All That Is Hot 新闻微阅读四篇

2022-05-30 10:48:04万宇婧
疯狂英语·初中版 2022年8期


1China to establish new national parks


China will set up a new batch of national parks this year on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau[青藏高原], and in the basins of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. Through years of efforts, China has effectively protected 90 percent of typical terrestrial ecosystem types[陆地生态系统], and increased the wild populations of over 300 rare and endangered wild animals and plants, according to the administration. China will accelerate the development of a nature reserve system based around national parks, the ministry noted, adding that more than 80 percent of key state-protected wildlife species and their habitats will be under effective protection.

今年我国将在青藏高原、长江流域、黄河流域等生态区位重要和生态功能良好的区域,新设立一批国家公园。经过多年的努力,我国系统实施濒危物种拯救工程,有效地保护了 90% 的典型陆地生态系统类型,300 多种珍稀濒危野生动植物野外种群数量稳中有升。我国将加快构建以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系, 80% 以上的国家重点保护野生动植物物种及其栖息地将得到有效保护。

Fill in the blanks:

★ China will set up a new batch of ____________________ to protect wildlife species and their habitats.

China continues to lead in the number of Top 500 supercomputers


U.S. supercomputer[超级计算机] “Frontier” held the top spot on the new edition of the Top 500 supercomputer list, while China continues to lead in the number of supercomputers. Frontier, running at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the U.S. state of Tennessee, is the first U.S. system with a peak performance exceeding one exaflop per second, according to a release on the new ranking. It is the first true “exascale[百万兆级的] machine” in the world, said the release. China continues to dominate the list regarding the number of systems, claiming 173 supercomputers on the list, followed by the United States, with 126 systems. The two countries make up nearly two-thirds of the supercomputers on the Top 500.

今年上半年的全球超级计算机 500 强榜单揭晓,首次入榜的美国超级计算机“前沿”位列榜首,而中国则是上榜数量最多的国家。榜单介绍称,美国能源部下属橡树岭国家实验室开发的超算“前沿”运算峰值速度超过每秒 100 亿亿次,是目前在国际上公告的首台每秒能执行百亿亿次浮点运算的计算机。中国共有 173 台超算上榜,上榜总数蝉联第一。美国有 126 台上榜。榜单显示,超算 500 强中有近三分之二来自中、美两国。

Fill in the blanks:

★ The two countries make up nearly ____________________ of the supercomputers on the Top 500.

A four-day work week pilot begins in UK


Thousands of UK workers are starting a four-day work week, with no cut to their pay in the largest trial of its kind. The pilot, which will last for six months, involves 3,300 workers[持续;包括] spanning 70 companies, ranging from providers of financial services to a fish-and-chip restaurant. During the program, workers receive 100% of their pay for working only 80% of their usual week, in exchange for promising to maintain 100% of their productivity[生产力]. The program is being run by not-for-profit 4 Day Week Global, Autonomy, a think tank, and the 4 Day Week UK Campaign in partnership with researchers from Cambridge University, Oxford University and Boston College.

数千名英国员工将在不减薪的条件下开始试行一周工作四天,这是史上最大规模的同类试点活动。这次试点活动将持续 6 个月,涵盖从金融服务提供商到炸鱼薯条餐厅等 70 家公司的 3300 名员工。在这一项目中,员工每周的工作时间只有往常的 80%,但是收入还是和原来一样,条件是承诺保持劳动效率不变。该项目是由非营利机构“全球四天工作制”、Autonomy 专家小组、英国四天工作制运动团与剑桥大学、牛津大学和波士顿学院的研究人员合作运营的。

Fill in the blanks:

★ UK workers are starting four-day work week, with no cut to their____________________ , maintaining 100% of their ____________.

The climate may lead human to shrink


The climate crisis[气候危机] may lead the human race to shrink[收缩] in size, as mammals with smaller frames appear better able to deal with rising global temperatures, a leading fossil expert has said. Prof Steve Brusatte, a paleontologist at the University of Edinburgh, suggested that the way in which other mammals have previously responded to periods of climate change could offer an insight into humans future.

The climate crisis[气候危机] may lead the human race to shrink[收缩] in size, as mammals with smaller frames appear better able to deal with rising global temperatures, a leading fossil expert has said. Prof Steve Brusatte, a paleontologist at the University of Edinburgh, suggested that the way in which other mammals have previously responded to periods of climate change could offer an insight into humans future.



Fill in the blanks:

★ The human race might _________ in size because of the rising global temperatures.

Four?day working week trial in Iceland 冰岛试行四天工作制
Four-day working week trial in Iceland冰岛试行四天工作制
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