
2022-02-14 07:36LaurenMack
疯狂英语·新悦读 2022年1期

Lauren Mack

Lauren Mack


1A red envelope (hóngbāo) is simply a long, narrow, red envelope. Nowadays,red envelopes are often decorated with gold Chinese characters, such as happiness and wealth.

●How red envelopes are used

2During the Chinese New Year,money is put inside red envelopes which are then handed out to younger generations by their parents, grandparents, relatives, and even close neighbors and friends. Unlike a Western greeting card, red envelopes given in the Chinese New Year are typically left unsigned. For birthdays or weddings, a short message, typically a four-character expression, and signature are optional.

●The color

3Red symbolizes luck and good fortune in Chinese culture. That is why red envelopes are used in the Chinese New Year and other celebratory events. Other envelope colors are used for other types of occasions. For example, in China, white envelopes are usually used for funerals.

●How to give and receive

4Giving and receiving red envelopes, gifts, and even name cards is a solemn (庄严的) act. Therefore, red envelopes, gifts, and name cards are always presented with both hands and also received with both hands.

●The amount

5If you go to a wedding, the money in the red envelope should be equivalent to a nice gift. As with the Chinese New Year, the amount of money is relative to your relationship with the recipient—the closer your relationship is to him or her, the more money is expected. Less money is given for birthdays than other holidays.

●What not to gift

6For all occasions, certain amounts of money are to be avoided. Anything with a four is best avoided because four (sì, 四) sounds similar to death (sǐ, 死) in Chinese. Even numbers, except four, are better than odd numbers—as good things are believed to come in pairs. For example, gifting $20 is better than $21. Eight is a particularly lucky number.

7The money inside a red envelope should be new and crisp. Folding the money or giving dirty or wrinkled bills is in bad taste. Coins and checks are avoided, for the former is not worth much and the latter is not widely used in Asia.

Reading Check

Ⅰ. Choose the best answers according to the text

Ⅱ. Fill in each blank with only one word according to the text

Language Study

Complete the following phrases according to the text

1. 红包red________

2. 用……装饰 be________with

3. 分发hand________

4. 被用于be________for

5. 相当于be________to

6. 与……相关 be________to
