You’ve got questions? she’s got answers

2022-05-30 18:12
汉语世界(The World of Chinese) 2022年5期

(but you probably wont like them)

Hi! I have obtained access to your device and have been monitoring your internet activity. I have also uploaded a Trojan horse which gives me access to your camera and microphone. If you dont transfer the amount equivalent to 1,490 US dollars to my Bitcoin wallet within 48 hours, I will send videos of you to your entire contact list.


What a 忠实粉丝 (zhōngshífěnsī, loyal fan)! You like me so much that you want to 关注 (guānzhù, pay attention to) my every move. Did you see the 线上排练 (xiànshàngpáiliàn, online rehearsal) of our newest 广场舞编舞 (guǎngchǎngwǔbiānwǔ, plaza dance choreography)? I dont know what else my 摄像头 (shèxiàngtóu, camera) shows. Probably just me 打盹儿 (dǎdǔnr, dozing off) while watching boring 连续剧 (liánxùjù, soap operas). Maybe you can tell me if my grandson has been 偷偷打游戏 (tōutōudǎyóuxì, sneakily playing video games) on my computer?

Did your horse thing also detect my 国家反诈中心 (GuójiāFǎnzhàZhōngxīn, National Anti-Fraud Center) app? I know exactly 你葫芦里卖的什么药 (nǐhúlu limài de shénmeyào, “what medicine youre selling in your calabash,” what youre scheming)! My family already warned me, when youre online, “给钱不要,要钱不给 (gěiqiánbúyào, yàoqiánbùgěi, dont take money and dont give any money away).” Why cant you go make money properly like all those 诚实的年轻人 (chéngshí de niánqīngrén, honest young people) out there?

I think my smartphone is spying on me. The other day, I was talking about teeth-whitening and now Im getting all these ads for corrective surgery. Dear Ayi, what do I do?

Toothy Tim

Why so 没礼貌 (méilǐmào, rude) to your phone? I once overheard my son complaining to his 哥们儿 (gēmenr, bro) about some 感情问题 (gǎnqíngwèntí, romantic troubles), so I thought, “this one is definitely going to 吹了 (chuīle, not work out).” The next few days, I asked him to go 买菜 (mǎicài, buy groceries) with me, but we detoured to a 公园相亲角 (gōngyuánxiāngqīnjiǎo, match-making corner at a park). I keep telling him about all the 单身适龄 (dānshēnshìlíng, single and suitably aged) daughters of my dance friends, but that ungrateful boy 拉黑 (lāhēi, blocked) my contact for a while until he had to要钱 (yàoqián, ask for money) again!

Well, that made me a bit 心涼 (xīnliáng, disappointed), but I still have his 相亲网站账号 (xiāngqīn wǎngzhànzhànghào, dating site profile) running. I just want him to 安个家 (āngèjiā, settle down) so I dont have to 操心 (cāoxīn, worry). 唉 (āi, sigh), this is what I call 好心当作驴肝肺 (hǎoxīndàngzuòlǘgānfèi, “treat good heart as donkey liver and lung,” or misinterpret well-wishing). Why worry about 隐私 (yǐnsī, privacy) and边界感 (biānjiègǎn, sense of boundary)? Cut your millennial 扯淡 (chědàn, crap)! Arent we all just 为了你好 (wèilenǐhǎo, trying to look out for you)?

– Illustration and design by Cai Tao and Gao Fei

Got questions for our Agony Ayi? Send them to

柿 子 红 满 天(电视连续剧《岁岁年年柿柿红》片尾曲)