王士性,與徐霞客齐名的晚明大旅行家。一生游迹几遍全国,所到之处,对地方风物人情,广事搜访,悉心考证,练就了一双洞察世事的慧眼。那个旅客一上船,王士性便看出,这其实是个大手笔的巨商,猥琐与寒酸只是伪装,若论资产,很可能整艘船的货物加起来,也不及他身上的那个瘤子:“龙游商贾,其所贾多明珠、翠羽、宝石、猫眼类轻软物。千金之货,只一人自赍京师,败絮、僧鞋、蒙茸、褴褛、假痈、巨疽、膏药内皆宝珠所藏,人无知者。”(王士性 ·《广志绎》)
“游埠”的“游”,指的就是龙游 :它是钱塘江航道之上龙游过来的第一个船埠——老街边上的溪水直通衢江——故而素有“钱江上游第一埠”之称。
如此一个大码头,在此营生的船员与搬运工人数量之多可想而知。相比淮扬与广东,游埠小吃的口味普遍偏咸偏油,价格也便宜许多,原因或许便来自他们 :卖苦力的汉子出汗多,容易饿,自然吃不得太清淡,更吃不起太贵。
Youbu the Ancient Town and Morning Tea in Jiangnan
By Zheng Xiaofeng
Compared to most ancient towns, Youbu has relatively spacious streets of five to six meters wide. Still I had to sidle when walking along the street, which was packed by local people enjoying morning tea. There were at least one to two thousand of them, to estimate conservatively.
That was back in 2021, a random autumn day, 5:31 in the morning. In Youbu, every day begins like this for the last hundreds of years.
Half an hour ago, on the way from downtown Lanxi to Youbu, I was still doubtful about the latter’s grand morning tea routine being nothing but a legend. But my doubt was soon cleared up after I crossed a stone bridge and found myself in front of a brightly lit old street, full of hustling crowds. It turned out the stone bridge was an intersection of two totally different worlds.
As shown by the name plate, this bridge was called Yongfu Bridge, built in the late Qing dynasty (1616-1911) over a hundred years ago. It is one of the five old bridges across a local stream. Youbu has a waterway-centered layout just like most ancient towns in Jiangnan (south of the Yangtze River), yet its river is relatively wide, letting in more light to lift the darkness before dawn.
Morning tea is not only popular in Guangdong but in some parts of Jiangnan as well, Anchang in Shaoxing and Maming in Tongxiang for instance. But compared to them, Youbu’s morning tea begins much earlier, at 3 a.m. and in a more diversified way.
On Youbu’s old streets, most of the vendors sell food: soy milk, rice, steamed buns, steamed cakes, wontons, dumplings, noodles, fried vermicelli ... And there are many unique Lanxi snacks, such as pancakes filled with egg and meat as well as meat-stuffed boiled eggs, allegedly 300 kinds in total.
However diverse the snacks are, the hero is tea. For customers sitting at every table there is always a tea cup in their hands, and some frequenters even bring their own tea cups or tea leaves. They normally don’t eat much, but would remain seated at the table even when they have already finished eating. These people were called “tea house people” in the old days — often negatively. Just like my mother once complained about her folks, “Everyday they just fool around holding a cup of tea, doing nothing.” At that time she had already left Lanxi and settled in Yonghang, where local people are much more hardworking than their Lanxi counterparts and used to eating frugal meals.
For example, Yongkang people find it too luxurious to steam and eat a whole piece of ham for a single meal, which is a common practice for Lanxi locals. A Lanxi-born historical celebrity even claimed that ham should always be steamed in large pieces separately and served with tea. This celebrity’s name is Li Yu (1610-1680), who is an ancient dramatist and believed a talented man is entitled to enjoy the most beautiful things in this world.
Youbu got its name because of Longyou, a county in Quzhou city and the gateway to western Zhejiang. And Youbu is the first boat port past Longyou along the Qiantang River channel — that's why it is known as “the first port on the upper reaches of the Qiantang River”. Furthermore, it is in fact a transshipment point and distribution center for goods from and to the southern provinces. By the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing dynasties, it was already packed with stores and merchants and was considered one of the “four ancient towns of Zhejiang”.
There are large docks in Youbu, and you could imagine the size of crew members and porters working there. Compared to those of Huaiyang and Guangdong, the snacks in Youbu generally taste more salty and oily and cost less money, maybe that is because of those hard laborers: they sweat heavily from toiling, get hungry easily, and naturally need high energy food that are at the same time inexpensive.
The nature of Youbu being a port can also explain why local food stalls open so early in the morning, because people have to wait early on the dork so that they will not miss the coming boats, and while waiting they might as well grab a handful of peanuts to go with a pot of tea. They were the reason, the people waiting on the dock, that Jiangnan had gradually developed a habit of having morning tea since hundreds of years ago.
During the period when water transport was playing a leading role, Lanxi was a significant port in the entire Qiantang River basin, second only to Hangzhou. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, it was said that “the small county of Lanxi could rival Suzhou and Hangzhou”, and it was not only the most prosperous among the counties and cities in Jinhua, but also the most affluent in Jiangnan as a whole.
Lanxi’s developed economy, in addition to transportation advantage, is mainly attributed to its traditional Chinese medicine industry.
The birthplace of the Chinese medicine industry in Lanxi is Zhuge village, to which Youbu is the nearest port. That is to say, every morning among the tea-drinking crowds, a bulk of them are living on the traditional Chinese medicine — in my mother's words, they are “feeding on medicine”. In fact, she herself also grew up “eating medicine”: her father was a pharmacy worker.
Soon it was 8 am. Tourists were gathering, and many local seniors who found it too overwhelmed to stay on began to leave one after another. We were also ready to leave. On the way back, I found the barber I saw earlier was still sleeping in the recliner chair — when I arrived, I noticed this old-fashioned barbershop on the street, which seemed strange to me not only because it was the first store I saw on the street specializing in morning tea, but also because it opened just as early as other food stalls at 3 to 4 a.m. Suddenly I felt like giving myself a haircut that was popular thirty years ago, and started to imagine if I woke up in that very recliner chair and I could see myself back in the old days, embracing the river of history that was flowing back towards me …