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杭州国家版本馆馆区全貌。肖奕叁/摄A panoramic view of the China National Archives of Publications and Culture (Hangzhou). Photo by Xiao Yisan.
1.杭州国家版本馆馆区中池。肖奕叁/摄 2.杭州国家版本馆俯瞰图。黄德灿/摄 3.杭州国家版本馆南门。黄德灿/摄1. The artificial lake at the China National Archives of Publications and Culture (Hangzhou). Photo by Xiao Yisan.2. An aerial view of the China National Archives of Publications and Culture (Hangzhou). Photo by Huang Decan.3. The south gate of the China National Archives of Publications and Culture (Hangzhou). Photo by Huang Decan.
南书房一角。肖奕叁/摄A corner of the Nan Shufang, or Southern Studio. Photo by Xiao Yisan.
主书房一隅。黄德灿/摄Collections of national archives. Photo by Huang Decan.
“这规模在我国建筑史上也是前所未有。” 项目承建单位浙建集团项目经理徐锡平感叹。同样“前所未有”的还有木纹、竹纹清水混凝土浇筑。“馆里12万立方米、施工面积约9万平方米的艺术肌理清水混凝土浇筑量,远超全亚洲最大火车站—雄安新区火车站的3万平方米清水混凝土。” 徐锡平说。
甚至,人们意图用建筑来无视时间与生命的芥蒂,以超越自然。“夯土是极具中国本土特色的建筑材料,也是一种‘活’的材料。”陆文宇引导我们去关注施工总量达2900多立方米的夯土墙,“‘百年砖千年土’。纯天然的夯土,时间越久越是坚硬。” 不远处的良渚文化遗址在数年里陆续被人发掘并展现于世人面前,也是以夯土筑城墙、垒地基。现代的杭州馆,也借此与中华五千年文明史相呼应。
“一直以来,大家对书籍收藏的关注度都集中在古籍善本上。关于近现代革命文献的系统性、主题性收藏尚未得到足够重视。” 浙江图书馆馆长褚树青评价,这一系列版本种类全、质量高、系统性强,具备历史文献性、学术资料性和艺术代表性,是“善本中的善本”,不仅填补了国内外对《共产党宣言》全面系统收藏的空白,在善本收藏领域更是具有标杆性和开创性,意义已经远超馆藏价值和书籍本身价值。
青瓷屏扇。陆文宇/摄A computer-controlled screen wall made of celadon. Photo by Lu Wenyu.
例如,有意愿捐赠或托管版本的藏家,可以直接将照片、藏品背景等信息在小程序里上传;馆内研究人员—来自浙江大学、复旦大学等机构的专家—在后台电脑获取内容后加以评判,择选有价值的版本入藏,并对其加以研究;研究成果并非论文,而是以一种展品讲解的语言,反馈回系统 ;待有一日版本展览时,观众可以在小程序里按图索骥,找到相关讲解;不能抵达现场的捐赠人或托管人,则可以随时通过嵌入在小程序中的“藏品状态关注窗口”,了解自己的宝贝究竟是在展览,还是正在库房接受保养或修复。
7 月底,杭州国家版本馆落成并开馆。杭州馆将携“重要窗口”主题版本展、江南版本文化概览、浙江文化研究工程成果展、浙江历史文化名人专题展,以及重要藏品的数字展览,真诚地迎接四方来客。
China National Archives of Publications and Culture(Hangzhou): Renewing Chinese Civilization
By Yan Lili
Some people say that China’s continuous civilization for millennia has made it a dynamic and prosperous country. As the carrier of Chinese civilization, archives play an important role in promoting China’s cultural inheritance. In this sense, creating the China National Archives of Publications and Culture (the National Archives for short) is a major cultural project in the new era. With significance in cultural security and revitalization, it has been included in China’s 14th Five-Year Plan for economic and social development.
In 2019 when the construction of the National Archives began, the name of the China National Archives of Publications and Culture (Hangzhou), referred to as Hangzhou Archives below,appeared in the planning on the formation of a new district in Hangzhou. Designed to promote the preservation, exhibition,research and exchanges of the archival heritage, Hangzhou Archives functions as the repository of the National Archives in case of potential disasters and of the special editions mainly from Yangtze River Delta, and the resource center of archival collections from eastern China.
With the big goal to promote Chinese culture and as an important showcase of the spirit of Zhejiang, Hangzhou Archives has been included in the 14th Five-Year Plan of the province. The provincial government has set up a special team led by the Party secretary and the governor of the province for the project. On the occasion of the inauguration ceremony, the reporter walked into the newly built cultural landmark, unveiling its unique charm and wisdom.
Not far from Liangzhu Ancient City Ruins Park, Hangzhou Archives seems inconspicuous at first glance, but inside, it is a whole different world.
杭州国家版本馆文润阁。黄德灿/摄Wenrun Ge or the Wenrun Pavilion at the China National Archives of Publications and Culture (Hangzhou). Photo by Huang Decan.
With a total floor space of 103,100 square meters, it is a grand complex with 13 building units. Designed to preserve the cultural heritage of the country, what other distinctive features,apart from its grandness, does it possess? According to Wang Shu,chief architect of Hangzhou Archives, the answer lies in the culture of the Song dynasty (960-1279) that represents the peak period of Chinese culture. Hence, the design theme is “a garden of the Song style”. Without actual gardens or buildings from the Song dynasty to consult, the design team turned to the Song landscape paintings for aesthetic inspiration. To quote Lu Wenyu, a team member,“The skillful diversion of running water from the Liangzhu Harbor through the former mining pits in the construction site has turned the garden design into reality, making it the most striking characteristic of Hangzhou Archives”.
It is believed by the architects that the difference in the angle of view determines how much of a scene one can see, which is also applicable to Hangzhou Archives. Walking inside along its central axis, one can see a landscape painting unfolding slowly from south to north in front of him: building units of varied functions are connected by corridors, dotted with pavilions and bridges, and surrounded by hills and water.
If shifting the focus from the big view to the small details,one will notice the brilliant creativity Chinese garden masters have exerted on the modern building. One such example is the extensive use of celadon, a unique green ware produced in Zhejiang. Throughout Hangzhou Archives, a great feature is the many standing celadon screens, an inspiration from the painted screens in the Song dynasty paintings, and all the tiles used for the screens were tailor-made in the Longquan kiln, in Lishui city in southwestern Zhejiang province. According to Xu Xiping, project manager of Zhejiang Construction Investment Group, the practice is the first of its kind in the history of Chinese architecture. Another unprecedented instance was the impressive amount of textured fair-faced concrete used for the 90,000-square-meter construction area, 60,000 square meters more than that of Xiong’an Railway Station, the largest one in Asia. The third noteworthy detail is Hangzhou Archives’ steel-wood structure with an over-20-meter span, the largest ever in the history of world architecture, which is a breakthrough to pay homage to the Chinese architectural heritage.
The artistic conception of Hangzhou Archives also shows the wisdom in harmonizing with nature. Its construction is not limited by its location in the preservation zone of Liangzhu culture. Instead, it embodies the concept of nature held by Chinese ancestors in the Song dynasty, i.e. simulating nature by adapting and utilizing only the available physical space.
A great many examples of adaptation can be found in the architecture. First, the entrance to a repository, originally part of a hill, has been renovated into tea fields with Dragon Well green tea plants arranged in narrow rows, which is an artful reflection of the Song people’s fondness for tea. Second, sloped roofs represent a prominent roo fing style of traditional Chinese architecture, among which hyperbolic roofing popular in the Tang and Song dynasties is a most marvelous type. Thedesign team adapted the roofing with celadon ceramic slates, thus making a natural transition from the green hills surrounding the building. Third, the seemingly unnatural designs inside the Archives are mostly made to preserve some plants or hills. The next instance is about rammed earth that has a long tradition in China. According to Lu, the Archives features rammedearth walls constructed with over 2,900 cubic meters of the natural raw material, which will make the walls even more endurable with the passage of time. This way, the modern Hangzhou Archives echoes the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City, whose walls and foundations were both made of rammed earth as well.
China National Archives of Publications and Culture(Hangzhou) is an unprecedented monument that boasts grandness and showcases unique Chinese culture, leaving evidence for future generations seeking a look at the glorious past.
南书房(水榭)。肖奕叁/摄A water-side pavilion. Photo by Xiao Yisan.
According to Wu Xueyong, head of the preparatory team,Hangzhou Archives acts as a record keeper, collecting and preserving various kinds of bibliological materials, such as an old photograph or newspaper, medal, or even a reel of film, all of which tell the stories of Chinese civilization.
The archives’ acquisition activities, targeting both individual and institutional donors, have been carried out not only in eastern China where the archives is located but also in central and western regions of the country. To quote Li Donglin, a staff member of the archives, “With profound cultural heritage, Zhejiang boasts a large number of rare and antiquarian book collectors who are visionary big-picture thinkers willing to donate their collections”.
November 28, 2020, the day that marked Friedrich Engels’200th birth anniversary, witnessed a donation ceremony of 1,140 copies ofin multiple formats including books, cartoons and sound recordings, and in different languages since the publication of the 1888 edition. Among them, the 1888 English edition with the preface written by Engels is extremely rare. The donor is Jin Liang, president of Zhejiang Outlet Square Co., Ltd. After his acquisition of the collection, he offered to donate it in the hope that it would be taken good care of.Afterwards, he made another record-breaking donation, 782 copies of precious ancient books in 10 categories. As a book collector,Jin wishes to have a private library to house his own collections.However, he also believes that the precious books should be kept in a proper place so as to realize their worth.
Jin is not alone in this. Huang Mingming donated 2,126 books, documents and manuscripts inherited from his father,Huang Yuan, a translator, publisher and writer. The printmaker Lu Fang donated 329 pieces of his works. Xu Qingrui, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, donated his lecture notes he took as a visiting scholar at MIT, and the academic books he wrote.
Apart from donation, Hangzhou Archives also accepted private pieces on deposit. The two volumes of, the world’s largest known encyclopedia, which Jin bought at a high auction price, are on deposit with the Archives.While conducting collecting activities, Zhang Xiaoli, an Archives staff member, has found that valuable collections can barely survive in the hands of most collectors. The Archives, however,is able to take professional measures for handling the unique and non-renewable pieces, either as gifts or on deposit. According to Zhang, the Archives boasts a 40,000-square-meter repository with up-to-date facilities to ensure 24-hour stable temperature and relative humidity and protect records from pollutants, all of which constitute the archives’ core measures for protection and preservation of its holdings. Additionally, the Archives has prepared exclusive storage space for various types of collections and well-equipped technical rooms for maintenance and repair.
Up to now, Hangzhou Archives has accepted a vast range of collections totaling 970,000 pieces from individual and institutional donors, whose contribution will eventually turn the Archives into a treasure trove of Chinese culture.
Cultural diffusion is just as important as cultural preservation.Therefore, technology is indispensable in optimizing the use of Chinese archival heritage.
Among the China National Archives of Publications and Culture and its three branches in Guangzhou, Xi’an and Hangzhou respectively, Hangzhou Archives is the only one that has a digital exhibition hall. According to Chen Feng, responsible for digitization at the Archives, in order to help visitors fully understand the archival documents and protect precious records unsuitable for long-term display, digitization is the solution. The 520-square-meter digital exhibition hall provides an immersive and interactive experience for visitors, filling the gap created by physical exhibitions. Presently, the Archives focuses on the nakedeye 3D LED displays of precious resources like those about the King of Liangzhu Jade Cong, the Sword of Goujian (king of the State of Yue), and the Buddhist scriptures found in Leifeng Pagoda. The 360-degree virtual tours will enable visitors to explore the compelling and inspiring archival collections.
Digital technologies help extend the life expectancy of archival materials. So far, digitization of seven major collections has been completed and the archives’ 1,000-square-meter data center is big enough to house all of its digitized collections for over a decade.
Additionally, as part of its “new infrastructure construction project”, the Archives provides both on-site and online visitors with a large array of digital services. A noteworthy example is a powerful WeChat mini program to be launched on the day the Archives is open. It has many pioneering features not yet seen in China’s cultural industry and easy access to other popular apps created as a result of Zhejiang’s digital revolution. What’s more,in order to explore the value of the records, the Aarchives has developed an archival information management system covering the 8 stages a record goes through, the first of its kind in China.For its staff, Hangzhou Archives has created a “metaverse”: a virtual world of information that builds connection among equipment,staff, and their environment. The operational data presented by the “metaverse” has made smart management possible.
What lies behind all the above practices is digital thinking,the key to the smart Hangzhou Archives. As far as Wu Xueyong is concerned, the digitization in the cultural industry means more than empowering communication with the public by using internet technologies or complementing physical museums with virtual ones. It is nothing but conceptual and managerial innovations that can make Hangzhou Archives a high-level cultural facility in the new era.
Set to open in mid to late July, Hangzhou Archives will host several well-prepared exhibitions such as the Iconic Achievements of the Important “Showcase”, An Overview of Jiangnan Bibliological Culture, Zhejiang Cultural Research Project, Cultural Celebrities in Zhejiang, and a major digital collections show.
Will Hangzhou Archives, a grand cultural landmark,eventually achieve its lofty goal of promoting Chinese cultural inheritance? Time will tell.