Novel HNF1A gene mutation in maturity-onset diabetes of the young:A case report

2022-03-18 02:16QianXuChengXiaKanNingNingHouXiaoDongSun
World Journal of Clinical Cases 2022年6期


Maturity-onset diabetes of the young(MODY)is the most common single-gene type of diabetes with an early age of onset.MODY often occurs in children or adolescents,beginning with mild symptoms that continue until middle age.The genetic heterogeneity of MODY is responsible for its clinical heterogeneity[1,2].In total,15 MODY subtypes have been identified.The most common are hepatocyte nuclear factor 4A(MODY1),glucokinase(MODY2),and(MODY3).In patients with MODY3,mutations incause changes in proteins,such as glucose transporter 2,amylin,insulin,and Lpyruvate kinase.These changes are associated with insulin secretion and glucose metabolism[3].Patients with MODY3 have clinical characteristics of hyperglycemia,including polyuria,polydipsia,and weight loss[4].

Therefore,accurate distinction between MODY3 and other types of diabetes is an important challenge in the diagnosis of MODY[5].Patients with MODY3 are often initially misdiagnosed with other types of diabetes because the correct MODY3 molecular genetic diagnosis approach is not performed[6,7].Therefore,early identification of MODY3 is critical for patient treatment.

In the treatment of MODY3,the response of pancreatic β cells to sulfonylurea drugs(SUs)is an important parameter[8-10].Here,we report a Chinese patient with MODY3 involving a new splice mutation(12q24 NM_000545.5 Intron5 c.1108-1G>A)for whom low-dose gliclazide was sufficient to control clinically significant hyperglycemia[11].The findings indicate that genetic factors are critical for early-onset diabetes.Our report provides insights regarding genetic diagnosis during the treatment of patients with MODY3.

But, in spite of Potentilla s efforts to behave politely to the tiresome50 old Enchanter, whom she detested51, he could not help seeing that he failed to please her, and then he began to suspect very strongly that she must love someone else, and that somebody besides Melinette was responsible for all the festivities he had witnessed


Chief complaints

A 22-year-old Chinese man presented to the Affiliated Hospital of Weifang Medical University for treatment of hyperglycemia.The patient had attended follow-up for 28 mo to undergo blood glucose monitoring.

However, he decided that to win such a beauty it was quite worth while; and Melinette, feeling that she could now leave the Princess in safety, hurried off to tell Prince Narcissus what was going forward

History of present illness

The patient completed the relevant laboratory and imaging examination on admission.His fasting blood glucose and HbA1C levels were 8.08 mmol/L and 7.2%,respectively.Urine tests were positive for glucose.Insulin and C-peptide release test results were as follows:fasting blood glucose,7.48 mmol/L;postprandial blood glucose(PBG),15.94 mmol/L;fasting insulin,7.16 μIU/mL;fasting C-peptide,2.89 ng/mL;postprandial insulin(2 h later),22.13 μIU/mL;C-peptide(2 h later),4.65 ng/mL.The antibodies results were as follows:Glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody,2.74U/mL;insulin autoantibody,0.25 U/mL;tyrosine phosphatases antibody:0.44 U/mL;zinc transporter 8- antibody was negative.

History of past illness

He had no history of previous illness or diabetic ketoacidosis.

Personal and family history

The patient’s father had been diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 45 years,and two of his aunts had been diagnosed at the ages of 48 and 52 years.Furthermore,his grandmother had been diagnosed with diabetes before her death.Gene sequencing analysis confirmed that the patient and his father had an identical mutation site.The gene mutation was not present in the patient’s mother(Figure 1).

Physical examination

The patient's glycemic control has been excellent(fasting blood glucose,6 mmol/L;Hb1Ac level,6%).No hypoglycemia episodes or complications have occurred during the past 28 mo of monitoring.

Laboratory examinations

The patient’s characteristics were as follows:Age,25 years;age at onset,22 years;duration,3 years;body mass index(BMI),24.7 kg/m;weight,74 kg;waist circumference,85 cm;systolic BP,126 mmHg;total triglycerides,0.78 mmol/L;LDL,1.95 mmol/L;HDL,1.07 mmol/L;VITD-T,21.38 ng/mL;and TG,0.78 mmol/L.

Imaging examinations

Xu Q and Kan CX contributed to the data curation,investigation.writing-original draft preparation;Hou NN contributed to the methodology,investigation,writing-reviewing and editing;Sun XD contributed to the supervision,writing-reviewing and editing,funding acquisition.


The blacksmith had to shoe the king s horses, and thought to himself, Without doubt the house will be yours! The barber shaved the best men in the kingdom, and he, too, made sure that the house would be his


After admission,the patient was treated with insulin glargine;his blood glucose was controlled within 1 wk.Subsequently,treatment was changed to metformin(0.5 g/d)and saxagliptin(5 mg/d).Two months later,the patient’s Hb1Ac level was 5.5%.The genetic testing results supported a diagnosis of MODY3.Because MODY3 is reportedly sensitive to gliclazide,the patient’s treatment was changed to gliclazide(30 mg/d).


The patient completed the relevant laboratory and imaging examination on admission.


Patients with MODY3 require precise therapy.Animal experiments show that HNF-1A gene mutation results in defective insulin secretion through affecting glucose transport,glycolysis and glucose stimulated-ATP production in B cells[12].SUs can effectively reduce blood glucose in MODY3 patients on ATP-sensitive potassium channels,while metformin is poor effectiveness[13].This is the main reason why gliclazide can effectively control glycose.Clinical studies have also shown that the level of blood glucose control is significantly better in patients treated with SUs than in patients treated with insulin[2,6,9,10].An appropriate SU dose is necessary to reduce the incidence of hypoglycemia.Current recommendations for the treatment of patients with MODY3 involve the use of SUs.Shepherd[14]have reported that SUs is critical during MODY3 treatment.If SUs is withdrawn from the diagnosis and treatment plan,glucose deterioration is likely.Notably,our patient showed good blood glucose control when his dose of gliclazide was titrated to 30 mg/d.Diabetes treatment guidelines indicate that the common dose of gliclazide for diabetes treatment can reach 80 mg/d;patients receiving this treatment have a lower risk of hypoglycemia.A study from the United Kingdom showed that medication compliance is not the only influencing factor with respect to SU treatment success.Other important factors include lower glycosylated hemoglobin,lower BMI,and shorter diabetes course[14,15].Our patient exhibited typical abdominal obesity and had an irregular diet,which included substantial consumption of soft drinks.He was provided with medical guidance to address this lifestyle consideration.Furthermore,unaffected family members were advised to be vigilant for signs of diabetes.To provide appropriate treatment for affected members,a molecular diagnosis of the mutation is recommended.The prevalence of MODY3 among Asian ethnic groups is considered to be low,there is insufficient information available regarding MODY3.

National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.81870593 and No.82170865;and Quality Improvement of Postgraduate Education in Shandong Province,No.SDYAL19156.

Later that day the junior executive went in to see his boss, who had been noted5, by the way, as being kind of a grouchy6 fellow. He sat his boss down and he told him that he deeply admired him for being a creative genius. The boss seemed very surprised. The junior executive asked him if he would accept the gift of the blue ribbon and would he give him permission to put it on him. His surprised boss said, Well, sure.

In this report,we have described a new splice mutation and evaluated its effects.The findings indicate that symptoms in patients with non-autoimmune diabetes should be assessed for common genetic causes to clarify their pathogenesis;the assessment results can be used to guide appropriate genetic counseling and treatment indications.Further accumulation of information regarding MODY3 can aid in the identification of disease patterns,as well as timely diagnosis and treatment.


We have described a 25-year-old patient with MODY3,which involved ansplicing mutation at 12q24.The patient has maintained excellent diabetes control with low-dose SU treatment.To the best of our knowledge,this is the first report of a new gene mutation and exceptional response to SU treatment in a patient with MODY3.Our results highlight the need for genetic diagnosis,particularly in patients with early-onset diabetes.


The ankle-brachial index and somatosensory potential findings were normal.Abdominal ultrasound showed fatty liver(light-medium).

Comprehensive laboratory and imaging examinations could not exclude the presence of a unique type of diabetes.To clarify the cause of the patient’s clinical manifestations,gene sequencing was performed.Sanger sequencing identified ansplicing mutation in 12q24 NM_000545.5 Intron5 c.1108-1G>A(Figure 1).This substantially affected mRNA splicing,thus causing the coded protein to become disordered and lose its normal function.To the best of our knowledge,there is no related literature reported in the Human Gene Mutation Database;moreover,this mutation is absent from the ESP6500siv2_ALL,dpSNP147,and Thousand Human Genome(1000g2015aug_ALL)databases.

Why, he is much richer than I! The king took as much as he had need of; then ordered the rest to be returned to Don Giovanni, who refused to receive it, saying, Tell his majesty8 I am much hurt at his proposal

Informed written consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this report and any accompanying images.

I have a step-mother who has bewitched me41 so that I am a white bear by day and a man by night; but now all is at an end between you and me, and I must leave you, and go to her

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

Then the little man with the beard entered as before and seated himself beside the flute-player, who wasn t the least startled at his appearance, but chatted away to him as if he had known him all his life

The authors have read the CARE Checklist(2016),and the manuscript was prepared and revised according to the CARE Checklist(2016).

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Qian Xu 0000-0003-0098-5156;Cheng-Xia Kan 0000-0002-4593-0303;Ning-Ning Hou 0000-0002-3813-8465;Xiao-Dong Sun 0000-0001-7775-2823.

Wang LYT


Wang LYT