
2022-06-22 17:36:38孙卫红杨程杰邵铁锋梁曼郑健
丝绸 2022年6期

孙卫红 杨程杰 邵铁锋 梁曼 郑健



中图分类号:TS101.91文献标志码:A文章编号: 10017003(2022)06005808

引用页码: 061108

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-7003.2022.06.008(篇序)

基金项目: 国家市场监管总局科技计划项目(S2021MK0217);浙江省公益技术应用研究项目(LGG20E050014);江西省市场监督管理局科技项目(GSJK202003)



目前国内外学者在群体目标检测方面的研究已取得一定进展。曹诗雨等[6]通过改进Fast R-CNN(Fast Region-based Convolutional Network)目标检测算法,可准确识别城市道路中的公交车、小型汽车;彭红星等[7]以四种水果为研究对象,提出一种改进的SSD(Single Shot MultiBox Detector)深度学习水果检测算法,解决了自然环境下水果识别率低、泛化性弱等问题;Loey等[8]基于ResNet-50提取深度迁移学习模型的特征,并采用YOLOv2(You Only Look Once)算法对人群中的医用口罩特征进行标注与定位;赵德安等[9]为实现复杂环境中机器人对苹果的检测,采用一种基于YOLOv3的苹果识别算法,准确定位苹果的同时,验证YOLOv3算法对群体目标识别检测的可行性。

为提高YOLOv3算法对群体蚕茧种类识别的精度与鲁棒性,本文以上车茧、黄斑茧与烂茧为研究对象,提出基于多尺度色彩恢复算法(Multi-Scale Retinex with Color Restoration,MSRCR)与注意力机制(Convolution Block Attention Module,CBAM)的群体蚕茧智能识别算法,在深度学习训练前对暗箱内拍摄的蚕茧原始图片进行MSRCR算法预处理得到多尺度高频细节图像,增加蚕茧图像细节信息,解决蚕茧图像表面细节清晰度低的问题。将注意力机制引入YOLOv3的主干特征提取网络,对高保真图像的分支特征重新标定,使网络聚焦于有效疵点特征,抑制背景的干扰。后期预测框筛选策略增加一项得分与相邻框重合度的计算过程,提高预测框筛选的合理性,降低算法对群体蚕茧识别的漏检率。

1 方 法

1.1 蚕茧图像色彩恢复


G(x,y)=k·exp-x2+y2θ2    (1)

RMSR(x,y)=∑nsn=1λn·{logI(x,y)-log[I(x,y)·G(x,y)]}    (2)09B613B9-6D44-4542-91B1-A1F0EE71EE1A

RMSRCRi(x,y)=Ci(x,y)·RMSRi(x,y)Ci(x,y)=β·log[α·Ii(x,y)]-log∑Ni=1Ii(x,y)    (3)

式(1)为高斯函数,其中k和θ分别为归一化参数和高斯环绕尺度参数;式(2)利用式(1)对原图I(x,y)先选取多个尺度参数进行低通滤波,再进行加权平均求和,得到多尺度滤波后的蚕茧高频细节图像R(x,y),式(2)中λn表示权值,ns为尺度数目;式(3)中i为颜色通道,N为图像中所有颜色通道,α为非线性强度控制因子,β为可调的增益参数。β决定图像色彩恢复的最终效果,需根据实际目标增强效果调整并取值[12]。本文采用200万像素的相机,暗箱内平均光照强度为106 Lux,通过改变增益参数β获得不同增益效果的上车茧、黄斑茧和烂茧多尺度高频细节图像。经YOLOv3算法检测,最后检测效果评价指标采用均值平均精度(mean Average Precision,mAP),实验结果如图1所示。由图1可知,本实验中β取值35时,均值平均精度较高。


1.2 YOLOv3算法改进


1.2.1 基于注意力机制的主干特征提取网络




1.2.2 柔性非极大值抑制算法

在后期预测框处理阶段,YOLOv3算法采用非极大值抑制算法(Non-Maximum Suppresion,NMS)筛选一定区域内属于同一目标蚕茧的最高得分预测框,用于解决目标检测过程中预测框重叠问题[19]。NMS算法原理如式(4)[20]所示。






Si=Si·exp-iou(M,bi)2σ, biD    (6)


由算法原理可知,bi与M的交并比(Intersection over Union,iou)越高,bi的得分Si就越低。改进算法通过降低高得分预测框内重合度大于阈值的预测框分数,优化预测框筛选策略。


2 实验与分析

实验硬件环境:采用型号为AMD Ryzen5 2600X的CPU(超威半导体公司),型号为NVIDIA GTX 1660TiGPU的显卡(英伟达公司)。软件环境:Ubuntu 18.04操作系统,深度学习框架为Pytorch,编程语言采用Python。

2.1 数据集制作与模型训练

数据集制作是深度学习训练任务的基础环节。为验证本文算法对于群体蚕茧种类识别的适用性,将检测机构及暗箱拍摄的上车茧、黄斑茧、烂茧标准图像若干,经MSRCR图像预处理后以PASCAL VOC2007数据集格式进行存储,用于测试算法的精度与鲁棒性。数据集共计蚕茧图像1 200张,上述每种蚕茧各占1/3,训练前均缩放至416×416像素。实验训练过程采用随机梯度下降法,初始学习率设定为0.001,权重衰减系数为0.000 1。图9为训练模型所得损失值函数曲线,横坐标表示训练迭代次数,纵坐标为训练过程中的损失值,损失值越低代表模型精度越高,最高迭代6 000次。

2.2 评价指标

实验采用平均精度(Average Precision,AP)、准确率(Precision,P)、召回率(Recall,R)、均值平均精度与单张图像检测时间作为衡量群体蚕茧识别算法性能的指标。准确率与召回率的定义如式(7)(8)所示。

Pprecision=TPTP+FP,Rrecall=TPTP+FN    (7)

MAP=∑Nk=1(R(k+1)-R(k))·max[P(R(k+1)),P(R(k))],MmAP=1C·AP    (8)




为进一步比较三种算法的各项性能,本文增加准确率、召回率与对单张图像的检测时间,如表2所示。在精度指标上,本文算法对于同种蚕茧的准确率与召回率均高于YOLOv3-tiny、YOLOv3,在数据集上的mAP达到85.52%,相比YOLOv3-tiny、YOLOv3分别提升19.27%、4.85%,上车茧、黄斑茧和烂茧的AP相比改进前YOLOv3算法,分别得到4.30%、4.70%、5.53%的提升。从检测单张图像时间的开销来看,改进YOLOv3算法单张蚕茧图像的时间为30.1 ms,略高于YOLOv3,但在实际应用场景中可满足实时性的要求。


3 结 论



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Intelligence recognition algorithm of group cocoons based on MSRCR and CBAM

SUN Weihong1, YANG Chengjie1, SHAO Tiefeng1, LIANG Man1, ZHENG Jian2

(1a.College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering; 1b.Cocoon and Silk Quality Inspection Technology Institute, China Jiliang University,Hangzhou 310018, China; 2.Jiangxi Market Supervision Management Quality and Safety Inspection Center, Nanchang 330096, China)

Abstract:Silk, as a "national treasure" that has accumulated thousands of years of civilization, is one of the very few advantageous industries in China that can dominate the international market. The silk industry plays an economic, ecological and social role, and has made important contributions to farmers prosperity, employment expansion, ecological protection and export earnings. The quality of silk is closely related to the control of the type of cocoon at the sorting stage. Sensory testing is still the main mode of cocoon sorting in China at this stage, that is, the silk reeling enterprise requires inspectors to classify the raw material cocoon according to national standards by original methods such as eye and hand touch. Cocoon sorting requires a high quality of inspectors who should not only have rich experience in sorting, standardized operation and smooth vision, but also have a deep understanding of the technical standards for cocoon sorting. The high technical requirements are a test for the technical personnel of the enterprise and increase the management and training costs of the enterprise.

In order to solve the problems of high labor cost and low efficiency in the traditional sorting process, this paper implements the intelligent identification of group cocoon species based on multi-scale retinex with color restoration and convolution block attention module. Because the surface of the cocoon collected in the experiment is susceptible to light, some areas are less visible. In this paper, from the perspective of restoring the surface color of the cocoon, multi-scale color recovery of the collected images is carried out. The MSRCR algorithm uses the Gaussian function to perform low-pass filtering on the original map of the cocoon at multiple scales to highlight the defect characteristics of the surface. In order to solve the problem of distortion of cocoon images due to local contrast enhancement, this paper uses color recovery factors to highlight the information of darker areas. Secondly, when the YOLOv3 algorithm is applied to the identification and detection of group silkworm cocoons, the identification of small and medium-sized targets is defective, and it is very easy to have the problem of false detection. This article introduces convolution block attention module by modifying the residual layer. Convolution block attention module includes channel attention module (CAM) and spatial attention module (SAM). The convolution block attention module derives the weights along the two independent dimensions of the channel and space on the cocoon feature map of the middle layer of the network, multiplies the weights with the input feature map, divides the effective defect features and invalid background features in the image, and performs adaptive feature refinement. In the later prediction frame processing stage, the YOLOv3 algorithm uses a non-maximum suppresion (NMS) algorithm to filter the highest score prediction box belonging to the same cocoon in a certain area, which is prone to missed detection. In this paper, the flexible non-maximum suppression algorithm Soft-NMS is introduced by adding a linear weighted function and a Gaussian weighted function to the non-maximum suppression algorithm, and a coincidence calculation with adjacent boxes is added on the basis of the original algorithm to effectively solve the problem of missed detection of silkworm cocoons. On this basis, in this paper, reelable cocoon, yellow spotted cocoon and decay cocoon were used as research objects to make a cocoon species dataset and carry out control experiments. Experimental results show that in terms of accuracy correlation indicators, the accuracy of the proposed algorithm for the same kind of cocoon is better than that of the YOLov3 algorithm. Mean average precision is 4.85% better than the original algorithm. In terms of the detection time of a single image, the proposed algorithm only needs 30.1 ms, which meets the requirements of the real-time accuracy of the algorithm in the actual sorting process.

In order to improve the accuracy of YOLOv3 on the population cocoon detection algorithm, this paper proposes a group cocoon intelligent identification algorithm based on MSRCR and attention mechanism. However, due to the existing equipment conditions, there is a problem of incomplete acquisition in the sample image collection process of this article. How to improve the integrity of the acquisition of defect images on the surface of the cocoon is still worth further research by follow-up researchers.

Key words:cocoon; intelligent recognition; MSRCR algorithm; YOLOv3 algorithm; convolution block attention module; NMS algorithm09B613B9-6D44-4542-91B1-A1F0EE71EE1A

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