
2022-01-17 08:55:48浙江彭文国
疯狂英语·新策略 2021年12期

浙江 彭文国
















A funny thing happened to Arthur when he was on the way to work one day.As he walked along Park Avenue near the First National Bank,he heard the sound of someone trying to start a car.He tried again and again but couldn't get the car moving.Arthur turned and looked inside at the face of a young man who looked worried.Arthur stopped and asked,“It looks like you've got a problem.”

“I'm afraid so.I'm in a big hurry and I can't start my car.”

“Is there something I can do to help?”Arthur asked.The young man looked at the two suitcases in the back seat and then said,“Thanks.If you're sure it wouldn't be too much trouble,you could help me get these suitcases into a taxi.”

“No trouble at all.I'd be glad to help.”

The young man got out and took one of the suitcases from the back seat.After placing it on the ground,he turned to get the other one.Just as Arthur picked up the first suitcase and started walking,he heard a long loud noise of an alarm.

It was from the bank.There had been a robbery(抢劫)!

Park Avenue had been quiet a moment before.Now the air was filled with the sound of the alarm and the shouts of people running from all directions.Cars stopped and the passengers joined the crowd in front of the bank.People asked each other,“What happened?” But everyone had a different answer.

Arthur,still carrying the suitcase,turned to look at the bank and walked right into the young woman in front of him.

She looked at the suitcase and then at him.Arthur was surprised.

“Why is she looking at me like that?” he thought.“The suitcase!She thinks I'm the bank thief!”

Arthur looked around at the crowd of people.He became frightened,and without another thought,he started to run.




Paragraph 1:

As he was running,Arthur heard the young man shouting behind,“Stop!Stop! ”_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthur___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________











在设计结尾的情节的时候,我们一定要注意文章开始点明的funny thing,故事的最终发展一定要符合这个中心。也就是故事结尾必须和开头照应,结尾应该是一个funny story。只有结尾写出funny的特点,才符合文章主旨,有新意,才会让读者有会心一笑、回味无穷的感觉。


Paragraph 1:

As he was runnin g,Arthur heard the young man shouting behind,“Stop!Stop! ”But Arthur ran even faster.Just then,a taxi came along.Arthur stopped it immediately and threw himself into the back seat.As soon as he got in,he asked the driver to go to the Police Station.Considering the urgent situation,the driver pulled out the car and headed for the nearest Police Station.

Paragraph 2:

The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthur ran into it,shouting,“There's a bank robbery and I know the bank thief.”No sooner had Arthur told his story than the policemen headed for the bank without delay.When they arrived at the spot,they were surprised to find that the people who gathered before the bank were now crowding around the young man,who seemed quite worried.Finally,Arthur realized that he had made a mistake.The loud noise of the alarm was incorrectly made by the bank's system and nothing happened to the bank,but the young man was worried that someone had robbed his suitcase.



同时,续写结尾使用了非常具有语境感的词汇和句子结构,为文章叙述的故事增加了紧张效果。如“Arthur stopped it immediately and threw himself into the back seat.”这里的immediately和threw himself into非常形象地描述了当时的情景。

“Considering the urgent situation,the driver pulled out the car and headed to the nearest Police Station.”此处,pull out非常好地描述了汽车快速冲出的情景。

“No sooner had Arthur told his story than the policemen headed for the bank without delay.”这里用了no sooner...than...的结构,将警察快速出动的情景描绘得淋漓尽致。



Having held the inter-school storytelling championship for the past two years,I was the shining star of my school.When it came to choosing the right candidate to participate in such competitions,I was always the first choice.Naturally,I was once again selected to represent my school in the approaching contest this year.

Upon hearing the fact that I was chosen again,my classmates and friends acknowledged that I would undoubtedly emerge as the champion again.Consequently,I became conceited.I was so proud that I neglected the importance of practicing for the contest.

A week before the contest,my teacher Ms Sara asked,“Selena,would you like to stand in front of the class to rehearse for the contest?”She had tutored me in the past two competitions and knew how important practice was.“Just imagine you are on the stage in the presence of the audience,”she added.

“I'm sorry,Ms Sara,” I replied.“I have a bit of a sore throat.”

This was usually the lie I would tell whenever my teacher requested me to practice in front of the class.I always found excuses to avoid doing it because I believed that I was the best and therefore the practice was unnecessary.On one occasion,I even told Ms Sara not to worry too much as I was well prepared for the contest.In fact,I did everything but practice my script.I only managed to glance briefly through the story the day before the contest.As the best storyteller among the students of the local secondary schools,I was too vain to practice and expected everything to be fine.

The contest was being held in the local community hall.On the day of the contest,the hall was packed.My school teachers and principal were there along with many of my classmates and schoolmates.I was the eighth contestant out of twenty in total.Those who spoke before me did extremely well.On seeing their fascinating and outstanding performance,I began to lose confidence in myself.My palms sweated heavily and I started to feel nervous.




Paragraph 1:

Soon,it was my turn to talk._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

Finally,results were announced after the contest._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Paragraph 1:

Soon,it was my turn to talk.Facing the crowd,I found myself suffering from stage fright.I spoke in an expressionless voice and even stuttered a few times as I forgot parts of the story.My legs trembled and so did my voice.On seeing my terrible performance,the judges shook their heads.The supporters from my school looked at me in disappointment.I have never been so embarrassed in my life.In the end,I walked off the stage,my eyes filled with tears.

Paragraph 2:

Finally,results were announced after the contest.I did not win any prizes—not even a consolation one.It was not surprising at all.I felt ashamed when I faced my classmates and,of course,Ms Sara.I regretted overestimating myself.My vanity had cost me the championship.But Ms Sara didn't blame.She just gave me a hug and said,“I am sure you have learned enough.”Definitely she was right,I had learned my lesson well and finally understood the meaning of the two sayings, “Pride goes before a fall.” and “Practice makes perfect! ”








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