布罗德美术馆 美国洛杉矶市

2021-12-28 08:26:10MatthewOstrow,MichaelHundsnurscher,RobertCondon
世界建筑导报 2021年6期


设计单位:DS+R 建筑事务所

合作者:Elizabeth Diller,Ric Scofidio,Charles Renfro,Benjamin Gilmartin

项目总监:Kevin Rice

设计团队:Matthew Ostrow,Michael Hundsnurscher,Robert Condon,Zachary Cooley,Daniel Sakai,Ryan Botts,John Chow,Anne-Rachel Schiffmann,William Ngo,Charles Curran,Nkiru Mokwe


施工单位:Matt 建筑施工公司

灯光设计:Tillotson 设计事务所 (不含画廊空间)

项目状况:2015 年竣工

项目总面积:120 000 平方呎

项目摄影:Iwan Baan,Hufton Crow

Client:The Broad Foundation

Design Architect:Diller Scofidio+Renfro

Partners:Elizabeth Diller,Ric Scofidio,Charles Renfro,Benjamin Gilmartin

Project Director:Kevin Rice

Design Team:Matthew Ostrow,Michael Hundsnurscher,Robert Condon,Zachary Cooley,Daniel Sakai,Ryan Botts,John Chow,Anne-Rachel Schiffmann,William Ngo,Charles Curran,Nkiru Mokwe

Executive Architect:Gensler

Construction:Matt Construction

Lighting Design (Exclusive of Galleries):Tillotson Design

Status:Completed 2015

Area:120 000 SF TOTAL

Photography:Iwan Baan,Hufton Crow

布罗德博物馆由两位慈善家Eli和Edythe Broad共同创办,地址位于洛杉矶市中心格兰德大道(Grand Avenue),是一家新型的当代艺术博物馆,于2015年9月正式对外开放。该博物馆普通门票免费,拥有两千件布鲁德夫妇艺术藏品,包括世界上最著名的战后艺术作品与当代艺术作品。该馆还推出了一个轮换举办临时展览的活动项目,鼓励有创新精神的观众参与。该建筑占地12万平方英尺,拥有两层画廊空间,布罗德艺术基金会全球公共图书馆总部正位于此处。自1984年以来,该图书馆一直主动向世界各地的博物馆出借藏品。自2015年对外开放以来,布罗德博物馆已累计接待游客170多万人次,被誉为洛杉矶市中心城市化的催化剂。布罗德夫妇还建造了一座占地2.4万平方英尺的公共广场,改善了街道景观,格兰德大道沿线、通向或环绕布罗德博物馆周行人通道条件也随之改善



布罗德博物馆荣获LEED金级认证。博物馆配有电动汽车充电桩、自行车停车位,屋顶排水沟直通地面可过滤径流的花园,管路系统高效,可节约40%用水量,公共交通便利,毗邻位于第二街 (2nd Street) 与希望街(Hope Street)之间的地铁区域中转站(Metro Regional Connector——(2020年投入使用)。该馆旨在成为具有环保意识的高效的顶级博物馆。

布罗德博物馆吸引了形形色色的游客群体,多样性前所未有。受众群体更加年轻化、民族更加多元化,远超全美平均水准,超出客户预期。其游客民族多元化比例比全国其他艺术博物馆平均水平高出近两倍。布罗德博物馆也不断吸引着大批以家庭为单位的观众群体,超过80%的游客表示他们过去对当代艺术知之甚少或了解不多。布罗德博物馆开放首年累计接待游客为823 216人,其中47%的游客至少重新来参观过两次。按年度参观人数计算,它在全球艺术博物馆中排名前80位,在全美艺术博物馆中排名前15位。布罗德博物馆的游客是南加州文化多样性与当代艺术活力的真实写照。

模型 model

南北剖面图 north-south section

The Broad is a new contemporary art museum founded by philanthropists Eli and Edythe Broad on Grand Avenue in downtown Los Angeles which opened in September of 2015.The museum offers free general admission.The museum is home to the 2,000 works of art in the Broad collection,which is among the most prominent holdings of postwar and contemporary art worldwide,and has launched an active program of rotating temporary exhibitions and innovative audience engagement.The 120,000-squarefootbuilding features two floors of gallery space and is the headquarters of The Broad Art Foundation’s worldwide lending library,which has actively loaned collection works to museums around the world since 1984.Since opening in 2015,The Broad has welcomed more than 1.7 million visitors and has been heralded as a catalyst for urbanizing downtown Los Angeles.Eli and Edythe Broad also built a 24,000-square-foot public plaza,added streetscape improvements and enhanced pedestrian access on and around The Broad along Grand Avenue.

Dubbed “the veil and the vault,” the museum’s design merges the two key programs of the building:public exhibition space and the storage that supports The Broad Art Foundation’s extensive lending activities.Rather than relegate the storage to secondary status,“the vault” plays a key role in shaping the museum experience from entry to exit.Its heavy opaque mass is always in view,hovering midway in the building.Its carved underside shapes the lobby below and public circulation routes.Its top surface is the floor of the third-floor galleries.

横剖面图 cross section

The vault is enveloped by the “veil,” a porous,honeycomb-like exterior structure that spans across the block-long third-floor gallery and provides filtered natural daylight.The museum’s “veil” lifts at the corners,welcoming visitors into an active lobby and shop.The public is then drawn upwards via escalator,tunneling through the vault,arriving onto nearly an acre of column free gallery space bathed in filtered light.The gallery has 23-foot-high ceilings,and the roof is supported by 7-foot-deep steel girders.Visitors exit the third floor via a winding central stair through the vault that offers glimpses into the vast holdings of the collection.

The Broad received LEED Gold certification.With its electric car charging stations,bike parking spaces,rooftop drains routed to street level gardens that filter runoff,high-efficiency plumbing fixtures that help reduce water use by 40 percent,and its easy access to public transit including adjacency to the new Metro Regional Connector station at the corner of 2nd and Hope Streets (anticipated opening:2020),The Broad aims to be in the top tier of ecoconscious and efficient museums.

The Broad’s visitors reflected unprecedented diversity for an art museum,attracting a dramatically younger,more ethnically diverse audience than the national average– exceeding the client’s expectations.The percentage of ethnically diverse visitors is nearly three times the average of other art museums around the country.The Broad also continues to attract a large family audience with more than 80 percent of visitors saying they had very little or a modest knowledge of contemporary art.The Broad’s first-year attendance of 823,216,with 47% of visitors having returned at least twice,puts it in the top 80 art museums worldwide in terms of annual attendance and in the top 15 U.S.art museums.The Broad’s visitors reflect the diversity of Southern California and the dynamism of contemporary art.

大堂平面图 lobby level plan

档案馆平面图 archive level plan

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