Red Tourism Attractions 红色旅游景点

2022-05-30 10:48:04Juno
疯狂英语·初中版 2022年8期



Tourism today is no longer just about visiting theme parks and famousbeaches. When travelling, more and more people try to connect, one way or the other, the present to the past of the places they visit. Red tourism, a trend of tourism, is booming. An increasing number of people are visiting sites of 1) historical significance to the Communist Party of China(CPC). By visiting such places, people gain a better knowledge about the CPC, better 2)appreciate the country's system and Chinese culture, and passdown the red genes and 3)revolutionary fire.

Red tourism route spans the entire country. Here are some popularred tourist destinations.

1. Shaoshan

Situated in the middle of Hunan Province, Shaoshan is about 80 kilometers from Changsha City, capital of Hunan Province. Shaoshan is the hometown of Mao Zedong and the place where he used to live, study, work and engage in revolutionary activities. The top sights are Mao Zedong's Former Residence, Shaoshan Mao Zedong Memorial Museum, Shaoshan Mao Zedong's Poetry Forest of Steles and so on.

2. Nanchang

Nanchang is the capital city of Jiangxi Province. It is regarded as a hero city, because Nanchang was the site of a significant 4)uprising: the August 1 Nanchang Uprising of 1927, which was led by Zhou Enlai, He Long, Ye Ting, Zhu De, Liu Bocheng,etc.

The Nanchang Uprising on August 1, 1927, marks the first 5)military resistance against Kuomintang 6)counterrevolutionaries who purged CPC members and ended the first CPC-KMT united front. It was the start of the CPC independently establishing an army to seize power by force and lead the Chinese revolution.

In Nanchang City, there are many well-preserved historical sites of the uprising, including the Nanchang August 1 Uprising Memorial Hall. The Nanchang August 1 Uprising Memorial Hall, where there are many historical 7)relics and photos, is a must-visit place for a red tourist in Nanchang.

3. Yan'an

Recognized as one of the most important revolutionary bases in China, Yan'an, in Shaanxi Province, has been one of the hottest destinations of red tourism. Yan'an is home to 445 memorial sites, accounting for 72 percent of Shaanxi's red tourism resources. The revolutionary sites in Yan'an, include Wangjiaping Revolutionary Site, Baota Hill Revolutionary Site, and Yangjialing Revolutionary Site. Its biggest attraction is the spirit that has been passed down by generations of Party members and is now being 8)invigorated by young people.



1. 韶山

韶山位于湖南省中部,距湖南省省会长沙市约 80 千米。韶山是毛泽东同志的故乡,也是毛泽东同志青少年时期生活、学习、劳动和早期从事革命活动的地方。韶山最热门的景点是毛泽东同志故居、韶山毛泽东同志纪念馆、韶山毛泽东诗词碑林等。

2. 南昌

南昌是江西省的省会城市。它是一座英雄城市,因为南昌是一次重大起义的地点:1927 年 8 月 1 日 , 周恩来、贺龙、叶挺、朱德、刘伯承等领导发动了南昌起义。

1927 年 8 月 1 日,南昌起义打响了武装反抗国民党反动派的第一枪,标志着中国共产党独立领导革命战争、创建人民军队和武装夺取政权的开始。


3. 延安

作为中国最重要的革命根据地之一,陕西延安一直是红色旅游的热门目的地。延安有 445 处革命纪念地,占陕西省红色旅游资源的 72%。延安的革命遗址,包括王家坪革命旧址、宝塔山革命旧址和杨家岭革命旧址。延安最大的魅力是一代又一代党员传承下来的延安精神,现在年轻一代正将这种精神发扬光大。

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