Life-threatening subclavian artery bleeding following percutaneous coronary intervention with stent implantation:A case report and review of literature

2022-03-18 02:16FeiShiYingZhangLiXianSunSenLong
World Journal of Clinical Cases 2022年6期


Percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI)is an extensively used medical therapy for acute and chronic coronary artery disease(CAD)[1,2].Vascular complications of transradial PCI are rare and usually occur at the access site below the elbow[3-6].A study population consisting of 1984998 PCI procedures performed at 1292 participating sites demonstrated that the median rate of bleeding at the access site was 0.2%-0.5%[7].Life-threatening vascular complications during transradial PCI therapy,such as vessel perforation and dissection in the brachiocephalic,subclavian,internal mammary,and thyrocervical arteries,are rarely reported and can lead to mortality due to acute respiratory and circulatory dysfunction[8-10].The present study reports a case of subclavian artery bleeding following PCI,which caused severe cervical hematoma,tracheal compression,and unstable hemodynamics.


Chief complaints

A 59-year-old Chinese man presented to the outpatient department of our hospital with retrosternal chest pain.

History of present illness

Over the prior 12 years,the patient had experienced intermittent retrosternal pain on effort with palpitations,shortness of breath,and fatigue lasting from 5 to 10 min.Because of the manifestation of typical angina pectoris,he was admitted to our institution for coronary angiography(CAG)10 years ago.CAG showed severe stenosis in the mid-segment of the left anterior descending coronary artery(LAD),and 3 stents were implanted.Since that time,he had been treated with aspirin,clopidogrel,statins,and nitrate.However,his chest pain had recently returned and occurred more frequently at 1 to 2 times a day.

Blockhead! said his brothers, what are you going to do with it? With the crow? I shall give it to the Princess! Do so, certainly! they said, laughing loudly and riding on

History of past illness

The patient had a history of hypertension for 30 years and poor blood pressure control(blood pressure ranging from 150/100 mmHg to 205/120 mmHg),even after treatment with felodipine and enalapril.Secondary hypertension was excluded after an outpatient evaluation.He suffered a cerebral hemorrhage one year ago.Due to the small size of the cerebral hemorrhage,no sequelae were noted.

Personal and family history

Patrick got his A s; his classmates were amazed; his teachers smiled and were full of praise. And his parents? They wondered what had happened to Patrick. He was now the model kid. Cleaned his room, did his chores, was cheerful, never rude, like he had developed a whole new attitude.

Physical examination

Physical examination demonstrated poorly controlled hypertension with a blood pressure of 180/105 mmHg.His body weight was 65 kg,and his height was 166 cm(body mass index 23.9 kg/m).Jugular venous distention was not detected,and the thyroid gland was not enlarged.The breath sounds of the two lungs were normal,and no dry or moist rales were detected.Heart auscultation revealed a regular rhythm,normal heart sounds without murmur,and a heart rate of 63 bpm.The liver and spleen were normal,and no swelling was observed in the lower extremities.

Laboratory examinations

Electrocardiography indicated sinus rhythm and a high-voltage left ventricle but no significant change in the ST segment or T wave(Figure 1).Echocardiography demonstrated symmetrical left ventricular hypertrophy(wall thickness 13-14 mm,normal reference ≤ 11 mm),left atrial enlargement(42 mm,normal reference ≤ 35 mm),mild mitral regurgitation,and some reduction in left ventricular diastolic function[11].Ultrasound of lower limb arteries revealed a rough intima and spotty calcified plaques without significant stenosis.All these observations suggested hypertensive heart disease and peripheral vascular atherosclerosis.No other abnormalities were present in other examinations,including routine blood tests(platelet count 211 × 10/L,normal reference 125-350 × 10/L),coagulogram,liver and kidney function,blood electrolyte levels,blood glucose,blood lipids,thyroid gland function,myocardial damage markers,and brain natriuretic peptide,a biomarker of heart failure.

Imaging examinations

The patient was preliminarily diagnosed with CAD,unstable angina,grade 3 hypertension,and hypertensive heart disease[12-14].He was treated with aspirin(100 mg daily),clopidogrel(75 mg daily),atorvastatin(20 mg daily),isosorbide mononitrate(20 mg twice daily),amlodipine(5 mg twice daily),and enalapril(5 mg twice daily).For the coronary anatomy evaluation,CAG was performed by puncturing the right brachial artery because the right radial pulse was absent due to the PCI 10 years prior.A 6 French(F)sheath,a 0.035 cm × 260 cm J-Tip guidewire(Cordis,Ireland),and a 5 F 100-cm Tig coronary catheter(Terumo,Japan)were used during CAG under fluoroscopic guidance.CAG showed total occlusion of the proximal left circumflex artery(LCX),subtotal occlusion at the opening of the first obtuse marginal branch(OM)and 60%-70% in-stent restenosis at the middle LAD.In addition,60%-70%stenosis of the distal right coronary artery was observed(Figure 2).For PCI of the left coronary artery,the 5 F angiography catheter was replaced with a 6 F EBU 3.5 A LAUNCHER coronary catheter(Medtronic,United States)and a 0.014-cm × 180-cm ASAHI SION coronary guidewire(ASAHI INTECC,Japan),which were passed through the distal OM.Then,repeated attempts were made to pass through the proximal LCX using a 0.014-cm × 180-cm ASAHI SION blue coronary guidewire(ASAHI INTECC),a 0.014-cm × 190-cm Fielder XT-R coronary guidewire(ASAHI INTECC),and a 1.8 F 0.018-cm × 130-cm FINECROSS coronary microcatheter(Terumo,Japan),but these attempts failed.We then decided to address the stenosis of the OM.During balloon angioplasty with a 2.5-mm × 12-mm TREK balloon(Abbott,United States),the patient began to feel pharyngeal pain and tightness,which we mistook for myocardial ischemia.Stenosis was eliminated by implanting a 2.75-mm × 16-mm PROMUS Element Plus stent(Boston Scientific,United States)in the proximal segment of the OM(Figure 2).PCI was terminated after high-pressure balloon angioplasty using a 2.75-mm × 12-mm NC Demax noncompliant balloon(Demax Medical Technology,Beijing,China).The procedure lasted 52 min,and 6000 units of heparin was administered through the artery.The activated clotting time measured immediately after the operation was 305 s(normal reference 80-120 s).

After the patient was returned to the critical care unit,swelling in the right neck and right supraclavicular area was observed and gradually increased,with bleeding spots under the skin.The patient felt dyspneic,and physical examination showed that the trachea was compressed to the left.Bedside ultrasound demonstrated a poorly defined hematoma behind the right internal jugular vein measuring 26.0 mm × 30.1 mm × 12.3 mm.A contrast-enhanced computed tomography(CT)scan performed immediately thereafter also showed contrast extravasation surrounding the proximal subclavian artery(Figure 3)and a cervical hematoma compressing the trachea(Figure 4),but no hemothorax,subclavian artery rupture or bleeding was diagnosed.


The final diagnosis was CAD,unstable angina,grade 3 hypertension,hypertensive heart disease,and subclavian artery bleeding.

Subclavian artery bleeding is a lifethreatening complication of PCI.Bleeding at the root of the subclavian artery might manifest as pharyngeal pain and cervical hematoma and requires a prompt decision to proceed with emergency endotracheal intubation.Rapid recognition and prompt treatment with covered stents may significantly improve the prognosis for these patients.Careful assessment of the individual risk and standardized and appropriate interventional procedures can reduce the occurrence of vascular bleeding complications.


Emergency endotracheal intubation was successfully performed to avoid asphyxia.However,during rescue intubation,the patient’s blood pressure dropped sharply from 175/89 mmHg to 88/52 mmHg and recovered to 128/66 mmHg by intravenous fluid hydration and vasopressor support with norepinephrine and dopamine.A concerning finding on the CT scan was that the trachea was tightly affixed to the tube,which would complicate later intubation.Hypotension was thought to be due to hemorrhage and aggravated by sedation,which was supported by subsequent routine blood monitoring showing a reduction in hemoglobin from 138 g/L to 91 g/L(normal reference 130-175 g/L).The carotid sinus baroreflex might have also been a cause of exacerbated hypotension based on the location of the hematoma.Subclavian artery injury occurred at the site where it was not compressable.Obtaining adequate proximal exposure of the subclavian artery is an intricate process,and antiplatelet agents and heparin may complicate hemostasis during open surgical repair;thus,endovascular intervention was suggested.Brachiocephalic angiography from the right brachial access revealed a vascular injury site at the root of the right subclavian artery at the intersection of the right common carotid artery(Figure 3).An 11-mm × 50-mm covered stent was deployed to the right subclavian artery with successful sealing of the perforationa femoral artery approach.Since the proximal segment of the covered stent was located at the brachiocephalic artery,a 10-mm × 40-mm bare stent was implanted in the junction of the right common carotid and brachiocephalic arteries to prevent obstruction of blood flow to the brain(Figure 5).Digital subtraction angiography after stent graft deployment showed that the rupture was repaired,and no contrast extravasation was observed.


Informed written consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this report and any accompanying images.

In one of these trees lived a nightingale, who sang so beautifully that even the poor fishermen, who had so many other things to do, would stop and listen

Then the two Dreadful Sisters who were left wakened, and rose in the air like great birds; and though they could not see him because of his Cap of Darkness, they flew after him up the wind, following by the scent31 through the clouds, like hounds hunting in a wood


Transradial PCI is recommended as the preferred method by various guidelines due to its significant reduction in vascular bleeding complications[15-18].However,if arterial injury from the transradial approach occurs at the access site,especially where it cannot be compressed,the injury could be fatal.Subclavian artery bleeding is a potentially serious complication of vascular interventional procedures leading to tracheal obstruction,hemothorax,respiratory failure,hemorrhagic shock,and death if not diagnosed early and treated promptly[19].The total number of PCIs performed in our center is 1500 to 2000 per year,and the number of transradial PCIs performed by each clinician is approximately 200 per year.This is the first case of subclavian artery bleeding in our center in the past 5 years(Table 1).

But as Bearskin thrust his hand into his pocket and pulled out a handful of ducats,17 the host let himself be persuaded and gave him a room in an outhouse

He had been smoking approximately 60 cigarettes a day for 30 years.No significant family history was noted.

Shi F managed the case and edited the manuscript;Zhang Y assisted with editing and revising the manuscript;Sun LX and Long S read and approved the final manuscript.

The management of this vascular bleeding complication includes open surgical repair and multiple percutaneous interventions,including repeatedly prolonged balloon tamponade,covered stent grafts,collagen plugs,and localized thrombin injection[26-29].Some clinicians have used balloon tamponade for a few minutes as a treatment for vascular bleeding,but this method is thought to be unreliable,as bleeding may resume later,especially in the great vessels.Although multiple therapeutic modalitieshave been applied to seal vascular injury,endovascular treatment with covered stents appears to be less time-consuming and more effective,especially for large,life-threatening perforations,with high success rates of immediate control of bleeding[30,31].

Preventing vascular bleeding complications of PCI is also important.Careful assessment of the individual risk should guide the choice of strategy during different stages of interventional procedures.Avoiding excessive manipulation,controlling intraoperative blood pressure and the activated clotting time,and timely adjustment or termination of the procedure can reduce the occurrence of vascular bleeding complications.Reasons to stop a PCI attempt include a high radiation dose(> 5 Gy air kerma dose),large contrast volume administration(> 3.7 × the estimated creatinine clearance),exhaustion of crossing options,or patient or physician fatigue[32].


If it had not been for the little Princess there is no saying what would have become of him, he was so miserable3, but there she was to be brought up, and luckily the good Fairy Lolotte, in spite of all that had passed, was willing to come and take charge of her, and of her little cousin Prince Vivien, who was an orphan4 and had been placed under the care of his uncle, King Gridelin, when he was quite a baby


The authors thank the patient and his family for their participation.

The woman was still raging, and did not seem likely to stop, when her husband, who by this time had forgotten all about her, drew out the chest from under his cloak, and opened it

Some of the reported predictors for vascular injury associated with interventional procedures are divided into potentially modifiable and nonmodifiable factors.Potentially modifiable factors include a larger sheath size,excessive guidewire manipulation,manual inflation,an oversized balloon,procedure time,anticoagulation or thrombolytics,and high intraoperative blood pressure.Nonmodifiable factors include diffuse vascular calcification,vascular tortuosity,vascular stenosis,female sex,advanced age,chronic kidney disease,a past history of hypertension and/or diabetes,prior stroke,connective tissue disease,and long-term steroid therapy[20-24].In this case,the guidewire and coronary catheter were inserted under continuous fluoroscopy,and the guidewire was not observed to penetrate the blood vessel.We speculated that calcified plaques and even stenosis may have been present in the subclavian artery,as the presence of calcified plaques in the lower limb arteries and diffuse coronary artery stenosis suggested that the patient had a high possibility of systemic atherosclerosis.Subclavian artery hemorrhage might have been caused by plaque damage during the interventional procedure and aggravated by antithrombotic agents and hypertension.Another cause may have been spontaneous bleeding,and aneurysms cannot be excluded.


The patient felt pharyngeal pain and tightness during balloon angioplasty,which we mistook for myocardial ischemia.We ignored the fact that these symptoms were not relieved after stent implantation,which would be inconsistent with intraoperative myocardial ischemia.This case suggested that bleeding at the root of the subclavian artery might manifest as pharyngeal pain and cervical hematoma.The patient experienced dyspnea as the cervical hematoma progressed,compressing the trachea,which needed to be differentiated from a contrast-induced allergic reaction and required a prompt decision to proceed with emergency endotracheal intubation[25].

Scientific Research Program of Hebei Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine,China,No.2021201;and Science and Technology Support Plan Project of Chengde,China,No.201701A072.

The patient was moved to the intensive care unit for ventilator support and close hemodynamic monitoring.To avoid fatal tracheal compression,endotracheal intubation and ventilator care were maintained for 4 d while the cervical hematoma was gradually absorbed without discontinuation of aspirin and clopidogrel due to the coronary stent.The patient was discharged from the hospital on Day 10 after PCI.After discharge,he had good compliance with medication and smoking cessation.At the 1.5-mo follow-up,the patient had no complaints,and contrast-enhanced CT showed that the cervical hematoma was completely absorbed and that the two stent grafts in the right subclavian artery and common carotid artery were in a satisfactory position and unobstructed(Figure 5).

The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.

Don, she said, You re crazy, and your silly rules are eliminating the girl you ve been waiting for. But have it your way. Just take her name and phone number, and when you change your mind, call her.

The authors have read the CARE Checklist(2016),and the manuscript was prepared and revised according to the CARE Checklist(2016).

This article is an open-access article that was selected by an in-house editor and fully peer-reviewed by external reviewers.It is distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial(CC BYNC 4.0)license,which permits others to distribute,remix,adapt,build upon this work non-commercially,and license their derivative works on different terms,provided the original work is properly cited and the use is noncommercial.See:


Fei Shi 0000-0002-8779-3263;Ying Zhang 0000-0002-4822-4295;Li-Xian Sun 0000-0001-9814-0965;Sen Long 0000-0002-8279-3299.

Liu JH


Liu JH