Ma Maojie:the First-Class Heroine in Crossing-theYangtze-River Campaig “一等渡江功臣”马毛姐

2022-05-30 10:48:04王静云
疯狂英语·初中版 2022年8期



Born into a poor family in 1935, Ma lived on the north bank ofthe Yangtze River, in Wuwei, a county in the East of Anhui Province. Her family made a living by fishing. In the spring of 1949, the arrival of the People's Liberation Army of China(PLA) brought hope to the Ma's family. On the night of April 20, 1949, thousands of local fishermen 1)mobilized to help PLA soldiers cross the Yangtze Riverto “fight across the Yangtze River and liberate China”.

At that time, Ma Maojie, a young girl of the fishermen, was oneof them. Aged 14, the PLA did not allow her to board the ship. But Ma Maojie, who had made up her mind not to back down, hid in the 2)reeds, picked up the long pole and boarded the boat. In this way, Ma Maojie rowed a boat carrying PLA soldiers away from theriverbank.

Suddenly, the shell struck, and the sound of bombs roaredin her ears, but it did not make her retreat. Fearless of guns andbullets, she helped PLA soldiers travel across the Yangtze Riversix times during which her right arm was shot and her sails weredestroyed, but she held back the pain, propped up the boat, and stillmanaged to send three 3)batches of soldiers to the south bank ofthe Yangtze River.

In 1951,ontheeveofNationalDay, 16-year- oldMareceived an invitation to attend a grand celebration to mark the second anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China(PRC). Among the invited 4)delegates, a 16-year-old Anhui girl was particularly eye-catching . She was 5)cordially received by Chairman Mao and she was the youngest 6) representative . On meeting her, Chairman Mao said, “How brave you are to send us across the river at such young age!” He gave her a notebook with inscription on the title page, “Maojie, Study hard and makeprogress every day.”

Ma went to school afterreturning to Anhui and shebecameamemberoftheCommunist Party of China at the age of 19. In 1957, after graduating from middle school, shebegan tocontribute tothe socialist construction of themotherland, and she successively participated inthe work of many industries, and dedicated all her enthusiasm.She is always ready to help others. After retirement, Ma Maojie stillshines where she can. She often makes reports for juniors. So far,she has made more than 130 reports, telling revolutionary stories,affecting the next generation with her own personal experience topromote the revolutionary spirit.

CPC Central Committee awarded received the July 1 Medal –the Party's highest honor – which is awarded to outstanding Party members, to Ma MaoJie on June 29, 2021.“We should stand firm in support of our ideals and always follow the Party, because our happy life is created by the Party and the people,” says Ma.


当时的渔家少女马毛姐,就是其中一员。马毛姐当时年仅 14 岁,最初解放军并不同意马毛姐登船。可是打定主意决不退缩的马毛姐藏进了芦苇丛,趁着信号弹升起,捡起长篙就上了船。就这样,马毛姐划船载着解放军战士驶离江岸。

突然,炮弹袭来,爆炸声在马毛姐耳边响起,她却没退缩。她的船帆被敌人打烂了,右手臂中枪,她忍住痛,撑着船,不畏枪林弹雨。她曾 6 次横渡长江,成功运送 3 批解放军成功登岸。

1951 年,国庆前夕,16 岁的马毛姐接到邀请,参加庆祝中华人民共和国成立两周年的盛大庆典。受邀代表中,这个 16 岁的安徽姑娘,尤其引人注目。她是所有代表中年龄最小的,受到了毛主席的亲切接见。毛主席在接见她时说:“你这么小就送我们渡江,真是太勇敢了!”他赠予马毛姐一本扉页有亲笔题词的笔记本,上面写着:“毛姐:好好学习,天天向上。”

回到安徽后,马毛姐去上学了。19 岁时,她成为一名中共党员。1957 年,马毛姐中学毕业以后,开始为祖国社会主义建设添砖加瓦,她在工作中奉献了自己全部的热情。她总是乐于助人。退休以后,马毛姐依旧在自己力所能及的地方发光发热,她时常为后辈作报告。至今,她已作了 130 多场报告,讲述革命故事,用自己的亲身经历感染着下一代人,弘扬革命精神。

2021 年 6 月 29 日,中共中央授予马毛姐 “七一勛章”——这是党的最高荣誉,授予杰出的党员。“我们要坚定理想,永远跟党走,因为我们的幸福生活是由党和人民创造的。” 马毛姐说。

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