An Underwater Volcanoes水下火山

2022-06-13 22:45罗亚琪
疯狂英语·初中版 2022年6期



An underwater volcano, known as Hunga Tonga-HungaHa'apai, "erupted on January 15, 2022, near Tonga. The island nation is located in the South Pacific Ocean,home to about 105,000 people.The 2blast sent ash, gas, and 3'soot about 12miles above the ocean's surface. The damage in Tonga isn't fully known yet. But the massive explosion raised concerns of tsunamis all through the Pacific and as far away as the west coast of the United States.

Underwater volcanoes, is also called submarine volcanoes. There are almost 1,350 active volcanoes around the globe, apart from the undersea volcanoes on the ocean bed with a wide range near the mid-Atlantic 4ridge. According to the geologists' research of underwater volcano facts, most of the underwater volcanoes are formed close to or along the boundary of two adjoining 5'tectonic plates. The movement of tectonic plates towards each other, overlapping each other or colliding with each other, forces the hot

1) erupt [??r?pt] v. 爆发

2) blast [blɑ?st] n. 爆炸

3) soot [s?t] n. 煤烟

4) ridge [r?d?] n. 山脊;分水岭

5) tectonic [tek?t?n?k] adj. 构造的;建筑的

magma to rise with great pressure from the cracks formed due to tectonicplates. Underwater 6)debris would be lifted into the air by explosive eruptions in deep ocean water.

The magma that cools down after colliding with water takes a solid form,creating the Earths crust, which was earlier a 7)molten rock that originated from the mid-ocean ridge of either the Pacific plate or any other ocean plate. Thereis no particular shape to the lava, and it takes form as it spreads widely into the

seabed or ocean bed. In comparison to air, which is 8)approximately 250 timesstronger in force or exertion, ocean water causes the greater force on the earthssurface. An underwater volcano is close to each, which is usually formed out ofa group called the ring of fire. Underwater volcanic eruptions have contributed toglobal warming by leading to an increase in the amount of CO2 9)compounds in the water.

It is difficult to detect the underwater eruption due to the lack of sound ofboiling water, as the pressure is greater beneath the deep sea in comparison tothe atmosphere. The latest technology, like 10)hydrophones, also fails to detectthe sound of an underwater volcanic eruption.D5E7DD1D-E4C0-4188-8766-77730CEC4100

Hydrothermal vents emerge from the seabed but stay well beneath theseawaters surface. As a result, these hydrothermal vents are not referred to as“islands”. These hydrothermal vents might erupt suddenly, taking any of theirforms. Underwater eruptions or volcanic eruptions are unpredictable.

6) debris [?debri?] n. 碎片

7) molten [?m??lt?n] adj. 熔化的

8) approximately [??pr?ks?m?tli] adv. 大约

9) compound [?k?mpa?nd ] n. 混合物

10) hydrophone ['ha?dr?f??n] n. 水听器

一座名为汤加洪 - 阿哈阿帕伊岛的水下火山于 2022 年 1 月 15 日在汤加附近爆发。汤加位于南太平洋,拥有约 10.5 万人口。爆炸将火山灰、气体和煤烟吹至距离海面约 12 英里的高空。汤加的损失尚不完全清楚,但这次巨大的爆炸引发了人们对整个太平洋乃至美国西海岸的海啸的担忧。




