
2022-06-06 09:09:52飞扬李沐
走向世界 2022年6期

文/飞扬 图/李沐

多瑙河两岸的布达与佩斯原是两座独立的城市,1873年合并成了一座城市,并取名为布达佩斯。Buda and Pest on both banks of the Danube were originally two independent cities.In 1873,they were combined into a city named Budapest.





自由桥原名费兰茨桥,以茜茜公主丈夫的名字命名。桥上原有铁轨电车穿梭于两岸,如今改为行人专用。The Liberty Bridge was formerly known as the Franz Joseph Bridge,named after husband of the Empress Elisabeth (Sissi).The bridge had tramcars shuttling between both banks.But now it is for pedestrians only.

匈牙利国会大厦于1904年建成,外表装饰华美壮观,夜色中更显璀璨。The Hungarian House of Parliament,completed in 1904,has a gorgeous and spectacular exterior,and becomes more resplendent in the nighttime.

匈牙利人爱读书,在首都布达佩斯街头,随处可见售卖书籍的小摊。The Hungarians like reading.On the streets of the capital Budapest,there are bookstalls everywhere.

历代匈牙利国王的加冕仪式都在马加什教堂举行。众所周知的奥匈帝国皇后——茜茜公主的加冕仪式也是在这里举行的。The coronation of every Hungarian ruler was held at the Matthias Church.The coronation of the well-known Austro-Hungary Empress Elisabeth (Sissi) also took place here.


每年新年前后,布达佩斯新年集市会拉开大幕,展示出售各类优质产品,吸引逾百万人次游览。图为集市上售卖的匈牙利传统新年美食。Around every New Year,Budapest New Year fair kicks off,where all sorts of quality products are displayed and sold,and may attract over 1 million visitors.The picture depicts the traditional Hungarian New Year food sold at the fair.

One third of the Danube is in Hungary.Budapest,as the capital of Hungary and a famous old city in Europe,is located on both banks of the middle reaches of the Danube,and split in two.The right river bank is mountainous,known as“Buda”;the left bank is flat,known as “Pest”.

Budapest is reputed as a “Pearl on the Danube”.It is Hungary’s center of politics,economy,culture,as well as science &technology.Both banks of the Danube,the Buda Castle,and the Andrassy Avenue(Andrassy Ut) are all on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List.

The historic sites of the city are mainly distributed on the Buda Castle Hill with an elevation of 167 m.The famous Buda Castle District is located in the south of the hill.This long,narrow old city is dotted with such tourist attractions as the National Gallery,the History Museum,and the Fisherman’s Bastion.Besides,there are old and magnificent medieval and baroque buildings,which are world-famous and attract visitors and architects from all over the world.

The Andrassy Avenue is a boulevard in Budapest,named after Hungary’s former Prime Minister Gyula Andrassy.The avenue is lined with the Hungarian State Opera House,the House of Terror Museum,the Heroes’ Square and other renowned buildings,which were basically completed in 1884,and inhabited mostly by aristocrats,bankers and rich businessmen.Now,the avenue has become one of the main shopping streets in Budapest.

Budapest has nine bridges across the Danube.The oldest one is the Chain Bridge completed in 1849,which is one of the symbols of Budapest.Under the bridge,wild ducks swim smoothly against the current.On the bridge,vehicles shuttling between the political center Buda and the business center Pest head for the opposite bank in an orderly fashion;morning runners and workers hurry by from time to time...

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