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September, 2022
AACR special conference: Pancreatic cancer
September 13-16, 2022; Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston,Massachusetts, USA
This conference will address the latest developments in all areas of pancreatic cancer research.The program will focus on incorporating numerous talks from submitted abstracts to highlight the advancements and diversity of the pancreatic cancer research field.For more information, please visit:
EASL NAFLD summit 2022
September 15-17, 2022; The Grand Hotel Malahide, Dublin,Ireland
NAFLD is the leading cause of chronic liver disease, with higher risk of diabetes, CVD, and cancer and thus a major public health challenge.Also, NAFLD represents a therapeutic area of unmet clinical lead.The EASL NAFLD summit is to: 1) explore in depth the most relevant developments and challenges; 2) enjoy a wide breadth of topics from disease mechanisms to biomarkers and models of care; 3) explore the latest therapeutic developments; 4) present research and learn from peers, participate in panel-based discussions on controversial topics; 5) learn about current and future clinical management in case-based multidisciplinary approaches; and 6)network with key opinion leaders.For more information, please visit:
Basic science school: Precision cut liver slices and liver organoids versatile ex-vivo models of liver disease
September 15-17, 2022; London, UK
This basic science EASL school’s learning objectives include: 1) to prepare precision cut liver slices (PCLS) and culture them using static and microfluidic systems; 2) to derive, culture and expand organoid cultures from liver explants and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC); 3) to induce and characterise inflammation, alcoholic and non-alcoholic steatosis, fibrosis, drug-induced liver injury and viral infection in PCLS; 4) to perform viability and microscopic evaluations of PCLS and organoids; 5) to grasp the applicability, advantages and limitations of PCLS versus organoids as models of disease and as platforms for pre-clinical drug-testing; and 6) to understand the regulatory processes and ethics application pathways to enable collection of surgical waste for discard.For more information, please visit:
Sixth CRI-ENCI-AACR international cancer
immunotherapy conference:
Translating science into survival
September 28-October 1, 2022; New York Hilton Midtown,New York, USA
The program will focus on “Translating Science into Survival”and feature talks from more than 60 leaders in the field covering all areas of inquiry in cancer immunology and immunotherapy.This meeting will provide an unparalleled opportunity for teaching, learning, and networking among all stakeholders in the field: scientists, clinicians, regulators, drug developers, and patient advocates.For more information, please visit:
AACR special conference: Cancer epigenomics October 6-8, 2022; Washington, DC, USA
The epigenome regulates all cellular processes allowing the timely expression of our genetic information.Alterations of epigenetic processes have recently been shown to be at the core of several intractable malignancies and represent a previously unsuspected new paradigm of cancer.In contrast to oncogenic genetic mutations,epigenetic modifications of DNA and histones are reversible, and targeting specific epigenetic players is an emerging area of therapeutics.While broad epigenetic changes in cancer cells have been identified, distinguishing epigenetic changes that drive cancer is critical to identifying therapeutic targets.This conference on cancer epigenomics will not only cover the fundamental concepts, but cutting-edge developments and advances made in our understanding of the 3D genome including chromatin architecture, chromatin complexes, chromatin-associated RNA, histone modifications, and gene regulation specifically as they pertain to oncogenic mechanisms and new therapeutic opportunities in human cancer.For more information, please visit:
AACR special conference: Tumor immunology and immunotherapy
October 21-24, 2022; Boston, Massachusetts, USA
The AACR special conference on tumor immunology and immunotherapy is designed to integrate multi-disciplinary facets of basic cancer immunology and immunotherapy to broaden our understanding of ways to harness the immune system to treat cancer.The conference will provide the knowledge of the microbiome,alternative checkpoints beyond PD-1 and CTLA-4, imaging and other new technologies, adoptive T cell therapy with a focus on challenges in solid tumors, and myeloid cells in the tumor microenvironment,all in the pursuit of creating better treatments.For more information,please visit:
Innovation and biomarkers in cancer drug development(IBCD): A joint meeting presented by the EORTC, NCI, EMA,and AACR
October 25, 2022; Barcelona, Spain
The joint meeting is to discuss critical issues in drug and biomarker development, comparative effectiveness research, and the translation of findings of clinical trials into daily practice.The meeting will also discuss and debate the emergence of newregulatory routes to approve newanti-cancer agents based on biomarkers, demonstrating the relevance and feasibility of innovative clinical trial designs.For more information, please visit:
EORTC-NCI-AACR molecular targets and cancer therapeutics symposium
October 26-28, 2022; Barcelona, Spain
ENA 2022 is the drug development and translational research meeting, focusing on preclinical and phase I studies, enabling and facilitating in-depth scientific discussions on the latest developments in targets and drugs.Academics, scientists and pharmaceutical industry representatives from across the globe are to discuss the latest innovations in drug development, target selection and the impact of new discoveries in molecular biology.For more information, please visit:
Translational cancer research for basic scientist workshop November 13-18, 2022; Boston, Massachusetts, USA
The translational cancer research for basic scientist workshop provides basic research scientists with essential training to adapt their research for maximum clinical impact and transition into a new career in translational cancer medicine.During the course of the week, attendees learn about the latest methods and approaches in cutting-edge translational cancer research from leading translational scientists in academia, government, and industry.This innovative workshop addresses many aspects of translational research including collaborating on multidisciplinary teams, working effectively with industry partners, recognizing the unique needs and environment of the clinic and clinical laboratories, and navigating regulatory and compliance issues in translational science.This workshop also places a strong emphasis on understanding the perspective of patients and clinicians which allows basic scientists to frame research questions in a broader context.For more information, please visit:
AACR special conference: Cancer metastasis November 14-17, 2022; Portland, Oregon, USA
This AACR special conference will feature presentations on the most recent findings in cancer metastasis.Sessions will feature presentations on metabolic adaptations, epigenetic plasticity, genomic changes, circulating cancer cells, microenvironment, and dormancy.Sessions will also address routes of metastasis, signaling, and genetic instability.In addition to presentations on the basic science of metastasis, top researchers will also address the implications of these findings on the development of novel approaches for detecting, tracking, and treating metastatic cancer.This conference will provide a unique opportunity for exchanges between a wide array of investigators, including basic scientists, translational researchers, and those in the clinic.For more information, please visit:
AACR special conference: Precision prevention, early detection, and interception of cancer
November 17-19, 2022; Austin, Texas, USA
This conference will raise the visibility of advances in the field of prevention and early detection that incorporate biological and mechanistic advances to inspire thinking about newapproaches to cancer prevention.The conference will provide a forum for critically reviewing the evidence of the role of biological mechanisms in the cause and progression of cancer, highlighting knowledge of preneoplastic lesions, and new conceptual and technological advances in the field, and outlining the steps required to implement preventive and early detection measures.The program will not only bring together researchers and clinicians from diverse backgrounds to enhance cross-communication but will also spotlight talks from submitted abstracts to highlight the advancements and diversity of the cancer prevention and early detection research field.For more information, please visit:
AACR special conference: Aging and cancer
November 17-20, 2022; San Diego, California, USA
Aging in and of itself is a major risk factor in the development of cancer.As cells age, the risk for genomic instability, DNA damage,inflammation, and somatic mutations increase, increasing the risk for cancerous transformation.On the other hand, some cell aging mechanisms, like senescence, may halt progression of would-be cancerous cells.However, with an aging microenvironment, cancerous mutations can be allowed to run rampant.Moreover, extrinsic factors such as stress or racial injustice, can speed the aging process,causing disproportionate rises in cancer in certain populations.For more information, please visit:
Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International2022年4期