Left abdominal wall proliferative myositis resection and patch repair:A case report

2022-03-18 02:16RenWeiXingHanQiuNieXianFeiZhouFangFangZhangYongHuaMou
World Journal of Clinical Cases 2022年6期


Proliferative myositis(PM)is a rare fibroblastic proliferative disease.It mainly occurs in adults,although cases have also been reported in children[1].The pathogenesis of the disease is unknown and may be related to previous trauma of the corresponding part of the body.The clinical manifestations are local,rapidly growing masses,most of which have no clinical symptoms but can be painful in some cases.Imaging usually shows unclear capsular masses with fuzzy boundaries and infiltrative growth.The cut surface of surgical specimens reveals fish flesh,which can easily be misdiagnosed as sarcoma or another malignant tumor[2].This may lead to unnecessary resection or radical surgery to treat these lesions.

PM is,however,a benign lesion with the potential for spontaneous contraction or complete regression.If it can be identified early,no treatment or only a simple resection is required.It is difficult to make a definitive diagnosis prior to surgery.Preoperative B-ultrasound,computed tomography(CT)scans,magnetic resonance imaging,and other imaging examinations as well as needle biopsies are helpful in the evaluation of the lesions,with surgical resection being the choice of treatment for many patients[3,4].The most common sites of PM are the muscles of the head and neck,the chest wall,the scapula,and the limbs[4,5].After a literature review,case reports of PM were retrieved from the PubMed and Web of Science databases using the search terms “proliferative myositis” and “abdominal wall,” from 2000 to 2020.There were no matching case reports.Here,we examine a case of a large PM in the left anterior abdominal wall,where patch repair was employed following its resection.

9. She could not have been a good, honest little Girl: The narrator s commentary on Goldilocks integrity is not usually included in the story. I included these words from the original description of the old woman by Southey/Jacobs. James Marshall s picture book version of the tale is more judgmental of Goldilocks than most versions, portraying32 her unerringly as a selfish, rude child.Return to place in story.


Chief complaints

The patient,a 64-year-old male,was admitted to our hospital with a mass on the left anterior abdominal wall that had been present for more than 2 years.

History of present illness

The mass was painless,but it was gradually becoming larger,especially in the preceding 2 mo.

We thank all the authors helping with the writing and publication of this article.

History of past illness

The patient had no previous medical history.

Personal and family history

The patient denied family history.

Once upon a time...There was a pig who lived with her three children on a large, comfortable, old-fashioned farmyard. The eldest1 of the little pigs was called Browny, the second Whitey, and the youngest and best looking Blacky. Now Browny was a very dirty little pig, and I am sorry to say spent most of his time rolling and wallowing about in the mud. He was never so happy as on a wet day, when the mud in the farmyard got soft, and thick, and slab2. Then he would steal away from his mother s side, and finding the muddiest place in the yard, would roll about in it and thoroughly3 enjoy himself. His mother often found fault with him for this, and would shake her head sadly and say: Ah, Browny! some day you will be sorry that you did not obey your old mother. But no words of advice or warning could cure Browny of his bad habits.

Physical examination

Xing RW chaired the surgery and wrote the manuscript;Nie HQ guided the surgery;Zhou XF collected the data and collated the graphs;Zhang FF provided and discussed the pathological findings;Mou YH contributed to the discussion and revision;all authors gave final approval of the submitted version for publication.

Laboratory examinations

Results of the laboratory examination(routine blood)were:white blood cell = 8.4 × 109/L,nitrogen =64.1%,C-reactive protein = 4.6 mg/L.

Imaging examinations

PM is a rare and self-limiting benign tumor.Although preoperative imaging can identify certain characteristics,it is still difficult to achieve a conclusive diagnosis.Most cases are not diagnosed until after surgical resection.A needle biopsy is helpful in the diagnosis of PM,and surgery involving local excision is sufficient.When the resected mass is located in the abdominal wall,problem areas can be considered for patch repair.The key to treatment lies in avoiding misdiagnosis as a malignant tumor,resulting in excessive resection and related trauma.

In our patient,preoperative enhanced CT scans suggested malignant lesions,while preoperative puncture pathology suggested benign or borderline possibilities.Therefore,further surgical treatment was provided.At the same time,the literature indicated that the most commonly affected sites were the muscles of the head and neck,chest wall,scapula and extremities,with only resection being performed.However,the case of the 64-year-old male was different because the mass was larger and the partial excision of the muscle layer of the abdominal wall was accompanied by local weakness.Further patch repair was therefore done to improve the strength of the abdominal wall and to avoid the formation of an abdominal wall hernia.There has been no local recurrence or abdominal wall hernia after more than 2 years of postoperative follow-ups.


Pathologic puncture findings

The puncture biopsy pathology showed that it was a spindle cell tumor within the left abdominal wall and was considered benign or borderline.


Subsequently,the tumor was resected together with a small amount of muscle and myometrial tissue that infiltrated the peripheral part.Considering the absence of the muscle layer of the abdominal wall under the costal margin of the left-upper abdomen,patch repair and reinforcement was conducted to avoid an abdominal wall hernia(Figure 3).The gross pathological examination showed that the transverse section of the mass was gray-white and light yellow(Figure 4A).Microscopically,the tumor was composed of spindle cells and focally expressed ganglion-like cells(Figure 4B),which have a checkerboard-like structure(Figure 4C).Combining the morphological and immunohistochemical pathology resulted in it being considered PM.The results of the immunohistochemistry were as follows(Figure 4D-F):Vimentin(+),Smooth muscle actin(+),Desmin(partial +),S100(partial +),cytokeratin(wide)(-),Ki67(< 1% +),CD34(-),CD68(-/+),CD99(-),and B-cell lymphoma-2(-).


A follow-up was done with the patient after 31 mo.The incision healed well,with no local recurrence of the mass and no occurrence of an abdominal hernia.


PM was first described by Kern[6]in 1960.It is a rare benign tumor with unknown pathogenesis.While local trauma may be an important trigger[7],other theories include ischemia,paracrine myopathy,[8].It mostly presents clinically as a mass that grows rapidly,may be accompanied by pain,and typically forms a sarcoma-like infiltrative border.It therefore results in a high misdiagnosis rate clinically,with malignant tumors often suggested as the initial diagnosis[2-5,9].

During surgery,PM generally appears as a poorly circumscribed mass that forms grey white striated fascicles or scar-like masses between muscle fascicles or as a wedge-shaped,pointed insertion between fascicles,with the base lying within the fascia.The resected specimen can have a fish flesh-like aspect,microscopically resembling proliferative fasciitis except that the lesion mainly involves the striated muscle fascicles and muscle interstitium rather than the muscle fibers themselves.Cross-sections may therefore show a checkerboard-like structure dominated by increased active fibroblasts and giant basophilic cells.These cellular and peculiar structural findings may be of value in the diagnosis of PM.

Imaging is an essential step following appropriate medical history assessment and physical examination.B-scans show a mass that appears as a strip-like hypoechoic pattern between the inter- and intraphases of hyperechogenicity.Blood flow signals can be seen within,with relatively normal muscle fascicles.A transverse section shows the characteristic “glans dorsum or schitic soil like pattern”[10].CT scans show a poorly demarcated intramuscular lesion that appears isointense or hypointense compared to surrounding muscle.Homogeneous or heterogeneous enhancement may be demonstrated after the injection of a contrast medium,but enhancement may not be detectable in some cases[11].Magnetic resonance images with a low or isointense T1 signal compared with surrounding muscle tissue show a T2-weighted magnetic resonance that appears as a hyperintense soft tissue mass[3,11,12].

In most cases,PM is still difficult to clearly identify in laboratory tests and imaging studies,and a fine-needle aspiration biopsy may be helpful for further diagnosis[13,14].Trerattanavong[9]reviewed 33 cases of PM where a definitive diagnosis was based on the occurrence of spindle-shaped fibrocytes admixed with giant ganglion-like cells on biopsy.Malhotra[15]considered the cytological diagnosis of PM based on the presence of a polymorphic population consisting of three cellular components:nonlesional skeletal muscle fibers,lesional myofibroblasts,and a ganglion cell-like component.The aspirate is similar to nodular fasciitis.However,PM differs from nodular fasciitis intwo ways:proliferating spindle cells are located in the skeletal muscle tissue and giant ganglion-like cells are more abundant[10].At the same time,PM also had strong similarity to striated myoblasts,but no cytoplasmic cross striations were identified and the nuclear chromatin was fine with a smooth nuclear membrane.These features help exclude rhabdomyosarcoma as a diagnosis[15].

On many a night, too, when the fishermen, with their torches, were out at sea, she heard them relate so many good things about the doings of the young prince, that she was glad she had saved his life when he had been tossed about half-dead on the waves

PM is a benign lesion,and some cases experience spontaneous regression[4,5,15,16].For example,in one case “the local mass had disappeared after a 2 mo follow-up,which was considered PM as result of a fine needle aspiration biopsy of the neck mass”[15].If a diagnosis can be clearly established preoperatively,close observation and follow-ups are therefore permitted.If the mass causes compression on peripheral organs or causes a large psychological burden affecting the daily life of the patient,surgical resection may be considered[4,7].Radical resection can,however,be avoided if there are no reports of recurrence or malignant transformation following the initial resection[4,5,8].

We summarized two articles on a total of 66 patients(Table 1),of which 33 PM patients were reported in earlier literature by Enzinger and Dulcey[5]and 33 from Trerattanavong[9],all from 2000 to 2018 retrieved from the PubMed and Web of Science databases.In these 66 cases,it can be seen that there are slightly more males than females,adults over 45-years-old account for the majority,the location of the mass is relatively common in the skeletal muscles of the upper extremities,the size of the mass is mostly less than 3 cm,and surgical resection was chosen in early-stage cases.Eleven earlier cases in the Enzinger and Dulcey[5]report underwent extended resection because they were misdiagnosed as rhabdomyosarcoma.After the year 2000,the advancement of techniques such as needle biopsy allowed patients to choose observation for follow-up;11 of the 13 cases resolved spontaneously and 2 cases showed no obvious change No recurrence was reported in any case after elective resection.

But scarcely was he seated firmly on the shell, when the turtle proposed that they should not return to the shore at once, but go under the sea, and look at some of the wonders that lay hidden there


B-ultrasound examination revealed an 83 mm × 32 mm × 50 mm hypoechoic mass that was seen in the seasonal ribs of the left anterior abdominal wall,with an unclear boundary and uneven internal echo(Figure 2A).Several strong echoes with echo shadows were seen,and the color Doppler flow imaging revealed no definite blood flow.Abdominal,contrast-enhanced CT scans showed a mass in the left anterior abdominal wall:56 mm(transverse diameter)× 30 mm(width).The CT scan values were 40 Hu,heterogeneous post enhancement,and 72-84 Hu,and the possibility of malignancy could not be excluded(Figure 2B and C).


What I remember most about those weddings is that all the girls were at least five years older than I was, and they all had beautiful eyes that sparkled when they laughed. Those weddings taught me to imagine what it would be like to find my soul mate one day and to be sure that I would know her by her beautiful eyes.

This gave them the alarm; they drew their sabres, and went to the door, which opened on their Captain s saying: Open, Sesame! Cassim, who had heard the trampling15 of their horses feet, resolved to sell his life dearly, so when the door opened he leaped out and threw the Captain down


Physical examination revealed a 70 mm × 90 mm mass that was palpated at the costal margin of the quaternary rib region of the left abdominal wall(Figure 1).The skin above the mass was raised,without pigmentation or abnormal temperature.The mass was hard in texture,had a smooth surface,had no tenderness,poor mobility,and formed an unclear boundary with the surrounding tissues.

Yonghua Mou’s Famous Doctor Studio,No.2020-42.

All study participants,or their legal guardian,provided informed written consent prior to study enrollment.

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

The authors have read the CARE Checklist(2016),and the manuscript was prepared and revised according to the CARE Checklist(2016).

Then she asked where he had been wandering so long, and he told her how he had lost his way and might never have reached home at all but for a strange creature, half-man, half-hedgehog, which rode a cock and sat up in a tree making lovely music, and which had shown him the right way

This article is an open-access article that was selected by an in-house editor and fully peer-reviewed by external reviewers.It is distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial(CC BYNC 4.0)license,which permits others to distribute,remix,adapt,build upon this work non-commercially,and license their derivative works on different terms,provided the original work is properly cited and the use is noncommercial.See:https://creativecommons.org/Licenses/by-nc/4.0/

After school the children left in little groups, chattering11 about the great day yet to come when long-hoped-for two-wheelers and bright sleds() would appear beside their trees at home


Ren-Wei Xing 0000-0002-6899-5003;Han-Qiu Nie 0000-0002-8350-7530;Xian-Fei Zhou 0000-0002-7052-1122;Fang-Fang Zhang 0000-0002-2515-3818;Yong-Hua Mou 0000-0002-1375-2581.

Liu JH


A neighbour passing by called out to him- - Hi! I say! why are you beating the pedlar s donkey like that? The pedlar should keep him from eating my cabbages, said Nur Mahomed; if he comes this evening here again I ll cut off his tail for him! Whereupon he went off indoors, whistling cheerfully

Liu JH