
2022-07-28 05:11:02许紫莹
文化交流 2022年7期



这位友人是Therese Hesketh,中文名“何丽莎”,是全球卫生研究领域专家、伦敦大学学院全球卫生研究所共同创始人、英国公共卫生局顾问,曾在联合国儿童基金会、英国国际发展部、欧盟等组织机构担任顾问,目前担任浙江大学医学院全球卫生中心负责人。



2021年11月的一天,刚从英国归来并结束隔离的何丽莎踏入办公室时,她的助理吴叶平对她说 :“杭州国家版本馆开馆在即,正进行海外版本的征集工作,外国专家局托我向您询问,是否愿意捐献海外出版物?”




2018年10月,何丽莎荣获“西湖友谊奖”。(资料图片)In October 2018, Therese Hesketh received the West Lake Friendship Award. File photo.

这些海外出版物大多是历史小说和经典小说,何丽莎表示,她读小说时可以在想象中体验不同人群的生活,加深对人性的了解。其中,她最爱的一本是马修 · 尼尔的《英国旅人》,其主题是1857年一位牧师对澳洲塔斯马尼亚伊甸园的可笑探险。而与此同时,在塔斯马尼亚本土,英国定居者正交替地试图“文明化”和消灭原住民。“很少有当代作家有如此想象力或耐力来写就这种小说。”


谈及捐赠海外出版物给杭州国家版本馆的初衷,何丽莎说 :“我带了很多书来中国,因为实在太多、太重,又不可能再把它们全部带回英国。这些书我已经看完,放在我这儿也很可惜,如果捐出去,能让更多的人享受这些书给他们带来的惊奇、感动和叹惋,这是一件很好的事。”

2018年9月和10月,何丽莎分别获得了“杭州市荣誉市民”“西湖友谊奖”,当记者问到“捐献海外书籍是否为一种履行责任的表现”时,何丽莎笑道 :“不是,我当时根本没想这么多,况且捐书也并不能称作是履行责任或义务,这是每一个人都能做的事情。我手里正好有这些书,所以就捐出去了,如此而已。”






1988年,杭州市儿童医院入住了四个特殊的病人—当时中国国内罕见的单卵四胞胎姐妹,其他医院的医护们没有护理如此孱弱小婴儿的经验,所以把她们送到了何丽莎手上。何丽莎第一次看见这四胞胎时吃了一惊 :“真的都是好小好小的一个个生命,像四条小鱼儿。”





1990年,何丽莎在浙江温岭与农村孩子们交流。(资料图片)In 1990, Therese Hesketh went to Wenling city, Zhejiang province. In this file photo, she is seen talking with local children.

何丽莎捐赠的海外出版物。The books donated by Therese Hesketh.

2019年,何丽莎在中国援建的马里医院与医护人员合影。(资料图片)Therese Hesketh takes a photo with medical workers at a hospital in Mali, which China helped build, in 2019. File photo.








From Donated Books, with Love

By Xu Ziying

For the China National Archives of Publications and Culture(Hangzhou), the books donated by overseas friends undoubtedly add cultural diversity to enrich it. A British friend’s donation is especially laudable.

Therese Hesketh is an expert in the field of global health research, co-founder of the Institute of Global Health at University College London, and consultant to Public Health England. She used to be a consultant to UNICEF, the UK Department for International Development and the European Union. Now she is the leader of the Global Health Center at School of Medicine,Zhejiang University. Therese has been working in Hangzhou for nearly 36 years ever since her first visit in 1986. She has been in the habit of spending three quarters of the year in China and one quarter in the UK, regarding Hangzhou as her second hometown.Her love for Hangzhou is all hidden in the books she has donated to the China National Archives of Publications and Culture(Hangzhou).

One day in November 2021, when Therese, back from the UK and out of quarantine, stepped into her office, her assistant Wu Yeping told her, “The China National Archives of Publications and Culture (Hangzhou) is about to open, and the collection for overseas books is underway. The Bureau of Foreign Experts told me to inquire if you are willing to donate overseas publications?”Without hesitation Therese replied, “I have a lot of books which I am willing to donate. Go and pick them from my bookshelf. The more, the better.”

These 44 books of foreign editions, brought by Therese on her shoulders from the UK, are all her treasures. As a book lover, she prefers paper books. She likes to “pick and purchase” books in a local charity bookstore in London, when she is free. She generally purchases four to five books every week. Day after day, thousands of books have been accumulated in her study at home, and “the bookshelf can’t fit them at all”. Every time she came to work in China, she would bring some new books to read in her spare time.

“These are all great books, many of which were bought more than a decade ago. Some were carefully selected and bought, and some were given by my friends who thought they were good after reading them, so I am happy to share these books with others,and I believe that those who read these books in the future will not be disappointed,” Therese said. Most of these publications are historical and classic novels. She believes that Chinese readers can have an in-depth cross-cultural experience and exchange.

In September and October 2018, Therese won the titles of “Hangzhou Honorary Citizen” and “West Lake Friendship Award”. She said, “Donating books can’t be called fulfilling a responsibility or obligation; it’s just an ordinary move. I have them and donate them; that’s all.”

20世纪90 年代,何丽莎曾到杭州临安横畈镇一个小卫生院考察。(资料图片)In the 1990s, Therese Hesketh paid a visit to a local clinic in Hengfan township,Hangzhou’s Lin’an district.

In 1986, an American medical institution planned to establish a dedicated intensive care unit for newborns and children in cities in China, and it was based in Hangzhou. Employed by this institution, then 29-year-old Therese came to Hangzhou Children’s Hospital as a pediatrician.

At that time, the infrastructure in Hangzhou had a lot to be desired. After arriving in Hangzhou, she and her American colleagues established the first standard neonatal intensive care center in China and formulated basic neonatal nursing standards for 11 provinces. She also carried out immunizations, malaria control, safe motherhood and other programs. She explained that one of the most impressive things was the successful care of the first case of quadruplets in Hangzhou. In 1988,Hangzhou Children’s Hospital admitted four special patients —monozygotic quadruplets, which were rare in China at that time.The doctors and nurses in other hospitals had no experience in caring for such weak babies, so they sent them to Therese. She was shocked when she saw the quadruplets for the first time: “They are too small and they are just like four little fish.” Such small and weak quadruplets had to go through multiple “checkpoints”, such as feeding and oxygen inhalation. Therese continued to observe and monitor the babies for a month before they were discharged from the hospital.

Therese not only practiced in the urban area but also in the poor rural areas, popularizing basic childcare and neonatal firstaid knowledge to rural doctors, and carrying out projects to guide doctors to standardize medication. She and her colleagues also worked with UNICEF to promote neonatal first-aid training programs in rural hospitals in 13 Chinese provinces including Zhejiang, and donated advanced medical equipment to the local people. She is dedicated to improving neonatal health conditions and medical care, which is her most proud and ful filling job, as it has saved the lives of many Chinese infants and young children.

Therese’s team now focuses on research in population migration and health, children protection, antibiotic resistance,medical care system reform and medical exchanges between China and foreign countries, and conducts scientific research and academic exchanges with countries and regions along the “Belt and Road". In 2019, Therese and Chinese medical experts went to Mali, a Western African country, giving full play of her strengths,introducing the advanced medical experience of China and Britain to Africa, and assisting the Chinese medical team in Africa.

“Over 36 years have passed, but my original intention here has not changed. My goal is always to help China to develop and push China’s public health cause forward. Although some achievements have been made, there are still more to be done,”Therese said.

In the past decades, she has traveled a lot all over China,including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Kunming, Tibet,Heilongjiang, but her favorite city is Hangzhou. She has been to the West Lake, the Lingyin Temple, and the North Peak for countless times. “Hangzhou is really beautiful and I love its greenness in all seasons. Compared with other Chinese cities,Hangzhou is more charming and attractive. It is rare that the West Lake still maintains the original style of decades ago. Except for the hot sultry summer, Hangzhou is indeed a city suitable for living.”

As British, Therese’s other family members are in London.With herself in China, she occasionally feels lonely. But when she has lots of things to do, she will forget about it. Therefore, always a “workaholic” in China, she continues to do medical projects one after another. In 2016, she came to teach at Zhejiang University,leading students in various research projects and continuing to serve public health in China and around the world.

Therese’s happiest days were from 2000 to 2004, when her husband and two boys came to accompany her in China. Her youngest son was only three years old at the time, so she sent him to a kindergarten in Hangzhou. She herself also serves as a volunteer English teacher, occasionally teaching basic English to children. “My son has been in China for four years, laying a good foundation for mathematics,” Therese smiled.

For the future, Therese said, “As a doctor, I hope to treat every patient and make more people live better; as a teacher, I hope to inspire my Chinese students to be interested in the world, stay curious, and explore areas they love.”

何丽莎在浙江大学上公开课。Therese Hesketh teaches an open course at Zhejiang University.

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