
2022-05-30 10:48:04凯伦
语数外学习·初中版 2022年7期


Chinas total installed capacity of renewable energy generation has increased by around90 times over the past 10 years, cementing itsrole as a global leader in renewable energy capacity growth.

The countrys total installed capacity forrenewable energy generation rose to 1.1 billionkilowatts during the last 10 years, with generation capacity of hydropower, wind, solar andbiomass ranking tops in the world, according tothe National Energy Administration.

The combined installed capacity of windand solar power has reached 670 million KW,almost 90 times that in 2012, it said.

During the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25)period, Chinas renewable energy generationcapacity is expected to account for more than50 percent of the total and the generation capacity for wind and solar power is to be doubled, itsaid.

我国可再生能源发电总装机在过去10年间增长了约 90 倍,装机规模稳居全球首位。

国家能源局的数据显示,10 年间,我国可再生能源发电总装机达到 11 亿千瓦,水电、风电、光伏发电、生物质发电装机规模稳居世界第一。

其中,风电光伏并网装机合计 6.7 亿千瓦,是2012 年的近90 倍。

“十四五”时期(2021-2025 年),我国可再生能源发电量增量在全社会用电量增量中的占比将超过50%,风电和太阳能发电量将实现翻倍。

According to the NEA, renewable energy has become the principal source of the countrys newly added installed generation capacity.

In the first five months, the countrys new- ly- added installed capacity for renewable ener- gy generation rose to 43.49 million KW, 82.1 percentofthecountrysnewlyaddedpower generation installed capacity, the administration said.

The figure was only 2.7 percent 10 years ago when the country still relied heavily oncoal with relatively lower energy efficiency, it said.

China has also developed a complete in- dustrial system of renewable energy technology during the past 10 years.

It is now capable of independently design- ingandmanufacturingtheworldslargest megawatt- scale hydraulic turbine set while so- lar power generation technology has also wit- nessed rapid development and 10 MW offshore wind turbines have also entered volume produc- tion.

As a result, the scale of development and utilization of renewable energy in the country was equivalent to 753 million metric tons of standard coal last year, reducing 2.07 billion tons of carbon dioxide, 400,000 tons of sulfur dioxide and 450,000 tons of nitrogen oxide.


今年 1 至 5 月份,全国可再生能源发电新增装机4349 万千瓦,占全国发电新增装机的82.1%。

可就在十年前,当时我国新能源发电占比只有 2.7%,能源结构偏煤且能源效率偏低。


现在我国已具备全球最大的百万千瓦水轮机组自主设计制造能力,光伏发电技术快速迭代,10 兆瓦海上风机开始批量生产。

仅2021 年,我国可再生能源开发利用规模相当于7.53 亿吨标准煤,减少二氧化碳、二氧化硫、氮氧化物排放量分别约达20.7 亿吨、40 万吨与45 万吨。

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