:Today’s world is on the threshold of a new order when cumulative changes over the past thirty years promise a transformation that is expected to produce new economic and political relations in the next thirty years.The international order in the three decades following the end of the Cold War not only retained and reformed the main elements of the post-WWII architecture,but also saw significant,cumulative changes that may herald a multipolar era.An increasing number of non-Western nations have been challenging the dominant role of Western international relations theories in organizing world order and called for reform the current order to make it more just and reasonable.The next thirty years,coinciding with a period crucial for Beijing in its national revival project,is expected to see greater East-West equilibrium and multipolarity and move in the direction of building new international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind.As it moves closer the center of a new world order,Beijing should focus on international relations theoretical construction and better understanding the major contradictions of the world community,i.e.,addressing national development problems,international common challenges,and human aspirations for great justice and equality.China should do more to meet the major challenges of our time and outline its vision of a reformed international system,in order to promote peace,development,win-win cooperation,justice,and common prosperity.
:international system,Chinese diplomacy,global governance,multipolarization,multilateralism
:Security as a concept is a subject of theoretical debate in international politics.Since the end of the Cold War,security debates have included more and more nontraditional security matters as national priorities and international common challenges.State-actors’ pursuit of absolute security and excessive expansion of security agendas may lead to the waste and misallocation of strategic resources.It could also push domestic politics in a more conservative and protectionist direction,creating an oversecuritization trap.National security has been used by some countries as a pretext for practicing unilateralism and protectionism,hampering global cooperation,and undermining multilateral order-building.Since the conclusion of the 18th national congress of the Communist Party of China,important achievements have been made regarding Beijing’s security architecture and capacity building,for example,the adoption of a holistic approach to national security.As an emerging great power facing increasingly complicated security and development challenges,China should adhere to the holistic approach,strike a balance between security,openness,and development,prudently shape its security agenda so as to avert the oversecuritization trap.At the same time,Beijing should stand opposed to the abuse of the concept of security,vigorously promote international cooperation on global challenges,push greater economic globalization and political democratization,advance reform and innovation of international security governance,and build the broadest possible consensus for the vision of humanity as a community with a shared future.
:oversecuritization trap,national security,security concept,nontraditional security
:The driving force,process,and direction of the transition of international order are core issues debated in the policy and academic circles.Historically,the transition of international order was usually achieved through war,with the old order completely overturned and the victor power and its bloc building a new order around their own interests.In today’s era,it is difficult for rising power to overthrow the order by force,but can only change the benefits distribution in peaceful ways,and seek a gradual adjustment of order.Since the beginning of the 21st century,international institutional competition has become the core driving force for the transition of international order.The rising power seeks to enhance their material interests and rule-making power within the institutional system to match their growing national strength.The status-quo power tries to take advantage of their dominant position in the institutional system to protect their vested interests and prevent or delay the process of changing the institutional system.The institutional competition strategies of the rising power include reforming the existing institutions,creating new institutions that accommodate the status-quo power,and creating new institutions that exclude the status-quo power.The status-quo power formulates corresponding countermeasures against the actions of the rising power.The institutional competition between the two sides determines the transition mode of international order by changing the different dimensions of the benefits distribution.At present,China has enhanced material interests and rule-making capabilities by reforming the existing institutions and creating new institutions that accommodate the status-quo power.The continuous interaction between China and the United States in the field of international institution will determine the process of the transition of international order in the future.
:institutional competition,benefits distribution,power transition,transition of international order
:In the context of global technological revolution,the issue of standards and standardization has increasingly become a focus of economic competition among countries.With the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,the rise of sustainability standards as one of many potential means of technological governance has attracted worldwide attention.Nowadays,voluntary sustainability standards (VSS)promoted by a variety of actors in the West are generating huge impact on developing countries.Notably,many developing countries are faced with new trade barriers while adopting and promoting Western standards.On the one hand,some VSS from the West have become tools for developed countries to evade responsibilities,transfer pressure to and even conduct political suppression on developing countries,especially emerging powers like China;on the other hand,Western VSS also compel China to actively shape its own system of sustainability standards.Looking ahead,the Chinese government should continue to encourage and support industrial organizations to work hand in hand with other stakeholders including state-owned and private companies,as well as relevant international organizations to jointly establish a complete and independent system of sustainability standards,which could help address the political risks brought by developed countries in the name of promoting sustainability standards.
:technological revolution,sustainability standards,Sustainable Development Goals,global governance
:The United States,Germany (EU),and Russia have long had extensive and far-reaching interests in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in terms of geo-security,energy,and values.Interactions among the three powers feature the following three characteristics:the U.S.-Russian game dominates the security situation in CEE;the U.S.-Germany (EU) unites to control Russia but with limited consensus;and the U.S.-Germany (EU) is wary of China’s economic involvement in CEE but has difficulties in forming a joint force.Along with the continued Sino-American rivalry,the widening differences in values between the U.S.-German (EU) and CEE countries represented by Poland-Hungary,and the escalation of the U.S.-German (EU) geopolitical offensive against Russia,the power configuration among the major powers in CEE has undergone new changes,namely,the Biden administration’s continued strategic containment of China,the decreasing control of Germany (EU) over CEE countries,and responding to the Western threat by turning “defensive” into “offensive” from Russian.In addition,the new German government and the new European Commission are giving more prominence to the values in their policies toward China,which will lead to an increase in the overall geopolitical pressure on China-CEEC cooperation.The weakening of German (EU) control in CEE and the deterioration of U.S.-European relations with Poland and Hungary,also bring potential opportunities for the continued promotion of China-CEEC cooperation.
U.S.-Russia relations,transatlantic relations,China-CEEC cooperation,Ukraine crisis
:The Sanders campaign reflected the anger coming from the nascent mass movement for radical changes in the Western world at the spreading economic inequality after the 2008 financial crisis.It is an electoral manifestation of the resurgence of the core demands of reversing economic inequality into the American political agenda after the outbreak of the “Occupy Wall Street”movement.Through its efforts to reshape political discourse,the Sanders campaign has successfully promoted “socialism” from “political slur” to zeitgeist,pushed left-wing policy programs from the marginal proposition to the mainstream issue,inspired electoral enthusiasm among young people and the radical left,and awakened the class consciousness of the workers.Giving birth to the possibility of electoral union of the radical left in the United States,its political legacy played a key role in promoting the further development of“democratic socialism” in the United States,and profoundly influenced the policy orientation or electoral strategies of the Democratic Party and the radical left.It may have opened the “Overton Window” for the election success of"another Sanders" in a few years.The Sanders campaign is a major development in radical left-wing politics in the United States after the outbreak of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement.Although it is difficult to trigger a revolutionary change in the American body politic,it can promote reformative changes in the domestic politics from the perspective of promoting left-wing policy programs.
:Occupy Wall Street,democratic socialism,Radical Left,Berniecrats,Overton Window,Gen Z
:As an important foundation of the global digital economy,cross-border data flow has become an emerging issue of global governance.With the development of digital economy and regional integration,the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has been improving its international competitiveness and influence from the perspective of planning the development of digital economy and data protection.A complete governance mechanism for cross-border data flow is taking shape.The establishment of this mechanism started with Singapore’s exploration of the data protection regulation.Based on the individual data protection framework of ASEAN,the digital management framework has been formulated under the general framework of ASEAN digital integration,whose implementation has been accelerated via two critical approaches,namely the “ASEAN Model Contractual Clauses for Cross-Border Data Flows” and the “ASEAN Cross-Border Data Flow Certification.” Being flexible,inclusive,and instructive,this mechanism can facilitate the operation of the data-related business operation in the ASEAN region,reduce the cost of negotiation and compliance,and gain more advantages for global competition.For China,it is both possible and feasible to cooperate with the ASEAN cross-border data flow governance mechanism,which can propel Sino-ASEAN digital economic cooperation.It is necessary to understand and assess the impact of the ASEAN mechanism on world digital governance and get ready for the challenges to the regional digital economic order.
:cross-border data flow,ASEAN,data governance,digital economy,neighborhood