孙 涛,郭 可,刘传耙,张 弢,宋轶民, 3,马信龙
孙 涛1,郭 可1,刘传耙1,张 弢2,宋轶民1, 3,马信龙2
(1.天津大学机构理论与装备设计教育部重点实验室,天津 300354;2. 天津市天津医院,天津 300211;3. 天津仁爱学院机械工程系,天津 301636)
大部分2D-3D医学图像配准是将三维CT数据通过数字重建影像技术生成DRR(digitally reconstructed radiograph)图像,比较DRR图像与术中平面图像的相似性,再不断改变投影环境下三维物体的空间参数,使得在某个空间参数下投影生成的DRR图像与平面图像的相似性达到最大[17],此时的空间参数就是相同相机坐标投影环境下生成平面图像的三维物体的位姿.因为三维物体的空间位姿的改变会引起DRR图像的改变,所以可建立空间与平面参数间的映射关系.
图1 正交融合投影示意
图2 初始位姿估计原理
本实验使用Visual Studio 2017作为软件平台,结合图像开发工具包ITK(insight segmentation and registration toolkit)编程实现初始位姿估计与2D-3D配准过程,电脑配置为Intel®Xeon®Gold 5120 CPU @2.20GHz处理器,内存为64GB.
表1 初始位姿估计结果
Tab.1 Results of initial pose estimation
图3 颅骨实验中每次迭代的配准误差
图4 股骨实验中每次迭代的配准误差
图5 近端骨实验中每次迭代的配准误差
图6 远端骨实验中每次迭代后的配准误差
各研究对象配准统计结果表明,使用单一法进行2D-3D配准时,平均迭代次数为7.5次,平均配准时间为8089s;而基于结合法的2D-3D配准平均迭代次数为3次,平均配准时间(包括初始位姿估计时间)为4330s.与单一法相比,结合法在平均迭代次数上降低60%,平均配准时间上缩短46.5%,并且具有精度高、鲁棒性好的优点,最终2D-3D配准结果中各参数的配准误差的平均值±标准差统计结果如表2 所示.
表2 2D-3D参数配准误差
Tab.2 2D/3D parameter registration errors
图7 各实验的参数配准误差精度提升率
(2) 在2D-3D配准实验中,相较于单一法,结合法在整体配准时间上平均缩短46.5%,在各实验中单个平移参数精度最高提升46.5%,单个旋转参数精度最高提升91.1%,同时实验结果也兼具了良好的鲁 棒性.
(3) 通过各组实验,验证了在较大的初始位姿偏差下,本文提出的初始位姿估计方法对不同研究对象都具有很好的适应性,这也将有助于为骨科手术中的多模影像导航系统提供最佳或接近最佳的搜索参数选择.
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Initial Pose Estimation Method in 2D/3D Registration
Sun Tao1,Guo Ke1,Liu Chuanba1,Zhang Tao2,Song Yimin1, 3,Ma Xinlong2
(1. Key Laboratory of Mechanism Theory and Equipment Design of Ministry of Education,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300354,China;2. Tianjin Hospital,Tianjin 300211,China;3. Department of Mechanical Engineering,Tianjin Renai College,Tianjin 301636,China)
In this paper,we propose a new initial pose estimation approach based on parameter mapping and image segmentation,focusing on the problems of small initial parameter transformation range and single registration object in the 2D/3D medical image registration process. This approach expands the range of initial motion deviation of 3D object spatial parameters and solves the issues regarding few estimable parameters and multibone image registration difficulty of the surgical navigation system during the registration process. First,the region growth algorithm is used to segment the multibone image and extract the target of interest to complete the target-data acquisition to be registered. Second,a projection imaging model is constructed based on the principle of orthogonal fusion projection to decompose the spatial rigid body transformation parameters into the positive lateral plane and establish the mapping relationship between spatial and plane parameters. Then,the orthogonal biplane template generated using the projection is matched with the corresponding target image,and the registration parameters of the obtained positive and lateral plane are converted into spatial parameters,to achieve the effective estimation of the initial pose of the 3D object. The method was verified based on computed tomography data of the skull,intact femur,and fractured femur. Then,the method was compared with the traditional 2D/3D image registration method. The experimental results showed that the proposed method could make the initial transformation range of the five spatial parameters reach ±30mm or ±20°,and different research objects within this range show a good initial pose estimation effect. Compared with the traditional image registration method,the overall registration time of the 2D/3D iterative optimization based on the above method is 46.5% shorter on average,the registration accuracy of a single translation parameter is up to 69.2%,and the registration accuracy of a single rotation parameter is up to 91.1%. Simultaneously,the final registration results have adequate robustness.
surgical navigation;2D/3D registration;initial pose estimation;orthogonal biplane projection
the National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2018YFB1307800),the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51775367),Tianjin Science and Technology Plan Project(No.18PTLCSY00080,No.20201193,No.18YFSDZC00010).
孙 涛(1983— ),男,博士,教授,stao@tju.edu.cn.Email:m_bigm@tju.edu.cn