
2022-06-30 14:07:39祝融融
文化交流 2022年6期






“我不仅想通过这件作品表现自己当下的生活状态,更希望观者能通过它体悟到时间。”《深呼吸 · 2021》是创作于2021年的一件墙面装置作品,运用了线、着漆板、LED灯管、电压控制器等材料。装置正中竖向嵌入了两条日光灯管,黄燕根据深呼吸的频率,用变压控制器控制灯光从明到暗的变化。

今年2月底,《深呼吸 · 2021》入选第七届全国青年美术作品展,并作为50件作品之一,获第十四届全国美展展区直送作品资格。黄燕直言,创作之初并没有预想到这件作品的最终呈现效果,但当那两根灯管被嵌入作品的预留部位时,她心里顿时感觉“对了”。

“这其实是一次实验性尝试。”黄燕表示,《深呼吸 · 2021》是她第一次尝试在直线布局中加入灯光,并且选择让灯管直接暴露。深呼吸的频率控制灯光从明到暗,再从暗到明重复循环,一呼一吸之间,仿佛在与时间同频共振。

“空气、光影、时间、空间,这些对象虽然看似虚无缥缈,却始终围绕着我们,人永远被囊括在其中。只是由于物理显现的特殊性,这些对象很容易被忽略,但事实上我们却又无时无刻不在体验。深呼吸就是一种体验它们的好途径。”黄燕说 :“灯光发挥作用的时候,我想观众们应该会有诸如此般的切身感受。”








《灰色光》是黄燕在用直线叙述上的一个创作拐点,兑现了对平面世界的挖掘,但也让她陷入了一长段被平面化禁锢的瓶颈期,直到《深呼吸 · 2021》的出现——“这件作品虽然有着桎梏化的外形,却因为灯光和呼吸频率的加入而变得有弹性了,不仅启动了视觉体验,更启动了感官体验。”黄燕表示,《深呼吸 · 2021》让她挣脱了光影视觉层面的藩篱,转向另一个开阔的语境。

















Starting from a Strand of  Thread:

Huang Yans Fiber Art Quest

By  Zhu Rongrong

Fiber art is as old as human civilization. Before writing was invented, it was used by early human ancestors to record information. In the history of the Silk Road, it was a symbol of thriving trade and cultural prosperity. In modern times, it embodies densely stitched crochet patterns, an exquisite expression of love. How much value, then, can a strand of fine fiber create in this era? According to Professor Huang Yan, chairwoman of the Department of Fiber Art at China Academy of Art, the answer lies all in her fiber art stories.

Facial masks, protective coveralls and nucleic acid tests have been part of our collective memories of the COVID-19 pandemic. Do we still remember since when we havent dared to breathe deeply? In 2021, Huang created Deep Breath 2021 as a mirror revealing her condition of life then and her perception of time. Made of threads, painted boards, LED tubes and voltage controllers, this wall installation art featured two vertical fluorescent light tubes in the middle, flashing on and off at the rhythm of deep respiration.

In late February 2022, the work was selected for the Seventh National Youth Art Exhibition and included among the top 50 works shortlisted for the 14th National Art Exhibition. Huang said she didnt know what to expect when she started the work, but she knew it was exactly what she wanted the moment the two tubes were installed as designed.

According to Huang, the work was her first attempt to include lighting into a linear design. The exposed lights that go on and off symbolize a complete cycle of inhalation and exhalation, which conveys her concept of time.

“Void or ethereal as they are, air, light and shadow, time and space encompass us in every moment of our lives. But due to their special physical properties, they are easily neglected. To breathe deeply makes a good way to feel them, which the audience will realize when seeing the lights on and off,” said Huang.3BD9E3CE-382E-4E03-A011-C5653442A612

She believes that she is only halfway through her creative journey. For her, Deep Breath 2021, being selected and shortlisted, came as an unexpected reward as well as great encouragement and recognition.

Huang started to study fiber art under Professor Shi Hui at China Academy of Art in 2004. Her preference for threads is conspicuous in her recent series of works. Instead of being limited by the physical property and the common identity of threads as auxiliary for shaping soft materials, Huang exerted herself to exploring new language in fiber art.

In 2015, she went on a field trip to hosiery workshops in Datang, a town in Zhuji city, Zhejiang province. Standing in the roaring factories, she felt a different type of power in threads, quite unlike what people usually feel about the kind of “thread” in the hand of a loving mother. She was considerably impressed by the sight of thousands of threads vibrating at identical frequency on the machines with their integrated and mechanical order.

“Right then and there, I could hardly feel my own existence. I saw only the power of straight line threads,” Huang recalled. To this day, that image is still lingering in her mind, motivating her to integrate straight line threads into her art, and she hopes to create a means to narrate stories with threads hovering above mundane life.

Huang has given a lot of thought to the abstract relationships such as number, quantity and proportion in her art, inspired by string theory and trigonometry, and especially by the Pythagorean theory of “everything is number”. With an intrinsic logic between them, they are closely related to aesthetics. Compared with the multi-form world, the above abstract concepts make Huangs works transcend the world of everyday life, as they are closer to the spiritual dimension that she desires.

When she graduated with a PhD in 2017, she created Gray Light, an eight-meter-wide wall installation. Apart from her usual silk threads and wood boards, she added ruler icons to indicate the measurement of time and space on a two-dimensional surface. “Light and shadow present an image similar to ‘a gray space, symbolizing a squeezed flat world detached from reality,” she explained.

Gray Light marked a turning point in her use of straight line narration as it was her first attempt at two-dimensional space. After that she ran into a long-term bottleneck of 2D space until Deep Breath 2021. “Conventional as it may seem, it appeals to perceptive experience like a visual one by adding light and breathing rhythm,” Huang said. It allowed her to break free from the shackles of light and shadow and dive into another field.3BD9E3CE-382E-4E03-A011-C5653442A612

Initially she did not have a clue about what fiber art was. After repeated attempts, she came to see the boundlessness of artistic creation. There are infinite possibilities as long as one is willing to adopt a different perspective or explore a different narrative form. She believes an artist will find boundless creativity and endless possibilities if they follow their heart and set no limits on themselves.

Fibers surround us in our everyday lives — from the sweater your grandma knits to the embroidery your mom makes, two most common types of fiber art. However, modern fiber art has passed from the initial stage of weaving to the experimental stage of exploring boundless possibilities. Huang believes the future of fiber art lies in integrating science and technology into its creation. On the one hand, fiber art materials have witnessed tremendous changes. On the other, new media and new technology are transforming the way people look at fiber art.

In 2019, Huangs scene installation (combined with video) Preface-2 was put on show at the 3rd Fiber Art Exhibition for Emerging Artists. Featuring a woven text and an image of a chessboard, it was her first attempt to incorporate digital images into extra-large fiber installation. Huang displayed a symbolic relationship between the audience walking through the artwork while viewing the text and mankind traveling along myriad paths under the sky.

The symbolic relationship between heaven, earth and man is a recurring theme in her artistic reflection. “I often wonder how the ancients felt when they stood on the ground and looked up into the starry sky and how that is different from how we feel now and how humans will feel in the future,” said Huang. “Preface is a symbol of medium linking the ancient past to the future world, through which traces of human civilization can still be recognized after a few epochs.”

Contemporary art encompasses diverse forms of artistic expression. Therefore, viewers need to develop an understanding of background knowledge before they can appreciate varied art concepts. Artists experimentation with various narrative forms and the representation of their creative processes are what contemporary art is all about.

“Misunderstandings of contemporary art are inevitable if viewers try to interpret it by solely visual elements, and resonance with contemporary artworks is even harder to achieve. Nevertheless, if interpretation is a chronological approach, viewers will find that they mirror the time period and society in which they are created. In this regard, fiber art is a different story as it has been closely connected with everyday life since the start of human civilization — or even earlier.”

In fiber art, threads are used to bridge the past, present and future, and artists of this generation are expected to promote art and expand presence in exhibition halls. The road ahead for Huang Yan is long and she will urge herself on to seek her dream of fiber art. Starting from a strand of thread, her artistic quest has brought her great fun and joy along the way.3BD9E3CE-382E-4E03-A011-C5653442A612

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