Broadband Terahertz Asymmetric Primary and Secondary Waveguide Directional Coupler DesignDONG Lanxiao,NAN Xueli,LIU Haoyang,et al.9986

Subject MatterAuthorNo.Page ▲SURVEY & REVIEW▲ Research Progress of Quantum Dots Synthesis and Their Photoelectric Functional FilmsZHONG Hefu,TANG Libin,YU Lijing,et al.2103 Research Progress on Stability of PbS Colloidal Quantum DotsZHAO Yiqun,WU Zhenfen,YANG Xiaojie,3205 Typical Individual Combat Scenarios and Night Vision GogglesCAI Yi4315 Review of Research and Application of Terahertz Imaging TechnologyZHOU Qiangguo,HUANG Zhiming4328 Research Progress of Black Silicon Photoelectric Detection Materials and DevicesWANG Bo,TANG Libin,ZHANG Yuping,et al.5437 Review on the Fabrication and Optical Performance of ZnS Bulk MaterialsWU Shaohua,ZHAO Jingsong,ZHAO Yuejin,et al.5453 Remote Raman Spectroscopy in Natural EnvironmentsGUO Yixin,JIN Weiqi,HE Yuqing,et al.6543 Review of Infrared and Visible Image RegistrationLI Yunhong,LIU Yudong,SU Xueping,et al.7641 Research Progress on Infrared Detection Materials and Devices of HgCdTe Multilayer HeterojunctionCHEN Zhengchao,TANG Libin,HAO Qun,et al.9889 Research Progress of Mid-/Mid-Wavelength Dual-color Antimonide-based Infrared DetectorZHANG Hongfei,ZHU Xubo,LI Mo,et al.9904 Infrared Detector Butted Technology for SpaceLYU Weidong,DENG Xuguang,WANG Qianwei,et al10999 Research Progress of InAsSb Infrared DetectorsCHEN Dongqiong,YANG Wenyun,DENG Gongrong,et al.101009 Progress on Hyperspectral Camouflage Materials and Techniques for Spectral Characteristic Simulation of Green VegetationZU Mei,YAN Feng,GAN Yuanfeng,et al.101018 Development Status and Application of Space Infrared Camera Optical TechnologyPAN Chaomeng,KANG Lizhu,LUO Min,et al.111186 Choice of European Super Second Generation Image Intensifier Technology and its Further DevelopmentLI Xiaofeng,HE Yanbin,XU Chuanping,et al.121249 ▲MATERIALS & DEVICES▲ Preparation of +4-Valent Vanadium Oxide Films via the Co-Sputtering of Mg and V2O5FU Xuecheng,WU Liying,QUAN Xueling,et al.179 Surface Quality of InSb Wafer Using Different Polishing MethodsLI Dexiang,GONG Xiaoxia,ZHANG Lixia,et al.185 Reliability Research for 640×512 Miniaturized IR Detector Dewar AssemblyXIONG Xiong,DUAN Yu,HU Mingdeng,et al.189 Characterization and Analysis of Interface Characteristics of InAs/GaSb Type-II Superlattice MaterialsREN Yang,QIN Gang,LI Junbin,et al.2115 Comparative Study on Readout Circuit for Graphene and Typical Photo- conductors PhotodetectorsHAN Qin,GAO Kaicong,REN Siwei,et al.2123 As Ion Implantation Technology for LWIR HgCdTe Infrared DetectorXIONG Bojun,LI Lihua,YANG Chaowei,et al.2129 Design, Preparation and Characterization of Infrared Low-Emissivity FilmHAN Jianlong,QIU Guihua,ZHANG Ruirong,et al.3249 Measurement and Suppression Method for Excess Noise in Avalanche PhotodiodesLI Zaibo,LI Yunxue,MA Xu,et al.4343 Effect of Annealing on C­V Characteristics of InSb Metal -Insulator- Semiconductor DevicesZHOU Weijia,GONG Xiaoxia,CHEN Dongqiong,et al.4351 Position-Dependent Conductivity Transition by Intrinsic Defects in Cd1-xZnxTe CrystalZHAO Wen,KONG Jincheng,JIANG Jun,et al.6560 Improvement of Color Purity of Organic Monochromatic Green Top-emitting Micro-display Devices by Using Optical MicrocavityQIN Guohui,YU Xiaohui,QIAN Fuli,7652 Research Progress of Dislocation Density Reduction in MBE HgCdTe on Alternative SubstratesYANG Jin,LI Yanhui,YANG Chunzhang,8828 ICP Dry Etching of Type II InAs/GaSb Superlattice Long-wavelength Focal Plane ArraysWANG Haipeng,MU Yingchun,PENG Qiusi,et al.101027 Effect of Material Morphology on the Performance of HgCdTe Infrared Focal Plane DevicesCHEN Shuzhen,QI Jiaojiao,WANG Dan,et al. 101033 Design and Fabrication of 940 nm Filter and Research on Its Low Angle EffectTANG Jiajian,SHEN Longhai,ZHONG Weiping,et al.101041 Study on Corrosion Behavior of Aspergillus niger on Ge Antireflection CoatingGE Fan,GUO Qian,XIAO Jianjun,et al.111228 High-Performance Near-Infrared Photodetector Based on a Graphene/Silicon Microholes Array HeterojunctionHE Feng,XU Bo,LAN Zhengli,et al.111236 Study on Dual-Fluid Spray Cleaning Technique for Single-wafer Particle RemovalLIU Baihong,YANG Weiping,LIANG Xiang,et al.121332 ▲SYSTEMS & DESIGNS▲ Design of a Three-Axis Turntable Servo Control Using Wirerope TransmissionWANG Kai,KONG Dejie,SONG Yueming,154 Topology Optimization Design and Analysis of an Integrated Aluminum Alloy MirrorWANG Shang,ZHANG Xingxiang,SHA Wei,161 Research on High-Speed Data Transmission Model of Large-Format High-Frame-Rate Readout Integrated CircuitYE Lianhua,LIU Xu,LI Yunduo,et al.166 Independent Design and Temperature Control Performance Experiment of the CdZnTe Crystal Growth FurnaceLUO Yanan,CHEN Yixin,GUO Guanzhu et al.173 Calculation of Temperature and Radiation Characteristics of Midcourse Ballistic MissilesLI Xiang,LI Jindong,WANG Yuying,et al.2134 Design of Double Telecentric Lens Using Machine Vision SystemCAO Yiqing2140 Structural Improvement Design of an Infrared Thermal ImagerGAO Youtao2145 Calculation of Infrared Scattering Transmittance of AerosolWU Huiyang,WANG Zeyang,HUANG Xinjun,et al.2151 Design and Simulation of Thermopile Laser Power MeterLEI Cheng,WU Xuezhan,LIANG Ting,et al.2157 Control of Focusing System of Stepper Motor Based on Dynamic ProgrammingKUANG Xianyan,ZHOU Yalong,WU Yugang2163 Development of a Portable Field MRTD TesterWU Lipeng,GUO Yu,WANG Xuexin,et al.3212 Oil Fire Radiation Calculation Based on a Statistical Narrow-Band ModelPENG Wudi,LIU Lixi,CHEN Zhili,et al.3217 Equivalent Modeling of PCB for Dynamic Properties Based on The Modal TestTANG Hexin,ZHANG Wei,GUAN Zhaoyang,et al.3225 Research on Photon Counting Algorithm Based on Solar Blind Ultraviolet Imaging DetectorYANG Feng,RUAN Ying,LYU Yang,et al.3231 Target Confirmation Method Based on Line of Sight Vector SequenceXUE Yonghong,WANG Tiebing,QIAO Kai,et al.4357 Design and Analysis of All Aluminum Alloy Optical Mechanical Structure of Space CamerasWANG Shang,ZHANG Xingxiang,ZHU Junqing4364 False Alarm Rate Reduction in Infrared Search and Track SystemsSONG Zhihang,ZHANG Jin,ZHU Liang,et al.4371 A Low Illumination Image Acquisition and Processing System Based on FPGALIU Lei,QIAN Yunsheng5462 Design of Modulation Transfer Function Test System for Ultraviolet Image IntensifiersSU Tianning,LIU Fengge,WANG Qiang,et al.5469 Integrated Opto-mechanical-thermal Analysis and Optimization Design of a Low-Orbit Remote Sensing CameraLIU Pengpeng,JIN Lifeng,ZHAO Hui,et al.6614 Static Centroid Balancing for Missile Borne Infrared CamerasZHANG Shengquan,ZHAO Jinsong,HE Hongxing,et al.6622 Research and Improvement on Reliability Growth of a Type of Infrared Thermal ImagerWANG Qiyi,XIA Likun,ZENG Bangze,et al.6628 Structure and Control System Design for Two Axes Horizontal Coarse Tracking FrameKANG Yongbin,AI Zhiwei,CHEN Zhenrong,et al.7732 Design and Performance Analysis of Focusing and Image Motion Compensation Mechanism for Low Light Level Multispectral ImagerCAO Yehao,HE Yukun,SHAN Bowen,et al.8837 Minimum Resolvable Contrast Testing of Short-wave IR CameraWANG Yan,JIN Ning,LIU Guoping,et al.8846 Optimal Design and Experimental Verification of a Continuous Zoom CamLUO Min,ZHANG Shengquan,WANG Haiyang,et al.9958 An Infrared Micro Scanner Measurement and Calibration Method Based on Image ProcessingWANG Guiquan,XU Zhiwen,DUAN Yongjin,et al.9964 Design and Development of a Low-Light Detection Imaging System CircuitJIANG Ting,CHEN Weinan,XIA Zhentao,et al.101045 Drive-and-control Scheme for 512×512 MOS Resistor ArrayZHONG Guoli,LIAO Shouyi,YANG Xinjie101052 Optical Design of Multispectral Imaging Spectrometer in Broadband Mid-wave InfraredWANG Haiyang,MING Jingqian,JIA Xingrui,et al.101059 Design of Long-wavelength Infrared Athermalization Lens with Large Relative Aperture for Large-array DetectorsFENG Lijun,LI Xunniu,CHEN Jie,ZHOU Lingling,et al.101066 Optimal Design of Dual-Band Off-Axis Three-Reflection Optical System Based on Free-form SurfaceYANG Xu,LI Yanhong,ZHANG Yuanjian,et al.111195 Calibration Between Sparse LIDAR and Visible/Infrared Imaging SystemsLIU Yu,CAI Yi,RONG Ningtao,et al.121264 Analysis and Example of Operating Range Calculation Method for Point Target in Infrared SystemZHAO Li,YANG Guoqing,LI Zhou,et al.121273 Optical System Design of Suspended Infrared Night Vision Based on Low Light Level Helmet ObservationSUN Aiping,HU Jianchuan,AN Changliang,et al.121278 Ergonomic Analysis of Pilot's Night Vision Goggles in Operational Use and Performance ImprovementYUAN Youzhi,SONG Jianhua,DONG Baogen,et al.121287 Special Column ▲ADVANCED LOW-LIGHT-LEVEL TECHNOLOGY▲ Performance Comparison Between Super Second Generation and Third Generation Image IntensifiersLI Xiaofeng,HE Yanbin,CHANG Le,et al.8764 Progress in Research on Semiconductor PhotocathodesZHANG Yijun8778 Design of Charge-Sensitive Amplifiers for Electron MultipliersZHANG Binting,YAN Baojun,LIU Shulin,et al.8792 Characteristics of Photovoltage Spectrum on Surfaces of Gallium Nitride Photocathode Film MaterialsGAO Jiansen,LIU Jian8798 Research on Brightness Gain Temperature Characteristics of Super Gen. II Low-Light-Level Image Intensifier Using High-voltage DC Power SupplyLI Yaqing,ZHOU Shengtao,WANG Guangfan,et al.8804 Comparison and Evaluation Method and System of Imaging Effect of Field-Low -Light-Level Image IntensifiersHAN Zhenghao,CHU Zhujun,LIU Xuan,et al.8811 Theoretical Model of Funnel Microchannel Plate Fabricated through Dry EtchingQIU Xiangbiao,MIN Xinjie,JIN Ge,et al.8818 Influence of Chamber Gas Composition on the Stability of GaAs PhotocathodeWU Haoyu,GUO Xin,GAN Linyu,et al.8824 Special Column: ▲INFRARED TARGET DETECTION▲ Civil Drone Detection Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: a SurveyYANG Xin,WANG Gang,LI Liang,et al.111119 IHBF-Based Enhanced Local Contrast Measure Method for Infrared Small Target DetectionHE Shun,XIE Yongni,YANG Zhiwei,et al.111132 Anti-Occlusion Infrared Target Tracking Algorithm Based on Fusion of Discriminant and Fine-Grained FeaturesWU Jie,MA Xiaohu111139 Infrared Thermal Imaging Low-Resolution and Small Pedestrian Target Detection MethodHU Yan,HU Haobing,ZHAO Yuhang,et al.111146 Low-Visibility Road Target Detection Algorithm Based on Infrared and Visible Light FusionWU Ze,MIAO Xiaodong,LI Weiwen,et al.111154 Research on 3D Target Recognition Algorithm Based on Infrared FeaturesXIA Yan111161 Vehicle Infrared Target Detection Based on YOLOX and Swin TransformerLOU Zhehang,LUO Suyun111167 Adaptive Detection and Tracking Algorithm for Infrared Target Size VariationYANG Qingyu,WANG Yongrang,LI Hao,111176 ▲IMAGE PROCESSING AND SIMULATION▲ Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on the Decomposition of Robust Principal Component Analysis and Latent Low Rank RepresentationDING Jian,GAO Qingwei,LU Yixiang,11 Hyperspectral Image Hybrid Convolution Classification under Multi-Feature FusionXIONG Yu,SHAN Deming,YAO Yu,19 Infrared Image Non-uniformity Correction Algorithm Based on Full Convolutional NetworkMOU Xingang,CUI Jian,ZHOU Xiao121 Infrared Structured Light for 3D Face ReconstructionTANG Shiyang,ZHU Jiangping,ZHANG Jianwei128 Fusion Reconstruction Method for 3D Temperature Fields on the Human Body SurfaceYANG Yanlong,XU Chao133 Image Deblurring Method Based on a Dual-Discriminator Weighted Generative Adversarial NetworkHUANG Mengtao,GAO Na,LIU Bao141 Activity Recognition Approach Using a Low-Resolution Infrared SensorZHANG Yutong,ZHAI Xuping,WANG Jing147 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Using Attention-Based Generative Adversarial NetworksWU Yuanyuan,WANG Zhishe,WANG Junyao,et al.2170 Application of Partial Differential Segmentation Model with Adaptive Weight in Infrared Image of Substation EquipmentCHEN Da,HE Quancai,DI Erzhen,et al.2179 Sub-pixel Level Image Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Cubic B-spline Wavelet Transform and Franklin MomentLI Jinpeng,XIONG Xianming,ZENG Qilin,et al.3255 Fast Finger Vein Recognition Based on a Dual Dimension Reduction Histogram of Oriented Gradient and Support Vector MachineCHU Hongjia,CHEN Guanghua,WANG Kaixuan3262 Mode Adaptive Infrared and Visible Image FusionQU Haicheng,WANG Yuping,GAO Jiankang,et al.3268 Anti-occlusion Process of Infrared Target Tracking Based on Correlation FiltersZHANG Jin,WANG Yuanyu,LIN Dandan,et al.3277 Deep Learning Method for Action Recognition Based on Low Resolution Infrared SensorsZHANG Yutong,ZHAI Xuping,NIE Hong3286 Multiscale Retinex Infrared Image Enhancement Based on the Fusion of Guided Filtering and Logarithmic Transformation AlgorithmCHEN Wenyi,YANG Chengxun,YANG Hui4397 Multi-scale Image Fusion Based on Adaptive WeightingHU Xuekai,LUO Peng,LI Tiecheng,et al.4404 Low-light Image Enhancement Based on Multi-scale Wavelet U-NetMA Lu4410 Infrared Dim-Small Target Detection Based on Improved Spatio-Temporal FilteringFAN Xiangsuo,FAN Jinlong,WEN Lianghua,et al.5475 Multi-Target Detection of Low-Illuminance Scene Based on Polarization ImageXUN Huasheng,ZHANG Jingjing,LIU Xiao,et al.5483 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Regional SimilarityREN Quanhui,SUN Yijie,HUANG Cansheng5492 Multi-modality Image Fusion Algorithm Based on NSST-DWT -ICSAPCNNWANG Xiaona,PAN Qing,TIAN Nili5497 Improved YOLOv5-based Infrared Dim–small Target Detection under Complex BackgroundDAI Jian,ZHAO Xu,LI Lianpeng,et al.5504 Time-of-Flight Point Cloud Denoising Method Based on Confidence LevelWANG Mingxing,ZHENG Fu,WANG Yanqiu,et al.5513 Local Fusion Algorithm of Infrared and Visible Light Images Based on Double-Branch Convolutional Neural NetworkXU Yunying,YANG Rui,HE Tianfu,et al.5521 Infrared Ship Detection Based on Multi-scale Semantic NetworkCHEN Chuxia,DING Yong5529 Infrared Image Defect Information Extraction Based on Temporal InformationWANG Dongsheng,WANG Hailong,ZHANG Fang,et al.6565 Multi-Feature Adaptive Fusion Method for Infrared and Visible ImagesWANG Junyao,WANG Zhishe,WU Yuanyuan,et al.6571 Infrared Image Mosaic Method for Improving the Best Seam-lineLU Quan,YANG Zhenhua,HUANG Lifeng6580 Implementation of a Histogram Equalization Algorithm Based on Image SegmentationZHU Jiayi,YANG Hongshuang,HE Wei,et al.6587 Blind Pixel Compensation Algorithm Based on Dual-Band Infrared ImagesLI Qian,ZHAO Canbing,LIU Xing,et al.6593 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on a Rolling Guidance FilterZHANG Hui,HAN Xinning,HAN Huili6598 Infrared Small Target Tracking Based on Super-resolution and Online Detection DSSTLI Bin,LI Xiuhong,Askar Hamdulla7659 RBNSM: a New Method for Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection in Complex BackgroundsLIN Suzhen,ZHANG Haisong,LU Xiaofei,et al.7667 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on SGWT and Multi-SaliencyTIAN Lifan,YANG Shen,LIANG Jiaming,et al7676 Visual Fidelity Fusion of Infrared and Visible Image Using Edge-Aware Smoothing-Sharpening FilterLI Wei,LI Zhongmin7686 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Gaussian Fuzzy Logic and Adaptive Dual-Channel Spiking Cortical ModelLI Wen,YE Kuntao,SHU Leilei,et al.7693 Pupil Diopter Detection Approach Based on Improved YOLOv3LI Yueyi,DING Hongchang,ZHANG Lei,et al.7702 PCNN Infrared Fault Region Detection Along Transmission Lines Based on the MST FrameworkGE Huangxu,ZHENG Lei,JIANG Hong,et al.7709 Infrared and Low-level Visible Light Images Fusion Based on Perception Unified JIANG Mai,SHA Guijun,LI Ning7716 Research on Spatial Domain Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Energy SegmentationWANG Xinsai,FENG Xiao’er,LI Mingming7726 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Latent Low-rank RepresentationSUN Bin,ZHUGE Wuwei,GAO Yunxiang,et al.8853 Infrared Image Segmentation Method Based on Fuzzy Clustering with Similarity ThresholdingGUO Feng,ZHENG Lei,GE Huangxu,et al.8863 Shape Adaptation Low Rank Representation for Thermal Fault Diagnosis of Power EquipmentsHUANG Zhihong,HONG Feng,HUANG Wei8870 Infrared Image Dehazing Based on Improved Dark Channel PriorWANG Haoyu,HE Mingshu8875 Object Detection Algorithm Based on Infrared and Visible Light ImagesKUANG Chuwen,HE Wang9912 Panchromatic and Multispectral Images Fusion Method Based on Detail Information ExtractionWANG Ou,LUO Xiaobo9920 Method for Generating Infrared Image from Visible Image of Water Surface TargetsXU Yixin,HU Qingping,XIONG Zhang,et al.9929 Infrared and Visible Image Registration for Power Equipments Based on Deep LearningFU Tian,DENG Changzheng,HAN Xinyue,et al.9936 Bi-Histogram Equalization Algorithm for Infrared Image EnhancementYAN Zhe,JIANG Li,YANG Fan,et al.9944 Infrared Moving-point Target Semi-Automatic Labeling Algorithm Based on Target Enhancement and Visual TrackingHE Min,HUI Bingwei,YI Mengni,et al.101073 Infrared Image Enhancement Method Based on Multiscale Weighted Guided FilteringHU Jiahui,ZHAN Weida,GUI Tingting,et al.101082 Nighttime Image Dehazing Algorithm Based on Improved Transmittance Distribution EstimationXUE Nan,YAN Limin101089 Saliency-based Multiband Image Synchronization Fusion MethodYU Dong,LIN Suzhen,LU Xiaofei,et al.101095 Inner-Canthus Localization in Infrared Thermal Images in Outdoor EnvironmentsSUN Lei,CHEN Shuyue,QI Yamin101103 Panoramic Video Image Stabilization Algorithm Based on Harris Image StitchingWANG Zhenjia,WU Chunlin,KE Liming,et al.111203 Double-Branch DenseNet-Transformer Hyperspectral Image ClassificationLI Xinwei,YANG Tian111210 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Transform Domain VGGNet19LI Yongping,YANG Yanchun,DANG Jianwu,et al.121293 High-precision Template Matching Tracking Algorithm for Optoelectronic Tracking SystemWU Hao,ZHANG Yong,LI Xin,et al.121301 Infrared Image Enhancement Based on Adaptive Bilateral Filtering and Directional GradientNIE Fengying,HOU Lixia,WAN Liyong121309 Research on Crowd Abnormal Behavior Detection Based on Improved SSDKANG Jie,TIAN Ye,YANG Gang121316 An Infrared Image Detail Enhancement Algorithm Based on Parameter Adaptive Guided FilteringOUYANG Huiming,XIA Likun,LI Zemin,et al.121324 ▲IR APPLICATIONS▲ Debonding Defect Recognition of Building Decoration Layers by UAV ThermographyPENG Xiong,ZHONG Xingu,ZHAO Chao,et al.2189 Analysis of SF6 Leakage Detection Using Infrared ImagingJI Yiping,DENG Xianqin,XU Peng,et al.2198 Non-contact Vital Signs Measurement by Thermal Imaging TechnologyLI Mu,WU Tong,TIAN Zhejia4428 Intelligent Patrol Inspection of Photovoltaic Power Station Based on UAVsWANG Hao,YAN Hao,YE Hairui,et al.5537 Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Chemometrics to Test Ink Type of Straight LIU Xinlei,HAN Danyan,XIAO Qiang,et al.8882 Application of 3D Fusion of Infrared Imaging and Tilt Photography in Building DetectionSUN Baoyan,MO Chunhua,XUE Wei,et al.9991 Infrared Image Defect Detection Based on the Algorithm of Intuitionistic Fuzzy C-Means ClusteringWANG Luxiang,ZHANG Zhijie,WANG Quan,et al.111220 Multi-scale Guided Filter and Decision Fusion for Thermal Fault Diagnosis of Power EquipmentLIANG Jian,HUANG Zhihong,ZHANG Keren121344 Deep Residual UNet Network-based Infrared Image Segmentation Method for Electrical EquipmentLIU He,ZHAO Tiancheng,LIU Junbo,et al.121351 Research on Calculation of Defect Area of Building Exterior Windows Based on Infrared Image Processing TechnologyZHANG Lingling,XU Ao,ZHANG Jiran,et al.121358 ▲GUIDANCE & COUNTERMEASURE▲ Strategy of Barrel Roll and Decoy Deployment Against Infrared Air-to-Air MissileZHANG Nan,CHEN Changsheng,SUN Jingguo,et al.3236 Temperature Field of a Falling Film with Constant Heat Flux Boundary Conditions and Its Influence on the Infrared Detection RangeLI Dongzhen,DU Yongcheng,PENG Youshun,et al.6604 Infrared Seeker Refrigeration Gas Supply Test SystemREN Chunjie,FEI Fan,BIN Ling,6609 ▲LOW-LIGHT-LEVEL▲ Linear Dynamic Range of Low Resistance Microchannel Plate in DC ModeYAO Wenjing,LIU Shulin,YAN Baojun,et al.3310 Analysis of Resolution Change of the Super Gen.Ⅱ Image Intensifier with Input Illumination VariationLI Xiaofeng,CHANG Le,LIU Beihong,et al.4377 Influence of Brightness Gain on the Object-Background Contrast of an Image IntensifierSU Yue,BAI Xiaofeng,DANG Xiaogang,et al.4383 Reconnaissance Capability of Low-Light Level Equipment Based on Imaging ContrastJING Weiguo,WANG Hongpei,LUAN Guangqi,et al.4389 Local Bright-light Protection for Low-Light-Level Image Intensifier Based on Auto-gating Power SupplyYAN Bo,NI Xiaobing,ZHI Qiang,et al.9951 ▲MEASUREMENTS▲ Aspheric Surface Measurement Based on Infrared Laser InterferometerLI Yansheng,TANG Yingjuan,LI Rujie,et al.111243 ▲REFRIGERATION▲ Research on Positive Semi-Definite Vibration Damping System of Single-Piston Linear Stirling CryocoolerKONG Derui,XIA Ming,TANG Tianmin,et al.196 Application of Metal C Ring in Stirling CryocoolerSU Yongqiang7757 ▲NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING▲ Application of Infrared Thermography for Characterizing Phase Change Process of Porous Media at Pore ScaleWANG Shu,LENG Hang,CHEN Yanling,et al.3294 Thickness Evaluation of Weather Resistant Coatings Based on Lock-in ThermographyLI Bo,CHEN Junwei,LIU Zhuoyi,et al.3303 Nondestructive Crack Testing via Infrared Thermal Imaging Using Halogen Lamp ExcitationJIN Meixiu,ZHU Shihu,WANG Tong,et al.4421 Quantitative Identification and Comparative Study of Defects Based on Phase and Surface TemperaturesCHEN Lin,LI Minqian,GAO Feng,et al.6635 Thermal Imaging Technology for Metal Structure Defects of Lifting MachineryXIE Wenxin,MA Wei,DU Xuexue,et al.7741 Leakage Source Detection Based on Thermal ImagingYANG Yu,HE Chaoguang,TU Yuan,et al.7750 Detection Method of Partial Discharge Defects in Cable Terminals Based on Ultrasonic Infrared ThermographyDENG Kun,WEN Qiliang,ZHANG Yuanyuan9972 Thermal Image Data Processing Technology of Pseudo Soldering Based on Trend AnalyzingXU Lixia,LIU Lixia,YANG Yaodong,et al.9979 Infrared Detection of Near Surface Defects of Aeroengine Blade Based on Array Hot Air ExcitationWANG Hao,WU Yize,WANG Tao101112 Study on Ultrasonic Guided Wave Propagation Characteristics and Damage Imaging for Composite Structures Under Variable Temperature FieldWANG Changlin,REN Li,ZHONG Yongteng,et al.121338 ▲TERAHERTZ TECHNOLOGY▲ Broadband Terahertz Asymmetric Primary and Secondary Waveguide Directional Coupler DesignDONG Lanxiao,NAN Xueli,LIU Haoyang,et al.9986

Subject MatterAuthorNo.Page ▲SURVEY & REVIEW▲ Research Progress of Quantum Dots Synthesis and Their Photoelectric Functional FilmsZHONG Hefu,TANG Libin,YU Lijing,et al.2103 Research Progress on Stability of PbS Colloidal Quantum DotsZHAO Yiqun,WU Zhenfen,YANG Xiaojie,3205 Typical Individual Combat Scenarios and Night Vision GogglesCAI Yi4315 Review of Research and Application of Terahertz Imaging TechnologyZHOU Qiangguo,HUANG Zhiming4328 Research Progress of Black Silicon Photoelectric Detection Materials and DevicesWANG Bo,TANG Libin,ZHANG Yuping,et al.5437 Review on the Fabrication and Optical Performance of ZnS Bulk MaterialsWU Shaohua,ZHAO Jingsong,ZHAO Yuejin,et al.5453 Remote Raman Spectroscopy in Natural EnvironmentsGUO Yixin,JIN Weiqi,HE Yuqing,et al.6543 Review of Infrared and Visible Image RegistrationLI Yunhong,LIU Yudong,SU Xueping,et al.7641 Research Progress on Infrared Detection Materials and Devices of HgCdTe Multilayer HeterojunctionCHEN Zhengchao,TANG Libin,HAO Qun,et al.9889 Research Progress of Mid-/Mid-Wavelength Dual-color Antimonide-based Infrared DetectorZHANG Hongfei,ZHU Xubo,LI Mo,et al.9904 Infrared Detector Butted Technology for SpaceLYU Weidong,DENG Xuguang,WANG Qianwei,et al10999 Research Progress of InAsSb Infrared DetectorsCHEN Dongqiong,YANG Wenyun,DENG Gongrong,et al.101009 Progress on Hyperspectral Camouflage Materials and Techniques for Spectral Characteristic Simulation of Green VegetationZU Mei,YAN Feng,GAN Yuanfeng,et al.101018 Development Status and Application of Space Infrared Camera Optical TechnologyPAN Chaomeng,KANG Lizhu,LUO Min,et al.111186 Choice of European Super Second Generation Image Intensifier Technology and its Further DevelopmentLI Xiaofeng,HE Yanbin,XU Chuanping,et al.121249 ▲MATERIALS & DEVICES▲ Preparation of +4-Valent Vanadium Oxide Films via the Co-Sputtering of Mg and V2O5FU Xuecheng,WU Liying,QUAN Xueling,et al.179 Surface Quality of InSb Wafer Using Different Polishing MethodsLI Dexiang,GONG Xiaoxia,ZHANG Lixia,et al.185 Reliability Research for 640×512 Miniaturized IR Detector Dewar AssemblyXIONG Xiong,DUAN Yu,HU Mingdeng,et al.189 Characterization and Analysis of Interface Characteristics of InAs/GaSb Type-II Superlattice MaterialsREN Yang,QIN Gang,LI Junbin,et al.2115 Comparative Study on Readout Circuit for Graphene and Typical Photo- conductors PhotodetectorsHAN Qin,GAO Kaicong,REN Siwei,et al.2123 As Ion Implantation Technology for LWIR HgCdTe Infrared DetectorXIONG Bojun,LI Lihua,YANG Chaowei,et al.2129 Design, Preparation and Characterization of Infrared Low-Emissivity FilmHAN Jianlong,QIU Guihua,ZHANG Ruirong,et al.3249 Measurement and Suppression Method for Excess Noise in Avalanche PhotodiodesLI Zaibo,LI Yunxue,MA Xu,et al.4343 Effect of Annealing on C­V Characteristics of InSb Metal -Insulator- Semiconductor DevicesZHOU Weijia,GONG Xiaoxia,CHEN Dongqiong,et al.4351 Position-Dependent Conductivity Transition by Intrinsic Defects in Cd1-xZnxTe CrystalZHAO Wen,KONG Jincheng,JIANG Jun,et al.6560 Improvement of Color Purity of Organic Monochromatic Green Top-emitting Micro-display Devices by Using Optical MicrocavityQIN Guohui,YU Xiaohui,QIAN Fuli,7652 Research Progress of Dislocation Density Reduction in MBE HgCdTe on Alternative SubstratesYANG Jin,LI Yanhui,YANG Chunzhang,8828 ICP Dry Etching of Type II InAs/GaSb Superlattice Long-wavelength Focal Plane ArraysWANG Haipeng,MU Yingchun,PENG Qiusi,et al.101027 Effect of Material Morphology on the Performance of HgCdTe Infrared Focal Plane DevicesCHEN Shuzhen,QI Jiaojiao,WANG Dan,et al. 101033 Design and Fabrication of 940 nm Filter and Research on Its Low Angle EffectTANG Jiajian,SHEN Longhai,ZHONG Weiping,et al.101041 Study on Corrosion Behavior of Aspergillus niger on Ge Antireflection CoatingGE Fan,GUO Qian,XIAO Jianjun,et al.111228 High-Performance Near-Infrared Photodetector Based on a Graphene/Silicon Microholes Array HeterojunctionHE Feng,XU Bo,LAN Zhengli,et al.111236 Study on Dual-Fluid Spray Cleaning Technique for Single-wafer Particle RemovalLIU Baihong,YANG Weiping,LIANG Xiang,et al.121332 ▲SYSTEMS & DESIGNS▲ Design of a Three-Axis Turntable Servo Control Using Wirerope TransmissionWANG Kai,KONG Dejie,SONG Yueming,154 Topology Optimization Design and Analysis of an Integrated Aluminum Alloy MirrorWANG Shang,ZHANG Xingxiang,SHA Wei,161 Research on High-Speed Data Transmission Model of Large-Format High-Frame-Rate Readout Integrated CircuitYE Lianhua,LIU Xu,LI Yunduo,et al.166 Independent Design and Temperature Control Performance Experiment of the CdZnTe Crystal Growth FurnaceLUO Yanan,CHEN Yixin,GUO Guanzhu et al.173 Calculation of Temperature and Radiation Characteristics of Midcourse Ballistic MissilesLI Xiang,LI Jindong,WANG Yuying,et al.2134 Design of Double Telecentric Lens Using Machine Vision SystemCAO Yiqing2140 Structural Improvement Design of an Infrared Thermal ImagerGAO Youtao2145 Calculation of Infrared Scattering Transmittance of AerosolWU Huiyang,WANG Zeyang,HUANG Xinjun,et al.2151 Design and Simulation of Thermopile Laser Power MeterLEI Cheng,WU Xuezhan,LIANG Ting,et al.2157 Control of Focusing System of Stepper Motor Based on Dynamic ProgrammingKUANG Xianyan,ZHOU Yalong,WU Yugang2163 Development of a Portable Field MRTD TesterWU Lipeng,GUO Yu,WANG Xuexin,et al.3212 Oil Fire Radiation Calculation Based on a Statistical Narrow-Band ModelPENG Wudi,LIU Lixi,CHEN Zhili,et al.3217 Equivalent Modeling of PCB for Dynamic Properties Based on The Modal TestTANG Hexin,ZHANG Wei,GUAN Zhaoyang,et al.3225 Research on Photon Counting Algorithm Based on Solar Blind Ultraviolet Imaging DetectorYANG Feng,RUAN Ying,LYU Yang,et al.3231 Target Confirmation Method Based on Line of Sight Vector SequenceXUE Yonghong,WANG Tiebing,QIAO Kai,et al.4357 Design and Analysis of All Aluminum Alloy Optical Mechanical Structure of Space CamerasWANG Shang,ZHANG Xingxiang,ZHU Junqing4364 False Alarm Rate Reduction in Infrared Search and Track SystemsSONG Zhihang,ZHANG Jin,ZHU Liang,et al.4371 A Low Illumination Image Acquisition and Processing System Based on FPGALIU Lei,QIAN Yunsheng5462 Design of Modulation Transfer Function Test System for Ultraviolet Image IntensifiersSU Tianning,LIU Fengge,WANG Qiang,et al.5469 Integrated Opto-mechanical-thermal Analysis and Optimization Design of a Low-Orbit Remote Sensing CameraLIU Pengpeng,JIN Lifeng,ZHAO Hui,et al.6614 Static Centroid Balancing for Missile Borne Infrared CamerasZHANG Shengquan,ZHAO Jinsong,HE Hongxing,et al.6622 Research and Improvement on Reliability Growth of a Type of Infrared Thermal ImagerWANG Qiyi,XIA Likun,ZENG Bangze,et al.6628 Structure and Control System Design for Two Axes Horizontal Coarse Tracking FrameKANG Yongbin,AI Zhiwei,CHEN Zhenrong,et al.7732 Design and Performance Analysis of Focusing and Image Motion Compensation Mechanism for Low Light Level Multispectral ImagerCAO Yehao,HE Yukun,SHAN Bowen,et al.8837 Minimum Resolvable Contrast Testing of Short-wave IR CameraWANG Yan,JIN Ning,LIU Guoping,et al.8846 Optimal Design and Experimental Verification of a Continuous Zoom CamLUO Min,ZHANG Shengquan,WANG Haiyang,et al.9958 An Infrared Micro Scanner Measurement and Calibration Method Based on Image ProcessingWANG Guiquan,XU Zhiwen,DUAN Yongjin,et al.9964 Design and Development of a Low-Light Detection Imaging System CircuitJIANG Ting,CHEN Weinan,XIA Zhentao,et al.101045 Drive-and-control Scheme for 512×512 MOS Resistor ArrayZHONG Guoli,LIAO Shouyi,YANG Xinjie101052 Optical Design of Multispectral Imaging Spectrometer in Broadband Mid-wave InfraredWANG Haiyang,MING Jingqian,JIA Xingrui,et al.101059 Design of Long-wavelength Infrared Athermalization Lens with Large Relative Aperture for Large-array DetectorsFENG Lijun,LI Xunniu,CHEN Jie,ZHOU Lingling,et al.101066 Optimal Design of Dual-Band Off-Axis Three-Reflection Optical System Based on Free-form SurfaceYANG Xu,LI Yanhong,ZHANG Yuanjian,et al.111195 Calibration Between Sparse LIDAR and Visible/Infrared Imaging SystemsLIU Yu,CAI Yi,RONG Ningtao,et al.121264 Analysis and Example of Operating Range Calculation Method for Point Target in Infrared SystemZHAO Li,YANG Guoqing,LI Zhou,et al.121273 Optical System Design of Suspended Infrared Night Vision Based on Low Light Level Helmet ObservationSUN Aiping,HU Jianchuan,AN Changliang,et al.121278 Ergonomic Analysis of Pilot's Night Vision Goggles in Operational Use and Performance ImprovementYUAN Youzhi,SONG Jianhua,DONG Baogen,et al.121287 Special Column ▲ADVANCED LOW-LIGHT-LEVEL TECHNOLOGY▲ Performance Comparison Between Super Second Generation and Third Generation Image IntensifiersLI Xiaofeng,HE Yanbin,CHANG Le,et al.8764 Progress in Research on Semiconductor PhotocathodesZHANG Yijun8778 Design of Charge-Sensitive Amplifiers for Electron MultipliersZHANG Binting,YAN Baojun,LIU Shulin,et al.8792 Characteristics of Photovoltage Spectrum on Surfaces of Gallium Nitride Photocathode Film MaterialsGAO Jiansen,LIU Jian8798 Research on Brightness Gain Temperature Characteristics of Super Gen. II Low-Light-Level Image Intensifier Using High-voltage DC Power SupplyLI Yaqing,ZHOU Shengtao,WANG Guangfan,et al.8804 Comparison and Evaluation Method and System of Imaging Effect of Field-Low -Light-Level Image IntensifiersHAN Zhenghao,CHU Zhujun,LIU Xuan,et al.8811 Theoretical Model of Funnel Microchannel Plate Fabricated through Dry EtchingQIU Xiangbiao,MIN Xinjie,JIN Ge,et al.8818 Influence of Chamber Gas Composition on the Stability of GaAs PhotocathodeWU Haoyu,GUO Xin,GAN Linyu,et al.8824 Special Column: ▲INFRARED TARGET DETECTION▲ Civil Drone Detection Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: a SurveyYANG Xin,WANG Gang,LI Liang,et al.111119 IHBF-Based Enhanced Local Contrast Measure Method for Infrared Small Target DetectionHE Shun,XIE Yongni,YANG Zhiwei,et al.111132 Anti-Occlusion Infrared Target Tracking Algorithm Based on Fusion of Discriminant and Fine-Grained FeaturesWU Jie,MA Xiaohu111139 Infrared Thermal Imaging Low-Resolution and Small Pedestrian Target Detection MethodHU Yan,HU Haobing,ZHAO Yuhang,et al.111146 Low-Visibility Road Target Detection Algorithm Based on Infrared and Visible Light FusionWU Ze,MIAO Xiaodong,LI Weiwen,et al.111154 Research on 3D Target Recognition Algorithm Based on Infrared FeaturesXIA Yan111161 Vehicle Infrared Target Detection Based on YOLOX and Swin TransformerLOU Zhehang,LUO Suyun111167 Adaptive Detection and Tracking Algorithm for Infrared Target Size VariationYANG Qingyu,WANG Yongrang,LI Hao,111176 ▲IMAGE PROCESSING AND SIMULATION▲ Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on the Decomposition of Robust Principal Component Analysis and Latent Low Rank RepresentationDING Jian,GAO Qingwei,LU Yixiang,11 Hyperspectral Image Hybrid Convolution Classification under Multi-Feature FusionXIONG Yu,SHAN Deming,YAO Yu,19 Infrared Image Non-uniformity Correction Algorithm Based on Full Convolutional NetworkMOU Xingang,CUI Jian,ZHOU Xiao121 Infrared Structured Light for 3D Face ReconstructionTANG Shiyang,ZHU Jiangping,ZHANG Jianwei128 Fusion Reconstruction Method for 3D Temperature Fields on the Human Body SurfaceYANG Yanlong,XU Chao133 Image Deblurring Method Based on a Dual-Discriminator Weighted Generative Adversarial NetworkHUANG Mengtao,GAO Na,LIU Bao141 Activity Recognition Approach Using a Low-Resolution Infrared SensorZHANG Yutong,ZHAI Xuping,WANG Jing147 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Using Attention-Based Generative Adversarial NetworksWU Yuanyuan,WANG Zhishe,WANG Junyao,et al.2170 Application of Partial Differential Segmentation Model with Adaptive Weight in Infrared Image of Substation EquipmentCHEN Da,HE Quancai,DI Erzhen,et al.2179 Sub-pixel Level Image Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Cubic B-spline Wavelet Transform and Franklin MomentLI Jinpeng,XIONG Xianming,ZENG Qilin,et al.3255 Fast Finger Vein Recognition Based on a Dual Dimension Reduction Histogram of Oriented Gradient and Support Vector MachineCHU Hongjia,CHEN Guanghua,WANG Kaixuan3262 Mode Adaptive Infrared and Visible Image FusionQU Haicheng,WANG Yuping,GAO Jiankang,et al.3268 Anti-occlusion Process of Infrared Target Tracking Based on Correlation FiltersZHANG Jin,WANG Yuanyu,LIN Dandan,et al.3277 Deep Learning Method for Action Recognition Based on Low Resolution Infrared SensorsZHANG Yutong,ZHAI Xuping,NIE Hong3286 Multiscale Retinex Infrared Image Enhancement Based on the Fusion of Guided Filtering and Logarithmic Transformation AlgorithmCHEN Wenyi,YANG Chengxun,YANG Hui4397 Multi-scale Image Fusion Based on Adaptive WeightingHU Xuekai,LUO Peng,LI Tiecheng,et al.4404 Low-light Image Enhancement Based on Multi-scale Wavelet U-NetMA Lu4410 Infrared Dim-Small Target Detection Based on Improved Spatio-Temporal FilteringFAN Xiangsuo,FAN Jinlong,WEN Lianghua,et al.5475 Multi-Target Detection of Low-Illuminance Scene Based on Polarization ImageXUN Huasheng,ZHANG Jingjing,LIU Xiao,et al.5483 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Regional SimilarityREN Quanhui,SUN Yijie,HUANG Cansheng5492 Multi-modality Image Fusion Algorithm Based on NSST-DWT -ICSAPCNNWANG Xiaona,PAN Qing,TIAN Nili5497 Improved YOLOv5-based Infrared Dim–small Target Detection under Complex BackgroundDAI Jian,ZHAO Xu,LI Lianpeng,et al.5504 Time-of-Flight Point Cloud Denoising Method Based on Confidence LevelWANG Mingxing,ZHENG Fu,WANG Yanqiu,et al.5513 Local Fusion Algorithm of Infrared and Visible Light Images Based on Double-Branch Convolutional Neural NetworkXU Yunying,YANG Rui,HE Tianfu,et al.5521 Infrared Ship Detection Based on Multi-scale Semantic NetworkCHEN Chuxia,DING Yong5529 Infrared Image Defect Information Extraction Based on Temporal InformationWANG Dongsheng,WANG Hailong,ZHANG Fang,et al.6565 Multi-Feature Adaptive Fusion Method for Infrared and Visible ImagesWANG Junyao,WANG Zhishe,WU Yuanyuan,et al.6571 Infrared Image Mosaic Method for Improving the Best Seam-lineLU Quan,YANG Zhenhua,HUANG Lifeng6580 Implementation of a Histogram Equalization Algorithm Based on Image SegmentationZHU Jiayi,YANG Hongshuang,HE Wei,et al.6587 Blind Pixel Compensation Algorithm Based on Dual-Band Infrared ImagesLI Qian,ZHAO Canbing,LIU Xing,et al.6593 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on a Rolling Guidance FilterZHANG Hui,HAN Xinning,HAN Huili6598 Infrared Small Target Tracking Based on Super-resolution and Online Detection DSSTLI Bin,LI Xiuhong,Askar Hamdulla7659 RBNSM: a New Method for Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection in Complex BackgroundsLIN Suzhen,ZHANG Haisong,LU Xiaofei,et al.7667 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on SGWT and Multi-SaliencyTIAN Lifan,YANG Shen,LIANG Jiaming,et al7676 Visual Fidelity Fusion of Infrared and Visible Image Using Edge-Aware Smoothing-Sharpening FilterLI Wei,LI Zhongmin7686 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Gaussian Fuzzy Logic and Adaptive Dual-Channel Spiking Cortical ModelLI Wen,YE Kuntao,SHU Leilei,et al.7693 Pupil Diopter Detection Approach Based on Improved YOLOv3LI Yueyi,DING Hongchang,ZHANG Lei,et al.7702 PCNN Infrared Fault Region Detection Along Transmission Lines Based on the MST FrameworkGE Huangxu,ZHENG Lei,JIANG Hong,et al.7709 Infrared and Low-level Visible Light Images Fusion Based on Perception Unified JIANG Mai,SHA Guijun,LI Ning7716 Research on Spatial Domain Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Energy SegmentationWANG Xinsai,FENG Xiao’er,LI Mingming7726 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Latent Low-rank RepresentationSUN Bin,ZHUGE Wuwei,GAO Yunxiang,et al.8853 Infrared Image Segmentation Method Based on Fuzzy Clustering with Similarity ThresholdingGUO Feng,ZHENG Lei,GE Huangxu,et al.8863 Shape Adaptation Low Rank Representation for Thermal Fault Diagnosis of Power EquipmentsHUANG Zhihong,HONG Feng,HUANG Wei8870 Infrared Image Dehazing Based on Improved Dark Channel PriorWANG Haoyu,HE Mingshu8875 Object Detection Algorithm Based on Infrared and Visible Light ImagesKUANG Chuwen,HE Wang9912 Panchromatic and Multispectral Images Fusion Method Based on Detail Information ExtractionWANG Ou,LUO Xiaobo9920 Method for Generating Infrared Image from Visible Image of Water Surface TargetsXU Yixin,HU Qingping,XIONG Zhang,et al.9929 Infrared and Visible Image Registration for Power Equipments Based on Deep LearningFU Tian,DENG Changzheng,HAN Xinyue,et al.9936 Bi-Histogram Equalization Algorithm for Infrared Image EnhancementYAN Zhe,JIANG Li,YANG Fan,et al.9944 Infrared Moving-point Target Semi-Automatic Labeling Algorithm Based on Target Enhancement and Visual TrackingHE Min,HUI Bingwei,YI Mengni,et al.101073 Infrared Image Enhancement Method Based on Multiscale Weighted Guided FilteringHU Jiahui,ZHAN Weida,GUI Tingting,et al.101082 Nighttime Image Dehazing Algorithm Based on Improved Transmittance Distribution EstimationXUE Nan,YAN Limin101089 Saliency-based Multiband Image Synchronization Fusion MethodYU Dong,LIN Suzhen,LU Xiaofei,et al.101095 Inner-Canthus Localization in Infrared Thermal Images in Outdoor EnvironmentsSUN Lei,CHEN Shuyue,QI Yamin101103 Panoramic Video Image Stabilization Algorithm Based on Harris Image StitchingWANG Zhenjia,WU Chunlin,KE Liming,et al.111203 Double-Branch DenseNet-Transformer Hyperspectral Image ClassificationLI Xinwei,YANG Tian111210 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Transform Domain VGGNet19LI Yongping,YANG Yanchun,DANG Jianwu,et al.121293 High-precision Template Matching Tracking Algorithm for Optoelectronic Tracking SystemWU Hao,ZHANG Yong,LI Xin,et al.121301 Infrared Image Enhancement Based on Adaptive Bilateral Filtering and Directional GradientNIE Fengying,HOU Lixia,WAN Liyong121309 Research on Crowd Abnormal Behavior Detection Based on Improved SSDKANG Jie,TIAN Ye,YANG Gang121316 An Infrared Image Detail Enhancement Algorithm Based on Parameter Adaptive Guided FilteringOUYANG Huiming,XIA Likun,LI Zemin,et al.121324 ▲IR APPLICATIONS▲ Debonding Defect Recognition of Building Decoration Layers by UAV ThermographyPENG Xiong,ZHONG Xingu,ZHAO Chao,et al.2189 Analysis of SF6 Leakage Detection Using Infrared ImagingJI Yiping,DENG Xianqin,XU Peng,et al.2198 Non-contact Vital Signs Measurement by Thermal Imaging TechnologyLI Mu,WU Tong,TIAN Zhejia4428 Intelligent Patrol Inspection of Photovoltaic Power Station Based on UAVsWANG Hao,YAN Hao,YE Hairui,et al.5537 Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Chemometrics to Test Ink Type of Straight LIU Xinlei,HAN Danyan,XIAO Qiang,et al.8882 Application of 3D Fusion of Infrared Imaging and Tilt Photography in Building DetectionSUN Baoyan,MO Chunhua,XUE Wei,et al.9991 Infrared Image Defect Detection Based on the Algorithm of Intuitionistic Fuzzy C-Means ClusteringWANG Luxiang,ZHANG Zhijie,WANG Quan,et al.111220 Multi-scale Guided Filter and Decision Fusion for Thermal Fault Diagnosis of Power EquipmentLIANG Jian,HUANG Zhihong,ZHANG Keren121344 Deep Residual UNet Network-based Infrared Image Segmentation Method for Electrical EquipmentLIU He,ZHAO Tiancheng,LIU Junbo,et al.121351 Research on Calculation of Defect Area of Building Exterior Windows Based on Infrared Image Processing TechnologyZHANG Lingling,XU Ao,ZHANG Jiran,et al.121358 ▲GUIDANCE & COUNTERMEASURE▲ Strategy of Barrel Roll and Decoy Deployment Against Infrared Air-to-Air MissileZHANG Nan,CHEN Changsheng,SUN Jingguo,et al.3236 Temperature Field of a Falling Film with Constant Heat Flux Boundary Conditions and Its Influence on the Infrared Detection RangeLI Dongzhen,DU Yongcheng,PENG Youshun,et al.6604 Infrared Seeker Refrigeration Gas Supply Test SystemREN Chunjie,FEI Fan,BIN Ling,6609 ▲LOW-LIGHT-LEVEL▲ Linear Dynamic Range of Low Resistance Microchannel Plate in DC ModeYAO Wenjing,LIU Shulin,YAN Baojun,et al.3310 Analysis of Resolution Change of the Super Gen.Ⅱ Image Intensifier with Input Illumination VariationLI Xiaofeng,CHANG Le,LIU Beihong,et al.4377 Influence of Brightness Gain on the Object-Background Contrast of an Image IntensifierSU Yue,BAI Xiaofeng,DANG Xiaogang,et al.4383 Reconnaissance Capability of Low-Light Level Equipment Based on Imaging ContrastJING Weiguo,WANG Hongpei,LUAN Guangqi,et al.4389 Local Bright-light Protection for Low-Light-Level Image Intensifier Based on Auto-gating Power SupplyYAN Bo,NI Xiaobing,ZHI Qiang,et al.9951 ▲MEASUREMENTS▲ Aspheric Surface Measurement Based on Infrared Laser InterferometerLI Yansheng,TANG Yingjuan,LI Rujie,et al.111243 ▲REFRIGERATION▲ Research on Positive Semi-Definite Vibration Damping System of Single-Piston Linear Stirling CryocoolerKONG Derui,XIA Ming,TANG Tianmin,et al.196 Application of Metal C Ring in Stirling CryocoolerSU Yongqiang7757 ▲NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING▲ Application of Infrared Thermography for Characterizing Phase Change Process of Porous Media at Pore ScaleWANG Shu,LENG Hang,CHEN Yanling,et al.3294 Thickness Evaluation of Weather Resistant Coatings Based on Lock-in ThermographyLI Bo,CHEN Junwei,LIU Zhuoyi,et al.3303 Nondestructive Crack Testing via Infrared Thermal Imaging Using Halogen Lamp ExcitationJIN Meixiu,ZHU Shihu,WANG Tong,et al.4421 Quantitative Identification and Comparative Study of Defects Based on Phase and Surface TemperaturesCHEN Lin,LI Minqian,GAO Feng,et al.6635 Thermal Imaging Technology for Metal Structure Defects of Lifting MachineryXIE Wenxin,MA Wei,DU Xuexue,et al.7741 Leakage Source Detection Based on Thermal ImagingYANG Yu,HE Chaoguang,TU Yuan,et al.7750 Detection Method of Partial Discharge Defects in Cable Terminals Based on Ultrasonic Infrared ThermographyDENG Kun,WEN Qiliang,ZHANG Yuanyuan9972 Thermal Image Data Processing Technology of Pseudo Soldering Based on Trend AnalyzingXU Lixia,LIU Lixia,YANG Yaodong,et al.9979 Infrared Detection of Near Surface Defects of Aeroengine Blade Based on Array Hot Air ExcitationWANG Hao,WU Yize,WANG Tao101112 Study on Ultrasonic Guided Wave Propagation Characteristics and Damage Imaging for Composite Structures Under Variable Temperature FieldWANG Changlin,REN Li,ZHONG Yongteng,et al.121338 ▲TERAHERTZ TECHNOLOGY▲ Broadband Terahertz Asymmetric Primary and Secondary Waveguide Directional Coupler DesignDONG Lanxiao,NAN Xueli,LIU Haoyang,et al.9986

Subject MatterAuthorNo.Page ▲SURVEY & REVIEW▲ Research Progress of Quantum Dots Synthesis and Their Photoelectric Functional FilmsZHONG Hefu,TANG Libin,YU Lijing,et al.2103 Research Progress on Stability of PbS Colloidal Quantum DotsZHAO Yiqun,WU Zhenfen,YANG Xiaojie,3205 Typical Individual Combat Scenarios and Night Vision GogglesCAI Yi4315 Review of Research and Application of Terahertz Imaging TechnologyZHOU Qiangguo,HUANG Zhiming4328 Research Progress of Black Silicon Photoelectric Detection Materials and DevicesWANG Bo,TANG Libin,ZHANG Yuping,et al.5437 Review on the Fabrication and Optical Performance of ZnS Bulk MaterialsWU Shaohua,ZHAO Jingsong,ZHAO Yuejin,et al.5453 Remote Raman Spectroscopy in Natural EnvironmentsGUO Yixin,JIN Weiqi,HE Yuqing,et al.6543 Review of Infrared and Visible Image RegistrationLI Yunhong,LIU Yudong,SU Xueping,et al.7641 Research Progress on Infrared Detection Materials and Devices of HgCdTe Multilayer HeterojunctionCHEN Zhengchao,TANG Libin,HAO Qun,et al.9889 Research Progress of Mid-/Mid-Wavelength Dual-color Antimonide-based Infrared DetectorZHANG Hongfei,ZHU Xubo,LI Mo,et al.9904 Infrared Detector Butted Technology for SpaceLYU Weidong,DENG Xuguang,WANG Qianwei,et al10999 Research Progress of InAsSb Infrared DetectorsCHEN Dongqiong,YANG Wenyun,DENG Gongrong,et al.101009 Progress on Hyperspectral Camouflage Materials and Techniques for Spectral Characteristic Simulation of Green VegetationZU Mei,YAN Feng,GAN Yuanfeng,et al.101018 Development Status and Application of Space Infrared Camera Optical TechnologyPAN Chaomeng,KANG Lizhu,LUO Min,et al.111186 Choice of European Super Second Generation Image Intensifier Technology and its Further DevelopmentLI Xiaofeng,HE Yanbin,XU Chuanping,et al.121249 ▲MATERIALS & DEVICES▲ Preparation of +4-Valent Vanadium Oxide Films via the Co-Sputtering of Mg and V2O5FU Xuecheng,WU Liying,QUAN Xueling,et al.179 Surface Quality of InSb Wafer Using Different Polishing MethodsLI Dexiang,GONG Xiaoxia,ZHANG Lixia,et al.185 Reliability Research for 640×512 Miniaturized IR Detector Dewar AssemblyXIONG Xiong,DUAN Yu,HU Mingdeng,et al.189 Characterization and Analysis of Interface Characteristics of InAs/GaSb Type-II Superlattice MaterialsREN Yang,QIN Gang,LI Junbin,et al.2115 Comparative Study on Readout Circuit for Graphene and Typical Photo- conductors PhotodetectorsHAN Qin,GAO Kaicong,REN Siwei,et al.2123 As Ion Implantation Technology for LWIR HgCdTe Infrared DetectorXIONG Bojun,LI Lihua,YANG Chaowei,et al.2129 Design, Preparation and Characterization of Infrared Low-Emissivity FilmHAN Jianlong,QIU Guihua,ZHANG Ruirong,et al.3249 Measurement and Suppression Method for Excess Noise in Avalanche PhotodiodesLI Zaibo,LI Yunxue,MA Xu,et al.4343 Effect of Annealing on C­V Characteristics of InSb Metal -Insulator- Semiconductor DevicesZHOU Weijia,GONG Xiaoxia,CHEN Dongqiong,et al.4351 Position-Dependent Conductivity Transition by Intrinsic Defects in Cd1-xZnxTe CrystalZHAO Wen,KONG Jincheng,JIANG Jun,et al.6560 Improvement of Color Purity of Organic Monochromatic Green Top-emitting Micro-display Devices by Using Optical MicrocavityQIN Guohui,YU Xiaohui,QIAN Fuli,7652 Research Progress of Dislocation Density Reduction in MBE HgCdTe on Alternative SubstratesYANG Jin,LI Yanhui,YANG Chunzhang,8828 ICP Dry Etching of Type II InAs/GaSb Superlattice Long-wavelength Focal Plane ArraysWANG Haipeng,MU Yingchun,PENG Qiusi,et al.101027 Effect of Material Morphology on the Performance of HgCdTe Infrared Focal Plane DevicesCHEN Shuzhen,QI Jiaojiao,WANG Dan,et al. 101033 Design and Fabrication of 940 nm Filter and Research on Its Low Angle EffectTANG Jiajian,SHEN Longhai,ZHONG Weiping,et al.101041 Study on Corrosion Behavior of Aspergillus niger on Ge Antireflection CoatingGE Fan,GUO Qian,XIAO Jianjun,et al.111228 High-Performance Near-Infrared Photodetector Based on a Graphene/Silicon Microholes Array HeterojunctionHE Feng,XU Bo,LAN Zhengli,et al.111236 Study on Dual-Fluid Spray Cleaning Technique for Single-wafer Particle RemovalLIU Baihong,YANG Weiping,LIANG Xiang,et al.121332 ▲SYSTEMS & DESIGNS▲ Design of a Three-Axis Turntable Servo Control Using Wirerope TransmissionWANG Kai,KONG Dejie,SONG Yueming,154 Topology Optimization Design and Analysis of an Integrated Aluminum Alloy MirrorWANG Shang,ZHANG Xingxiang,SHA Wei,161 Research on High-Speed Data Transmission Model of Large-Format High-Frame-Rate Readout Integrated CircuitYE Lianhua,LIU Xu,LI Yunduo,et al.166 Independent Design and Temperature Control Performance Experiment of the CdZnTe Crystal Growth FurnaceLUO Yanan,CHEN Yixin,GUO Guanzhu et al.173 Calculation of Temperature and Radiation Characteristics of Midcourse Ballistic MissilesLI Xiang,LI Jindong,WANG Yuying,et al.2134 Design of Double Telecentric Lens Using Machine Vision SystemCAO Yiqing2140 Structural Improvement Design of an Infrared Thermal ImagerGAO Youtao2145 Calculation of Infrared Scattering Transmittance of AerosolWU Huiyang,WANG Zeyang,HUANG Xinjun,et al.2151 Design and Simulation of Thermopile Laser Power MeterLEI Cheng,WU Xuezhan,LIANG Ting,et al.2157 Control of Focusing System of Stepper Motor Based on Dynamic ProgrammingKUANG Xianyan,ZHOU Yalong,WU Yugang2163 Development of a Portable Field MRTD TesterWU Lipeng,GUO Yu,WANG Xuexin,et al.3212 Oil Fire Radiation Calculation Based on a Statistical Narrow-Band ModelPENG Wudi,LIU Lixi,CHEN Zhili,et al.3217 Equivalent Modeling of PCB for Dynamic Properties Based on The Modal TestTANG Hexin,ZHANG Wei,GUAN Zhaoyang,et al.3225 Research on Photon Counting Algorithm Based on Solar Blind Ultraviolet Imaging DetectorYANG Feng,RUAN Ying,LYU Yang,et al.3231 Target Confirmation Method Based on Line of Sight Vector SequenceXUE Yonghong,WANG Tiebing,QIAO Kai,et al.4357 Design and Analysis of All Aluminum Alloy Optical Mechanical Structure of Space CamerasWANG Shang,ZHANG Xingxiang,ZHU Junqing4364 False Alarm Rate Reduction in Infrared Search and Track SystemsSONG Zhihang,ZHANG Jin,ZHU Liang,et al.4371 A Low Illumination Image Acquisition and Processing System Based on FPGALIU Lei,QIAN Yunsheng5462 Design of Modulation Transfer Function Test System for Ultraviolet Image IntensifiersSU Tianning,LIU Fengge,WANG Qiang,et al.5469 Integrated Opto-mechanical-thermal Analysis and Optimization Design of a Low-Orbit Remote Sensing CameraLIU Pengpeng,JIN Lifeng,ZHAO Hui,et al.6614 Static Centroid Balancing for Missile Borne Infrared CamerasZHANG Shengquan,ZHAO Jinsong,HE Hongxing,et al.6622 Research and Improvement on Reliability Growth of a Type of Infrared Thermal ImagerWANG Qiyi,XIA Likun,ZENG Bangze,et al.6628 Structure and Control System Design for Two Axes Horizontal Coarse Tracking FrameKANG Yongbin,AI Zhiwei,CHEN Zhenrong,et al.7732 Design and Performance Analysis of Focusing and Image Motion Compensation Mechanism for Low Light Level Multispectral ImagerCAO Yehao,HE Yukun,SHAN Bowen,et al.8837 Minimum Resolvable Contrast Testing of Short-wave IR CameraWANG Yan,JIN Ning,LIU Guoping,et al.8846 Optimal Design and Experimental Verification of a Continuous Zoom CamLUO Min,ZHANG Shengquan,WANG Haiyang,et al.9958 An Infrared Micro Scanner Measurement and Calibration Method Based on Image ProcessingWANG Guiquan,XU Zhiwen,DUAN Yongjin,et al.9964 Design and Development of a Low-Light Detection Imaging System CircuitJIANG Ting,CHEN Weinan,XIA Zhentao,et al.101045 Drive-and-control Scheme for 512×512 MOS Resistor ArrayZHONG Guoli,LIAO Shouyi,YANG Xinjie101052 Optical Design of Multispectral Imaging Spectrometer in Broadband Mid-wave InfraredWANG Haiyang,MING Jingqian,JIA Xingrui,et al.101059 Design of Long-wavelength Infrared Athermalization Lens with Large Relative Aperture for Large-array DetectorsFENG Lijun,LI Xunniu,CHEN Jie,ZHOU Lingling,et al.101066 Optimal Design of Dual-Band Off-Axis Three-Reflection Optical System Based on Free-form SurfaceYANG Xu,LI Yanhong,ZHANG Yuanjian,et al.111195 Calibration Between Sparse LIDAR and Visible/Infrared Imaging SystemsLIU Yu,CAI Yi,RONG Ningtao,et al.121264 Analysis and Example of Operating Range Calculation Method for Point Target in Infrared SystemZHAO Li,YANG Guoqing,LI Zhou,et al.121273 Optical System Design of Suspended Infrared Night Vision Based on Low Light Level Helmet ObservationSUN Aiping,HU Jianchuan,AN Changliang,et al.121278 Ergonomic Analysis of Pilot's Night Vision Goggles in Operational Use and Performance ImprovementYUAN Youzhi,SONG Jianhua,DONG Baogen,et al.121287 Special Column ▲ADVANCED LOW-LIGHT-LEVEL TECHNOLOGY▲ Performance Comparison Between Super Second Generation and Third Generation Image IntensifiersLI Xiaofeng,HE Yanbin,CHANG Le,et al.8764 Progress in Research on Semiconductor PhotocathodesZHANG Yijun8778 Design of Charge-Sensitive Amplifiers for Electron MultipliersZHANG Binting,YAN Baojun,LIU Shulin,et al.8792 Characteristics of Photovoltage Spectrum on Surfaces of Gallium Nitride Photocathode Film MaterialsGAO Jiansen,LIU Jian8798 Research on Brightness Gain Temperature Characteristics of Super Gen. II Low-Light-Level Image Intensifier Using High-voltage DC Power SupplyLI Yaqing,ZHOU Shengtao,WANG Guangfan,et al.8804 Comparison and Evaluation Method and System of Imaging Effect of Field-Low -Light-Level Image IntensifiersHAN Zhenghao,CHU Zhujun,LIU Xuan,et al.8811 Theoretical Model of Funnel Microchannel Plate Fabricated through Dry EtchingQIU Xiangbiao,MIN Xinjie,JIN Ge,et al.8818 Influence of Chamber Gas Composition on the Stability of GaAs PhotocathodeWU Haoyu,GUO Xin,GAN Linyu,et al.8824 Special Column: ▲INFRARED TARGET DETECTION▲ Civil Drone Detection Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: a SurveyYANG Xin,WANG Gang,LI Liang,et al.111119 IHBF-Based Enhanced Local Contrast Measure Method for Infrared Small Target DetectionHE Shun,XIE Yongni,YANG Zhiwei,et al.111132 Anti-Occlusion Infrared Target Tracking Algorithm Based on Fusion of Discriminant and Fine-Grained FeaturesWU Jie,MA Xiaohu111139 Infrared Thermal Imaging Low-Resolution and Small Pedestrian Target Detection MethodHU Yan,HU Haobing,ZHAO Yuhang,et al.111146 Low-Visibility Road Target Detection Algorithm Based on Infrared and Visible Light FusionWU Ze,MIAO Xiaodong,LI Weiwen,et al.111154 Research on 3D Target Recognition Algorithm Based on Infrared FeaturesXIA Yan111161 Vehicle Infrared Target Detection Based on YOLOX and Swin TransformerLOU Zhehang,LUO Suyun111167 Adaptive Detection and Tracking Algorithm for Infrared Target Size VariationYANG Qingyu,WANG Yongrang,LI Hao,111176 ▲IMAGE PROCESSING AND SIMULATION▲ Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on the Decomposition of Robust Principal Component Analysis and Latent Low Rank RepresentationDING Jian,GAO Qingwei,LU Yixiang,11 Hyperspectral Image Hybrid Convolution Classification under Multi-Feature FusionXIONG Yu,SHAN Deming,YAO Yu,19 Infrared Image Non-uniformity Correction Algorithm Based on Full Convolutional NetworkMOU Xingang,CUI Jian,ZHOU Xiao121 Infrared Structured Light for 3D Face ReconstructionTANG Shiyang,ZHU Jiangping,ZHANG Jianwei128 Fusion Reconstruction Method for 3D Temperature Fields on the Human Body SurfaceYANG Yanlong,XU Chao133 Image Deblurring Method Based on a Dual-Discriminator Weighted Generative Adversarial NetworkHUANG Mengtao,GAO Na,LIU Bao141 Activity Recognition Approach Using a Low-Resolution Infrared SensorZHANG Yutong,ZHAI Xuping,WANG Jing147 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Using Attention-Based Generative Adversarial NetworksWU Yuanyuan,WANG Zhishe,WANG Junyao,et al.2170 Application of Partial Differential Segmentation Model with Adaptive Weight in Infrared Image of Substation EquipmentCHEN Da,HE Quancai,DI Erzhen,et al.2179 Sub-pixel Level Image Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Cubic B-spline Wavelet Transform and Franklin MomentLI Jinpeng,XIONG Xianming,ZENG Qilin,et al.3255 Fast Finger Vein Recognition Based on a Dual Dimension Reduction Histogram of Oriented Gradient and Support Vector MachineCHU Hongjia,CHEN Guanghua,WANG Kaixuan3262 Mode Adaptive Infrared and Visible Image FusionQU Haicheng,WANG Yuping,GAO Jiankang,et al.3268 Anti-occlusion Process of Infrared Target Tracking Based on Correlation FiltersZHANG Jin,WANG Yuanyu,LIN Dandan,et al.3277 Deep Learning Method for Action Recognition Based on Low Resolution Infrared SensorsZHANG Yutong,ZHAI Xuping,NIE Hong3286 Multiscale Retinex Infrared Image Enhancement Based on the Fusion of Guided Filtering and Logarithmic Transformation AlgorithmCHEN Wenyi,YANG Chengxun,YANG Hui4397 Multi-scale Image Fusion Based on Adaptive WeightingHU Xuekai,LUO Peng,LI Tiecheng,et al.4404 Low-light Image Enhancement Based on Multi-scale Wavelet U-NetMA Lu4410 Infrared Dim-Small Target Detection Based on Improved Spatio-Temporal FilteringFAN Xiangsuo,FAN Jinlong,WEN Lianghua,et al.5475 Multi-Target Detection of Low-Illuminance Scene Based on Polarization ImageXUN Huasheng,ZHANG Jingjing,LIU Xiao,et al.5483 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Regional SimilarityREN Quanhui,SUN Yijie,HUANG Cansheng5492 Multi-modality Image Fusion Algorithm Based on NSST-DWT -ICSAPCNNWANG Xiaona,PAN Qing,TIAN Nili5497 Improved YOLOv5-based Infrared Dim–small Target Detection under Complex BackgroundDAI Jian,ZHAO Xu,LI Lianpeng,et al.5504 Time-of-Flight Point Cloud Denoising Method Based on Confidence LevelWANG Mingxing,ZHENG Fu,WANG Yanqiu,et al.5513 Local Fusion Algorithm of Infrared and Visible Light Images Based on Double-Branch Convolutional Neural NetworkXU Yunying,YANG Rui,HE Tianfu,et al.5521 Infrared Ship Detection Based on Multi-scale Semantic NetworkCHEN Chuxia,DING Yong5529 Infrared Image Defect Information Extraction Based on Temporal InformationWANG Dongsheng,WANG Hailong,ZHANG Fang,et al.6565 Multi-Feature Adaptive Fusion Method for Infrared and Visible ImagesWANG Junyao,WANG Zhishe,WU Yuanyuan,et al.6571 Infrared Image Mosaic Method for Improving the Best Seam-lineLU Quan,YANG Zhenhua,HUANG Lifeng6580 Implementation of a Histogram Equalization Algorithm Based on Image SegmentationZHU Jiayi,YANG Hongshuang,HE Wei,et al.6587 Blind Pixel Compensation Algorithm Based on Dual-Band Infrared ImagesLI Qian,ZHAO Canbing,LIU Xing,et al.6593 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on a Rolling Guidance FilterZHANG Hui,HAN Xinning,HAN Huili6598 Infrared Small Target Tracking Based on Super-resolution and Online Detection DSSTLI Bin,LI Xiuhong,Askar Hamdulla7659 RBNSM: a New Method for Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection in Complex BackgroundsLIN Suzhen,ZHANG Haisong,LU Xiaofei,et al.7667 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on SGWT and Multi-SaliencyTIAN Lifan,YANG Shen,LIANG Jiaming,et al7676 Visual Fidelity Fusion of Infrared and Visible Image Using Edge-Aware Smoothing-Sharpening FilterLI Wei,LI Zhongmin7686 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Gaussian Fuzzy Logic and Adaptive Dual-Channel Spiking Cortical ModelLI Wen,YE Kuntao,SHU Leilei,et al.7693 Pupil Diopter Detection Approach Based on Improved YOLOv3LI Yueyi,DING Hongchang,ZHANG Lei,et al.7702 PCNN Infrared Fault Region Detection Along Transmission Lines Based on the MST FrameworkGE Huangxu,ZHENG Lei,JIANG Hong,et al.7709 Infrared and Low-level Visible Light Images Fusion Based on Perception Unified JIANG Mai,SHA Guijun,LI Ning7716 Research on Spatial Domain Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Energy SegmentationWANG Xinsai,FENG Xiao’er,LI Mingming7726 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Latent Low-rank RepresentationSUN Bin,ZHUGE Wuwei,GAO Yunxiang,et al.8853 Infrared Image Segmentation Method Based on Fuzzy Clustering with Similarity ThresholdingGUO Feng,ZHENG Lei,GE Huangxu,et al.8863 Shape Adaptation Low Rank Representation for Thermal Fault Diagnosis of Power EquipmentsHUANG Zhihong,HONG Feng,HUANG Wei8870 Infrared Image Dehazing Based on Improved Dark Channel PriorWANG Haoyu,HE Mingshu8875 Object Detection Algorithm Based on Infrared and Visible Light ImagesKUANG Chuwen,HE Wang9912 Panchromatic and Multispectral Images Fusion Method Based on Detail Information ExtractionWANG Ou,LUO Xiaobo9920 Method for Generating Infrared Image from Visible Image of Water Surface TargetsXU Yixin,HU Qingping,XIONG Zhang,et al.9929 Infrared and Visible Image Registration for Power Equipments Based on Deep LearningFU Tian,DENG Changzheng,HAN Xinyue,et al.9936 Bi-Histogram Equalization Algorithm for Infrared Image EnhancementYAN Zhe,JIANG Li,YANG Fan,et al.9944 Infrared Moving-point Target Semi-Automatic Labeling Algorithm Based on Target Enhancement and Visual TrackingHE Min,HUI Bingwei,YI Mengni,et al.101073 Infrared Image Enhancement Method Based on Multiscale Weighted Guided FilteringHU Jiahui,ZHAN Weida,GUI Tingting,et al.101082 Nighttime Image Dehazing Algorithm Based on Improved Transmittance Distribution EstimationXUE Nan,YAN Limin101089 Saliency-based Multiband Image Synchronization Fusion MethodYU Dong,LIN Suzhen,LU Xiaofei,et al.101095 Inner-Canthus Localization in Infrared Thermal Images in Outdoor EnvironmentsSUN Lei,CHEN Shuyue,QI Yamin101103 Panoramic Video Image Stabilization Algorithm Based on Harris Image StitchingWANG Zhenjia,WU Chunlin,KE Liming,et al.111203 Double-Branch DenseNet-Transformer Hyperspectral Image ClassificationLI Xinwei,YANG Tian111210 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Transform Domain VGGNet19LI Yongping,YANG Yanchun,DANG Jianwu,et al.121293 High-precision Template Matching Tracking Algorithm for Optoelectronic Tracking SystemWU Hao,ZHANG Yong,LI Xin,et al.121301 Infrared Image Enhancement Based on Adaptive Bilateral Filtering and Directional GradientNIE Fengying,HOU Lixia,WAN Liyong121309 Research on Crowd Abnormal Behavior Detection Based on Improved SSDKANG Jie,TIAN Ye,YANG Gang121316 An Infrared Image Detail Enhancement Algorithm Based on Parameter Adaptive Guided FilteringOUYANG Huiming,XIA Likun,LI Zemin,et al.121324 ▲IR APPLICATIONS▲ Debonding Defect Recognition of Building Decoration Layers by UAV ThermographyPENG Xiong,ZHONG Xingu,ZHAO Chao,et al.2189 Analysis of SF6 Leakage Detection Using Infrared ImagingJI Yiping,DENG Xianqin,XU Peng,et al.2198 Non-contact Vital Signs Measurement by Thermal Imaging TechnologyLI Mu,WU Tong,TIAN Zhejia4428 Intelligent Patrol Inspection of Photovoltaic Power Station Based on UAVsWANG Hao,YAN Hao,YE Hairui,et al.5537 Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Chemometrics to Test Ink Type of Straight LIU Xinlei,HAN Danyan,XIAO Qiang,et al.8882 Application of 3D Fusion of Infrared Imaging and Tilt Photography in Building DetectionSUN Baoyan,MO Chunhua,XUE Wei,et al.9991 Infrared Image Defect Detection Based on the Algorithm of Intuitionistic Fuzzy C-Means ClusteringWANG Luxiang,ZHANG Zhijie,WANG Quan,et al.111220 Multi-scale Guided Filter and Decision Fusion for Thermal Fault Diagnosis of Power EquipmentLIANG Jian,HUANG Zhihong,ZHANG Keren121344 Deep Residual UNet Network-based Infrared Image Segmentation Method for Electrical EquipmentLIU He,ZHAO Tiancheng,LIU Junbo,et al.121351 Research on Calculation of Defect Area of Building Exterior Windows Based on Infrared Image Processing TechnologyZHANG Lingling,XU Ao,ZHANG Jiran,et al.121358 ▲GUIDANCE & COUNTERMEASURE▲ Strategy of Barrel Roll and Decoy Deployment Against Infrared Air-to-Air MissileZHANG Nan,CHEN Changsheng,SUN Jingguo,et al.3236 Temperature Field of a Falling Film with Constant Heat Flux Boundary Conditions and Its Influence on the Infrared Detection RangeLI Dongzhen,DU Yongcheng,PENG Youshun,et al.6604 Infrared Seeker Refrigeration Gas Supply Test SystemREN Chunjie,FEI Fan,BIN Ling,6609 ▲LOW-LIGHT-LEVEL▲ Linear Dynamic Range of Low Resistance Microchannel Plate in DC ModeYAO Wenjing,LIU Shulin,YAN Baojun,et al.3310 Analysis of Resolution Change of the Super Gen.Ⅱ Image Intensifier with Input Illumination VariationLI Xiaofeng,CHANG Le,LIU Beihong,et al.4377 Influence of Brightness Gain on the Object-Background Contrast of an Image IntensifierSU Yue,BAI Xiaofeng,DANG Xiaogang,et al.4383 Reconnaissance Capability of Low-Light Level Equipment Based on Imaging ContrastJING Weiguo,WANG Hongpei,LUAN Guangqi,et al.4389 Local Bright-light Protection for Low-Light-Level Image Intensifier Based on Auto-gating Power SupplyYAN Bo,NI Xiaobing,ZHI Qiang,et al.9951 ▲MEASUREMENTS▲ Aspheric Surface Measurement Based on Infrared Laser InterferometerLI Yansheng,TANG Yingjuan,LI Rujie,et al.111243 ▲REFRIGERATION▲ Research on Positive Semi-Definite Vibration Damping System of Single-Piston Linear Stirling CryocoolerKONG Derui,XIA Ming,TANG Tianmin,et al.196 Application of Metal C Ring in Stirling CryocoolerSU Yongqiang7757 ▲NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING▲ Application of Infrared Thermography for Characterizing Phase Change Process of Porous Media at Pore ScaleWANG Shu,LENG Hang,CHEN Yanling,et al.3294 Thickness Evaluation of Weather Resistant Coatings Based on Lock-in ThermographyLI Bo,CHEN Junwei,LIU Zhuoyi,et al.3303 Nondestructive Crack Testing via Infrared Thermal Imaging Using Halogen Lamp ExcitationJIN Meixiu,ZHU Shihu,WANG Tong,et al.4421 Quantitative Identification and Comparative Study of Defects Based on Phase and Surface TemperaturesCHEN Lin,LI Minqian,GAO Feng,et al.6635 Thermal Imaging Technology for Metal Structure Defects of Lifting MachineryXIE Wenxin,MA Wei,DU Xuexue,et al.7741 Leakage Source Detection Based on Thermal ImagingYANG Yu,HE Chaoguang,TU Yuan,et al.7750 Detection Method of Partial Discharge Defects in Cable Terminals Based on Ultrasonic Infrared ThermographyDENG Kun,WEN Qiliang,ZHANG Yuanyuan9972 Thermal Image Data Processing Technology of Pseudo Soldering Based on Trend AnalyzingXU Lixia,LIU Lixia,YANG Yaodong,et al.9979 Infrared Detection of Near Surface Defects of Aeroengine Blade Based on Array Hot Air ExcitationWANG Hao,WU Yize,WANG Tao101112 Study on Ultrasonic Guided Wave Propagation Characteristics and Damage Imaging for Composite Structures Under Variable Temperature FieldWANG Changlin,REN Li,ZHONG Yongteng,et al.121338 ▲TERAHERTZ TECHNOLOGY▲ Broadband Terahertz Asymmetric Primary and Secondary Waveguide Directional Coupler DesignDONG Lanxiao,NAN Xueli,LIU Haoyang,et al.9986

Subject MatterAuthorNo.Page ▲SURVEY & REVIEW▲ Research Progress of Quantum Dots Synthesis and Their Photoelectric Functional FilmsZHONG Hefu,TANG Libin,YU Lijing,et al.2103 Research Progress on Stability of PbS Colloidal Quantum DotsZHAO Yiqun,WU Zhenfen,YANG Xiaojie,3205 Typical Individual Combat Scenarios and Night Vision GogglesCAI Yi4315 Review of Research and Application of Terahertz Imaging TechnologyZHOU Qiangguo,HUANG Zhiming4328 Research Progress of Black Silicon Photoelectric Detection Materials and DevicesWANG Bo,TANG Libin,ZHANG Yuping,et al.5437 Review on the Fabrication and Optical Performance of ZnS Bulk MaterialsWU Shaohua,ZHAO Jingsong,ZHAO Yuejin,et al.5453 Remote Raman Spectroscopy in Natural EnvironmentsGUO Yixin,JIN Weiqi,HE Yuqing,et al.6543 Review of Infrared and Visible Image RegistrationLI Yunhong,LIU Yudong,SU Xueping,et al.7641 Research Progress on Infrared Detection Materials and Devices of HgCdTe Multilayer HeterojunctionCHEN Zhengchao,TANG Libin,HAO Qun,et al.9889 Research Progress of Mid-/Mid-Wavelength Dual-color Antimonide-based Infrared DetectorZHANG Hongfei,ZHU Xubo,LI Mo,et al.9904 Infrared Detector Butted Technology for SpaceLYU Weidong,DENG Xuguang,WANG Qianwei,et al10999 Research Progress of InAsSb Infrared DetectorsCHEN Dongqiong,YANG Wenyun,DENG Gongrong,et al.101009 Progress on Hyperspectral Camouflage Materials and Techniques for Spectral Characteristic Simulation of Green VegetationZU Mei,YAN Feng,GAN Yuanfeng,et al.101018 Development Status and Application of Space Infrared Camera Optical TechnologyPAN Chaomeng,KANG Lizhu,LUO Min,et al.111186 Choice of European Super Second Generation Image Intensifier Technology and its Further DevelopmentLI Xiaofeng,HE Yanbin,XU Chuanping,et al.121249 ▲MATERIALS & DEVICES▲ Preparation of +4-Valent Vanadium Oxide Films via the Co-Sputtering of Mg and V2O5FU Xuecheng,WU Liying,QUAN Xueling,et al.179 Surface Quality of InSb Wafer Using Different Polishing MethodsLI Dexiang,GONG Xiaoxia,ZHANG Lixia,et al.185 Reliability Research for 640×512 Miniaturized IR Detector Dewar AssemblyXIONG Xiong,DUAN Yu,HU Mingdeng,et al.189 Characterization and Analysis of Interface Characteristics of InAs/GaSb Type-II Superlattice MaterialsREN Yang,QIN Gang,LI Junbin,et al.2115 Comparative Study on Readout Circuit for Graphene and Typical Photo- conductors PhotodetectorsHAN Qin,GAO Kaicong,REN Siwei,et al.2123 As Ion Implantation Technology for LWIR HgCdTe Infrared DetectorXIONG Bojun,LI Lihua,YANG Chaowei,et al.2129 Design, Preparation and Characterization of Infrared Low-Emissivity FilmHAN Jianlong,QIU Guihua,ZHANG Ruirong,et al.3249 Measurement and Suppression Method for Excess Noise in Avalanche PhotodiodesLI Zaibo,LI Yunxue,MA Xu,et al.4343 Effect of Annealing on C­V Characteristics of InSb Metal -Insulator- Semiconductor DevicesZHOU Weijia,GONG Xiaoxia,CHEN Dongqiong,et al.4351 Position-Dependent Conductivity Transition by Intrinsic Defects in Cd1-xZnxTe CrystalZHAO Wen,KONG Jincheng,JIANG Jun,et al.6560 Improvement of Color Purity of Organic Monochromatic Green Top-emitting Micro-display Devices by Using Optical MicrocavityQIN Guohui,YU Xiaohui,QIAN Fuli,7652 Research Progress of Dislocation Density Reduction in MBE HgCdTe on Alternative SubstratesYANG Jin,LI Yanhui,YANG Chunzhang,8828 ICP Dry Etching of Type II InAs/GaSb Superlattice Long-wavelength Focal Plane ArraysWANG Haipeng,MU Yingchun,PENG Qiusi,et al.101027 Effect of Material Morphology on the Performance of HgCdTe Infrared Focal Plane DevicesCHEN Shuzhen,QI Jiaojiao,WANG Dan,et al. 101033 Design and Fabrication of 940 nm Filter and Research on Its Low Angle EffectTANG Jiajian,SHEN Longhai,ZHONG Weiping,et al.101041 Study on Corrosion Behavior of Aspergillus niger on Ge Antireflection CoatingGE Fan,GUO Qian,XIAO Jianjun,et al.111228 High-Performance Near-Infrared Photodetector Based on a Graphene/Silicon Microholes Array HeterojunctionHE Feng,XU Bo,LAN Zhengli,et al.111236 Study on Dual-Fluid Spray Cleaning Technique for Single-wafer Particle RemovalLIU Baihong,YANG Weiping,LIANG Xiang,et al.121332 ▲SYSTEMS & DESIGNS▲ Design of a Three-Axis Turntable Servo Control Using Wirerope TransmissionWANG Kai,KONG Dejie,SONG Yueming,154 Topology Optimization Design and Analysis of an Integrated Aluminum Alloy MirrorWANG Shang,ZHANG Xingxiang,SHA Wei,161 Research on High-Speed Data Transmission Model of Large-Format High-Frame-Rate Readout Integrated CircuitYE Lianhua,LIU Xu,LI Yunduo,et al.166 Independent Design and Temperature Control Performance Experiment of the CdZnTe Crystal Growth FurnaceLUO Yanan,CHEN Yixin,GUO Guanzhu et al.173 Calculation of Temperature and Radiation Characteristics of Midcourse Ballistic MissilesLI Xiang,LI Jindong,WANG Yuying,et al.2134 Design of Double Telecentric Lens Using Machine Vision SystemCAO Yiqing2140 Structural Improvement Design of an Infrared Thermal ImagerGAO Youtao2145 Calculation of Infrared Scattering Transmittance of AerosolWU Huiyang,WANG Zeyang,HUANG Xinjun,et al.2151 Design and Simulation of Thermopile Laser Power MeterLEI Cheng,WU Xuezhan,LIANG Ting,et al.2157 Control of Focusing System of Stepper Motor Based on Dynamic ProgrammingKUANG Xianyan,ZHOU Yalong,WU Yugang2163 Development of a Portable Field MRTD TesterWU Lipeng,GUO Yu,WANG Xuexin,et al.3212 Oil Fire Radiation Calculation Based on a Statistical Narrow-Band ModelPENG Wudi,LIU Lixi,CHEN Zhili,et al.3217 Equivalent Modeling of PCB for Dynamic Properties Based on The Modal TestTANG Hexin,ZHANG Wei,GUAN Zhaoyang,et al.3225 Research on Photon Counting Algorithm Based on Solar Blind Ultraviolet Imaging DetectorYANG Feng,RUAN Ying,LYU Yang,et al.3231 Target Confirmation Method Based on Line of Sight Vector SequenceXUE Yonghong,WANG Tiebing,QIAO Kai,et al.4357 Design and Analysis of All Aluminum Alloy Optical Mechanical Structure of Space CamerasWANG Shang,ZHANG Xingxiang,ZHU Junqing4364 False Alarm Rate Reduction in Infrared Search and Track SystemsSONG Zhihang,ZHANG Jin,ZHU Liang,et al.4371 A Low Illumination Image Acquisition and Processing System Based on FPGALIU Lei,QIAN Yunsheng5462 Design of Modulation Transfer Function Test System for Ultraviolet Image IntensifiersSU Tianning,LIU Fengge,WANG Qiang,et al.5469 Integrated Opto-mechanical-thermal Analysis and Optimization Design of a Low-Orbit Remote Sensing CameraLIU Pengpeng,JIN Lifeng,ZHAO Hui,et al.6614 Static Centroid Balancing for Missile Borne Infrared CamerasZHANG Shengquan,ZHAO Jinsong,HE Hongxing,et al.6622 Research and Improvement on Reliability Growth of a Type of Infrared Thermal ImagerWANG Qiyi,XIA Likun,ZENG Bangze,et al.6628 Structure and Control System Design for Two Axes Horizontal Coarse Tracking FrameKANG Yongbin,AI Zhiwei,CHEN Zhenrong,et al.7732 Design and Performance Analysis of Focusing and Image Motion Compensation Mechanism for Low Light Level Multispectral ImagerCAO Yehao,HE Yukun,SHAN Bowen,et al.8837 Minimum Resolvable Contrast Testing of Short-wave IR CameraWANG Yan,JIN Ning,LIU Guoping,et al.8846 Optimal Design and Experimental Verification of a Continuous Zoom CamLUO Min,ZHANG Shengquan,WANG Haiyang,et al.9958 An Infrared Micro Scanner Measurement and Calibration Method Based on Image ProcessingWANG Guiquan,XU Zhiwen,DUAN Yongjin,et al.9964 Design and Development of a Low-Light Detection Imaging System CircuitJIANG Ting,CHEN Weinan,XIA Zhentao,et al.101045 Drive-and-control Scheme for 512×512 MOS Resistor ArrayZHONG Guoli,LIAO Shouyi,YANG Xinjie101052 Optical Design of Multispectral Imaging Spectrometer in Broadband Mid-wave InfraredWANG Haiyang,MING Jingqian,JIA Xingrui,et al.101059 Design of Long-wavelength Infrared Athermalization Lens with Large Relative Aperture for Large-array DetectorsFENG Lijun,LI Xunniu,CHEN Jie,ZHOU Lingling,et al.101066 Optimal Design of Dual-Band Off-Axis Three-Reflection Optical System Based on Free-form SurfaceYANG Xu,LI Yanhong,ZHANG Yuanjian,et al.111195 Calibration Between Sparse LIDAR and Visible/Infrared Imaging SystemsLIU Yu,CAI Yi,RONG Ningtao,et al.121264 Analysis and Example of Operating Range Calculation Method for Point Target in Infrared SystemZHAO Li,YANG Guoqing,LI Zhou,et al.121273 Optical System Design of Suspended Infrared Night Vision Based on Low Light Level Helmet ObservationSUN Aiping,HU Jianchuan,AN Changliang,et al.121278 Ergonomic Analysis of Pilot's Night Vision Goggles in Operational Use and Performance ImprovementYUAN Youzhi,SONG Jianhua,DONG Baogen,et al.121287 Special Column ▲ADVANCED LOW-LIGHT-LEVEL TECHNOLOGY▲ Performance Comparison Between Super Second Generation and Third Generation Image IntensifiersLI Xiaofeng,HE Yanbin,CHANG Le,et al.8764 Progress in Research on Semiconductor PhotocathodesZHANG Yijun8778 Design of Charge-Sensitive Amplifiers for Electron MultipliersZHANG Binting,YAN Baojun,LIU Shulin,et al.8792 Characteristics of Photovoltage Spectrum on Surfaces of Gallium Nitride Photocathode Film MaterialsGAO Jiansen,LIU Jian8798 Research on Brightness Gain Temperature Characteristics of Super Gen. II Low-Light-Level Image Intensifier Using High-voltage DC Power SupplyLI Yaqing,ZHOU Shengtao,WANG Guangfan,et al.8804 Comparison and Evaluation Method and System of Imaging Effect of Field-Low -Light-Level Image IntensifiersHAN Zhenghao,CHU Zhujun,LIU Xuan,et al.8811 Theoretical Model of Funnel Microchannel Plate Fabricated through Dry EtchingQIU Xiangbiao,MIN Xinjie,JIN Ge,et al.8818 Influence of Chamber Gas Composition on the Stability of GaAs PhotocathodeWU Haoyu,GUO Xin,GAN Linyu,et al.8824 Special Column: ▲INFRARED TARGET DETECTION▲ Civil Drone Detection Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: a SurveyYANG Xin,WANG Gang,LI Liang,et al.111119 IHBF-Based Enhanced Local Contrast Measure Method for Infrared Small Target DetectionHE Shun,XIE Yongni,YANG Zhiwei,et al.111132 Anti-Occlusion Infrared Target Tracking Algorithm Based on Fusion of Discriminant and Fine-Grained FeaturesWU Jie,MA Xiaohu111139 Infrared Thermal Imaging Low-Resolution and Small Pedestrian Target Detection MethodHU Yan,HU Haobing,ZHAO Yuhang,et al.111146 Low-Visibility Road Target Detection Algorithm Based on Infrared and Visible Light FusionWU Ze,MIAO Xiaodong,LI Weiwen,et al.111154 Research on 3D Target Recognition Algorithm Based on Infrared FeaturesXIA Yan111161 Vehicle Infrared Target Detection Based on YOLOX and Swin TransformerLOU Zhehang,LUO Suyun111167 Adaptive Detection and Tracking Algorithm for Infrared Target Size VariationYANG Qingyu,WANG Yongrang,LI Hao,111176 ▲IMAGE PROCESSING AND SIMULATION▲ Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on the Decomposition of Robust Principal Component Analysis and Latent Low Rank RepresentationDING Jian,GAO Qingwei,LU Yixiang,11 Hyperspectral Image Hybrid Convolution Classification under Multi-Feature FusionXIONG Yu,SHAN Deming,YAO Yu,19 Infrared Image Non-uniformity Correction Algorithm Based on Full Convolutional NetworkMOU Xingang,CUI Jian,ZHOU Xiao121 Infrared Structured Light for 3D Face ReconstructionTANG Shiyang,ZHU Jiangping,ZHANG Jianwei128 Fusion Reconstruction Method for 3D Temperature Fields on the Human Body SurfaceYANG Yanlong,XU Chao133 Image Deblurring Method Based on a Dual-Discriminator Weighted Generative Adversarial NetworkHUANG Mengtao,GAO Na,LIU Bao141 Activity Recognition Approach Using a Low-Resolution Infrared SensorZHANG Yutong,ZHAI Xuping,WANG Jing147 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Using Attention-Based Generative Adversarial NetworksWU Yuanyuan,WANG Zhishe,WANG Junyao,et al.2170 Application of Partial Differential Segmentation Model with Adaptive Weight in Infrared Image of Substation EquipmentCHEN Da,HE Quancai,DI Erzhen,et al.2179 Sub-pixel Level Image Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Cubic B-spline Wavelet Transform and Franklin MomentLI Jinpeng,XIONG Xianming,ZENG Qilin,et al.3255 Fast Finger Vein Recognition Based on a Dual Dimension Reduction Histogram of Oriented Gradient and Support Vector MachineCHU Hongjia,CHEN Guanghua,WANG Kaixuan3262 Mode Adaptive Infrared and Visible Image FusionQU Haicheng,WANG Yuping,GAO Jiankang,et al.3268 Anti-occlusion Process of Infrared Target Tracking Based on Correlation FiltersZHANG Jin,WANG Yuanyu,LIN Dandan,et al.3277 Deep Learning Method for Action Recognition Based on Low Resolution Infrared SensorsZHANG Yutong,ZHAI Xuping,NIE Hong3286 Multiscale Retinex Infrared Image Enhancement Based on the Fusion of Guided Filtering and Logarithmic Transformation AlgorithmCHEN Wenyi,YANG Chengxun,YANG Hui4397 Multi-scale Image Fusion Based on Adaptive WeightingHU Xuekai,LUO Peng,LI Tiecheng,et al.4404 Low-light Image Enhancement Based on Multi-scale Wavelet U-NetMA Lu4410 Infrared Dim-Small Target Detection Based on Improved Spatio-Temporal FilteringFAN Xiangsuo,FAN Jinlong,WEN Lianghua,et al.5475 Multi-Target Detection of Low-Illuminance Scene Based on Polarization ImageXUN Huasheng,ZHANG Jingjing,LIU Xiao,et al.5483 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Regional SimilarityREN Quanhui,SUN Yijie,HUANG Cansheng5492 Multi-modality Image Fusion Algorithm Based on NSST-DWT -ICSAPCNNWANG Xiaona,PAN Qing,TIAN Nili5497 Improved YOLOv5-based Infrared Dim–small Target Detection under Complex BackgroundDAI Jian,ZHAO Xu,LI Lianpeng,et al.5504 Time-of-Flight Point Cloud Denoising Method Based on Confidence LevelWANG Mingxing,ZHENG Fu,WANG Yanqiu,et al.5513 Local Fusion Algorithm of Infrared and Visible Light Images Based on Double-Branch Convolutional Neural NetworkXU Yunying,YANG Rui,HE Tianfu,et al.5521 Infrared Ship Detection Based on Multi-scale Semantic NetworkCHEN Chuxia,DING Yong5529 Infrared Image Defect Information Extraction Based on Temporal InformationWANG Dongsheng,WANG Hailong,ZHANG Fang,et al.6565 Multi-Feature Adaptive Fusion Method for Infrared and Visible ImagesWANG Junyao,WANG Zhishe,WU Yuanyuan,et al.6571 Infrared Image Mosaic Method for Improving the Best Seam-lineLU Quan,YANG Zhenhua,HUANG Lifeng6580 Implementation of a Histogram Equalization Algorithm Based on Image SegmentationZHU Jiayi,YANG Hongshuang,HE Wei,et al.6587 Blind Pixel Compensation Algorithm Based on Dual-Band Infrared ImagesLI Qian,ZHAO Canbing,LIU Xing,et al.6593 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on a Rolling Guidance FilterZHANG Hui,HAN Xinning,HAN Huili6598 Infrared Small Target Tracking Based on Super-resolution and Online Detection DSSTLI Bin,LI Xiuhong,Askar Hamdulla7659 RBNSM: a New Method for Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection in Complex BackgroundsLIN Suzhen,ZHANG Haisong,LU Xiaofei,et al.7667 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on SGWT and Multi-SaliencyTIAN Lifan,YANG Shen,LIANG Jiaming,et al7676 Visual Fidelity Fusion of Infrared and Visible Image Using Edge-Aware Smoothing-Sharpening FilterLI Wei,LI Zhongmin7686 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Gaussian Fuzzy Logic and Adaptive Dual-Channel Spiking Cortical ModelLI Wen,YE Kuntao,SHU Leilei,et al.7693 Pupil Diopter Detection Approach Based on Improved YOLOv3LI Yueyi,DING Hongchang,ZHANG Lei,et al.7702 PCNN Infrared Fault Region Detection Along Transmission Lines Based on the MST FrameworkGE Huangxu,ZHENG Lei,JIANG Hong,et al.7709 Infrared and Low-level Visible Light Images Fusion Based on Perception Unified JIANG Mai,SHA Guijun,LI Ning7716 Research on Spatial Domain Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Energy SegmentationWANG Xinsai,FENG Xiao’er,LI Mingming7726 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Latent Low-rank RepresentationSUN Bin,ZHUGE Wuwei,GAO Yunxiang,et al.8853 Infrared Image Segmentation Method Based on Fuzzy Clustering with Similarity ThresholdingGUO Feng,ZHENG Lei,GE Huangxu,et al.8863 Shape Adaptation Low Rank Representation for Thermal Fault Diagnosis of Power EquipmentsHUANG Zhihong,HONG Feng,HUANG Wei8870 Infrared Image Dehazing Based on Improved Dark Channel PriorWANG Haoyu,HE Mingshu8875 Object Detection Algorithm Based on Infrared and Visible Light ImagesKUANG Chuwen,HE Wang9912 Panchromatic and Multispectral Images Fusion Method Based on Detail Information ExtractionWANG Ou,LUO Xiaobo9920 Method for Generating Infrared Image from Visible Image of Water Surface TargetsXU Yixin,HU Qingping,XIONG Zhang,et al.9929 Infrared and Visible Image Registration for Power Equipments Based on Deep LearningFU Tian,DENG Changzheng,HAN Xinyue,et al.9936 Bi-Histogram Equalization Algorithm for Infrared Image EnhancementYAN Zhe,JIANG Li,YANG Fan,et al.9944 Infrared Moving-point Target Semi-Automatic Labeling Algorithm Based on Target Enhancement and Visual TrackingHE Min,HUI Bingwei,YI Mengni,et al.101073 Infrared Image Enhancement Method Based on Multiscale Weighted Guided FilteringHU Jiahui,ZHAN Weida,GUI Tingting,et al.101082 Nighttime Image Dehazing Algorithm Based on Improved Transmittance Distribution EstimationXUE Nan,YAN Limin101089 Saliency-based Multiband Image Synchronization Fusion MethodYU Dong,LIN Suzhen,LU Xiaofei,et al.101095 Inner-Canthus Localization in Infrared Thermal Images in Outdoor EnvironmentsSUN Lei,CHEN Shuyue,QI Yamin101103 Panoramic Video Image Stabilization Algorithm Based on Harris Image StitchingWANG Zhenjia,WU Chunlin,KE Liming,et al.111203 Double-Branch DenseNet-Transformer Hyperspectral Image ClassificationLI Xinwei,YANG Tian111210 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Transform Domain VGGNet19LI Yongping,YANG Yanchun,DANG Jianwu,et al.121293 High-precision Template Matching Tracking Algorithm for Optoelectronic Tracking SystemWU Hao,ZHANG Yong,LI Xin,et al.121301 Infrared Image Enhancement Based on Adaptive Bilateral Filtering and Directional GradientNIE Fengying,HOU Lixia,WAN Liyong121309 Research on Crowd Abnormal Behavior Detection Based on Improved SSDKANG Jie,TIAN Ye,YANG Gang121316 An Infrared Image Detail Enhancement Algorithm Based on Parameter Adaptive Guided FilteringOUYANG Huiming,XIA Likun,LI Zemin,et al.121324 ▲IR APPLICATIONS▲ Debonding Defect Recognition of Building Decoration Layers by UAV ThermographyPENG Xiong,ZHONG Xingu,ZHAO Chao,et al.2189 Analysis of SF6 Leakage Detection Using Infrared ImagingJI Yiping,DENG Xianqin,XU Peng,et al.2198 Non-contact Vital Signs Measurement by Thermal Imaging TechnologyLI Mu,WU Tong,TIAN Zhejia4428 Intelligent Patrol Inspection of Photovoltaic Power Station Based on UAVsWANG Hao,YAN Hao,YE Hairui,et al.5537 Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Chemometrics to Test Ink Type of Straight LIU Xinlei,HAN Danyan,XIAO Qiang,et al.8882 Application of 3D Fusion of Infrared Imaging and Tilt Photography in Building DetectionSUN Baoyan,MO Chunhua,XUE Wei,et al.9991 Infrared Image Defect Detection Based on the Algorithm of Intuitionistic Fuzzy C-Means ClusteringWANG Luxiang,ZHANG Zhijie,WANG Quan,et al.111220 Multi-scale Guided Filter and Decision Fusion for Thermal Fault Diagnosis of Power EquipmentLIANG Jian,HUANG Zhihong,ZHANG Keren121344 Deep Residual UNet Network-based Infrared Image Segmentation Method for Electrical EquipmentLIU He,ZHAO Tiancheng,LIU Junbo,et al.121351 Research on Calculation of Defect Area of Building Exterior Windows Based on Infrared Image Processing TechnologyZHANG Lingling,XU Ao,ZHANG Jiran,et al.121358 ▲GUIDANCE & COUNTERMEASURE▲ Strategy of Barrel Roll and Decoy Deployment Against Infrared Air-to-Air MissileZHANG Nan,CHEN Changsheng,SUN Jingguo,et al.3236 Temperature Field of a Falling Film with Constant Heat Flux Boundary Conditions and Its Influence on the Infrared Detection RangeLI Dongzhen,DU Yongcheng,PENG Youshun,et al.6604 Infrared Seeker Refrigeration Gas Supply Test SystemREN Chunjie,FEI Fan,BIN Ling,6609 ▲LOW-LIGHT-LEVEL▲ Linear Dynamic Range of Low Resistance Microchannel Plate in DC ModeYAO Wenjing,LIU Shulin,YAN Baojun,et al.3310 Analysis of Resolution Change of the Super Gen.Ⅱ Image Intensifier with Input Illumination VariationLI Xiaofeng,CHANG Le,LIU Beihong,et al.4377 Influence of Brightness Gain on the Object-Background Contrast of an Image IntensifierSU Yue,BAI Xiaofeng,DANG Xiaogang,et al.4383 Reconnaissance Capability of Low-Light Level Equipment Based on Imaging ContrastJING Weiguo,WANG Hongpei,LUAN Guangqi,et al.4389 Local Bright-light Protection for Low-Light-Level Image Intensifier Based on Auto-gating Power SupplyYAN Bo,NI Xiaobing,ZHI Qiang,et al.9951 ▲MEASUREMENTS▲ Aspheric Surface Measurement Based on Infrared Laser InterferometerLI Yansheng,TANG Yingjuan,LI Rujie,et al.111243 ▲REFRIGERATION▲ Research on Positive Semi-Definite Vibration Damping System of Single-Piston Linear Stirling CryocoolerKONG Derui,XIA Ming,TANG Tianmin,et al.196 Application of Metal C Ring in Stirling CryocoolerSU Yongqiang7757 ▲NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING▲ Application of Infrared Thermography for Characterizing Phase Change Process of Porous Media at Pore ScaleWANG Shu,LENG Hang,CHEN Yanling,et al.3294 Thickness Evaluation of Weather Resistant Coatings Based on Lock-in ThermographyLI Bo,CHEN Junwei,LIU Zhuoyi,et al.3303 Nondestructive Crack Testing via Infrared Thermal Imaging Using Halogen Lamp ExcitationJIN Meixiu,ZHU Shihu,WANG Tong,et al.4421 Quantitative Identification and Comparative Study of Defects Based on Phase and Surface TemperaturesCHEN Lin,LI Minqian,GAO Feng,et al.6635 Thermal Imaging Technology for Metal Structure Defects of Lifting MachineryXIE Wenxin,MA Wei,DU Xuexue,et al.7741 Leakage Source Detection Based on Thermal ImagingYANG Yu,HE Chaoguang,TU Yuan,et al.7750 Detection Method of Partial Discharge Defects in Cable Terminals Based on Ultrasonic Infrared ThermographyDENG Kun,WEN Qiliang,ZHANG Yuanyuan9972 Thermal Image Data Processing Technology of Pseudo Soldering Based on Trend AnalyzingXU Lixia,LIU Lixia,YANG Yaodong,et al.9979 Infrared Detection of Near Surface Defects of Aeroengine Blade Based on Array Hot Air ExcitationWANG Hao,WU Yize,WANG Tao101112 Study on Ultrasonic Guided Wave Propagation Characteristics and Damage Imaging for Composite Structures Under Variable Temperature FieldWANG Changlin,REN Li,ZHONG Yongteng,et al.121338 ▲TERAHERTZ TECHNOLOGY▲ Broadband Terahertz Asymmetric Primary and Secondary Waveguide Directional Coupler DesignDONG Lanxiao,NAN Xueli,LIU Haoyang,et al.9986
