李掌 张开乾 马忠明 吕和平 文国宏 曲亚英
中图分类号:S532 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-1463(2022)06-0005-09
Countermeasures and Advice on Strengthening Gansu Province with
Potato Seed Industry
LI Zhang 1, ZHANG Kaiqian 2, MA Zhongming 2, LV Heping 1, WEN Guohong 1, QU Yaying 1
(1. Institute of Potato, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou Gansu 730070, China; 2. Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou Gansu 730070, China)
Abstract: To enhance the development of potato seed industry and to to deal with issue of germplasm enhancement. Based on the investigation and analysis for the development status of potato seed industry, advantages and bottlenecks of potato seed industry in Gansu Province were sorted out, ideas, strategies and objectives for strengthening Gansu with seed industry were determined. Focused on germplasm resource, virus-free seed potato breeding etc., countemeasures i.e. construction of new breeding entity, commercial breeding highlight, construction of scientific research platform and breeding base enhancement, supervision and administration of seed potato, branding and mechanism innovation and talent training were proposed.
Key words: Potato; Seed industry; Germplasm resource; Supervision system; Gansu Province
收稿日期:2022 - 04 - 30
基金項目:国家马铃薯产业技术体系(CARS-09-P06), 甘肃省政府决策咨询委员会(2021年研究课题“甘肃打造种业强省对策建议”)。
作者简介:李 掌(1964 — ),男,甘肃静宁人,研究员,主要从事马铃薯遗传育种与栽培工作。联系电话:(0931)7685529。Email:869706486@qq.com。
通信作者:马忠明(1963 — ),男,甘肃民勤人,研究员,博士,主要从事作物肥水高效利用和节水高产栽培理论与技术的研究和示范推广工作。联系电话:(0931)7617566。