The Germplasm Bank of Wild Species (GBOWS) is a research and preservation facility for rare and endanger ed plant s and animals . It is the largest in Asia in terms of species.
With two in five plant species at risk of extinction, it is a race against time to p r o t e c t t h e n a t i o n ' s incredible plant life.
So how does the bank work? Scientists collect endangered and useful wild species and send them to the seed bank . For future study, collectors have to record details of the plant, including where it was found, its size and the number of individual plants in the habitat.
Once the seeds arrive at GBOWS, they're dried and preserved in a room with 15 percent humidity . Next, they're cl e an ed a nd separated from debris. After that, X-rays confirm that the seeds are undamaged and no insects are hidden inside. The seeds are then frozen, stored in glass bottles and placed in huge freezers at ﹣20℃ for long-term storage . Each co n tai n er h a s a b a r c od e that can be scanned to enable scientists to view information about the seeds inside.
Word Study
debris /'debriː/ n. 碎片;残渣
Clear away leaves and other garden
debris from the pond.
barcode /'baːrkəʊd/ n. 条形码