A Dutch company is starting deliveries of theworldsfirstproduction- readysolarcarto customers later this year, promising months of
charge-less driving in summer conditions.
Lightyear, founded in the Netherlands in 2016, is making 949 of the models featuring curvedsolarpanelsacrossthecarshoodand roof. Power derived from the sun will add as much as 70 kilometers of driving range per day from the sun.
The company says the car will be able to drive around 624 kilometers without stoppingto recharge, and each hour in the sun will add up to nearly 9 kilometers of charge to the bat- tery.
“Electric cars are a step in the right direc- tion, but they are dependent on the grid, which is still dependent on mostly fossil fuel energy,” Chief Executive Officer and Co- Founder Lex Hoefsloot said at the reveal of the $263,000 Lightyear 0 model.“Adding a new source, the sun, adds certainty that you will always have that charge and you will have to charge a lot40less often.”
According to Lightyear the optimized solar roof and holistic design mean that the carcan drive for weeks, even months, withoutcharging. In cloudy climates, based on the average commute of around 35 kilometers per day,the car can drive for up to two months beforeneeding to be charged. In sunnier countries,that could be up to seven months. Plugged intoa regular home socket, Lightyear 0 can stillcharge 32 kilometers of range per hour.
In fall Lightyear will start-up production,with the first cars reaching their drivers inNovember.
2016 年成立于荷兰的Lightyear 公司将于今年晚些時候向客户交付全球首款可量产的太阳能汽车。该公司承诺这款太阳能汽车在夏季可驾驶数月而无需充电。
Lightyear 公司将生产 949 台太阳能汽车,这些汽车的引擎盖和车顶都安装了曲面太阳能电池板,每天最多可提供70 公里的行驶里程。
该公司表示,Lightyear 0 充电一次可行驶约624 公里。阳光照射1 小时可为车辆增加约9 公里行驶里程。
公司首席执行官兼联合创始人莱克斯· 霍夫斯洛特在Lightyear 0 车型发布会上表示:“电动汽车朝着正确方向迈出了一步,但它们依赖于电力,而电力仍然主要依赖于化石燃料能源。添加太阳能电池板,可以确保车辆能通过太阳能获得动力,并且可以减少车辆充电次数。”该车售价为26.3 万美元(约合人民币176 万元)。
据Lightyear公司介绍,经过优化的太阳能车顶和整体设计可以使Lightyear 0在不充电的情况下行驶数周甚至数月。按照每天约35公里的平均通勤距离,Lightyear 0在多云气候下最多可行驶两个月才需充电。在阳光充足的国家,Lightyear 0的续航时间或长达7个月。Lightyear 0在接入普通家庭电源后充电1小时可行驶32公里。