
2022-05-25 06:37:50山水秀建筑事务所
世界建筑 2022年5期




设计团队:庄鑫嘉,江萌,Pablo Gonzalez Riera,石延安,杜士刚,盛泰




摄影:是然建筑摄影 | 苏圣亮

Client:Xuhui Riverfront Development Investment and Construction Ltd Principal Architect:ZHU Xiaofeng

Project Team:ZHUANG Xinjia,JIANG Meng,Pablo Gonzalez Riera,SHI Yan'an,DU Shigang,SHENG Tai

Floor Area:Restaurant:502.9 m2;

community pavilion:539.2 m2;coffee

shop:72.6 m2

Design Time:2014

Completion Time:2018

Photos:Schran Image Studio | SU Shengliang

随着浦江西岸的贯通开发,有着百年历史的龙华机场被改造成城市干道旁的跑道公园。在这条南北向的城市绿化带中,我们设计了一系列为公园和社区服务的小建筑。云锦路活动之家是这个系列里比较集中的一处聚落,由社区之家、咖啡小屋、法南餐厅3 座建筑组成。


3 座建筑都由这一结构体系生成,墙体间距、屋顶宽度和高度的变化提供了不同尺度的空间。折板交错形成的高窗引入日光,给这些空间增添了不同明暗的氛围。通过对这一体系的灵活组织,我们还为每座建筑赋予了自身的特征。咖啡小屋在地铁口开放的灰空间、社区之家不同区域之间的庭院,以及法南餐厅的下沉屋和小阁楼都反映了这一体系的适应性和空间潜力。


该项目用3 座新建筑形成了一个公园,这一点非常成功。每座建筑的设计都为公园使用者非商业活动与文化活动提供了便利。此外,其中还包含了小餐馆和咖啡馆。对于游客来说,这些新增的功能将公园变成了高质量的休闲和娱乐资源。

3 座双坡顶单层建筑所选择的规模及公园的空间安排,产生了一种村落式的氛围,建筑的内部与外部公园的活动直接相关。清晰的形式和材料应用的“诚实”,如混凝土、木头、钢和玻璃,显示了与公园和经常去公园的人的联系。

We designed a series of public facilities in the Runway Park that was renovated from the century-old Longhua Airport located at the West Bund of Shanghai Huangpu River.The Activity Homes:the most concentrated part of the series:showcase a cluster of three side-by-side buildings that house a community pavilion,a coffee shop,and a restaurant.

Mapping the layout according to the Runway Park's linear site,we set up a series of concrete walls in different lengths at various intervals.These walls divide the space and support a folded slabs roof system made of steel trusses.These sloped roofs metaphorically represent the take-off of airplanes,as they extend in fluctuating heights in the direction of the Runway Park.

The walls and roofs define a series of internal spaces that are parallel to the runway,which are connected with each other,echoing to the "settlement" concept.This spatial ambiguity between openness and enclosure offers the freedom to utilise the spaces further in the future,increasing its possibilities for a variety of uses.

All three buildings were erected based on this structural system with variations in wall spacing,roof widths and heights,providing spaces in diverse scales.Natural light enters through the high windows between the interlaced folded slabs and creates varying atmospheres in the three buildings through a vivid play of light and shadow.By organising the system with flexibility,we have given each building its own identity.The adaptability and spatial potential of this system is reflected in the semi-open space in the coffee shop,the courtyard in the community pavilion,and the sunken room and small loft in the restaurant.

1 社区之家东北向外观 View of the community pavilion from the northeast

2 南向鸟瞰 Aerial view from the south

3 北向鸟瞰 Aerial view from the north


Jury Statement

The project becomes very successful in creating a public park with three new buildings.Each is designed to facilitate non-commercial and cultural activities by users of the park.Additionally,it contains a small restaurant and a cafe.For visitors,these added functions transform the park into a high-quality leisure and recreation resource.

The chosen scale of the three singlestorey buildings with double sloped roofs and the spatial arrangement of the park create a village-like atmosphere,with the interior of the building directly related to the activities of the external park.The clear form and the "honesty" of the materials applied,such as concrete,wood,steel and glass,demonstrate a connection with the park and its frequent visitors.

The architects have prioritised accessibility and approachability,creating structures with the greatest flexibility that are able to stimulate the greatest diversity.The result is an urbanised space where the quality of facilities is determined not by the overall fashionable design but by the user's own creation.□ (Translated by Dandan Wang)

4 总平面 Site plan

5 平面 Plan

6 剖面 Section

7 草图 Sketch

8 结构系统 Structural system

9 剖透视与材料做法 Detailed section

10 咖啡小屋 Views of coffee shop

11 咖啡小屋 Views of coffee shop

12 咖啡小屋 Views of coffee shop

13 儿童乐园看向法南餐厅 View from the playground to the restaurant

14 社区之家屋顶露台 Roof terrace of the community pavilion

15 社区之家庭院 Courtyard of the community pavilion

16 法南餐厅内景 Interior view of the restaurant

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