
2022-04-21 14:13:36冯燕萍董志红张颖程丽佳唐璐归艳华
丝绸 2022年4期

冯燕萍 董志红 张颖 程丽佳 唐璐 归艳华

摘要: 丝素蛋白(SF)以其优异的性能,如较好的生物相容性、生物降解性和机械性能等,被广泛应用于生物医学领域。天然的SF需要经过脱胶处理(去除蚕丝中的丝胶)方可获得,不同的脱胶方法和工艺参数会对SF结构和性能产生不同的影响,选择合理的高效脱胶工艺方法,为制备生物医用材料提供较高性能的SF。本研究从化学、物理和生物技术几方面论述了蚕丝脱胶的方法,包括碱性、酸性、高温高压(HTHP)、超声波、微波和酶处理等,阐述了SF纤维的提取技术,以期获得高纯度、表面光滑、可降解性好和机械性能优异的SF,制备出SF新型材料,为SF在生物医用材料领域的应用提供較好的前期研究基础。

关键词: 丝素蛋白纤维;丝胶蛋白;脱胶方法;生物医用材料;机械性能

中图分类号: TS102.33文献标志码: A文章编号: 10017003(2022)04000907

引用页码: 041102DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-7003.2022.04.002(篇序)




丝胶不溶于冷水,易溶于热水。然而在水热碱性条件下,SF会发生热降解和水解,所以脱胶温度不易过高,一般不超过100 ℃(沸水点);且温度不低于60 ℃,否则脱胶过程无法完成。强碱(NaCO/NaOH)处理对SF腐蚀性很强,不利于获得较优异的SF[11],碳酸钠的强碱性会破坏SF的分子链,导致其分子量降低,SF的分子量和其制备生物材料(如SF纤维膜)的降解率有关,较高的相对分子质量显示出高效的降解行为。采用NaHCO脱胶会保留较高的相对分子质量,对SF损伤性更小,虽NaHCO脱胶率高,但仍有一部分SF被丝胶黏接,不利于制备高纯度的SF[12-13]。为了保持碱性的恒定性,强碱性电解水(SAEW)脱胶可以稳定脱胶过程的pH值。如表1所示,当pH值为11.5时,SF纤维上的丝胶完全脱去。











无论是何种脱胶方式,都需要一定的热量,而微波处理可通过微波能量间接为材料加热,利用其进行脱胶处理,避免了传热问题。其最大的优点就是快速升温,快速为蚕丝脱去丝胶蛋白。常用的微波处理是需要和其他化学脱胶剂混合使用,无论是碱性还是酸性微波辅助脱胶,都可以在3~5 min完成脱胶,非常高效。其最大的优点就是脱胶时间最短,耗能最低。若单独使用微波处理,虽然能减少丝素纤维强度的损失,但是脱胶率比其辅助脱胶低[32],且微波处理脱胶不能应用于工业规模。从脱胶率可见,仍会有些许残留的丝胶蛋白,不利于获得高纯度的SF。


不同的蛋白酶有不同的脱胶效果。当采用天然的茧酶(蚕蛹在羽化时成虫分泌的蛋白酶)和枯草杆菌蛋白酶(Alcalase)比较脱胶效果,Alcalase会导致一定SF水解,对其提取不利。茧酶对SF几乎无影响,但是其脱胶率不高,即需要更多的茧酶(2ISU)和更多时间(48 h),才可完全除去丝胶[35]。而经过人工处理的蛋白酶比天然蛋白酶具有更好的脱胶功能,人工处理后的蛋白酶脱胶时间短,脱胶率高,脱胶效果好,如表3所示。图2是将几种脱胶方法进行对比,经表征可见酶脱胶效果较好。采用芽孢杆菌新分离的C4菌株产生的丝氨酸蛋白酶,脱胶后SF表面无残留的丝胶蛋白,SF纤维表面光滑细腻。可见人工处理的蛋白酶脱胶可解决酶脱胶耗时长的局限性,SF纤维强度可以保持不变,且处理温度低,降低了SF纤维的软化程度[36];且相比其他脱胶方法,人工酶脱胶毒理性更小,对于创伤愈合等生物医用材料的制备提供了潜在参考价值。


本文通过碱性、酸性、物理/生物处理等技术来对蚕丝进行脱胶,以获得SF纤维。生物医用材料领域对SF要求高,而脱胶方法会影响其生物性质和理化性能。碱性过强,对SF损伤性过大,虽然可通过减弱碱性来进行调整,但其脱胶率又无法接近理想值;尿素脱胶后的SF性能较好,但其已损失了部分SF;有机酸和离子液体在酸性脱胶中相对温和,但是脫胶不完全;高温高压及微波脱胶虽然环保节约,但超过了正常脱胶温度(100 ℃以下),加上压力的作用,影响SF的结构和性能;相比其他脱胶方法,人工酶处理技术在几乎完全脱去丝胶的同时,保证了SF的结构完整性,SF纤维表面光滑平整、质软,获得的SF新型材料可降解、抗氧化性能好。人工酶脱胶为SF在生物医用材料领域的使用提供了较好的技术支撑。


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Study on extraction of silk fibroin fiberFENG Yanping DONG Zhihong ZHANG Ying CHENG Lijia TANG Lu GUI Yanhua(1a.School of Mechanical Engineering; 1b.School of Preclinical Medicine, Chengdu University, Chengdu 610106, China;

2.Sichuan Industrial Institute of Antibiotics, Chengdu 610051, China; 3.Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University,

Chengdu 610081, China; 4.Sichuan Innovation Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610213, China)

Abstract: Silk fibroin (SF) is used in various fields, such as air sensing, filtration and biomedical engineering fields, especially in biomedicine. SF has good biocompatibility and low immunogenicity, which prevents rejection and inflammation in human body. At the same time, it exhibits good biodegradability, certain hydrophobicity and permeability, which may improve cell adhesion and proliferation. Besides, it is widely used in wound, nerve, bone and cartilage repair for its good mechanical properties. To obtain the ideal SF, the natural SF containing sericin and a small amount of impurities needs to be degummed. The purpose of this paper is to summarize different extraction methods for degumming treatment. SF with different structures can be obtained by reasonably selecting process parameters, which provides some guidance for the application of SF in biomedical materials.

In this paper, different degumming methods and technological parameters are studied. The degumming methods of silk are discussed from three aspects of chemistry, physics and biotechnology, including alkaline, acidic, HTHP, ultrasonic, microwave and enzyme treatment. Take sodium carbonate in alkali degumming as an example, in the process of degumming, sodium carbonate can react with sericin to dissolve it, so as to obtain SF. However, different degumming methods and degumming parameters, including concentration, temperature, pH, degumming time and pressure value, can destroy SF structure and affect its performance. The selection of relatively good degumming methods and parameters is the key to obtaining high performance. By comparing with other degumming methods, it is found that the artificial enzyme degumming scheme can obtain SF with better structure, smooth surface and better mechanical properties. It provides a good preliminary research foundation for the application of SF in the field of preparation of new biomedical materials.

This article is expected to provide a reasonable comprehensive reference for the selection and optimization of silk degumming processes, as well as the control and improvement of SF structure and performance, so as to better play its SF function in the biomedical field.

Key words: silk fibroin fiber; sericin; degumming method; biomedical materials; mechanical property

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