WANG Ming (王明)
(School of Mathematics and Physics, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China)
Abstract: It is well known that the solution of the elliptic equation ∆u=V u is analytic if the potential V is analytic.But little is known on the ultra analyticity of the solution if V is ultra analytic.In this note, we show that the solution enjoys a log type ultra analyticity bound by an elegant and delicate induction argument.
Key words: Elliptic equation; Analyticity; Higher derivative
Let u : Ω ⊂Rd→R be a smooth function.We say that u is analytic in Ω if for every x ∈Ω there exists C,R > 0 so thatholds for all multi-index α =(α1,α2,··· ,αd) ∈Nd, where we adopt the convention |α| = α1+α2+···+αdand α! =α1!α2!···αd!.The quantity R is often referred to the analytic radius at x.The analyticity of solutions for elliptic equation is a classical topic studied in references.If u(x) is harmonic inΩ, namely ∆u=0 in Ω, then u is analytic in Ω.[3]
Moreover, let L be an elliptic differential operator with analytic coefficients and O be an open disk in Rd.Then any solution of Lu=0 in O is analytic.For the details of this result,we refer the readers to [2, 6, 8, 9].In particular, consider the linear elliptic equation
If V is analytic on Rd, then the solution u of (1.1) is analytic on Rd.
We ask the following question.
Question:If V is ultra analytic, namely the analytic radius R = ∞, what can we say about the quantitative analytic bound for the solution of (1.1)?
To our best knowledge, the problem has not been solved in the references.The question is motivated by the quantitative analytic bounds of solutions and its applications in the observability inequalities for heat equations[1,4,10]and KdV equations[5,7].
To make the question more precise, we assume that there exists C0>0 so that
Our main result reads as follows.
Theorem 1.1Assume that (1.2) holds.Let u ∈L2(Rd) be a solution of (1.1).Then there exists a constant C >0 so that
In our recent paper [10], we have established a similar bound as (1.3) for fractional heat equation on Rd.The main strategy in [10] is to derive some quantitative estimates in Gevrey spaces Gσ, endowed with the norm
At this moment, we do not know whether the bound (1.3) is optimal or not.We hope to improve (1.3) to ∥u∥L∞(Rd)≤C|α|(α!)δ,∀α ∈Ndfor some δ ∈(0,1).But this is also open.
The notation in this paper is standard.We use AB to denote A ≤CB for some constant C >0.If both AB and BA hold, we write A ∼B.
In this section, we show that Theorem 1.1 follows from some higher derivative estimates in one variable, which may be easier to deal with.
Theorem 2.1Let u ∈L2(Rd) be a solution of (1.1) with V satisfying
Then there exists a constant C >0 so that
Proof of Theorem 1.1 under Theorem 2.1Let u ∈L2(Rd) be a solution of
with V satisfying
Then, by (2.3)-(2.4), v ∈L2(Rd) is a solution of
with W =a2V(ax) satisfying
Suppose that Theorem 2.1 holds, then we apply Theorem 2.1 to v and conclude that for j =1,2,··· ,d
On the other hand, we have the inequality
which follows from the Plancherel theorem and the elementary inequality
Combining (2.7) and (2.8) we find
Note that u(x)=v(a−1x), we deduce from (2.9) that
By the Sobolev embedding Hd(Rd)→L∞(Rd), we deduce from (2.10) that
Combining the bound (2.11) and Lemma 2.2, we complete the proof of Theorem 1.1.
In the proof above, we have used the following lemma, which is of independent interest.
Lemma 2.2For all α ∈Nd, we have α!≥d−|α||α|!.
ProofLet α=(α1,α2,··· ,αd).It suffices to show that
where |α| = α1+α2+···+αd.We prove (2.12) by induction on |α|.Clearly, (2.12) holds for |α| = 0.Suppose (2.12) holds for all α satisfying |α| = k.Now we consider the case|α|=α1+α2+···+αd=k+1.Then in this case we have
This, together with the induction hypothesis, gives that
This shows that (2.12) holds for all α satisfying |α|=k+1.The proof is complete.
We first study the monotonicity of aj.
Lemma 3.1Let ajbe given by (3.1).Then when n →∞we have
ProofThanks to the formula (3.1), we find that aj≤aj+1is equivalent to
Note that
here and below we use o(1/jk) to denote a quantity less than or equal some constant times 1/jkas j →∞.Similarly,
Then we deduce from (3.6) that
Thanks to (3.7), we have
This, together with (3.8), gives that
Combining (3.4)-(3.5) and (3.9), we find aj≤aj+1is equivalent to
Thus in order to prove(3.2),it suffices to show that if n/2 Similarly, to prove (3.3), it suffices to show that if j ≥n −log n+1 then In fact, if j ≥n −log n+1, then j +log j ≥n −log n+1+log(n −log n+1) ≥n holds if 1 ≥log n −log(n −log n+1).But this holds clearly if n is large enough.Thus (3.11) holds and the proof is complete. The main estimate in this section is the following proposition, which is the key step in the proof of Theorem 2.1. Proposition 3.2When n →∞we have ProofLet ajbe given by (3.1).We split the sum as Then we find Thus for large enough n 2) The case j > n −2 log n.In this case, we have j > n/2 if n is large enough.So according to Lemma 3.1, we find Recall the definition (3.1), we infer that if n −log n −2 ≤j ≤n −log n+1, It follows from (3.14)-(3.15) that This implies that holds if one can show that But this is equivalent to Thus we deduce that It follows that So (3.17) holds if n is large enough. 3) The case n/2 ≤j ≤n −2 log n.By the definition of aj, we have This, together with (3.5) and (3.9), gives Moreover, according to (3.14) and (3.15), we have Thanks to (3.18)-(3.19), similar to Step 2), we conclude that for n large enough.In fact, in 2) we have shown a stronger result: log n∗RHS of (3.19) is less than or equal to RHS of (3.20). Finally, combining (3.13), (3.16) and (3.20), we complete the proof. Proof of Theorem 2.1Thanks to Proposition 3.2, there exists an integer n0> 0 so that for all n ≥n0 On the other hand,let u ∈L2(Rd)be a solution of ∆u=V(x)u.Then by the standard elliptic regularity and the smooth assumptions on V we find that, for every integer k, there exists a constant C(k)>0,∥u∥Hk+2(Rd)≤C(k)∥u∥Hk(Rd).Thus a bootstrapping argument shows that for every k ∈N, ∥u∥Hk(Rd)≤C(k).In particular, this implies that for some constant C >0, where n0is the same to that fulfilling (3.21). Now we claim that if holds for some n ≥n0, then In fact, by the Plancherel theorem and the equation ∆u=V(x)u, we have Using the Leibniz rule, the assumption (2.1) and (3.23), we infer that Here in the last step we used (3.21).Combining (3.25)-(3.26) gives the claim. Finally, thanks to the bound (3.22) and the claim, we find that Theorem 2.1 holds.