
2022-02-12 14:05:18
地球环境学报 2022年6期




确定力量和随机性在生境可入侵性中的重要性……………………………………唐 龙,刘秋月,周庆诗,高 扬(1)

压电光催化环境污染控制研究进展……………………………………………………………李耀宇,李 荣,黄 宇(11)


中国公众环境意识的时空差异及影响因素分析………………………………………………苏 芳,齐乐萌,尚海洋(33)

沿黄地区土地政策试点对区域发展的影响 —— 基于断点回归的政策效益检验…………尚海洋,寇 莹,苏 芳(49)

天气形势对2014 — 2018年关中地区各季节空气质量的影响………………………………梁佳艺,刘 浪,贝耐芳(61)

基于单颗粒气溶胶质谱仪的香河采暖季前后含铅颗粒物的组成特征研究……………………………………………………………………………………………………杨 彬,白晓春,吴华成,吴 健,周卫青,李 朋,王 绿(73)

基于SWAT模型的沙塘川流域非点源氮磷污染特征及关键源区识别………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………张 倩,巢世军,杨晓丽,李发娟,胡 健(86)

城市空间结构对城市热场的影响 —— 以济南市夏季为例…………………………王俊凝,单宝艳,刘洋洋,张智璇(100)

广东省水稻产量关键影响气候因子识别与气候影响估算……………………………………熊 文,刘 佳,朱永彬(110)



黄土高原小流域退耕还林还草的生态水文效应与可持续性………………………………………………………金 钊(121)

湖泊沉积物古DNA揭示气候环境变化和生态演化……………………………………………………王 晶,徐 海(132)



胶莱平原大气降水氢氧稳定同位素特征研究………………………………………王 莹,崔步礼,李东昇,王雅璇(176)

基于地理探测器的甘肃省植被覆盖时空变化及驱动力分析………………………吕泳洁,丁文广,邓 喆,隆耀成(185)

基于CMIP5模式数据渭河流域近200年来径流变化…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………刘引鸽,黄 雪,慕建利,包江川,杨雨欣,邓小丽,刘敏茹(196)


实验室模拟研究硫酸铵和甘氨酸对乙醇醛与胺反应体系生成棕碳的影响……………………………………………………………………………………………………孙 娟,丁喆正,易雅谊,陈彦奇,薛丽坤,王文兴,周学华(226)




松属植物地质历史及生物地理演变…………………………………………………胡 祎,梁莉娜,肖 良,李相传(243)

单原子环境催化研究进展…………………………………………………………………………………石先进,黄 宇(257)


金沙江中游奉科湖相层ESR年代学研究及成因探讨…………王 康,尹功明,魏传义,程 理,刘春茹,王莅斌(270)

末次冰期以来青州黄土光释光测年及其对古气候的指示……………………………………………………………………………………………………………赵秋月,臧凯旋,彭淑贞,周 锐,范念念,丁 敏,方 慜,吉春雯(281)

武威黄羊河剖面始新世湖相沉积物粒度端元组分及其沉积机制……………………………………………………………………………………………………方艳秋,王子璇,王艺霖,汪卫国,符超峰,戴 霜,胡 惠,孔 雪(296)

海原地震区不同地貌单元的黄土斜坡动力响应…………………………武 孟,谷天峰,谷 琪,宋志杰,宗 华(308)

中国东北地区积雪中离子特征及其环境意义………………………………………………………………………………………………………………杨 柳,刘 鑫,马珂珂,李畅想,李杨子,贺茂勇,邓 丽,王宁练,黄华宇(319)

近40年陕西省农田土壤有机质时空变化及其影响因素…………………曹 婧,陈怡平,毋俊华,王 洪,江 瑶(331)





基于遥感信息的黄河中游水土流失敏感区淤地坝坝地资源特征研究……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………张齐飞,孙从建,向燕芸,李 皎,刘 显,梁家荣(357)

黄河上中游水资源与粮食安全耦合关系特征分析 —— 以陕甘宁青为例………………………………………………………………………………………………………………刘 显,徐悦悦,孙从建,陈 伟,李 皎,张齐飞(369)

汾河下游地表水环境特征及污染源解析……………李 皎,孙从建,陈 伟,张齐飞,刘 显,周思捷,林若静(380)



基于LMDI模型的黄河流域碳排放时空差异及影响因素研究…………陈 锋,张 晶,任 娇,向燕芸,李 倩(418)

1982 — 2021年黄河流域植被覆盖时空演变及影响因素研究………………………………李雪银,张志强,孙爱芝(428)



黄土残塬区不同种植类型下耕地土壤肥力与经济效益耦合关系研究……………王红阳,陈 伟,李亚新,张 驰(465)

黄河中游地区生态系统服务的时空演变及权衡与协同关系研究………任 娟,赵雪雁,徐省超,马平易,杜昱璇(477)

黄河流域生态服务价值与经济协调发展的时空演化研究……秦明星,杨翠翠,徐立帅,郭青霞,丁 一,张亚军(491)

黄河流域城市生态化建设水平空间格局与障碍因子分析…………………………王肖惠,姚士谋,陈 爽,王龙升(506)



轨道尺度下东亚夏季风降水的北方主导演变模态…………………………………程 军,张近童,刘一陶,谭亮成(521)

晚更新世长江中下游沙山和黄土物质来源研究……林 旭,刘海金,陈济鑫,李玲玲,胡程伟,张玉芬,李长安(529)


兴凯湖百余年营养演化历史及营养物基准………………………………………………………………………………………………………李亮芳,李春华,叶 春,初元满,李秀宇,张钰珮,冼汉标, 谢自建,魏伟伟,董旭辉(557)

关中盆地NO2和SO2对颗粒物污染的协同效应……………………………………………左 敏,李国辉,吴佳睿(571)

福建省生态福利绩效影响因素研究……………………………………………………………林克涛,邓惺炜,叶 颉(588)

基于熵权模拟评价模型的西安市水资源价值核算……………曹兴达,杨银科,岳 斌,盛 强,刘彦利,王金星(598)

不同铅暴露区人体离体牙铅含量和年龄关系及指示意义………………李子夏,李祥忠,逯 海,周 芳,张昊琪(612)

我国冶炼厂周边土壤重金属污染现状与风险评价………………………杨利霞,李 颖,刘靖祎,梁艳萍,张星楠(618)

基于生态复垦的铜矿排土场污染土壤修复效应研究………………………………………………………………程 睿(631)





陆地生态系统碳水通量特征研究进展……………………………………张 婷,周军志,李建柱,陈伏龙,冯 平(645)

降水产流同位素径流分割研究进展与展望……………………………………………………蔺铭益,金 钊,余云龙(667)

有机阳离子型电荷杀菌材料研究现状及展望…………………姜 柳,高 琴,王震宇,赵宇蕾,张超锋,黄 宇(679)


汉江上游罗家滩剖面晚更新世以来沉积物粒度端元分析……………………………………………………………潘昭烨,张 玉柱,黄春长,庞奖励, 查小春,周亚利,朱 艳,贾雅娜,王浩宇,陈 豆,肖奇立,王春梅(702)

多尺度分割与特征优选下的盐碱地提取…………………………………朱 丽,国巧真,吴正鹏,吴欢欢,何云海(714)

硅胶腕带被动采集多环芳烃的可行性分析……………………………………曹雪怡,韩永明,Ho Steven Sai Hang(724)

2017年华北平原采暖季和非采暖季道路PM10污染特征和健康风险评估 —— 以济南市为例………………………………………………宋 杰,周学华,邵千益,王秀亮,巩 伟,董扬震,温秀芬,唐淑婷,雒园园,王文兴(732)

庆阳市市区及环江 — 泾河沿岸土壤重金属含量生态风险评价…………刘 芳,刘向军,张鹏博,唐道斌,张胜强(746)

超网络视角下生态与产业的协同效应研究 —— 以黄河流域枢纽城市为例…………………张晓琴,李 宇,荆文君(757)





The relative importance of stochastic drift and deterministic process in the invasibility of native community…………………………………………………………………………………TANG Long, LIU Qiuyue, ZHOU Qingshi, GAO Yang(1)

Research progress on environmental pollution control by piezo-photocatalysis……………LI Yaoyu, LI Rong, HUANG Yu(11)


Analysis of spatio-te mporal differences and influencing factors of public environmental awareness in China…………………………………………………………………………………………………SU Fang, QI Lemeng, SHANG Haiyang(33)

The impact of land policy pilot projects along the Yellow River on regional development — test of policy benefit based on regression discontinuity design…………………………………………………SHANG Haiyang, KOU Ying, SU Fang(49)

Influence of synoptic situations on the air quality of different seasons in the Guanzhong basin from 2014 to 2018………………………………………………………………………………………………LIANG Jiayi, LIU Lang, BEI Naifang(61)

Using single particle aerosol mass spectrum (SPAMS) to study chemical characteristics of Pb-containing particles during heating periods in Xianghe……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………YANG Bin, BAI Xiaochun, WU Huacheng, WU Jian, ZHOU Weiqing, LI Peng, WANG Lü(73)

Characteristics of non-point source nitrogen and phosphorus pollution and identification of key source areas in the Shatangchuan watershed based on SWAT model……ZHANG Qian, CHAO Shijun, YANG Xiaoli, LI Fajuan, HU Jian(86)

The influence of urban spatial structure on urban thermal field — a case study of Jinan in summer…………………………………………………………………………………WANG Junning, SHAN Baoyan, LIU Yangyang, ZHANG Zhixuan(100)

Identification of climate factors affecting rice yield and climate impact estimation in Guangdong Province………………………………………………………………………………………………………XIONG Wen, LIU Jia, ZHU Yongbin(110)



Ecohydrological effects and sustainability of the Grain for Green Project on the Chinese Loess Plateau…………JIN Zhao(121)

Lake sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) reveals paleoclimatic change and ecological evolution………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Jing, XU Hai(132)


Spatiotemporal distri bution and driving force of settlements from Yangshao to Shang-Zhou periods in Guanzhong area based on GIS………………………………………………………………………………ZHOU Tingting, CUI Jianxin(163)

Stable isotopic characteristics of hydrogen and oxygen in precipitation in Jiaolai Plain…………………………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Ying, CUI Buli, LI Dongsheng, WANG Yaxuan(176)

Spatiotemporal variation of vegetation cover and its driving forces in Gansu Province based on geodetector……………………………………………………………………………LÜ Yongjie, DING Wenguang, DENG Zhe, LONG Yaocheng(185)

Runoff changes in the Weih e River basin over the past 200 years based on CMIP5 model data………………………………………………………LIU Yinge, HUANG Xue, MU Jianli, BAO Jiangchuan, YANG Yuxin, DENG Xiaoli, LIU Minru(196)

Simulating the sources and formation of secondary organic aerosol in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei………………………………………………………………………………GONG Xuehong, WU Jiarui, HAN Yongming, LI Guohui, AN Zhisheng(208)

The opposing influences of ammonium sulfate / glycine on the formation of brown carbon in glycolaldehyde with amine system in a laboratory simulation………………………………………………………………………………………………………………SUN Juan, DING Zhezheng, YI Yayi, CHEN Yanqi, XUE Likun, WANG Wenxing, ZHOU Xuehua(226)




Fossils hist ory ofPinusand its implications in biogeography……………HU Yi, LIANG Lina, XIAO Liang, LI Xiangchuan(243)

Research progress on single-atom catalysts in environmental catalysis……………………………SHI Xianjin, HUANG Yu(257)


ESR chronology of lac ustrine sediment in the Fengke reaches of the middle Jinsha River: implications for landslide dammed lake formation…………WANG Kang, YIN Gongming, WEI Chuanyi, CHENG Li, LIU Chunru, WANG Libin(270)

Optically stimulated luminescence dating of Qingzhou loess since the last glacial period and its climatic implications…………ZHAO Qiuyue, ZANG Kaixuan, PENG Shuzhen, ZHOU Rui, FAN Niannian, DING Min, FANG Min, JI Chunwen(281)

Grain size end-member components and sedimentary mechanism of Eocene lacustrine sediments in Huangyang River section of Wuwei Basin…………………………………………………………………………………………………………FANG Yanqiu, WANG Zixuan, WANG Yilin, WANG Weiguo, FU Chaofeng, DAI Shuang, HU Hui, KONG Xue(296)

Dynamic response of loess slopes in different geomorphic units in Haiyuan Seismic Zone………………………………………………………………………………………………WU Meng, GU Tianfeng, GU Qi, SONG Zhijie, ZONG Hua(308)

Ion characteristics of snow in Northeast China and environmental significance………………………………………………YANG Liu, LIU Xin, MA Keke, LI Changxiang, LI Yangzi, HE Maoyong, DENG Li, WANG Ninglian, HUANG Huayu(319)

Temporal and spatial variation of soil organic matter in Shaanxi Province in the past 40 years and its influencing factors………………………………………………………CAO Jing, CHEN Yiping, WU Junhua, WANG Hong, JIANG Yao(331)

Spatial-temporal variation of soil erosion in Dongjiang source area based on RUSLE model……………………………………………………………………………………………………………SONG Shuihong, LI Hengkai, ZHANG Zhiwei(344)




Study on the check dam resource features in the sensitive area of soil erosion in the middle Yellow River based on remote sensing information………………ZHANG Qifei, SUN Congjian, XIANG Yanyun, LI Jiao, LIU Xian, LIANG Jiarong(357)

Analysis of the coupling characteristics between water resources and food security in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River: a case study of Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia-Qinghai region, Northwest China……………………………………………………………………………LIU Xian, XU Yueyue, SUN Congjian, CHEN Wei, LI Jiao, ZHANG Qifei(369)

Characteristics of surface water environment and source identification of water pollutants in the downstream of Fenhe River………………………LI Jiao, SUN Congjian, CHEN Wei, ZHANG Qifei, LIU Xian, ZHOU Sijie, LIN Ruojing(380)

Spatial distribution ofδ18O in precipitation across the Loess Plateau………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………YANG Gahong, WANG Shengjie, ZHANG Mingjun(393)

Effects ofTamarix chinensisshrub on soil respiration in the Yellow River Delta……………………………………………………………………………………………MA Xiaodan, LIU Jiazhen, CHEN Yong jin, MA Rongzhen, XU Mengchen(405)

Spatiotemporal variations and influencing factors of carbon emissions in the Yellow River Basin based on LMDI model…………………………………………………CHEN Feng, ZHANG Jing, REN Jiao, XIANG Yanyun, LI Qian(418)

Study on the spatial-temporal evolution and influence factors of vegetation coverage in the Yellow River Basin during 1982 — 2021…………………………………………………………………LI Xueyin, ZHANG Zhiqiang, SUN Aizhi(428)

A preliminary study on relationship between the extinction of nabkhas and agricultural activity in farming-pastoral ecotone in Hetao Region of China…………………………………………LI Yijing, LIU Xiaokang, LU Ruijie, XIAO Fengjun(437)

Evolvement characteristics and coupling coordination analysis of “production-living-ecological space” function in the upper reaches of the Yellow River……………………LI Linghui, ZHAO Ruifeng, MING Siyu, HAN Ziyi, JIA Zhibin(449)

Study on the coupling relationship between soil fertility and economic benefits of cultivated land under different planting types in loess residual tableland…………………………………WANG Hongyang, CHEN Wei, LI Yaxin, ZHANG Chi(465)

Spatial-temporal evolution, tradeoffs and synergies of ecosystem services in the middle Yellow River……………………………………………………………………………REN Juan, ZHAO Xueyan, XU Xingchao, MA Pingyi, DU Yuxuan(477)

Analysis of the spatiotemporal evolution of the coordinated development of ecosystem service value and economy in the Yellow River Basin………………QIN Mingxing, YANG Cuicui, XU Lishuai, GUO Qingxia, DING Yi, ZHANG Yajun(491)

Spatial pattern and obstacle factor analysis of urban ecological construction level in the Yellow River Basin………………………………………………………………………WANG Xiaohui, YAO Shimou, CHEN Shuang, WANG Longsheng(506)



Northern China do minating orbital-scale variation of East Asian summer monsoon rainfall………………………………………………………………………………………………CHENG Jun, ZHANG Jintong, LIU Yitao, TAN Liangcheng(521)

Provenance tracing of sand hills and loess in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River during the Late Pleistocene……………………………LIN Xu, LIU Haijin, CHEN Jixin, LI Lingling, HU Chengwei, ZHANG Yufen, LI Chang’an(529)

Characteristics of salt damage to sandstone grottoes in Northwest China and contributing factors………………………………………………………………………SUN Manli, LIANG Chuxin, SHEN Yunxia, SHANG Xuejian, CAO Zhangzhe(543)

Nutrient history in the past century and its baseline of Xingkai Lake…………………………………………LI Liangfang,LI Chunhua, YEChun, CHU Yuanman, LI Xiuyu, ZHANG Yupei, XIAN Hanbiao, XIE Zijian, WEI Weiwei, DONG Xuhui(557)

Synergetic effects of NO2and SO2on air particulate matter pollution in the Guanzhong Basin (GZB), China…………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZUO Min, LI Guohui, WU Jiarui(571)

Research on infulencing factors of ecological welfare performance in Fujian Province……LIN Ketao, DENG Xingwei, YE Jie(588)

The value accounting of water resources in Xi’an based on the simulation evaluation model of entropy right………………………………………………………CAO Xingda, YANG Yinke, YUE Bin, SHENG Qiang, LIU Yanli, WANG Jinxing(598)

Relationship between l ead content in isolated human teeth and human age in different lead exposure areas and its significance………………………………………………………LI Zixia, LI Xiangzhong, LU Hai, ZHOU Fang,ZHANG Haoqi(612)

Current status and risk assessment of heavy metal pollution in China’s smelters and surrounding soils…………………………………………………………………………YANG Lixia, LI Ying, LIU Jingyi, LIANG Yanping, ZHANG Xingnan(618)

Study on remediation effects of contaminated soil in copper mine waste-dumps based on ecological reclamation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………CHENG Rui(631)



Connotation and enl ightenment of “Nangou rural vitalization model” in Yan’an City…………………CHEN Yiping(641)


Review on research and development of carbon and water fluxes characteristics in terrestrial ecosystem…………………………………………………………………ZHANG Ting, ZHOU Junzhi, LI Jianzhu, CHEN Fulong, FENG Ping(645)

Research progress and prospects of isotopic hydrograph separation in rainfall-runoff generation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………LIN Mingyi, JIN Zhao, YU Yunlong(667)

Research status and prospect of organic cationic charge antibacterial materials………………………………………………………………………………JIANG Liu, GAO Qin, WANG Zhenyu, ZHAO Yulei, ZHANG Chaofeng, HUANG Yu(679)


Grain size end me mber analysis of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene sediments in the Luojiatan profile on the upper Hanjiang River…………………PAN Zhaoye, ZHANG Yuzhu, HUANG Chunchang, PANG Jiangli,ZHA Xiaochun, ZHOU Yali, ZHU Yan, JIA Yana, WANG Haoyu, CHEN Dou, XIAO Qili, WANG Chunmei(702)

Extraction of saline-alkali land based on multi-scale segmentation and feature optimization…………………………………………………………………………ZHU Li, GUO Qiaozhen, WU Zhengpeng, WU Huanhuan, HE Yunhai(714)

Feasibility analysis of silicone wristbands for passive collection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons……………………………………………………………………………………CAO Xueyi, HAN Yongming, Ho Steven Sai Hang(724)

Near-road PM10in the non-heating and heating periods in Jinan in the North China Plain in 2017: pollution characteristics and health risk assessment……………………………………………………SONG Jie, ZHOU Xuehua, SHAO Qianyi,WANG Xiuliang, GONG Wei, DONG Yangzhen, WEN Xiufen, TANG Shuting, LUO Yuanyuan, WANG Wenxing(732)

Ecological risk assessment of heavy metal content in soil along the urban area of Qingyang City and the Huanjiang —Jinghe River…………………LIU Fang, LIU Xiangjun, ZHANG Pengbo, TANG Daobin, ZHANG Shengqiang(746)

The synergistic effect of ecology and industry from the perspective of super-network — taking hub cities in the Yellow River Basin as an example………………………………………………………………ZHANG Xiaoqin, LI Yu, JING Wenjun(757)

童话世界(2020年31期)2021-01-04 01:41:58
科技传播(2019年22期)2020-01-14 03:06:54