王盼 王朝晖
中图分类号:TS186.2文献标志码:A文章编号: 10017003(2022)06005008
引用页码: 061107
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-7003.2022.06.007(篇序)
基金項目: 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2232020G-08);上海市科学技术委员会国际合作项目(21130750100)
1 纬编导电织物及其分类
1.1 纬编导电织物
1.2 按照导电成分进行分类
2 纬编导电织物多重性能及作用机理
2.1 电-力学性能及作用机理
2.2 湿度传感性能及作用机理
2.3 电热性能及作用机理
Q=I2Rt (1)
φ/%=ΔRR0×100 (3)
3 纬编导电织物的制备要点
3.1 电-力学性能导电针织物的制备要点
1) 在纱线原料选择方面,因该性能导电针织物需要具备优良的导电性、弹性及高度回复性[24-25],故在实际生产中,通常采用镀银导电纱线或不锈钢混纺导电纱线加入氨纶弹性纱、涤纶纱等普通纱线共同执行编织,不但能增加导电织物的保形性,还能改善其电-力学性能。
2) 在织物组织结构设计方面,由于当前现有的电力学模型较为单一[26-27],故导电针织物的组织结构设计不宜过于复杂,一般采用常见的基本组织,如纬平针组织、罗纹组织及正反针组织等。
3) 在编织工艺选择上,主要采用提花添纱和嵌花添纱两种工艺,采用工艺不同,电压加载方式亦不相同,如图4所示。因采用嵌花添纱工艺编织的导电针织物,背面不存在浮线[28],故提高了导电针织物的灵敏度、稳定性与美观性。
3.2 湿度传感导电针织物的制备要点
1) 为避免导电针织物因长期处于潮湿环境下生锈或被氧化导致灵敏度降低[29],要选择化学性能稳定的原料进行制备。
2) 为提高导电针织物的吸水性,要对导电针织物进行亲水处理,但在选择亲水助剂时要保证其不会与导电物质产生化学反应,还要具备良好的耐久性。
3) 由于外力拉伸变形与湿度变化均能影响导电针织物电阻变化规律,故在进行织物结构设计时,可在导电针织物背面增加复合层,以限制织物横纵向拉伸变形,防止两者产生耦合效应。
当利用金属导电纱线制备湿度传感织物时,可选用不锈钢涤纶混纺纱线以质地紧密厚实的组织结构(罗纹组织、毛圈组织等)进行制备,织片下机后将其浸入温度为25 ℃、质量分数为20%的聚酯聚醚型亲水整理剂溶液中进行亲水处理[18],隨后在160 ℃的高温下进行干燥处理,最后可获得具有良好吸水性与导电性的湿度传感针织物;当采用MXene制备湿度传感织物时,先将针织物样片置于蒸馏水中用超声波清洗半小时进行除杂处理[30],然后将织物放入65 ℃的烘箱中烘干,随后将其放入质量浓度为5 mg/mL的MXene溶液中,待织物表面完全被MXene颗粒包覆[31],颜色变为黑色,将其捞出并置于65 ℃烘箱中再次烘干,取出即可得到基于MXene的湿度传感针织物。
3.3 电热性能导电针织物的制备要点
利用液相原位聚合法进行聚吡咯涂层织物制备时[35],其基本制备步骤如下:先将针织物样片(纯棉或黏胶纤维织物)进行除杂晾晒,再将其置于一定摩尔浓度的吡咯单体溶液中进行预湿,半小时后加入适量FeCl3·6H2O溶液,使溶液中FeCl3与吡咯单体摩尔质量比为1︰2并不断搅拌,等充分反应后,将样布取出放入2%乙醇溶液中进行洗涤,最后将样布捞出控干[36]。在整个制备过程中,聚吡咯涂层织物电阻随吡咯单体溶液摩尔浓度增大而减小;随反应时间的增加先减小后增大;随反应温度升高而增大,但反应温度过高会阻碍聚合反应的进行。实践证明,当采用0.4 mol/L的吡咯溶液、反应时间为2 h、反应温度为室温时,即可制备出发热效果良好的聚吡咯涂层织物。B48DEDB0-EFB8-41B5-B6E2-27DDC842923C
4 结 语
1) 加强高性能纤维材料的研发。纤维材料是导电针织物的基础,对智能针织产品的各项性能具有直接影响,研发高性能纤维材料不仅能解决材料耐久性问题,还能提高产品的其他性能,如高导电性、高弹性、耐高温性及抗辐射性等。
2) 改善现有的制备工艺。导电针织物因其线圈结构的特殊性,经反复拉伸、洗涤会发生一定程度变形而影响自身性能,因此要采取一系列的改革措施对现有的制备工艺进行优化,以提高产品的结构稳定性。
3) 加快自供电技术应用。自供电技术可利用特殊织物将周围环境中的各种能量(人体运动、摩擦、光能或太阳能等)收集起来并将其转化成电能,为低功耗电子元件供电。如果将其与智能针织产品结合,既能实现零电能消耗,又能节约成本、保护环境。
4) 建立完善的安全测试标准。智能针织产品的安全性主要包括化学成分安全性、电路安全性、信息安全性、阻燃性及电磁辐射等,通过制定出相应的测试标准,以规范智能针织产品市场。
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Research progress on multiple properties and preparation of weft-knitted conductive fabrics
WANG Pan, WANG Zhaohui
(a.College of Fashion and Design; b.Key Laboratory of Clothing Design and Technology, Ministry of Education; c.Shanghai Belt andRoad Joint Laboratory of Textile Intelligent Manufacturing, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China)
Abstract:Weft-knitted conductive fabrics have become one of the research focuses in the field of smart textiles due to their unique organizational structure and wearability. The knitted loop structure not only provides the conductive fabric with excellent omnidirectional stretch properties, but also provides elasticity, softness and fit that other fabrics cannot match. In recent years, the researched weft-knitted conductive fabrics, which mainly use resistance changes caused by external stimuli to achieve intelligence and functionalization, have the characteristics of simple structure, easiness to form, light texture, good flexibility and strong designability. They have broad application prospects in fields such as healthcare, sweat monitoring, and smart temperature regulation.
At present, weft-knitted conductive fabrics are endowed with multiple properties. Among them, conductive knitted fabrics with electro-mechanical properties can help us understand the external force by monitoring the change law of the total resistance of the fabric. The selection of yarn raw materials, the design of weave structure, the weaving process and the way of voltage loading have important effects on the electro-mechanical properties during preparation. This type of fabric can realize real-time, non-inductive acquisition of human physiological data, and is mostly used in the fields of medical care and sports and fitness. Conductive fabrics with humidity sensing properties do not depend on the knitted structure, but mainly rely on the hydrophilicity of the fabric itself, humidity sensitive materials or conductive materials to achieve humidity sensing. This type of fabric mainly characterizes environmental humidity changes through resistivity changes. Since both external stretching and humidity changes can affect fabric resistance, a composite layer to prevent coupling effects between the two can be added during preparation. This type of fabric can be used for monitoring incontinence, wound healing, sweating or microclimate of garments and other related fields. Conductive knitted fabrics with electrothermal properties can directly convert electrical energy provided by external power sources into thermal energy by using the internal resistance network of the fabric, and are mainly affected by conductive materials, preparation processes and loading voltage during preparation. Silver-coated yarn or polypyrrole can be used as the conductive material, and the former has better performance than the latter. This type of fabric is mostly used in such fields as polar winter clothing, smart home and sports protection.B48DEDB0-EFB8-41B5-B6E2-27DDC842923C
Weft-knitted conductive fabrics with electro-mechanical properties are a hot research topic because of many factors (such as yarn type, fabric density, weave structure, horizontal and vertical dimensions, and weaving process, etc.). Any change of any of these factors will affect the existing resistance network model, so there is no unified evaluation standard for the related performance parameters such as sensitivity, linearity and strain range of this kind of fabrics. There are relatively few studies on weft-knitted conductive fabrics with moisture sensing properties. However, due to the softness and fit of the knitted structure, it is expected to replace the traditional test method and realize the real-time measurement of skin surface humidity and sweat amount. In addition, if a layer of ion-selective film or biomolecular enzyme film can be added to the surface of fabrics with such properties, the detection of sweat components can even be realized. At present, some relatively mature electric heating knitted products have been put into the market, but there are still some deficiencies in the existing products. For example, the temperature control system of electric heating knitted products is not intelligent enough, and the electric heating knitted products have problems of poor portability and short working time. Therefore, the future research direction of such products mainly lies in the design of automatic temperature control system and wireless power transmission to improve product performance and user experience.
The multiple advantages of the weft-knitted conductive fabric make it an absolute advantage in the field of smart wearables, and the popularization and application of smart knitwear have become an inevitable trend. With the expansion and large-scale marketization of the application field of smart knitted products, the problems of material durability, structural stability, energy supply and product safety have become increasingly prominent. The key to solving these problems lies in the following points: First, the research and development of high-performance fiber materials should be strengthened. The development of high-performance fiber materials can not only solve the problem of material durability, but also improve other properties of the products. Second, the existing preparation process should be improved. Due to its structural characteristics, conductive knitted fabrics will deform and the performance will be affected after repeated stretching and washing. Therefore, the preparation process should be optimized to improve its stability. Third, the application of self-powered technology should be accelerated. If the self-powered technology is combined with smart knitted products, it can not only achieve zero power consumption, but also save costs and protect the environment. Finally, a sound security testing standard should be established. The market of smart knitted products should be regulated by developing corresponding test standards.
Key words:weft-knitted; conductive fabrics; electro-mechanical properties; humidity sensor; electrothermal property; smart wearables; self-powered technologyB48DEDB0-EFB8-41B5-B6E2-27DDC842923C