
2022-03-07 13:39:06费鲁德西帕尔桑德王一宇
英语世界 2022年10期

文/费鲁德·西帕尔桑德 译/王一宇


Before world leaders gathered in Scotland for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), dunnhumby’s Senior Consumer Psychologist, Feroud Seeparsand, looked at how easy it is to apply behavioural science to encourage sustainable customer behaviour in the grocery sector. 在世界各国领导人齐聚苏格兰,参加第26 届联合国气候变化大会(COP26)之前,消费者数据科学公司邓韩贝的高级消费者心理学家费鲁德·西帕尔桑德做了一项研究,指出了将行为科学应用于食品杂货业以鼓励可持续消费行为是何等容易。


1. 经典社会规范



2. 动态社会规范



6另一家大学食堂(这次是在德国)宣传的动态规范信息是“越来越多的消费者正从咖啡外带杯转向可持续替代品,成为这一行动的一分子,选择可重复使用的马克杯”。这条信息将可重复使用替代品的使用率提高了17.3%。这是依据在单单一家食堂开展为期14 周的介入前后对比研究而得出的结论。

3. 纵容性描述



4. 分量很重要


10一项为期一个月的试验在比利时的一家零售店展开(对照组为八家零售店)。该店香肠的标准分量为150 克,而符合比利时指南的新标准是100 克,分量更少、更健康,同时还推出了125 克的中等分量香肠。每种分量的香肠单位价格一致。此外,所有香肠按分量从小到大横向排列。收据是从购买相关商品的消费者那里收集而来的。


12最后,非常值得一提的是Envirofy 浏览器扩展插件。这是首个针对可持续食品消费行为的实时网络工具。Envirofy基于“行为改变轮理论”,运用教育、培训和环境重塑的方式,助推消费者降低“总体环境影响”。

13为实现这一目的,Envirofy会从购物车中提取各种信息,包括产品成分、产地、回收、食品加工、包装的生命周期和运输。Envirofy 采用四层信号灯系统,将总体环境影响较低的商品置于页面上方。Envirofy 还会说明需要种植多少棵树才能抵消当前购物车内商品产生的影响,并使用激励信息。



15综上所述,消费者心理学提供了几个行之有效的方法,可用以促使消费者做出更可持续的行为。这几个方法看起来有趣、简单、令人振奋,但的确可以给我们所有人的现实生活带来好处。 □

These applications can be applied to almost any sustainable behaviour whether it be increasing recycling or decreasing food waste. What follows are my top five favourite applications of consumer psychology to help directly or indirectly lower carbon footprints.

1. The classic social norm

2In the UK, WRAP1= The Waste and Resources Action Programme。recently demonstrated how communicating social norms boosted an already high recycle rate by an additional 5%. In collaboration with Unilever’s Radox brand and retail pharmacist Boots, the nudge2nudge 助推,是指在不使用强制手段并保证自由选择权的前提下,巧妙地引导人们做出更为理性的决策,或者说,是一种轻轻推动人们做出最优选择的力量。simply consisted of a sticker on shower gels that stated on front of pack “Most people recycle me” together with a recycle logo.

3The test and control study also found in a post-trial survey that respondents claimed the reason for increased recycling was due to the message.

2. Dynamic social norms

4However, whilst recycle rates are already high in the UK, other behaviours are still a minority, like eating a meatfree lunch. How can a nudge work in this context? A well-known US study,found that highlighting a trend may be enough to nudge customers to become a part of that trend.

5When comparing a static social norms nudge (of “30% of Americanslimit their meat consumption…”) to a dynamic norm (of “over the last five years, 30% of Americans have started to make an effort to limit their meat consumption”), meatless lunches doubled in a university café. Meatless lunch orders in the dynamic norms condition were 34%, where for the static norms condition had 17% (the control group was 21%).

6In another university café (this time in Germany), the dynamic norm message of “more and more customers are switching from to-go-cups to a sustainable alternative. Be part of this movement and choose a reusable mug” was used to promote reusable alternatives by 17.3%. This was based on a pre and post intervention study, over a 14-week intervention period in one café.

3. Indulge me

7Particular words provide certain associations. So describing a meat-free dish as “healthy”, may provide associations of being “less tasty” or “less satisfying”.

8In a test vs control study in a US university café study found that indulgent descriptive may be a better method than a healthy description. For example,“Twisted citrus-glazed carrots” was more likely to be selected from a menu when compared to “Carrots with sugar-free citrus dressing”. Likewise, “Dynamite chili and tangy lime-seasoned beets” fared better than “Lighter-choice beets with no added sugar”. Results found diners were 41% more motivated to choose an“indulgent vegetable” compared to its“healthy” alternative, even though there was no difference in the preparation.Whilst there are some customers who may be on the lookout for healthy options, clearly many are not.

4. Size matters

9Given customers are more able to regulate their consumption at the point of purchase than at the point of consumption why not simply downsize a portion at the point of purchase? This can reduce both food waste and meat consumption at the same time.

10Over a period of one month, a Belgian retail store was used as a test bed(against eight control stores). The standdard size of sausage was 150g, the new smaller and healthier portion which met Belgian guidelines was 100g and another medium size of 125g was also introduced.The price per weight was kept the same for each size. Furthermore, the assortment was arranged horizontally from small to large. The receipts were collected from those who bought the relevant products.11Results showed 52% of customers bought the new smaller two portions of sausage. The remaining 48% bought the standard size. This led to 13% less meat being purchased. Receipts indicated that customers did not make more purchases from elsewhere in the meat category.

5. Total impact

12Last but far from least, is the first real time web-based tool targeting sustainable food shopping behaviour called Envirofy. Based on the Behaviour Change Wheel3行为改变轮理论,主张从能力、机会、动机三方面干预,系统选择最佳干预功能,最大限度利用个体对行为改变的理解和可用资源来设计干预方案。, this browser uses Education, Training and Environmental Restructuring to nudge the customer towards a lower Total Environmental Impact (TEI).

13This is done by extracting Ingredients, Produce of, Recycling information,Food production, Packaging lifecycle and Transport from the shopping basket.Envirofy uses a four-tier traffic light system and presents the lesser TEI items at the top. It also states how many trees need to be planted to offset the current basket and uses motivational messages.

Localise, don’t just globalize

14There is a bee in my bonnet4have a bee in your bonnet (about sth)(认为某事很重要而)念念不忘,老是提起。when it comes to how sustainable behaviour is communicated. Whilst some customers may have universalist values and care about the other side of the planet (e.g.the rainforests of Borneo). For many,this is too physically and psychologically distant. Therefore, the challenge is to communicate how climate change is affecting customers locally. In other words,retailers need to localise and not just globalise the effects of climate change.15To summarise, there are several proven ideas from consumer psychology that can be used to prompt greater sustainable behaviour from customers.Whilst these ideas appear fun, simple and exciting, they can have some realworld benefits for us all. ■

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