
2022-07-28 05:11伍少康
文化交流 2022年7期




老先生生活简朴,印象中不好吃穿,家中的装潢和摆设也都朴实无华。但老先生有一特殊爱好,就是喜欢收藏与电影文化有关的物件,这些收藏虽不能说包罗万象,却也称得上五花八门,诸如电影海报、电影宣传画、电影邮票、电影艺术家肖像贴画、明星签名邮资信封、电影书籍、电影节展的纪念物品,等等。想来他将后半生的钱都花在了这一爱好上,你问他为什么,他笑嘻嘻地来一句 :“喜欢电影,玩玩的。”




浙江老电影人张理竺,他将身后书架上蓝色资料夹里的所有珍贵电影藏品都捐赠给了杭州国家版本馆。Zhan Lizhu, a film veteran from Zhejiang. He has donated all his treasured collections to the China National Archives of Publications and Culture (Hangzhou).

张理竺的电影邮票藏品。Film stamps collected by Zhang Lizhu.




卓别林、希区柯克、奥黛丽 · 赫本、费雯丽、邓波儿、梦露、胡蝶、克拉克 · 盖博、成龙、张国荣,等等……这些家喻户晓的名字不仅代表了一代又一代人对经典电影的集体记忆,也瞬间把人带回到那些美好的青春岁月。这些名字和烙印上这些名字的老电影在岁月的长河中或许会被渐渐淡忘,或许会被琐碎而重复的现实生活所淹没,然而一旦再见,便会睹物生情,记忆的阀门顿时开启,曾经的某年某月某日温情的感动又会被再次唤醒,因为他(她)们其实一直驻扎在你的内心一隅,未曾离开。


Lifetime Treasure of a 90-Year-Old Film Veteran

By Wu Shaokang

Since 1950s, Zhang Lizhu, former employee of Zhejiang Film Distribution and Screening Company, has deeply involved with the Chinese film industry. With nearly 50 years of experience in film distribution, the 90-year-old is a true veteran of the industry.When I entered the film industry in 1978, Mr. Zhang was my department leader and in a sense my mentor who led every step of my career path.

The old gentleman always keeps a low profile and treats people generously. Yet when it comes to work, he could be extremely serious and sometimes even a little obstinate. And he lives a simple life. He dresses and eats frugally, and owns only a few pieces of decent furniture at home. But he has a special hobby of collecting film-related objects, including movie posters, movie stamps, portrait stickers of movie artists, envelopes signed by movie stars, movie books, commemorative items of film festivals,and so on. It looks like he has spent all of his savings on this hobby. “I like movies, and I just do it for fun.” That is how he responded smilingly to my curiosity about why he started this collection.

Since the China National Archives of Publications and Culture (Hangzhou) is also collecting movie-related items, I introduced Mr. Zhang to a staff of the institution, with whom I paid a visit to Mr. Zhang’s home. The moment we entered his house, we were immediately struck: his precious collection pieces neatly filled four bookcases, his desk from inside and outside, and almost every corner of the house. This is certainly not something“just for fun”, but an achievement of a person’s painstaking efforts in realizing his spiritual pursuit. That set me thinking: we all have our own hobbies of some sort and our favorite objects; yet when we are talking about thousands of pieces of collection, as well as the meticulous classification, exquisite framing, and tidy organization, we are talking about something beyond a sheer hobby — a style and attitude of life, and a sustenance of soul. The old gentleman has been working tirelessly for decades, and it is not easy. Managing a collection is not only about money, but also about perseverance and persistence.

As a shy, reserved person, Mr. Zhang has not talked much about the stories behind his collection, but I remember that he often came to my company either to ask for film-related items, or to inquire about whether there were crews coming to Hangzhou to make films. To request a signature, he was often given the cold shoulder, sometimes got told off, and even waited by the bathroom when he had no alternatives. These, I am afraid, are only the tip of the iceberg of what he has done for his collection.

After our visit, Mr. Zhang was not quite decided about donating his treasures to the archives, saying he would like to further organize his collection for a bit. For me that is totally understandable, especially after seeing how he invested his love,time and efforts into this impressively elaborate collection.However, some day in March, the staff told me that the old gentleman called her to give his consent to the donation, and urged them to come and collect it quickly. Hearing the news, I got really emotional not because how expensive the collection is, but because how generous and patriotic Mr. Zhang is.

One day, I was invited to the archives and got a chance to carefully view this donation. Among the numerous items,an exquisite stamp series named the “Stamps and Big Screen”impressed me most. Chaplin, Hitchcock, Audrey Hepburn, Vivien Leigh, Shirley Temple, Marilyn Monroe, Butterfly Wu, Clark Gable, Jackie Chan, Leslie Cheung ... These household names not only represent the collective memory of generations of people about classic films, but also instantly bring people back to those wonderful years of youth.

As I see it, the “Stamps and Big Screen” is particularly suitable for being made into an exhibition, which can enrich people’s cultural and spiritual life, cultivate them sentimentally, and evoke their fond memories, as well as provide research materials for film lovers, experts and scholars. Hopefully it could be brought in front of the public one day, and do justice to Mr. Zhang’s sincere contributions to the film industry.

探月三期拉开序幕 航天邮品记载辉煌
探月三期拉开序幕 航天邮品记载辉煌