The Most Beautiful Scenery in China’s Poverty Alleviation

2021-12-26 01:08WrittenbyGuanQiuyunTranslatedbyChenZhiying
中国-东盟博览(政经版) 2021年7期

Written by Guan Qiuyun/Translated by Chen Zhiying

On February 25, 2021, at the National Poverty Alleviation Summary and Commendation Conference, Huang Zhongjie, who was on-site, was fulled of tears in his eyes when he heard the name of Huang Wenxiu, his daughter, who lost her life at 30 while leading poverty-relief work.The moment that Huang Zhongjie received the commendation on behalf of his daughter moved countless people.

The prosperity of the party lies in tens of thousands of outstanding Party members who have devoted themselves to China’s poverty alleviation. At the important moment of the 100thanniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the battle against poverty has won a comprehensive victory. Many believe that China’s achievements in poverty alleviation reflect strong leadership of the CPC and the unity and endeavour of the Chinese people. China’s poverty alleviation experience also provides valuable experience for all countries,especially developing ones.

“Chinese people leads a prosperous life under the leadership of the CPC”

In February 2021, Malaysia’sSin Chew Dailyreported the story of the family of Weibo, a farmer in Yunnan Province, China.

In the 1970s and 1980s, Weibo grew up in a small mountaineous village in Yunnan Province. There was only one dirt road linking to the outside world.The heavy rain in summer always made the road muddy and impassable.“At that time, we were always hungry,and used to feed with wild vegetables or fruits.” He recalled.

However, with the help of the CPC, his family has moved into a new residential area. Local government provides housing subsidies and carries out vocational training, which lift them out of poverty. At the end of the article, theSin Chew Dailyconcluded that China’s poverty alleviation is the embodiment of the ruling ability of the CPC, which shows the vision of Chinese leaders and sets a model for the world.

Weibo’s family are just one of the epitome of China’s success in poverty reduction. Since ancient times, human society has been plagued by poverty.The achievement of China’s total elimination of absolute poverty in 2020 has written a new chapter in the history of anti-poverty. As the largest developing country in the world,China’s poverty alleviation population accounts for more than 70% of that of the globe in the same period. However,770 million rural poor people have got rid of poverty, achieving the goal set in UN’s2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development10 years earlier.

Banbang Sulyono, Chairman of the Asian Innovation Research Center and the ASEAN Nanyang Foundation in Indonesia, visited China in 1998.Comparing the past with the present, he expressed his feeling about the overall achievements of poverty alleviation in China: “In more than 20 years,China has become a country with strong momentum of development.When the outside world evaluates the achievements of the CPC, this cannot be ignored — it is the CPC that leads the Chinese people towards a prosperous life.”

“There is an old saying inZhuangzi,an ancient Chinese text, called ‘Any great work is small and simple at the beginning, but its completion will be huge’.” Lucio Pitro, a researcher in international relations at the Asia-Pacific Pathways to Progress, said that the path from small to huge eloquently proved that the Chinese people, under the leadership of the CPC, have won remarkable victories astonished the world and should be proud of their efforts.

“Chinese people are always well protected by the bravest of them”

“Chinese people are always well protected by the bravest of them,” said Kissinger, a politician inOn China.In China’s battle against the poverty,those bravest people are the party members and cadres in the grassroots community who unite and lead the Chinese people of all ethnic groups to meet the difficulties and gnaw down the deep poverty.

Mao Xianglin, Secretary of the Party branch of Xiazhuang village, Wushan County, Chongqing, led villagers to pave a road in seven years; Huang Dafa, Secretary of the Party branch of Yuancao Wangba village, Zunyi City,Guizhou Province, led the villagers to dig diversion channels for 36 years;Li Baoguo, a professor at Hebei Agricultural University, has spent his life trying to lift people out of poverty through science and technology; Jiang Shikun, Former Secretary of Qinglong County Committee of Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, southwest Guizhou Province, devoted his life to poverty alleviation and fulfilled the promise that “as long as there is still one in Qinglong who has not been deprived of poverty, I would not rest...” “We cannot leave anyone on the way to building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way”. Behind this promise is the hard work of more than 3 million village cadres and the First Secretary of China. It’s they who ignited the hope of Chinese people to move towards prosperity.

“In a century, China has achieved a great leap from poverty and blankness to poverty alleviation. I think it is inseparable from China’s strong party leadership and those who are willing to contribute.” Lina Dengrudainison,Editor-in-Chief of the Flemish edition ofChina Today,visited rural areas of China for many times and published a large number of reports on China’s poverty alleviation.When she saw that the grassroots party organizations in China set up electronic databases for all poor households,and that Party cadres helped poor households, formulated targeted measures for them, and took charge of the situation. She was deeply moved: “China’s poverty alleviation is inseparable from the efforts of millions of CPC members.”

“More and more Chinese youth choose to devote themselves to the poverty alleviation at the grass-roots level, and they are actually fighting for the Chinese dream for a century.”Thailand’sBangkok Postintroduced the poverty alleviation story of Mipu, who was a post-90s in Tibet.

Since graduating from Tibet University in 2015 and arriving at Xiongba village in Tibet, Mipu lost count of how many time she explained poverty alleviation policies in the hot sun or in the face of snow and wind, so as to solve practical difficulties for the masses. Xiongba village is a husbandry village. In rainy and snowy seasons, vehicles can not reach some husbandry points in the village. In order to investigate the basic situation of poor households in time, the girl chooses to go on foot alone. Over time, she had a good command of the production of each household in Xiongba village, where she was known as “Google” of the poverty alleviation there. The article introduces that by 2021, all 74 poor counties in Tibet have been lifted out of poverty, 628,000 people have eliminated absolute poverty historically.

“China sets a good model for the world in poverty alleviation”

“China’s poverty alleviation efforts have greatly accelerated the development of poverty alleviation in the world, and the international community pays close attention to China’s poverty alleviation experience.” Barsena, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission,said that China has implemented targeted poverty alleviation policies, found causes leading to poverty alleviation and provided extensive targeted assistance,which is very enlightening for developing countries.

“Solar panels shine in the sun, and I didn’t expect to see it in such a remote village.” The story of Li Jiawan village to get rid of poverty through photovoltaic industry is still fresh in Elon Inigo’s mind, an Argentine journalist.Nowadays, the experience of rural green development in China has spread to Argentina, which brings opportunities for poverty alleviation in poor villages.

“The scale of the chicken farm is growing, and we will get rid of poverty as soon as possible!” Cambodia’Khmer Timeshas focused on the project of China-Cambodia poverty alleviation demonstration village launched recently in a village in Cambodia. It tells the story of a villager who gets rid of poverty with the help of the poverty alleviation project team. Chitawei, Director of Rural Development Department of Kamtan Province, Cambodia, said that in the process of jointly carrying out poverty alleviation projects in Cambodia and China, Chinese poverty alleviation experts brought technology and experience, and strengthened the confidence and strength of local people.

As the President of the Thai Parliament and House of Commons commented: “I have taken the most advanced high-speed railway in China and have been to the poorest and backward rural areas. I have seen great changes in China over the years, and I think there are very few countries in the world that can achieve such achievements.”After knowing relevant poverty alleviation policies in many poverty-stricken areas of China and their personalized development path, he also said that many countries in Southeast Asia are also facing the task of poverty eradication, “China’s poverty alleviation experience and practice will help other countries explore the poverty alleviation development path suitable under their own conditions”.

In the eyes of Tongwan Vlleihang, Acting Chairman of Lao National Committee for Rural Development and Poverty Eradication, China’s battle against poverty has been one of the most outstanding in human history, and it provides experience for other regions of the world. “There is no doubt that China sets a good model for the world in poverty alleviation,” he said.