
2022-02-07 00:57莫瀚宁李尚平马少春黄志民周敬辉
农业工程学报 2022年18期

莫瀚宁,李尚平,邱 辰,马少春,黄志民,周敬辉


莫瀚宁1,2,3,李尚平4,邱 辰1,2,3※,马少春1,2,黄志民1,周敬辉5

(1. 广西科学院,南宁 530007;2. 中国农业大学工学院,北京 100083;3. 梧州学院机械与资源工程学院,梧州 543000;4. 广西民族大学电子信息学院,南宁 530006;5. 桂林理工大学南宁分校机械与控制工程系,南宁 532100)



0 引 言







1 材料与方法

1.1 试验平台

本文试验在本课题组自主研发的甘蔗收获机试验平台上进行,试验平台结构如图1所示,主要由甘蔗输送小车、甘蔗输送轨道、切割系统和偏心振动装置组成。甘蔗由夹持装置2固定在甘蔗输送小车1上,由变频调速电机通过减速器在甘蔗输送轨道上实现无极调速和换向,甘蔗输送速度可调范围为0~2.5 m/s,模拟甘蔗收获机在蔗地的行走。夹持装置2的套筒由8根弹簧固定。同簇套筒可以夹持3根甘蔗,每次可以装夹3簇共9根甘蔗,模拟土壤的紧固作用和甘蔗在蔗地的生长情况。切割系统4包括2个直径为450 mm的刀盘,刀片长80 mm、厚5 mm,刀盘倾角可调,范围为0~30º,由无极调速液压马达驱动,通过换向电磁阀实现切割器的启停及正、反转,刀盘转速可调范围为0~1 000 r/min。偏心振动装置9在变频调速电机作用下,通过偏心距可调的偏心轮迫使甘蔗输送轨道3绕铰支座5往复摆动,从而在甘蔗切割点处获得沿铅垂方向的振动,振动的幅值和频率取决于偏心轮偏心距和电机频率,用于模拟甘蔗收获机刀盘的轴向振动,刀盘轴向振幅可调范围为0~15 mm,频率可调范围为0~15 Hz。

1.2 试验材料与设备

试验材料采用中蔗9号和桂糖42号甘蔗,新植蔗,蔗体通直,去叶去毛刺,平均直径为(28±3) mm,取根部往上1 000 mm长度。

1.输送小车 2.夹持装置 3.输送轨道 4.双刀切割装置 5.铰支座 6.刀盘支架 7.压紧弹簧 8.限位装置 9.偏心振动装置 10.偏心轮

1.Feeding vehicle 2.Clamping device 3.Feeding pathway 4.Double-blade cutting device 5.Hinge support 6.Blade disk holder 7.Pressure spring 8.Position limiting device 9.Eccentric vibration device 10.Eccentric wheel

图1 甘蔗收获机试验平台

Fig.1 Sugarcane harvester test platform

试验设备包括激光位移测量系统,由基恩士LK-G3001控制器、基恩士LK-G150激光位移传感器、24V直流电稳压器(MS2-H50)、笔记本电脑和基恩士LK-H1W数据分析软件组成。系统的测量距离范围为(150±40) mm,最大位移测量范围为±440 mm。在软件中设置采样频率为100 Hz,采样精度为0.1m。用于测量砍蔗点沿铅垂方向的振幅,即刀盘轴向振幅。

无极调速液压马达型号为CM-FM40-FL,转速调节范围为120~2 400 r/min,用于控制刀盘转速。激光转速表型号为DT-2234B,转速测量范围为0~3 000 r/min,用于测量刀盘转速。

2台数字变频器。第1台的型号为F1000-G0055T3B,频率调节范围为0.5~400 Hz,输出功率为3.5 kW,用于控制偏心振动装置的频率,即刀盘轴向振动频率。第2台的型号为M3-R75G3,频率调节范围为50~650 Hz,输出功率为0.75 kW,用于控制变频调速电机的转速,从而控制甘蔗输送速度,模拟甘蔗收获机在蔗地的行走速度。变频调速电机和减速器,变频调速电机型号为JB/T8680-2008,用于驱动甘蔗输送小车。


游标卡尺精度为0.02 mm,用于测量甘蔗的裂纹长度和裂纹深度。

高速摄影观察砍蔗过程的试验设备为美国NAC的HSE1024高速摄像机,最高拍摄帧数为4 000帧/s,频幕分辨率为1 024×768(像素)。用高速摄像机拍摄甘蔗切割过程,拍摄时高速摄像机的拍摄速率为1 000帧/s。试验在室内条件下进行,以300 W碘钨灯进行照明。

1.3 测定指标与方法




1.4 试验设计


1.4.1 单因素试验


单因素试验1:试验因素为刀盘轴向振动频率。本课题组前期试验研究表明,蔗地路面不平度的激振频率范围在10 Hz以内,并且主要集中在1~6 Hz,为低频振动信号,具有低频高振幅,高频低振幅的特点[35]。试验因素水平如表1所示。根据小型甘蔗收获机的常用切割参数,设置刀盘轴向振幅为3.5 mm、甘蔗输送速度为0.4 m/s、刀盘倾角为0°、刀盘转速为600 r/min。

单因素试验2:试验因素为刀盘轴向振幅。本课题组前期试验研究表明,甘蔗收获机工作时,刀盘轴向振幅的范围为1~10 mm[36]。设置刀盘轴向振动频率为6 Hz,甘蔗输送速度为0.4 m/s、刀盘倾角为0o、刀盘转速为600 r/min。


表1 单因素试验因素和水平

1.4.2 正交试验


表2 正交试验因素和水平

1.4.3 二次回归正交旋转试验


表3 二次回归正交旋转因素水平编码表

2 结果与分析

2.1 单因素试验结果与分析

2.1.1 刀盘轴向振动频率对甘蔗切割质量的影响


表4 不同振动频度的切割质量


Note:is Comprehensive Cutting Quality Evaluating Value (CCQEV) .


图2 y与刀盘轴向振动频率的拟合曲线


2.1.2 刀盘轴向振幅对甘蔗切割质量的影响


表5 不同振幅的切割质量


图3 y与刀盘轴向振幅的拟合曲线


2.2 正交试验结果与分析


表6 正交试验结果


Note:1-5are level values of1-5.






表7 正交试验的多因素方差分析中的主效应分析结果


Note:<0.01 means a highly significant effect, 0.01≤<0.05 means a significant effect,>0.05 means no significant effect.


2.3 二次回归正交旋转试验结果与分析


表8 二次回归正交旋转试验结果

2.3.1 回归方程



2.3.2 交互作用对甘蔗切割质量的影响

用Matlab绘制切割质量综合评价值随刀盘轴向振幅和频率的交互作用以及刀盘轴向振幅和刀盘转速的交互作用变化的曲面,分别如图4和图5所示。作图时令式 (9)中的其他试验因素水平为0。

图4 切割质量综合评价值对刀盘轴向振幅和频率交互作用的响应曲面

图5 切割质量综合评价值对刀盘轴向振幅和刀盘转速的交互作用的响应曲面



2.4 高速摄影结果与分析


图6 切入位置比较

根据图6,甘蔗不是被1次砍断,而是经历了1次以上的砍切才会被砍断,和本课题组的前期研究结果相符[37]。最少经历2次,多则达4次。而且由于存在刀盘轴向振动,每次的切入位置都不同。根据图6a,甘蔗经历2次切割,第2次的切入位置比第1次高。根据图6b,甘蔗经历2次切割,第2次的切入位置比第1次低。根据图 6c,甘蔗经历3次切割,第1次的切入位置比第2次低,第3次切入后将甘蔗整体砍断。


3 讨 论








4 结 论







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Effects of the blade disk vibration in axial and cutting parameters on the cutting quality of sugarcane harvesters

Mo Hanning1,2,3, Li Shangping4, Qiu Chen1,2,3※, Ma Shaochun1,2, Huang Zhimin1, Zhou Jinghui5

(1.,530007,;2.,,100083,; 3.,,543000,;4.,,530006,;5.,,532100,)

Sugarcane Cutting Quality (SCQ) has been one of the most important limiting factors in a sugarcane harvester. The sugarcane ratoons can be broken to reduce the budding rate, thus leading to the sugarcane yield decrease in the subsequent year. It is an extremely serious threat to the sugarcane yield for cost-saving planting. This study aims to investigate the effects of axial blade disk vibration and cutting parameters on the cutting quality of sugarcane harvesters. A series of cutting tests were performed on a self-developed test platform of a sugarcane harvester. The SCQ evaluating indexes were selected as the number of sugarcane cracks, the crack thickness, the crack depth, and the number of sugarcanes with broken ratoons. Then, the Comprehensive sugarcane Cutting Quality Evaluating Value (CCQEV) was calculated with the four parameters through the improved entropy as the test index. A regressive equation was established using single-factor tests, the orthogonal test, and the quadratic regressive orthogonal rotary combination test. The axial blade disk vibration was characterized by the vibration amplitude, frequency, and rotation velocity of the blade disk, together with the moving velocity of the sugarcane harvester, the blade installing angle, and their interactions on the SCQ. The results showed that there were strong linear negative relationships between the SCQ and the axial blade disk vibration amplitude, the SCQ and the axial blade disk vibration frequency. The significance coefficients of the axial blade disk vibration amplitude and frequency were 0.002 and 0.035, respectively. There were significant effects on the SCQ. By contrast, the significance coefficients of the sugarcane harvester moving velocity, the blade disk rotation velocity, and the blade disk installing angle were greater than 0.05, indicating no significant effect on the SCQ. The significance coefficients were 0.045 and 0.036 for the interaction of the axial blade disk vibration amplitude and frequency, as well as that of the axial blade disk vibration amplitude and the blade disk rotation velocity, respectively, indicating the significant effects on the SCQ. The significance coefficients of other interactions were greater than 0.05, indicating no significant effect on the SCQ. The significance levels were ranked in the descending order of the axial blade disk vibration amplitude > frequency > the sugarcane harvester moving velocity > the blade disk rotation velocity > the blade disk installing angle. There was a specific interaction between the axial blade disk vibration amplitude and frequency and that between the axial blade disk vibration amplitude and the blade disk rotation velocity. The greater the blade disk vibration amplitude and frequency were, the greater the CCQEV was, and the worse the SCQ was. The greater the blade disk vibration on axial amplitude and the blade disk rotation velocity were, the greater the CCQEV was, and the worse the SCQ was. Moreover, a high-speed camera was used to capture the sugarcane-cutting process. Several times of cutting rather than one time were implemented in the sugarcane harvester, due to the axial blade disk vibration. There was an outstanding height difference between the cut-in points. The significance levels of the axial blade disk vibration amplitude and frequency were higher than those of the rest. There was also some effect of the interaction between the axial blade disk vibration amplitude and frequency on the SCQ. Therefore, an analysis was made to clarify the influencing mechanisms of the axial blade disk vibration amplitude and frequency as well as their interaction with the SCQ from the angle of the multi-cutting process. The vibration amplitude of sugarcane harvesters decreased to improve the natural frequencies of the body frame, whereas, the cutting system of sugarcane harvesters increased to avoid the resonance phenomenon. This finding can provide a strong reference for the higher SCQ in sugarcane harvesters.

harvester; vibration; cutting quality; blade disk; cutting parameter





莫瀚宁,李尚平,邱辰,等. 刀盘轴向振动和切割参数对甘蔗收获机切割质量的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2022,38(18):62-71.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.18.007 http://www.tcsae.org

Mo Hanning, Li Shangping, Qiu Chen, et al. Effects of the blade disk vibration in axial and cutting parameters on the cutting quality of sugarcane harvesters[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(18): 62-71. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.18.007 http://www.tcsae.org






稳中求变 收获机市场加速转型
———2020 款中农博远玉米收获机值得期待
T BM 刀盘驱动系统单神经元模糊同步控制