关键词:标准差 原理 计量 抽样方案
Standard Deviation Method In Sampling Inspection by Variables
Yu Shanqi (Beijing ; University of Technology)
Abstract: The article supply a principle of sampling inspection and sampling plan table for standard deviation method . At the end of this article give an application procedure and example for standard deviation method .
Key words: standard deviation , principle , variable , sampling plan
1 標准差法的抽样检验原理
2 标准差法抽样方案表的设计及应用
2.1 标准差法抽样方案表的设计方法
2.2 标准差法抽样方案表的用法
[1] 马毅林, 严擎宇. 工业产品抽样检验方法[M]. 北京: 机械工业出版社,1984.