
2021-12-12 15:34
中国农业科学 2021年24期


7(1301)中国特色水稻栽培学发展与展望 张洪程等

7(1322)生育约束型直播水稻生育特征与稳产关键技术 张洪程等

7(1338)中国部分优质粳稻外观及蒸煮食味品质特征比较 马会珍等

7(1354)米粉稻籽粒直链淀粉积累特性 张恒栋等

7(1365)淮北地区优质食味粳稻温光适应性和最佳播种期 许方甫等

7(1382)优质食味粳稻控混肥一次性基施效应 蒋伟勤等

7(1397)长江中下游地区常规中熟粳稻氮效率综合评价及高产氮高效品种筛选 刘秋员等

7(1410)氮肥缓速配施对机插杂交稻氮素利用特征的影响 吕腾飞等

7(1424)轻简氮肥管理对华南双季稻产量和氮肥利用率的影响 彭碧琳等

7(1439)不同施氮水平下灌浆期高温对水稻贮藏蛋白积累及其合成代谢影响 韩展誉等

7(1455)不同氮吸收效率水稻品种的苗期铵吸收特性及生长差异分析 黄 秀等

7(1469)不同日产量类型机插杂交籼稻的氮素吸收利用特性 邓 飞等

7(1482)不同灌溉和施肥模式对水稻产量、氮利用和稻田氮转化特征的影响 曹小闯等

7(1499)干湿交替灌溉对籼粳杂交稻产量与水分利用效率的影响及其生理基础 褚 光等

7(1512)不同灌溉方式对南方优质食味晚籼稻产量及品质的影响 熊若愚等

7(1525)溶解氧浓度对水稻分蘖期根系生长及氮素利用特性的影响 胡继杰等

7(1537)不同种植方式下温度升高对水稻产量及同化物转运的影响 张明静等

7(1553)沿江双季稻北缘区机插早稻的超高产群体特征 朱铁忠等

7(1565)不同栽培模式对“早籼晚粳”双季稻光氮利用效率及产量的影响 郑华斌等

3 (459)中国谷子产业和种业发展现状与未来展望 李顺国等

3 (471)中国高粱产业和种业发展现状与未来展望 李顺国等

3 (483)中国甘薯产业和种业发展现状与未来展望 王 欣等

3 (493)中国食用豆产业和种业发展现状与未来展望 陈红霖等

3 (533)导读:马铃薯块茎蛾绿色防控技术 高玉林

3 (536)马铃薯块茎蛾对不同品种马铃薯块茎的适应性分析 张梦迪等

3 (547)不同性别和交配状态的马铃薯块茎蛾对马铃薯挥发物的触角电位反应 李 祥等

3 (556)马铃薯块茎蛾性信息素化学合成研究现状 陈 洋等

3 (573)化学与物理刺激对马铃薯块茎蛾产卵行为的影响 熊 焰等

10(2203)导读:提高幼畜健康水平,促进畜产品品质提升 屠 焰等

10(2206)高脂肪日粮对早期断奶羔羊断奶前后能量代谢和屠宰性能的影响 李文娟等

10(2217)早期断奶和育肥期饲粮NDF水平对湖羊生长性能和消化代谢的影响 黄文琴等

10(2229)日粮添加肉桂醛对奶牛公犊生长、健康及瘤胃发酵性能的影响 杨云燕等

10(2239)葡萄籽原花青素对羔羊瘤胃发酵、血清炎症及抗氧化指标的影响 郝小燕等

17(3587)导读:玉米生产系统对气候变化的响应与适应 谢瑞芝等

17(3592)花期高温干旱对玉米雄穗发育、生理特性和产量影响 闫振华等

17(3609)增温对玉米茎秆生长发育、抗倒性和产量的影响 刘东尧等

17(3623)高温干旱复合胁迫对夏玉米产量和茎秆显微结构的影响 邵靖宜等

17(3632)基于品种生育期有效积温确定夏玉米适宜播期 陈 静等

17(3647)大气CO2浓度升高与氮肥互作对玉米花后碳氮代谢及产量的影响 李 明等

17(3666)大气CO2浓度和温度升高对农田土壤碳库及微生物群落结构的影响 房 蕊等

17(3680)不同类型氮肥对东北春玉米土壤N2O和CO2昼夜排放的影响 姚凡云等

1 (1)BNS和BNS366小麦雄性不育与内源激素的关系 刘海英等

1 (19)陆地棉种子萌发期对低温胁迫的响应及耐冷性鉴定 张陇艳等

1 (34)甘薯块根可溶性糖组分特征及其与食味的关联分析 沈升法等

2 (239)小麦籽粒黄色素含量检测方法的改良与应用 翟胜男等

2 (248)陆地棉盐胁迫应答基因的克隆及功能分析 王 娜等

2 (261)油菜高油酸种质的创建及高油酸性状遗传与生理特性的分析 龙卫华等

4 (675)盐胁迫条件下长白10号水稻籽粒中差异代谢物的分析 张桂云等

4 (684)243份云南普通小麦地方品种抗条锈病鉴定及分子标记检测 习 玲等

4 (696)利用CRISPR/Cas9技术研究玉米在开花过程中的作用 杨 敏等

5 (877)过量表达对水稻叶片发育的影响 马银花等

5 (887)基于近红外光谱的大豆茎秆化学组分含量检测模型构建与应用 李佳佳等

5 (901)色差分析在优质小米选育中的应用 张 婷等

6(1081)优质水稻新种质ZY56的创制及评价 邱东峰等

6(1092)小麦位点基因拷贝数的变异分析 陈 璨等

6(1104)大豆根w瘤菌HH103突变对结瘤能力的影响 刘函西等

8(1579)基于小麦SNP芯片对簇毛麦6V#2和6V#4染色体及其与小麦6A、6D染色体的多态性分析 许志英等

8(1590)基于部分NCII设计的陆地棉F1表现预测 秦鸿德等

8(1599)栽培种花生株型相关性状的QTL定位 孟鑫浩等

9(1821)花后DA-6处理调控小麦种子活力的机理 许 晨等

9(1835)基于宿主诱导的基因沉默技术创制抗拟轮枝镰孢玉米自交系 赫可伟等

9(1846)花青素代谢对陆地棉叶片和纤维色泽呈现的影响 袁景丽等

10(2039)水稻CSC11介导干热风/干旱诱导的钙信号调控雄蕊发育 任志杰等

10(2053)基于SNP标记的小麦籽粒性状全基因组关联分析 张 芳等

10(2064)利用CRISPR/Cas9技术编辑/创制香米味道玉米新种质 张 翔等

11(2249)小麦籽粒超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性全基因组关联分析 王继庆等

11(2261)玉米茎秆抗倒伏遗传的研究进展 王夏青等

11(2273)谷子抽穗时间基因的表达与单倍型变异分析 张林林等

12(2487)水稻粒宽突变体的基因定位及候选基因分析 张翔宇等

12(2499)海岛棉种质资源表型性状的遗传多样性分析及综合评价 杨 涛等

12(2510)48份玉米自交系抗病性的精准鉴定 赵子麒等


13(2710)小麦的克隆及其在花药开裂中的潜在功能 谭照国等

13(2724)基于图像分析的玉米抗拟轮枝镰孢穗腐病的QTL定位 闻 竞等

14(2931)基于基因编辑技术创制高亚油酸水稻材料 陈晓军等

14(2941)小麦单位面积穗数和粒长主效QTL紧密连锁KASP标记的开发及其效应评价 范 涛等

14(2952)谷子条纹叶突变体的细胞学特性分析及基因定位 张 硕等

15(3149)水稻黄绿叶突变体的鉴定与基因功能分析 许子怡等

15(3158)中麦895高产稳产优质特性遗传解析 张 勇等

15(3168)基于RIL和CSSL群体定位大豆脂肪酸组分QTL 渠 可心等

16(3369)蔗糖转运蛋白OsSUT5在水稻花粉发育及结实中的作用 张雅文等

16(3381)黄淮海麦区小麦耐热性分析及其鉴定指标的筛选 李 敏等

16(3393)中国东北和华北地区紫花苜蓿根瘤菌遗传多样性研究 李昕芫等

17(3561)耐迟收水稻品种的筛选及其在淹水降镉中的应用 曾晓珊等

17(3573)苦荞WOX家族全基因组鉴定及响应愈伤诱导率表达分析 侯思宇等

18(3789)分子植物育种助推南繁种业转型升级 张兴平等

18(3805)利用CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑技术构建水稻ospin9突变体 吴世洋等

18(3818)小麦种质资源成株期氮效率评价及筛选 赵 瑞等

19(4033)春小麦籽粒主要品质性状的全基因组关联分析 严勇亮等

19(4048)苦荞VQ基因家族的全基因组鉴定及其在叶斑病原与激素处理下的表达谱分析 郑逢盛等

19(4061)紫花苜蓿MsMAX2的克隆及功能研究 马 琳等

20(4255)重要育种亲本川麦44对衍生品种的遗传贡献 罗江陶等

20(4265)甘薯丝裂原活化蛋白激酶MPK6对低温胁迫的响应 靳 容等

20(4274) PvEG261对普通菜豆镰孢菌枯萎病抗性和抗旱性的影响 薛仁风等

21(4487)小麦苗期生物量及氮效率相关性状的全基因组关联分析 张鹏霞等

21(4500)过表达ZmIBH1-1提高玉米苗期抗旱性 朱芳芳等

21(4514)棉花真叶原生质体分离及瞬时表达体系的优化 李 青等

22(4709)小麦TaNAC基因基于可变剪切和microRNA的转录后调控分析 吕士凯等

22(4728)转基因玉米NK603转化体/zSSIIb内标基因二重微滴数字PCR方法的建立及应用 肖 芳等

22(4740)基于新遗传连锁图谱的豇豆抗豆象QTL定位 王 彦等

23(4933)超表达OsPR1A增强了Xa21介导的水稻对白叶枯病的抗性反应 刘玉晴等

23(4943)不同HMW-GSs组成小麦籽粒淀粉理化特性对面团稳定时间的影响 牛洪壮等

23(4954)中晚熟区主要高粱品种耐瘠性综合评价 张 彦等

24(5163)水稻RIL群体高密度遗传图谱构建及粒型QTL定位 张亚东等

24(5177)谷子株高及穗部性状主基因+多基因混合遗传模型分析 郭淑青等

1 (46)不同熟期夏玉米品种生长发育特性与产量形成的关系 赵继玉等

1 (58)增温增CO2对间作玉米光合特性的影响 王 飞等

2 (271)初花期淹水胁迫对大豆叶片AsA-GSH循环的损伤及烯效唑的缓解效应 王诗雅等

2 (286)光周期对糜子生长发育及叶片内源激素的调控效应 王君杰等

3 (504)小麦生长模型对拔节期和孕穗期低温胁迫响应能力的比较 肖浏骏等

3 (522)粉垄对甘蔗根系结构发育及呼吸代谢相关酶活性的影响 李 浩等

4 (708)黄淮海区主推夏播玉米品种籽粒脱水特性研究 徐田军等

4 (720)新疆棉花“矮、密、早”栽培历史、现状和展望 娄善伟等

5 (909)辽西半干旱区玉米大豆间作模式对作物干物质积累分配、产量及土地生产力的影响 蔡 倩等

5 (921)马铃薯生长模型的研究进展及发展前景 唐建昭等

5 (933)智能手机原位牧草生物量估算 陶海玉等

6(1112)棉花生长发育模型及其在我国的研究和应用进展 侯彤瑜等

6(1127)农艺措施对谷子产量及抗倒伏力学性能的影响 武翠卿等

8(1613)播期和种植密度对油菜产量和茎秆抗倒性的影响 袁 圆等

8(1627)非生物胁迫下植物体内丙酮醛代谢的研究进展 赵晶晶等

9(1856)密植条件下玉米品种混播提高籽粒灌浆性能和产量 胡旦旦等

9(1869)辽西半干旱区不同类型地膜降解特性及其对玉米产量的影响 冯 晨等

10(2073)土壤微生物介导植物抗盐性机理的研究进展 孔亚丽等

10(2084)基于无人机影像阴影去除的苹果树冠层氮素含量遥感反演 李美炫等

11(2287)非生物逆境锻炼提高作物耐逆性的生理机制研究进展 王 笑等

11(2302) GEE支持下的河南省冬小麦面积提取及长势监测 周 珂等

11(2319)密度和行距配置对油菜苗期性状及产量形成的影响 蒯 婕等

12(2523) 14-3-3蛋白在水稻籽粒灌浆过程中的互作靶蛋白鉴定及其对外源激素的响应 张志兴等

12(2538)增密对我国玉米产量-叶面积指数-光合速率的影响 侯佳敏等

13(2737)作物种植行自动检测研究现状与趋势 陈鹏飞等

13(2746)玉米-大豆间套作下田间小气候对大豆花形态建成进程的影响 杜 青等

14(2965)基于高光谱和激光雷达遥感的水稻产量监测研究 李朋磊等

14(2977)耕作对渭北旱塬小麦-玉米轮作田土壤水分和产量的影响 郭星宇等

14(2991)机械收获方式对油菜籽粒关键性状的影响 白晨阳等

15(3183)节水减氮对夏玉米干物质和氮素积累转运及产量的调控效应 王旭敏等

15(3198)不同镁供应浓度对油菜苗期生长和生理特性的影响 王鲲娇等

15(3207)基于微服务架构的农业转移支付项目管理系统设计与实现 姚 艳等

16(3406)绿洲灌区免耕一膜两年用玉米密植的水分承载潜力 张展军等

16(3417)基于高光谱遥感和集成学习方法的冬小麦产量估测研究 费帅鹏等

18(3834)弱光涝渍复合胁迫对夏玉米产量及光合特性的影响 于维祯等

18(3847)全球气候变暖对中国种植制度可能影响ⅩⅢ. 东北三省春玉米熟型调整的降水限制及其对产量的可能影响 李 娥等

19(4070)氮密调控对两个冬小麦品种碳氮代谢及产量的影响 王金凤等

19(4084)种植密度对玉米-大豆带状间作下大豆光合、产量及茎秆抗倒的影响 程 彬等

20(4286)我国现代植棉理论与技术的新发展——棉花集中成熟栽培 聂军军等

20(4299)基于参数化和非参数化法的棉花生物量高光谱遥感估算 周 萌等

20(4312)不同降雨年型黑膜垄作对土壤水肥环境及马铃薯产量和效益的影响 杨封科等

21(4525)基于叶片反射光谱估测水稻氮营养指数 徐浩聪等

21(4539)黄绿叶突变体冀麦5265yg的光合生理特性分析 郑 伟等

21(4552)连续施用生物炭对花生不同生育时期叶绿素荧光特性的影响 顾博文等

21(4562)基于双线性注意力网络的农业灯诱害虫细粒度图像识别研究 姚 青等

22(4750)西北干旱灌区不同地膜覆盖利用方式对玉米水分利用的影响 殷 文等

22(4761)有效积温与不同氮磷钾处理夏玉米株高和叶面积指数定量化关系 陈 杨等

22(4778)农业生产风险评估及农业保险费率厘定的不确定性:研究进展和破解之道 张 峭等

23(4969)西南弱光地区机插杂交籼稻“减穴稳苗”栽培的群体冠层质量特征 陶有凤等

23(4984)大气CO2与温度升高对北方冬小麦旗叶光合特性、碳氮代谢及产量的影响 宗毓铮等

23(4996)杂交小麦苗期光合特性分析及其对强优势组合的早期预测 李姜玲等

24(5194)秸秆覆盖与施磷对丘陵旱地小麦产量和磷素吸收利用效应的影响 向晓玲等

24(5206)耕作方式和氮肥用量对旱地小麦产量、蛋白质含量和土壤硝态氮残留的影响 黄 明等

1 (71)河北省大豆主要病原真菌鉴定及防治药剂筛选 毕秋艳等

1 (86)小飞蓬捕光叶绿素结合蛋白基因CcLhca-J9克隆及表达分析 李祖任等

2 (296)马铃薯健株与黄萎病株根际土壤真菌群落结构及其对碳源利用特征 赵卫松等

2 (310)中国野生毛葡萄芪合酶基因表达及对葡萄抗白粉病的影响 丁 茜等

2 (324)四种杀虫剂LC25对Q型烟粉虱成虫取食行为的影响 何云川等

4 (733)玉米大斑病菌SC35同源基因表达规律与互作分析 李天聪等

4 (744)绿僵菌黏附素MAD1体外表达及诱导花生响应的作用 闫多子等

4 (754)溶剂蒸发法制备丙硫菌唑微囊及其性能研究 陈 歌等

5 (945)桃小食心虫化学感受蛋白CSP16配体结合特性 刘孝贺等

5 (959)单头饲养和群体饲养的西花蓟马实验种群生命表比较 李欣华等

5 (969)节节麦在山东省冬小麦田的扩散蔓延及对甲基二磺隆抗性测定 高兴祥等

6(1143)高效靶向降解烟草花叶病毒核酸的dsRNA筛选与大量制备 徐 翔等

6(1154)马铃薯Y病毒衣壳蛋白抗原表位分析及其快速ELISA检测方法的建立 梁雨欣等

6(1163)马铃薯甲虫热激蛋白基因Ld-hsp70的克隆及温度胁迫下的表达特性 郑海霞等

8(1637)柑橘SAR及其信号转导基因CsSABP2在黄龙病菌侵染中的响应特征 赵 珂等

8(1653)挥发性化合物介导的植物-植食性昆虫-天敌三级营养级互作机制及应用 王 冰等

8(1673)黄瓜花叶病毒侵染烟草对烟蚜生长发育、取食和选择行为的影响 陈 茜等

9(1881)长江下游粳稻稻瘟病广谱抗性基因组合模式分析 吴云雨等

9(1894)禾谷镰孢核孔蛋白基因FgNup42的功能分析 张承启等

9(1904)柑橘叶斑驳病毒的逆转录重组酶聚合酶扩增检测 段 玉等

10(2095)木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒“C4 ORF”编码蛋白对病毒致病性的影响 郑信诗等

10(2015)苹果蠹蛾几丁质脱乙酰基酶2的基因克隆、表达模式和分子特性 石国良等

10(2118)绿盲蝽雷帕霉素靶蛋白的克隆、抗体制备及在蜕皮激素诱导下的应答 谭永安等

11(2333)影响苹果树腐烂病菌侵染致病的流行因子 林 晓等

11(2343)诱捕器颜色和悬挂高度对番茄潜叶蛾诱捕效果的影响 张桂芬等

12(2547)四川玉米小斑病菌交配型组成与育性分析 孙小芳等

12(2559)解淀粉芽孢杆菌HMB33604的抑菌物质及对马铃薯黑痣病的防治效果 李扬凡等

12(2570)新型土壤消毒一体机提高棉隆土壤分布均匀性 方文生等

13(2759)肌动蛋白结合蛋白FgAbp1参与禾谷镰孢生长、发育和毒素体形成 张承启等

13(2769)基于两性生命表和年龄-阶段捕食率的南方小花蝽对西花蓟马的控制作用 胡昌雄等

13(2781)三叶斑潜蝇对冷驯化的响应及不同种群耐寒性差异 张起恺等

14(3004)新疆马铃薯甲虫对噻虫嗪的抗性监测及其细胞色素P450基因表达分析 石 鑫等

14(3017)铜绿丽金龟气味结合蛋白AcorOBP11的表达纯化及功能分析 秦健辉等

14(3029) fl(2)d单等位基因的敲除显著降低小菜蛾的生殖力和育性 李飞飞等

15(3219)大丽轮枝菌木糖苷酶基因的鉴定及基于HIGS技术的功能分析 张小雪等

15(3232)甘薯病毒病发生关键因素研究 赵付枚等

15(3241)柑橘黄化脉明病毒RT-RPA检测方法的建立 马志敏等

16(3428)假禾谷镰孢转录因子FpAPSES的鉴定与功能分析 赵静雅等

16(3440)苹果黑腐皮壳菌CAP超家族蛋白基因鉴定及毒性功能分析 王程利等

16(3451)贝莱斯芽孢杆菌LJ02中植物免疫蛋白的筛选及其功能 魏艳侠等

17(3691)棉花内生细菌YUPP-10及其分泌蛋白CGTase对棉花枯萎病的防治作用及机理 周京龙等

17(3702)化学防控玉米蛀穗害虫对减轻拟轮枝镰孢穗腐病及伏马毒素的作用 李琴珵等

18(3860)基于增强回归树的海河平原小麦赤霉病预测模型构建与验证 陶 晡等

18(3871)转CiNPR4基因柑橘抗溃疡病的机制解析 张婧芸等

18(3881)甜菜夜蛾双重氧化酶基因SeDuox的克隆、表达及功能分析 付超然等

19(4097)侵染广东省葫芦科作物的中国南瓜曲叶病毒的分子特征 张 丽等

19(4110)本氏烟NbNAC062的克隆及对马铃薯Y病毒侵染的抑制作用 曲潇玲等

19(4121)二化螟P糖蛋白基因的克隆分析及对杀虫剂的诱导响应 孟祥坤等

20(4326)苹果锈果类病毒在7个品种苹果上的分子变异及系统发育关系 李紫腾等

20(4337) TaqMan探针法实时荧光定量PCR检测西瓜潜隐病毒 赵立群等

20(4348)番茄SlN-like的克隆、表达与抗病毒功能 刘昌云等

21(4573)盐胁迫下枯草芽孢杆菌NCD-2对番茄促生作用及对土壤微生物群落结构的影响 邵美琪等

21(4585)枯草芽孢杆菌NCD-2对棉花根系分泌物L-脯氨酸响应的转录-蛋白质组学联合分析 赵卫松等

22(4787)我国苹果斑点落叶病菌携带dsRNA分析及一种dsRNA病毒的鉴定 曹钰晗等

22(4800)绿僵菌mad2敲除株构建及其生物学和诱导植物响应的功能分析 蔡 霓等

22(4813)绿盲蝽G蛋白偶联受体激酶2基因(AlGRK2)的表达分析及在绿盲蝽生长发育中的功能 谭永安等

23(5008)花生黄曲霉侵染力 荆 丹等

23(5021)异色瓢虫丙酮酸激酶基因序列分析及其调控海藻糖代谢功能 葛欣竺等

24(5220)苹果转录因子MdWRKY40b抗白粉病的机理 沙仁和等

24(5230)山东省冬小麦田杂草群落调查及其变化原因分析 高兴祥等

1 (95)安徽省主要作物秸秆养分资源量及还田利用潜力 柴如山等

1 (110)畜禽粪污厌氧发酵沼液农用之环境安全风险 王小彬等

1 (140)雨强和地下孔(裂)隙度对喀斯特坡耕地养分流失的影响 姚一文等

2 (334)长期免耕和深松提高了土壤团聚体颗粒态有机碳及全氮含量 李 景等

2 (345)地膜覆盖与施肥对秸秆碳氮在土壤中固存的影响 王淑颖等

3 (583)大田群体冬小麦氮收获指数变异特征研究 高志源等

3 (596)免耕覆盖下土壤水分、团聚体稳定性及其有机碳分布对小麦产量的协同效应 郑凤君等

3 (608)不同覆盖时期和覆盖方式对旱地冬小麦经济和环境效应的影响 毛安然等

4 (768)滴灌施肥对两种典型作物系统土壤N2O排放的影响及其调控差异 雷豪杰等

4 (780)施用石灰降低污染稻田上双季稻镉积累的效果 周 亮等

5 (982)秸秆添加量对土壤生物固氮速率和固氮菌群落特征的影响 李 旭等

5 (992)灌溉下限对设施土壤N2O和NO排放特征的影响 张丽媛等

5(1003)再生农业——基于土地保护性利用的可持续农业 韩明会等

6 (1176)不同耕作措施下添加秸秆对土壤有机碳及其相关因素的影响 王碧胜等

6 (1188)长期施用磷肥和有机肥黄壤微生物量磷特征 刘彦伶等

8(1684)作物-土壤氮循环对大气CO2浓度和温度升高响应的研究进展 张锦源等

8(1702)土壤管理措施对坡耕地侵蚀退化耕层的恢复作用 宋 鸽等

8(1715)利用地形、土壤和作物信息辅助提高东北漫岗地数字高程模型精度的新方法 马雨阳等

9(1913)免耕和秸秆还田对我国土壤碳循环酶活性影响的荟萃分析 马立晓等

9(1926)辽宁省水稻主产区化肥减施潜力分析 宫 亮等

9(1937)持续性秸秆还田配施化肥对油菜-水稻轮作周年氮磷径流损失的影响 靳玉婷等

10(2130)东北典型黑土区旱地耕层土壤肥力指标的纬度变化特征及其关系 尹思佳等

10(2142)长期施用有机肥对潮土区甘薯碳氮积累与分配的影响 赵 鹏等

11(2355)氮管理对冬小麦产量和品质影响的整合分析 邓丽娟等

11(2366)耕作覆盖对宁南旱区土壤团粒结构及马铃薯水分利用效率的影响 苗芳芳等

11(2377)中国甘蔗主产区产量差及影响因素分析 周一帆等

12(2581)不同磷肥品种在石灰性土壤中的磷形态差异 吉冰洁等

12(2595)减氮覆膜对黄土旱塬小麦产量及养分吸收利用的影响 刘 凯等

12(2608)绿洲灌区不同施氮水平下玉米绿肥间作模式的水分利用特征 李含婷等

13(2789)旋耕配合秸秆颗粒还田对土壤物理特性的影响 董建新等

13(2804)晋南黄土旱塬小麦养分投入与化肥减施经济环境效应评价 马红梅等

13(2818)基于甘蔗产量与土壤磷素平衡的磷肥施用量研究 区惠平等

14(3043)土壤质量评价指标体系构建与发展 李 鑫等

14(3057)碳氮同位素结合稳定同位素模型解析沉积土壤碳源 李 娜等

14(3065)不同降雨年型旱地冬小麦水分利用及产量对施氮量的响应 刘朋召等

15(3250)高温和酶解处理水稻秸秆后植物促生物质的鉴定及其效果研究 唐思宇等

15(3264)滴灌模式对苹果光合特性、产量及灌溉水利用的影响 刘 星等

16(3461)锌与尿素结合对锌有效性及尿素转化的影响 赵丽芳等

16(3473)氮磷钾运筹模式对北疆滴灌棉花生长发育和产量的影响 文 明等

17(3712)施磷水平对不同茬口下冬小麦生长发育及产量的影响 薛华龙等

17(3726)施氮量对迟播油菜氮素利用和产量品质的影响 李小勇等

18(3892)国家粮食安全与农业双碳目标的双赢策略 张卫建等

18(3903)北方麦区小麦产量与蛋白质含量变化对土壤硝态氮的响应 马 悦等

18(3919)典型农业小流域面源污染源解析与控制策略——以丹江口水源涵养区为例 龚世飞等

19(4132)旱作种植条件下基础地力贡献率演变特征及影响因素分析 李官沫等

19(4143)相同气候背景下南北方稻田土壤上水稻生长及氮响应差异研究 黄秋红等

19(4155)不同厚度秸秆隔层对河套灌区盐碱土壤温度、水分和食葵产量的影响 王国丽等

20(4358)绿色发展背景下农业生态补偿理论内涵与定价机制 周 颖等

20(4370)陕西省小农户作物生产的减肥潜力及经济效益评价 米晓田等

20(4385)深翻、有机无机肥配施对稻田水分渗漏和氮素淋溶的影响 王瑾瑜等

21(4601)长期施肥紫色土有效磷变化及其对稻麦轮作产量的影响 任嘉欣等

21(4611)地膜覆盖麦田土壤有机碳矿化特征及其温度敏感性 曹寒冰等

22(4826)畜禽有机肥磷素在冬小麦上替代化肥磷当量研究 徐久凯等

22(4840)东北黑土线虫群落对长期免耕后土壤扰动的响应 张梦亭等

23(5032)腐殖酸磷肥中的腐殖酸对磷迁移的影响及机理 景建元等

23(5043)秸秆还田和氮肥用量对冬小麦产量和氮素利用的影响 王新媛等

23(5054)长期少免耕与氮肥减量对全膜双垄沟播玉米产量及碳排放的调控作用 周永杰等

24(5240)促进堆肥二次发酵真菌在堆肥中的应用效果 魏启航等

24(5251)中国农业科技水平的时空演变、区域关联及其经济协同发展效应——以省域公立农业科研机构为例 岳慧丽等

1 (152)花椰菜BraERF023a的克隆及在响应盐和干旱胁迫中的功能 李 慧等

1 (164)低温贮藏对鲜食葡萄果实中单萜化合物的影响 王慧玲等

2 (357) GA3介导miR171s及其靶基因VvSCLs调控葡萄种子发育的作用分析 王文然等

2 (370)基于简化基因组测序的越橘杂交后代鉴定 刘有春等

3 (619) CmWRKY15-1通过水杨酸信号通路调控菊花白色锈病抗性 毕蒙蒙等

3 (629)砧穗互作对菊花嫁接苗耐盐性的影响 孟 蕊等

4 (792)不同马铃薯品种挥发性风味成分及代谢产物相关性分析 李凯峰等

4 (804)不同茶叶中游离氨基酸的对映异构体 朱 荫等

5(1017)两个番茄品种叶绿体超微结构及光合生理对弱光胁迫的响应 孟宪敏等

5(1029)草莓根系线粒体对外源酚酸胁迫的生理响应 鲁晓峰等

5(1043)凤梨草莓与黄毛草莓种间杂种果实香气成分的代谢谱分析 王爱华等

6(1199) vvi-miR172s及其靶基因响应赤霉素调控葡萄果实发育的作用分析 宣旭娴等

6(1218)抗寒无核葡萄杂种胚挽救及分子标记辅助选择 朱佩佩等

6(1229)蜜柚果实不同空间部位植酸及矿质营养有效性的分布特征 宋 彪等

8(1728)模拟酸雨对番茄光合作用和病害发生的影响及油菜素内酯对其缓解效应 李建鑫等

8(1739)利用荧光SSR分子标记评估中国栗属植物遗传多样性 聂兴华等

8(1751)利用SNP标记构建茶树品种资源分子身份证 樊晓静等

9(1952)葡萄钾离子转运基因VviHKT1;7在盐胁迫下的功能鉴定 刘 闯等

9(1964)欧李果实发育期内挥发性成分变化特征 李晓颍等

9(1981)基于色香味与质地的冻梨品质分析 王 阳等

10(2154)病毒诱导基因沉默在蔬菜作物上应用的研究进展 李 杰等

10(2167)甜瓜种皮颜色控制基因CmSC1的精细定位及候选基因分析 马 建等

10(2179)森林草莓FveD27的表达特性和功能 孙洪影等

11(2389)葡萄种质资源花穗形状分类标准的建立及其动态发育过程分析 黄雨晴等

11(2406)观赏桃种质资源表型性状多样性评价 张斌斌等

12(2619)黑暗和光照处理对马铃薯块茎愈伤效果影响的比较 魏亚楠等

12(2630)树冠覆膜对沙糖橘采后保鲜性能的影响 朱智锋等

12(2644)荷兰鸢尾‘玉妃’花色变异关键结构基因分析 林 兵等

13(2830)基于KASP标记的葡萄品种鉴定 王富强等

13(2843)梅PmARF17克隆及其在花发育中与内源激素的调控模式 李艳林等

13(2858)不同牡丹品种开花期间花瓣花青素和类黄酮组成的动态变化 崔虎亮等

14(3077)两种微生物菌剂对有机基质袋培秋黄瓜产量、品质及根际环境的影响 王君正等

14(3088)苹果果实大小相关的ARF-Aux/IAA互作组合筛选 周 喆等

14(3097)苹果LRR-RLK基因家族鉴定和表达分析 黄金凤等

15(3279)类胡萝卜素裂解双加氧酶基因AgCCD4调控芹菜不同组织的着色 王 昊等

15(3295)桃若干重要性状的KASP分子标记开发与应用 孟君仁等

15(3308)甜瓜幼果果皮颜色基因GR的精细定位 许昕阳等

16(3488)苹果叶片不定芽再生过程的差异表达基因鉴定与分析 刘 锴等

16(3502)荔枝果皮BPox的分离纯化及其在果实成熟过程中的表达 郭志雄等

16(3514)基于表型性状构建传统菊花核心种质 李嘉伟等

17(3737)基于多种算法的果树果实生长模型研究—以云南昭通苹果为例 孙 擎等

17(3752)多效唑对杨梅土壤微生物及内生群落结构的影响 任海英等

18(3932)基于SLAF-seq技术鉴定苹果砧木耐涝候选基因 宋春晖等

18(3945)西瓜果肉柠檬黄色的遗传分析和基因定位 刁卫楠等

18(3959)茶-山苍子间作对茶园土壤微生物群落结构的影响 郝海平等

19(4169)洋葱γ-谷氨酰转肽酶AcGGT的克隆与鉴定 徐欢欢等

19(4179)籽瓜、黏籽和普通西瓜的果实代谢组比较 袁平丽等

19(4196)甜瓜SLAF图谱构建及果实相关性状QTL分析 王 岭等

20(4396)控制桃粘/离核PG基因的BAC克隆筛选与序列分析 孟君仁等

20(4405)不同砧木对鲜食葡萄生长和香气品质的影响 孙 磊等

20(4421) ‘融安金柑’‘滑皮金柑’及‘脆蜜金柑’贮藏期品质、贮藏特性及果皮转录组分析 刘 恋等

21(4623)氮磷钾用量对基质培茄子产量、根系形态和根际微生物数量与酶活性的影响 郜永博等

21(4635)窖藏和冷藏条件下鸭梨挥发性物质及其相关基因表达分析 岳盈肖等

22(4851)大白菜ACA基因家族的全基因组鉴定与表达分析 王 洁等

22(4869)基于代谢组学分析丝瓜果肉褐变过程酚酸类物质变化 王雅慧等

22(4880)葡萄无核基因分子标记的通用性鉴定 陈豆豆等

23(5068)葡萄Fe-S簇装配基因的鉴定、克隆和表达特征分析 张 璐等

23(5083)利用Target SSR-seq技术鉴定温州蜜柑芽变材料 胡冬梅等

23(5097)乙烯促进牡丹‘洛阳红’切花花瓣脱落与内源生长素的关联性分析 叶 迪等

24(5266)番茄转录因子SlNAC29在调控植株衰老中的作用及机理 王 萍等

24(5277)刺梨果实发育过程中糖和黄酮的积累及其与光照强度变化的相关性 樊卫国等

1 (179)干法成熟过程羊腿肉持水能力与水分迁移规律 王 旭等

1 (190)发芽及挤压膨化对糙米挥发性风味物质的影响 陈焱芳等

2 (379)高温胁迫下糙米短期储藏气味指纹图谱变化规律的动态分析 刘 强等

2 (392)稳定同位素技术在肉羊产地溯源中的应用 刘 强等

3 (643)低温长时蒸煮对猪肉品质的影响 王静帆等

4 (820)热效应对小麦醇溶蛋白起泡性与结构的影响 王立峰等

5(1055)高效液相色谱-荧光检测法检测烤肉制品中5种硝基多环芳烃 白 雪等

6(1243)基于3种方法的西南杂交籼稻稻米食味评价及品种优选 卢 慧等

6(1258)外源蛋白添加对全麦面团特性和面包品质的影响 吴 迪等

8(1761) nuoB对莓实假单胞菌生理特性及在冷鲜鸡肉中致腐能力的影响 王光宇等

8(1772)超声降低红酒中高级醇含量对酒体风味特性的影响 张清安等

9(1993)低压静电场辅助短期冻藏对猪肉品质的影响 胡斐斐等

9(2006)商业酵母在葡萄酒工业化生产中的定殖情况分析 孙 悦等

10(2192)细胞凋亡对宰后肌肉嫩化作用机理的研究进展 黄 峰等

11(2419)基于适配体的光学和电化学法对食源性致病菌检测的研究进展 惠媛媛等

12(2653)碱提甘蔗皮多糖提取工艺、初步结构及其对α-葡萄糖苷酶的抑制作用 王萱萱等

13(2870)长三角地区市场常见农产品中40种真菌毒素的污染状况和特征分析 范 楷等

13(2885)酶法制备大豆蛋白成骨活性肽 李 宇等

15(3320)改性甘蔗膳食纤维对猪肉肌原纤维蛋白凝胶特性的影响 庄昕波等

16(3527)焦磷酸钠与谷氨酰胺转氨酶对氧化损伤肌原纤维蛋白凝胶性能的协同改善效应 李保玲等

18(3970)超声波辅助在羊肉多次冻融中保持理化特性及减少蛋白损失的作用 古明辉等

18(3984)外源茉莉酸甲酯诱导茶树鲜叶及其采后乌龙茶加工关键工序中七种脂溶性色素变化 施 江等

19(4207)蒸煮-老化预处理对炒制青稞粉理化性质及体外淀粉消化的影响 王钰麟等

20(4434) p-香豆酸通过加速伤口处聚酚软木脂和木质素的沉积促进马铃薯块茎愈伤 梁 伟等

20(4446)添加山茶油对肌原纤维蛋白凝胶特性的影响 韩柯颖等

21(4650)不同干燥方式对甘薯叶功能成分及抗氧化活性的影响 赵 珊等

22(4894)超声对豌豆分离蛋白结构及乳化性能的调控效应 李朝蕊等

23(5110)宰后不同时间滩羊肉抗氧化活性的变化及可能机制 侯成立等

24(5290) Trolox对猪肌肉干细胞增殖及分化的影响 胡荣蓉等

1 (203)饲粮能量水平对荷斯坦阉牛生产性能、血液指标、屠宰性能及肉品质的影响 张美琦等

1 (213)杂合型伴性矮小基因对正常体型鸡脂肪沉积的影响 朱星浩等

1 (224)蜜蜂球囊菌中长链非编码RNA的调控作用 周丁丁等

2 (400) CRISPR/Cas9介导的绵羊示踪脐带间充质干细胞系的建立 李松美等

2 (412) rhPA/GH双转基因兔的制备及rhPA表达检测 宋绍征等

2 (422)断奶前后非特异病原性腹泻羔羊生长生理及肠道菌群差异性比较 杨柠芝等

2 (435)蜜蜂球囊菌菌丝和孢子中长链非编码RNA的比较及潜在功能分析 陈华枝等

3 (653) Pt-Pd合金纳米颗粒标记口蹄疫A型病毒抗体检测的免疫层析方法 孙燕燕等

3 (662) BLV-miRNA跨界调控人类靶基因预测及生物信息学分析 王 雍等

4 (831)饲粮中全株玉米青贮比例对杜湖杂交母羔生长性能、瘤胃发酵、养分消化率及血清学指标的影响 王金飞等

4 (845) TETs与细胞程序性死亡相关基因在山羊妊娠早期输卵管及子宫角的表达 赵 乐等

4 (855)坦布苏病毒感染诱导雏鸭体内未折叠蛋白反应 赵冬敏等

4 (864)利用第三代纳米孔长读段测序技术构建和注释蜜蜂球囊菌的全长转录组 杜 宇等

5(1063) 2017-2019年四川地区猪A群轮状病毒的分子流行病学调查 周 群等

5(1073)针对非洲猪瘟病毒MGF360-13L基因的TaqMan荧光定量PCR的建立 王 涛等

6(1270)基于体表温度的肉鸡温湿指数模型研究 杨语嫣等

6(1280)基于PK15细胞的猪圆环病毒2型全悬浮培养工艺 王嘉琪等

6(1288)基于纳米孔全长转录组数据完善东方蜜蜂微孢子虫的基因组注释 陈华枝等

8(1787)姜黄素通过Nrf2信号通路对H2O2诱导奶牛乳腺上皮细胞氧化应激的缓解 姜春晖等

8(1795)捻转血矛线虫Hc-hrg-2拯救血红素缺陷型酵母生长表型 周静茹等

8(1805)微小RNA介导意大利蜜蜂工蜂对东方蜜蜂微孢子虫的跨界调控 杜 宇等

9(2017)琅琊鸡及其配套系蛋壳质量、钙代谢生化指标和钙结合蛋白CaBP-D28k mRNA表达的比较 张宁波等

9(2027) IGF1-PI3K-Akt信号通路相关基因在黄羽肉鸡肌肉和肝脏中的表达 束婧婷等

11(2434)粒细胞集落刺激因子在羊成纤维细胞中的表达及对细胞增殖和凋亡的影响 李闰婷等

11(2445)畜禽养殖疾病诊断智能传感技术研究进展 李奇峰等

11(2464)东方蜜蜂幼虫封盖信息素含量及生物合成通路 秦秋红等

12(2666)蜡样芽孢杆菌致吐毒素的毒性作用与生物合成研究进展 崔一芳等

12(2675)蜂胶提取物对脂多糖诱导小鼠急性乳腺炎及乳腺屏障功能的保护作用 宋美洁等

12(2689)基于LC-MS技术研究氟氯苯氰菊酯对西方蜜蜂工蜂幼虫代谢的影响 虞龙涛等

13(2895)中链脂肪酸抗菌和诱导防御肽表达功的能及其在仔猪饲料中的应用 喻正旺等

13(2906)酸性硫酸钙对临床常见致病微生物的杀灭能力 付霞丽等

14(3113)小尾寒羊泌乳性状重要lncRNAs的筛选、鉴定及功能分析 王继卿等

14(3124)茶树油对LPS诱导的奶牛乳腺炎的作用及其机制 陈 志等

15(3331)二花脸猪linc-NORFA核心启动子鉴定与转录调控分析 杜 星等

15(3343)草甸草原放牧场退化定量评估指标体系建立 闫瑞瑞等

16(3537)高山美利奴育成羊的能量与蛋白质需要量 王 晨等

16(3549)快大型黄羽肉种鸡VD3需要量研究 王一冰等

17(3766)海兰褐蛋鸡产蛋高峰至后期蛋壳品质的变化特征 马玲玲等

17(3780)禽源奇异变形杆菌质粒介导AmpC酶基因型检测与质粒分析 赵世玉等

18(3998)猪卵泡闭锁过程中circINHBB的鉴定及其对颗粒细胞凋亡的影响 马梦楠等

18(4008)玉米赤霉烯酮吸附剂对后备母猪子宫中LC3、PCNA分布和表达的影响 黄丽波等

19(4218)全株构树青贮在务川黑牛日粮中饲用价值评价 陈光吉等

19(4229)静原鸡肌肉组织肌苷酸特异性沉积相关LNC_003828-gga-miR-107-3p-MINPP1的关联分析 禹保军等

19(4243)猪I型补体受体与C3b活性片段相互结合的体外检测 孙雨晨等

20(4456)转录因子TEAD4对猪早期胚胎发育的调控 张丹丹等

20(4466)山羊TNNT3基因可变剪切及其对骨骼肌细胞分化的作用 陈 媛等

20(4478)基于SodC单克隆抗体的胞内劳森菌IPMA抗原检测方法的建立及应用 李敏雪等

21(4664)外泌体microRNA在猪成熟和闭锁卵泡中的表达差异及功能分析 陈慧芳等

21(4677)猪基因组选择“两步走”策略的计算机模拟评估 唐振双等

21(4685)干扰TP53INP2抑制牛成肌细胞分化 杜嘉伟等

22(4906)饲粮微量元素添加模式对肉仔鸡生长和胴体性能及肌肉品质的影响 张 兰等

22(4917)葡萄糖氧化酶对大肠杆菌攻毒肉鸭生长性能、免疫功能及肠道健康的影响 刘 娇等

23(5125)基于GBLUP和BayesB方法对肉鸡屠宰性状基因组预测准确性的比较 朱 墨等

23(5132) miR-31-5p对山羊毛囊干细胞增殖和凋亡的影响 冯云奎等

23(5144)川西北高原牦牛和藏猪源大肠杆菌生物被膜表型、耐药基因、整合酶基因和毒力基因检测 陈朝喜等

24(5302)基于线粒体DNA D-loop区的肉鸡品种遗传多样性和起源分析 唐修君等

24(5316)畜禽全基因组长纯合片段检测的研究进展 张鹏飞等

2 (449)大豆品种特性对腐竹产量及品质的影响 曾仕晓等

11(2476)东北地区10份李种质资源果实香气成分分析 王珊珊等

13(2916)巢式杂交分离群体的花生籽仁性状的主基因+多基因混合遗传模型分析 张毛宁等

14(3134)巴什拜羊不同发育阶段骨骼肌中miR-486靶基因的研究 张 伟等

15(3355)氮素缓解春小麦花后高温早衰的荧光特性研究 坚天才等

18(4018)不同品种南瓜内生细菌多样性及PICRUSt基因功能预测分析 黄子粤等

21(4694)睡莲转录因子bZIP家族的分子进化以及功能分析 叶方婷等



7 (1301) Development and Prospect of Rice Cultivation in China ZHANG HongCheng,.

7 (1322) Growth Characteristics and Key Techniques for Stable Yield of Growth Constrained Direct Seeding Rice ZHANG HongCheng,.

7 (1338) Analysis on Appearance and Cooking Taste Quality Characteristics of Some High Quality Japonica Rice in China MA HuiZhen,.

7 (1354) Amylose accumulation properties in the grains of noodle rice ZHANG HengDong,.

7 (1365) Temperature and Light Adaptability of High-Quality JaponicaRice and Optimum Seeding Date in Huaibei Region XU FangFu,.

7 (1382) effect of one-time basal application of the mixedcontrolled-release Nitrogen fertilizer in japonica rice with good taste quality JIANG WeiQin,.

7 (1397) Comprehensive Evaluation of Nitrogen Efficiency and Screening of Varieties with High Grain Yield and High Nitrogen Efficiency of Inbred Middle-ripe Japonica Rice in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River LIU QiuYuan,.

7 (1410) Effects of Combined Application of Slow Release Nitrogen Fertilizer and Urea on the Nitrogen Utilization Characteristics in Machine-transplanted Hybrid Rice LÜ Tengfei,.

7 (1424) Effects of Simplified Nitrogen Managements on Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Double-cropping Rice in South China PENG BiLin,.

7 (1439) Effects of high-temperature at filling stage on grain storage proteinaccumulation and its biosynthesis metabolism for rice plants underdifferent nitrogen Application Levels HAN ZhanYu,.

7 (1455) Analysis of Ammonium uptake and Growth Differences of Rice Varieties with Different Nitrogen Recovery Efficiency at Seedling Stage HUANG Xiu,.

7 (1469) Characteristics of Nitrogen Absorption and Utilization of Machine-Transplanted Indica Hybrid Rice with Different Daily Yield Types Deng Fei,.

7 (1482) Effects of different irrigation and nitrogen application regimes on the yield, nitrogen utilization of rice and nitrogen transformation in paddy Soil Cao XiaoChuang,.

7 (1499) Effects of Alternate Wetting and Soil Drying on the Grain Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Indica-japonica Hybrid Rice and Its Physiological Bases CHU Guang,.

7 (1512) Effects of Irrigation Management on Grain Yield and Quality of High-Quality Eating Late-Season Indica Rice in South China XIONG RuoYu,.

7 (1525) Effects of dissolved oxygen concentration on root growth at tillering stage and nitrogen utilization characteristics of rice HU JiJie,.

7 (1537) Effects of Elevated Temperature on Rice Yield and assimilate Translocation Under Different Planting Patterns ZHANG mingjing,.

7 (1553) Super-High Yield Characteristics of Mechanically Transplanting Double-cropping Early Rice in the Northern Margin Area of Yangtze River ZHU TieZhong,.

7 (1565) Effects of different cultivation models on solar radiation-nitrogen use efficiency and Yield of “early Indica-late Japonica” double rice Zheng Huabin,.

Current Status and Future Prospective of Minor Cereals, Sweetpotato and Food Legums Production and Seed Industry in China

3 (459) Current Status and Future Prospective of Foxtail Millet Production and Seed Industry in China Li ShunGuo,.

3 (471) Current Status and Future Prospective of Sorghum Production and Seed Industry in China Li ShunGuo,.

3 (483) Current Status and Future Prospective of Sweetpotato Production and Seed Industry in China WANG Xin,.

3 (493) Current Status and Future Prospective of Food Legumes Production and Seed Industry in China CHEN HongLin,.


3 (533) Guidance: Green control techniques forpotato tuberworm () GAO YuLin

3 (536) The Adaptive Analysis ofto Different Potato Tuber Varieties ZHANG MengDi,.

3 (547) Electroantennogram Responses ofof Different Sexes and Mating States to Potato Volatiles LI Xiang,.

3 (556) Chemical Synthesis View on Sex Pheromones of Potato Tuberworm () CHEN Yang,.

3 (573) Influences of chemical and physical stimuli on oviposition Behavior ofXiong Yan,.

10 (2203) Guidance: Improving the Health Level of Young Animals to Promote the Quality of Livestock Products TU Yan,.

10 (2206) Effects of High-Fat Diet on Energy Metabolism and Slaughter Performance of Early-Weaning Lambs LI WenJuan,.

10 (2217) The Effects of Early Weaning and NDF Levels of Finishing Diets on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestion and Metabolism of Hu Lambs HUANG WenQin,.

10 (2229) Effects of Cinnamaldehyde on Growth Performance,Health Status, Rumen Fermentation and Microflora of Dairy Calves YANG YunYan,.

10 (2239) Effects of High-concentrate Diet Supplemented with Grape Seed Proanthocyanidins on Rumen fermentation, Inflammatory and Antioxidant Indicators of Rumen and Serum in Lambs HAO XiaoYan,.

17 (3587) Guidance: Response and Adaptation of Maize Production System to Climate Change XIE RuiZhi,.

17 (3592) Maize Tassel Development, Physiological Traits and Yield Under Heat and Drought Stress During Flowering Stage YAN ZhenHua,.

17 (3609) Effects of Elevated Temperature on Maize Stem growth, Lodging Resistance Characters and Yield LIU DongYao,.

17 (3623) Combined Effects of High Temperature and Drought on Yield and Stem Microstructure of Summer Maize SHAO JingYi,.

17 (3632) Determination on Suitable Sowing Date of Summer Maize Hybrids Based on Effective Accumulated Temperature in Growth Period CHEN Jing,.

17 (3647) Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2concentration and nitrogen fertilizer on the yield of summer maize and carbon and nitrogen metabolism After flowering LI Ming,.

17 (3666) Effects of Elevated CO2Concentration and Warming on Soil Carbon Pools and Microbial Community Composition in Farming Soil FANG Rui,.

17 (3680) Diurnal Variation of N2O and CO2Emissions in Spring Maize Fields in Northeast China under Different Nitrogen Fertilizers YAO FanYun,.

1 (1) Relationship Between Phytohormones and Male Sterility of BNS and BNS366 in Wheat LIU HaiYing,.

1 (19) Chilling Tolerance Identification and Response to cold Stress ofvarieties (lines) during Germination Stage ZHANG LongYan,.

1 (34) Analysis on the characteristics of soluble sugar components in sweetpotato storage root and its relationship with taste SHEN ShengFa,.

2 (239) Improvement and Application of the method for determining Yellow Pigment Content in Wheat Grain ZHAI ShengNan,.

2 (248) Cloning and Functional Analysis of Salt Stress Response GeneWANG Na,.

2 (261) Creation of high-Oleic (HO) canola germplasm and the genetic and physiological analysis on HO trait LONG Weihua,.

4 (675) Analysis of differential metabolites in grains of rice cultivar Changbai 10 under salt stress Zhang Guiyun,.

4 (684) Evaluation of Resistance to Stripe Rust and Molecular Detection of Resistance Gene(s) in 243 Common Wheat Landraces from the Yunnan province XI Ling,.

4 (696) Using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated Targeted Mutagenesis ofDelayed Flowering Time in Maize YANG Min,.

5 (877) Effect of Overexpression ofGene on Rice Leaf Development MA YinHua,.

5 (887) Construction and Application of Detection Model for the Chemical Composition Content of Soybean Stem Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy LI JiaJia,.

5 (901) Color difference analysis in the application of high quality Foxtail millet breeding ZHANG Ting,.

6 (1081) Breeding and Evaluation of Elite Rice Line ZY56 QIU DongFeng,.

6 (1092) Analysis of copy number variation oflocus in Common wheat CHEN Can,.

6 (1104) Effect ofgene mutation on nodulation ability of soybean rhizobium HH103 LIU HanXi,.

8 (1579) Polymorphism Analysis Among Chromosomes of6V#2 and 6V#4 and Wheat 6A and 6D based on wheat SNP Chip XU ZhiYing,.

8 (1590) F1performance Prediction of Upland Cotton based on partial NCII design QIN HongDe,.

8 (1599) QTL Mapping for Lateral Branch Angle Related Traits of Cultivated Peanut (L.) MENG XinHao,.

9 (1821) Mechanism of DA-6 treatment regulating wheat seed vigor after anthesis XU Chen,.

9 (1835)resistant maize inbred line development using host-Induced gene silencing technology HE Kewei,.

9 (1846) Influence of anthocyanin biosynthesis on leaf and fiber color ofL. Yuan Jingli,.

10 (2039) OsCSC11 mediates dry-hot wind/drought-induced Ca2+signal to regulate stamen development in rice REN ZhiJie,.

10 (2053) Genome-wide Association Analysis of Wheat Grain Size related Traits Based on SNP Markers ZHANG Fang,.

10 (2064) Creation of new maize variety with fragrant rice like flavor by editingandusing CRISPR/Cas9 ZHANG Xiang,.

11 (2249) Genome-wide association analysis of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity inwheat grain WANG JiQing,.

11 (2261) Genetic Research Advances on Maize Stalk Lodging Resistance WANG XiaQing,.

11 (2273) Characterizations of Transcriptional and Haplotypic Variations ofZHANG LinLin,.

12 (2487) Gene Mapping and Candidate Gene Analysis of Grain Width MutantZHANG XiangYu,.

12 (2499) Genetic diversity and comprehensive evaluation of phenotypic traits in Sea-island cotton germplasm resources Yang Tao,.

12 (2510) Precise Evaluation of 48 Maize Inbred Lines to Major Diseases ZHAO Ziqi,.

13 (2699) CRISPR/Cas9 Targeted Editing ofLI ZhaoWei,.

13 (2710) Cloning ofand analysis of its function in anther dehiscence in wheat TAN ZhaoGuo,.

13 (2724) QTL Mapping of Resistance toEar Rot in Maize Based on Image Analysis WEN Jing,.

14 (2931) Production of High Linoleic Acid Rice by Genome Editing CHEN Xiaojun,.

14 (2941) Development and Effect Evaluation of KASP Markers Closely Linked to Major QTLs of Spike Number Per Unit Area and Grain Length in Wheat FAN Tao,.

14 (2952) Cytological Characters Analysis and Low-resolution Mapping of Stripe-Leaf Mutantin Foxtail Millet ZHANG Shuo,.

15 (3149) Identification and Gene Functional Analysis of Yellow Green Leaf MutantXU ZiYi,.

15 (3158) Characterization of Wheat Cultivar Zhongmai 895 with High Yield Potential, Broad Adaptability, and Good Quality ZHANG Yong,.

15 (3168) Mapping QTL for Soybean Fatty Acid Composition Based on RIL and CSSL Population QU KeXin,.

16 (3369) Function of Sucrose Transporter OsSUT5 in Rice Pollen Development and Seed Setting ZHANG YaWen,.

16 (3381) Analysis of Heat Tolerance of Wheat with Different Genotypes and Screening of Identification Indexes in Huang-Huai-Hai Region LI Min,.

16 (3393) Genetic Diversity Analysis of Rhizobia Associated withCultivated in Northeast and North China LI XinYuan,.

17 (3561) Selection of PMS Rice Varieties and Application in Flooding Irrigation for Cadmium Reduction Zeng XiaoShan,.

17 (3573) Genome-Wide identification of WOX family and expression analysis of callus induction rate in Tartary buckwheat HOU SiYu,.

18 (3789) Transforming and upgrading off-Season breeding in Hainan through molecular plant breeding ZHANG Xingping,.

18 (3805) Generation ofMutants in Rice by CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing Technology WU ShiYang,.

18 (3818) Evaluation and Screening of Nitrogen Efficiency of Wheat Germplasm Resources at Mature Stage ZHAO Rui,.

19 (4033) Genome-Wide Association Study of Grain Quality Related Characteristics of Spring Wheat YAN YongLiang,.

19 (4048) Genome-Wide Identification of VQ Gene Family inand its Expression Profiles in Response to Leaf Spot Pathogens ZHENG Fengsheng,.

19 (4061) Cloning and Function Analysis ofgene in alfalfa (L.) MA Lin,.

20 (4255) The genetic contribution of the important breeding parent Chuanmai 44 to its derivatives LUO JiangTao,.

20 (4265), amitogen-activated protein kinase, confers low temperature tolerance in sweetpotato JIN Rong,.

20 (4274) Effects ofgene on the Fusarium wilt and drought- resistance in common bean XUE RenFeng,.

21 (4487) Genome-Wide association analysis for yield and nitrogen efficiency related traits of wheat at seedling stage ZHANG PengXia,.

21 (4500) Over-expression oftoimprove drought resistance in maize seedlings ZHU FangFang,.

21 (4514) Optimization of Cotton Mesophyll Protoplast Transient Expression System LI Qing,.

22 (4709) Post-transcriptional regulation of TaNAC genes byalternative splicing and microRNA in common wheat (L.) Lü ShiKai,.

22 (4728) Establishment and application of a duplex ddPCR method to quantify the NK603/copy number ratio in transgenic maize NK603 XIAO Fang,.

22 (4740) Quantitative trait locus mapping of bruchids resistance based on anovel genetic linkage map in cowpea () WANG Yan,.

23 (4933) Overexpression of OsPR1A enhanced-mediated resistance to rice bacterial blight LIU YuQing,.

23 (4943) Effects of Physicochemical Properties of Wheat (L.) Starch with Different HMW-GSs Combinations on Dough Stability NIU HongZhuang,.

23 (4954) Comprehensive Evaluation of Low-Fertility Tolerance of Different Sorghum Cultivars in Middle-Late-Maturing Area ZHANG Yan,.

24 (5163) Construction of high-Density genetic map and QTL analysis of grain shape in rice RIL population ZHANG YaDong,.

24 (5177) Analyzing Genetic Effects for Plant Height and Panicle Traits by Means of the Mixed Inheritance Model of Major Gene Plus Polygene in Foxtail Millet Guo Shuqing,.

1 (46) Relationship between Growth and Development Characteristics and Yield Formation of Summer Maize Varieties Differing in Maturities ZHAO JiYu,.

1 (58) Effects of elevated temperature and CO2on the Photosynthetic Characteristics of intercropping maize WANG Fei,.

2 (271) Damage of AsA-GSH Cycle of Soybean Leaves Under Waterlogging Stress at Initial Flowing Stage and the Mitigation effect of Uniconazole WANG ShiYa,.

2 (286) regulation effects of photoperiod on growth and leaf endogenous hormones in Broomcorn Millet WANG JunJie,.

3 (504) Testing the Responses of Low Temperature Stress Routine to Low Temperature Stress at Jointing and Booting in Wheat XIAO LiuJun,.

3 (522) Effects of Fenlong cultivation on root cell structure and enzyme of respiratory metabolic of sugarcane Li Hao,.

4 (708) The grain dehydration characteristics of the main summer maize varieties in Huang-Huai-Hai region XU TianJun,.

4 (720) The " Short, dense and early" cultivation of cotton in Xinjiang: history, current situation and prospect LOU ShanWei,.

5 (909) Dry Matter Accumulation, Allocation, Yield and Productivity of Maize-Soybean Intercropping Systems in the Semi-Arid Region of Western Liaoning Province CAI Qian,.

5 (921) Research progress and development prospect of potato growth model TANG Jianzhao,.

5 (933) Smart-Phone Application in Situ Grassland Biomass Estimation TAO HaiYu,.

6 (111) Advances in Cotton Growth and Development Modelling and Its Applications in China HOU TongYu,.

6 (1127) Effects of agronomic managements on yield and lodging resistance of millet Wu Cuiqing,.

8 (1613) Effects of different sowing dates and Planting densities on the yield and stem lodging resistance of rapeseed YUAN Yuan,.

8 (1627) Advance on the Methylglyoxal Metabolism in Plants under Abiotic Stress ZHAO JingJing,.

9 (1856) Mixed-cropping Improved on Grain Filling Characteristics and Yield of Maize under High Planting Densities HU DanDan,.

9 (1869) The degradation Characteristics of different plastic films and their effects on maize yield in semi-arid area in western Liaoning FENG Chen,.

10 (2073) Research Progress of Soil Microbial Mechanisms in Mediating Plant Salt Resistance KONG Yali,.

10 (2084) Remote Sensing Inversion of Nitrogen Content in Apple Canopy Based on Shadow Removal in UAV Multi- Spectral Remote Sensing Images Li Meixuan,.

11 (2287) Physiological mechanisms of abiotic stress priming induced the crops stress tolerance: A review Wang Xiao,.

11 (2302) Area extraction and growth Monitoring of Winter Wheat in Henan Province supported by Google Earth Engine ZHOU Ke,.

11 (2319) Effects of Density and Row Spacing on Seedling Traits of Rapeseed and Seed yield KUAI Jie,.

12 (2523) Identification of 14-3-3 client proteins in rice grains and their response to exogenous hormones during the grain filling stage ZHANG ZhiXing,.

12 (2538) Effects of Increasing Planting Density on Grain Yield, Leaf Area Index and Photosynthetic Rate of Maize in China Hou JiaMin,.

13 (2737) Research status and trends of automatic detection of crop planting rows Chen PengFei,.

13 (2746) Effect of Field Microclimate on the Difference of Soybean Flower Morphology under Maize-Soybean Relay Strip Intercropping System DU Qing,.

14 (2965) Assessment of Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for the Estimation of Rice Grain Yield LI PengLei,.

14 (2977) Effects of Tillage on Soil Moisture and Yield of Wheat-Maize Rotation Field in Weibei Upland Plateau GUO XingYu,.

14 (2991) effect of the mechanical harvesting methods on the key traits of rapeseed Bai Chenyang,.

15 (3183) Regulation Effects of Water Saving and Nitrogen Reduction on Dry Matter and Nitrogen Accumulation, Transportation and Yield of Summer Maize WANG XuMin,.

15 (3198) Effects of Different Magnesium Supplies on the Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Oilseed Rape in seeding stage WANG KunJiao,.

15 (3207) Design and Implementation of Agricultural Transfer Payment Project Management System Based on Micro- Service Architecture YAO Yan,.

16 (3406) Water-carrying Potential of No-tillage with plastic film mulching for 2-Year coupled with Maize High-density Planting in Oasis Irrigation Area ZHANG ZhanJun,.

16 (3417) Research on Winter Wheat Yield Estimation Based on Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Ensemble Learning Method FEI ShuaiPeng,.

18 (3834) Combined effects of shade and waterlogging on yield and photosynthetic characteristics of summer maize YU Weizhen,.

18 (3834) The Possible Effects of Global Warming on Cropping Systems in China ⅫⅠ. Precipitation Limitation on Adjusting Maturity Cultivars of Spring Maize and Its Possible Influence on Yield in Three Provinces of Northeastern China LI E, ZHAO Jin,.

19 (4070) Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Plant Density on Carbon Metabolism, Nitrogen Metabolism and Grain Yield of Two Winter Wheat Varieties WANG JinFeng,.

19 (4084) Effects of planting density on photosynthetic characteristics, yield and stem lodging resistance of soybean in maize-soybean strip intercropping system CHENG Bin,.

20 (4286) New Development of Modern Cotton Farming Theory and Technology in China - Concentrated Maturation Cultivation of Cotton NIE JunJun,.

20 (4299) Remote Sensing Estimation of Cotton Biomass Based on Parametric and Nonparametric Methods by Using Hyperspectral Reflectance ZHOU Meng,.

20 (4312) Effects of black film mulched ridge-furrow tillage on soil water- fertilizer environment and potato yield and benefit under different rainfall year in semiarid region YANG FengKe,.

21 (4525) Determination of suitable band width for estimating rice nitrogen nutrition index based on leaf reflectance spectra XU HaoCong,.

21 (4539) Photosynthetic and Physiological Characteristics Analysis of Yellow- Green Leaf Mutant in Wheat of Jimai5265yg ZHENG Wei,.

21 (4552) Effects of Continuous Application of Biochar on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Peanut at Different Growth Stages GU BoWen,.

21 (4562) Research on Fine-Grained Image Recognition of Agricultural Light-Trap Pests Based on Bilinear Attention Network YAO Qing,.

22 (4750) Effects of Different Plastic Film Mulching and Using Patterns on Soil Water Use of Maize in Arid Irrigated Area of Northwestern China YIN Wen,.

22 (4761) Quantitative Relationship between Effective Accumulated Temperature and Plant Height & Leaf Area Index of Summer Maize Under Different Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Levels CHEN Yang,.

22 (4778) The Uncertainty of Agricultural Yield Risk Assessment and Agricultural Insurance Pricing: Literature Review and Wayforward ZHANG Qiao,.

23 (4969) Canopy Population Quality Characteristics of Mechanical Transplanting Hybrid Indica Rice with “Reducing Hills and Stabilizing Basic-Seedlings” in Low-Light Region of Southwest China TAO YouFeng,.

23 (4984) Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2concentration and temperature on photosynthetic characteristics, carbon and nitrogenmetabolism in flag leaves and yield of winter wheat in North China ZONG YuZheng,.

23 (4996) Analysis of photosynthetic characteristics of hybrid wheat at seedling stage and its use for early prediction of strong heterosis combinations LI JiangLing,.

24 (5194) Effects of Straw Mulching and Phosphorus Application on Wheat Yield, Phosphorus Absorption and Utilization in Hilly Dryland XIANG XiaoLing,.

24 (5206) Effects of Tillage Practices and Nitrogen Fertilizer Application Rates on Grain Yield, Protein Content in Winter Wheat and Soil Nitrate Residue in Dryland HUANG Ming,.

1 (71) Identification of major Pathogenic Fungi of soybean in Hebei Province and screening of Control Fungicides Bi Qiuyan,.

1 (86) Cloning and expression analysis of light harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein geneLI ZuRen,.

2 (296) Characterization of fungal community structure in the rhizosphere soil of healthy and diseased-verticillium wilt potato plants and Carbon source utilization ZHAO WeiSong,.

2 (310) Expression of Stilbene Synthase Genes from Chinese Wildand Its Effect on resistance ofgrape to powdery mildew DING Xi,.

2 (324) Effects of four insecticides LC25on feeding behavior of Q-typeadults HE YunChuan,.

4 (733) The Expression Pattern and Interaction Analysis of the Homologues of Splicing Factor SC35 inLI TianCong,.

4 (744) ExpressionofAdhesin MAD1 and its Effect on Inducing Response in Peanut YAN Duozi,.

4 (754) Performance Study of Prothioconazole Microcapsules Prepared by Solvent Evaporation Method Chen Ge,.

5 (945) Ligands Binding Characteristics of Chemosensory Protein CsasCSP16 ofLIU XiaoHe,.

5 (959) Comparison of Life Tables for Experimental Populations of Individual-rearing and Group-rearingLi Xinhua,.

5 (969) Spread and resistance level ofto mesosulfuron-methyl in winter wheat field of Shandong Province GAO XingXiang,.

6 (1143) Screening and large-scale preparation of dsRNA for highly targeted degradation of tobacco mosaic virus(TMV) nucleic acids XU Xiang,.

6 (1154) Mapping of epitopes and establishment of rapid DAS-ELISA for Potato Virus Y Coat Protein LIANG YuXin,.

6 (1163) Cloning of Heat Shock Protein Geneand its Expression Characteristics under Temperature Stress ZHENG HaiXia,.

8 (1638) Response characteristics of plant SAR and its signaling geneto Huanglongbing infection in Citrus ZHAO Ke,.

8 (1653) Mechanisms and Applications of plant-herbivore-natural enemy Tritrophic Interactions Mediated by Volatile organic Compounds WANG Bing,.

8 (1673) Effects of CMV-infected Tobacco on the Performance, Feeding and Host Selection Behavior ofCHEN Xi,.

9 (1881) Construction and Analysis of Broad-spectrum Resistance GeneCombination Pattern forRice in Lower Region of the Yangtze River, China Wu YunYu,.

9 (1894) Functional analysis of the nucleoporin geneZHANG Chengqi,.

9 (1904) Detection of citrus leaf blotchvirus by reversetranscription-recombinase polymeraseamplification (RT-RPA) DUAN Yu,.

10 (2095) Effects of Proteins Encoded by “C4 ORFs” of Cotton Leaf Curl Multan Viruson Viral Pathogenicity ZHENG XinShi,.

10 (2105) Gene Cloning, Expression Pattern and Molecular Characterization of Chitin Deacetylase 2 inSHI GuoLiang,.

10 (2118) Cloning, Preparation of Antibody and Response Induced by 20-Hydroxyecdysone of Target of Rapamycin inTAN YongAn,.

11 (2333) Epidemic Factors Affecting the Infection and Occurrence ofLIN Xiao,.

11 (2343) Effect of trap color and position on the trapping efficacy ofZHANG GuiFen,.

12 (2547) Mating type and fertility ofcausing southern corn leaf blight in Sichuan Province SUN Xiaofang,.

12 (2559) Identification of the Antifungal Active Compounds fromStrain HMB33604 and Its Control Efficacy Against Potato Black Scurf LI YangFan,.

12 (2570) A New Integrated Soil Disinfection Machine Improves the Uniformity of Dazomet in Soil FANG WenSheng,.

13 (2759) The actin binding protein FgAbp1 is involved in growth, development and toxisome formation inZHANG Chengqi,.

13 (2769) Control effect ofonbased on the two-sex life table and the age-stage- specific predation rate HU ChangXiong,.

13 (2781) Response ofto cold acclimation and differences of cold tolerance among different populations ZHANG QiKai,.

14 (3004) Resistance monitoring to thiamethoxam and expression analysis of cytochrome P450 genes infrom Xinjiang Shixin,.

14 (3017) Expression, purification and functional analysis of Odorant Binding Protein 11 (OBP11) inQIN JianHui,.

14 (3029) Knockout of single allele ofsignificantly decreases the fecundity and fertility inLI FeiFei,.

15 (3219) Identification of Xylosidase Genes fromand Functional Analysis Based on HIGS Technology ZHANG XiaoXue,.

15 (3232) An investigation into key factors influencing the occurrence of virus disease in sweet potato ZHAO Fumei,.

15 (3241) Establishment of RT-RPA forcitrus yellow vein clearing virus (CYVCV) detection MA ZhiMin,.

16 (3428) Identification and Functional Analysis of Transcription Factors FpAPSES inZHAO JingYa,.

16 (3440) Identification and virulence analysis of CAP superfamily genes inWANG ChengLi,.

16 (3451) Screening and Function of Plant Immune Proteins fromLJ02 WEI YanXia,.

17 (3691) Biocontrol Effect and Mechanism of Cotton Endophytic Bacterium YUPP-10 and Its Secretory Protein CGTase Against Fusarium Wilt in Cotton ZHOU JingLong,.

17 (3702) Effects of Chemical Control of Ear Borers on ReducingEar Rot and Fumonisin Level LI QinCheng,.

18 (3860) Construction and Verification of Fusarium Head Blight Prediction Model in Haihe Plain Based on Boosted Regression Tree TAO Bu,.

18 (3871) Analysis of resistance mechanism oftransgenic plants to citrus canker ZHANG Jingyun,.

18 (3881) Cloning, expression and functional analysis offromFU ChaoRan,.

19 (4097) Molecular Characteristic of Squash leaf curl China virus (SLCCNV) Infecting CucurbitaceaeCropsin Guangdong province ZHANG Li,.

19 (4110) Cloning ofand Its Inhibitory Effect on Potato Virus Y Infection Qu XiaoLing,.

19 (4121) Cloning and Analysis of P-glycoprotein gene and its transcriptional response to insecticide inMENG Xiangkun,.

20 (4326) Molecular Variation and Phylogenetic Relationship of Apple Scar Skin Viroid in Seven Cultivars of Apple Li ZiTeng,.

20 (4337) The detection ofcryptic virus using TaqMan-qPCR method Zhao LiQun,.

20 (4348) Cloning, Expression and Anti-Virus Function Analysis ofLIU ChangYun,.

21 (4573) Effect ofNCD-2 on the growth of tomato and the microbial Community structure of rhizosphere soil under Salt stress Shao Meiqi,.

21 (4585) Transcriptome and proteome analysis ofNCD-2 response to L-proline from cotton root exudates ZHAO Weisong,.

22 (4787) Analysis of dsRNA carried byf. sp.in China and identification of a dsRNA virus Cao YuHan,.

22 (4800) Adhesin gene2 knockout and functional effects on Biological characteristics and inducing plant responses inCAI Ni,.

22 (4813) Expression profile of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 gene () and its function in the development ofTAN YongAn,.

23 (5008) The infectivity ofin peanut JING Dan,.

23 (5021) Sequence Analysis ofPyruvate Kinase Gene and Its Regulation of Trehalose Metabolism GE XinZhu,.

24 (5220) The Resistance Mechanism of apple Transcription Factor MdWRKY40b to powdery mildew SHA Renhe,.

24 (5230) Investigation and analysis of weed community succession inwinter wheat field of Shandong Province GAO XingXiang,.

1 (95) Nutrient Resource Quantity of Main Crop Straw and Utilization Potential Under Straw Returning in Anhui Province CHAI RuShan,.

1 (110) Environmental Safety Risk for Application of Anaerobic Fermentation Biogas Slurry from Livestock Manure in Agricultural Land in China WANG XiaoBin,.

1 (140) Effects of Rainfall Intensity and Underground Hole (Fracture) Gap on Nutrient Loss in Karst Sloping Farmland YAO YiWen,.

2 (334) Long-Term Conservation Tillage Enhanced Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Contents of Particulate Organic Matter in Soil Aggregates LI Jing,.

2 (345) Effects of Plastic Film Mulching and Fertilization on the Sequestration of Carbon and Nitrogen from Straw in Soil WANG ShuYing,.

3 (583) Variations of Winter Wheat Nitrogen Harvest Index in Field Wheat Population GAO ZhiYuan,.

3 (596) Synergistic Effects of Soil Moisture, Aggregate Stability and Organic Carbon Distribution on Wheat Yield Under No-Tillage Practice ZHENG FengJun,.

3 (608) Effects of Different Mulching Periods and Mulching Practices on Economic Return and Environment MAO AnRan,.

4 (768) Analysis of Impacts and Regulation Differences on Soil N2O Emissions from Two Typical Crop Systems Under Drip Irrigation and Fertilization LEI HaoJie,.

4 (780) Effects of Lime on Cadmium Accumulation of Double-Season Rice in Paddy Fields with Different Cadmium Pollution Degrees ZHOU Liang,.

5 (980) Effects of Straw Addition on Soil Biological N2-Fixation Rate and Diazotroph Community Properties LI Xu,.

5 (992) Effects of Irrigation Regimes on N2O and NO Emissions from Greenhouse Soil ZHANG LiYuan,.

5 (1003) Regenerative Agriculture-Sustainable Agriculture Based on the Conservational Land Use HAN MingHui,.

6 (1176) Effects of Straw Addition on Soil Organic Carbon and Related Factors under Different Tillage Practices WANG BiSheng,.

6 (1188) Characteristics of Microbial Biomass Phosphorus in Yellow Soil Under Long-Term Application of Phosphorus and Organic Fertilizer LIU YanLing,.

8 (1684) Nitrogen Cycling in the Crop-Soil Continuum in Response to Elevated Atmospheric CO2Concentration and Temperature −A Review ZHANG JinYuan,.

8 (1702) Effects of Different Fertilization Methods on Restoration of Eroded and Degraded Cultivated-Layer in Slope Farmland SONG Ge,.

8 (1715) A New Method to Improve the Accuracy of Digital Elevation Model in Northeast China by Using Terrain, Soil and Crop Information MA YuYang,.

9 (1913) Effects of No-Tillage and Straw Returning on Soil C-Cycling Enzyme Activities in China: Meta-Analysis MA LiXiao,.

9 (1926) Analysis of Chemical Fertilizer Application Reduction Potential for Paddy Rice in Liaoning Province GONG Liang,.

9 (1937) Effects of Continuous Straw Returning with Chemical Fertilizer on Annual Runoff Loss of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Rice-Rape Rotation JIN YuTing,.

10 (2132) Spatial Variations and Relationships of Topsoil Fertility Indices of Drylands in the Typical Black Soil Region of Northeast China YIN SiJia,.

10 (2142) Effects of Long-term Application of Organic Fertilizer on Carbon and Nitrogen Accumulation and Distribution of Sweetpotato in Fluvo- Aquic Soil Area ZHAO Peng,.

11 (2355) A Meta-Analysis of Effects of Nitrogen Management on Winter Wheat Yield and Quality DENG LiJuan,.

11 (2366) Effects of Tillage with Mulching on Soil Aggregate Structure and Water Use Efficiency of Potato in Dry-Farming Area of Southern Ningxia MIAO FangFang,.

11 (2377) Analysis of Yield Gaps and Limiting Factors in China’s Main Sugarcane Production Areas ZHOU YiFan,.

12 (2581) Varying Synthetic Phosphorus Varieties Lead to Different Fractions in Calcareous Soil JI BingJie,.

12 (2595) Effects of Nitrogen Reduction and Film Mulching on Wheat Yield and Nutrient Absorption and Utilization in Loess Plateau LIU Kai,.

12 (2608) Water Use Characteristics of Maize-Green Manure Intercropping Under Different Nitrogen Application Levels in the Oasis Irrigation Area LI HanTing,.

13 (2789) Improving Farmland Soil Physical Properties by Rotary Tillage Combined with High Amount of Granulated Straw DONG JianXin,.

13 (2804) Evaluation on Fertilizer Application and Its Economic-Environmental Benefits Associated with Fertilizer Reduction Potential for Dryland Wheat in Loess Plateau of Southern Shanxi Province MA HongMei,.

13 (2818) Research on Phosphorus Application Rate Based on Sugarcane Yield and Phosphorus Balance in Soil OU HuiPing,.

14 (3043) Advance in Indicator Screening and Methodologies of Soil Quality Evaluation LI Xin,.

14 (3057) Contribution of Carbon Sources in Sedimentary Soils Combining Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope with Stable Isotope Model LI Na,.

14 (3065) Response of Water Use and Yield of Dryland Winter Wheat to Nitrogen Application Under Different Rainfall Patterns LIU PengZhao,.

15 (3250) Identification of Functional Substances from Rice Straw Obtained by Pyrolysis and Enzymolysis and Its Effect TANG SiYu,.

15 (3264) Effects of Drip Irrigation Methods on Photosynthetic Characteristics, Yield and Irrigation Water Use of Apple LIU Xing,.

16 (3461) Effects of Zinc Combined with Urea on Zinc Availability and Urea Conversion ZHAO LiFang,.

16 (3473) Effects of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium on Drip-Irrigated Cotton Growth and Yield in Northern Xinjiang WEN Ming,.

17 (3712) Effects of Phosphorus Application Levels on Growth and Yield of Winter Wheat Under Different Crops for Rotation XUE HuaLong,.

17 (3726) Effects of Nitrogen Application Rate on Nitrogen Use Efficiency, Yield and Quality of Late Sowing Rapeseed LI XiaoYong,.

18 (3892) Win-Win Strategy for National Food Security and Agricultural Double-Carbon Goals ZHANG WeiJian,.

18 (3903) Response of Wheat Yield and Protein Concentration to Soil Nitrate in Northern Wheat Production Region of China MA Yue,.

18 (3919) Source Analysis and Control Strategies of Non-Point Source Pollutionin Typical Agricultural Small Watershed: A Case Study of Danjiangkou Water Conservation Area GONG ShiFei,.

19 (4132) Evolution Characteristics and Influencing Factors on Inherent Soil Productivity Across Dryland LI GuanMo,.

19 (4143) Difference in Nitrogen Responses and Nitrogen Efficiency of Different Paddy Soils in Southern and Northern China Under the Same Climatic Condition HUANG QiuHong,.

19 (4155) Effects of Straw Interlayer with Different Thickness on Saline-Alkali Soil Temperature, Water Content, and Sunflower Yield in Hetao Irrigation Area WANG GuoLi,.

20 (4358) Theoretical Connotations and Pricing Mechanisms for Agricultural Ecological Compensation Within the Context of Green Development ZHOU Ying,.

20 (4370) Fertilizer Reduction Potential and Economic Benefits of Crop Production for Smallholder Farmers in Shaanxi Province MI XiaoTian,.

20 (4385) Effects of Deep Plowing and Organic-Inorganic Fertilization on Soil Water and Nitrogen Leaching in Rice Field WANG JinYu,.

21 (4601) Variation of Available Phosphorus in Purple Soil and Its Effects on Crop Yield of Rice-Wheat Rotation Under Long-Term Fertilizations REN JiaXin,.

21 (4611) Mineralization Characteristics of Soil Organic Carbon and Its Temperature Sensitivity in Wheat Field Under Film Mulching CAO HanBing,.

22 (4826) Phosphorus Fertilizer Replacement Value of Livestock Manure in Winter Wheat XU JiuKai,.

22 (4840) Response of Nematode Community to Soil Disturbance After Long-Term No-Tillage Practice in the Black Soil of Northeast China ZHANG MengTing,.

23 (5032) Effects and Mechanism of Humic Acid in Humic Acid Enhanced Phosphate Fertilizer on Fertilizer-Phosphorus Migration JING JianYuan,.

23 (5043) Effects of Straw Returning and Nitrogen Application Rate on Grain Yield and Nitrogen Utilization of Winter Wheat WANG XinYuan,.

23 (5054) Effects of Long-Term Reduce/Zero Tillage and Nitrogen Fertilizer Reducing on Maize Yield and Soil Carbon Emission Under Fully Plastic Mulched Ridge-Furrow Planting System ZHOU YongJie,.

24 (5240) Application Effect of Fungi Promoting Secondary Fermentation in Composting WEI QiHang,.

24 (5251) The Spatial and Temporal Evolution, Regional Correlations and Economic Coordinated Development Effect for Chinese Agricultural Science and Technology Level: Taking Provincial Public Agriculture Research Institutions as an Example YUE HuiLi,.

1 (152) Cloning and Functional Analysis ofUnder Salt and Drought Stresses in Cauliflower (L. var.) LI Hui,.

1 (164) Effects of Low Temperature Storage on Monoterpenes in Table Grape WANG HuiLing,.

2 (357) Function Analysis of GA3Mediate miR171s and Its Target Genesin Grape Seed Development WANG WenRan,.

2 (370) Identification of F1Hybrids in Blueberry (L.) Based on Specific-Locus Amplified Fragment Sequencing (SLAF-seq) LIU YouChun,.

3 (619)Regulates Resistance of Chrysanthemum White Rust Through Salicylic Acid Signaling Pathway BI MengMeng,.

3 (629) Effects of Rootstock and Scion Interaction on Salt Tolerance of Grafted Chrysanthemum Seedlings MENG Rui,.

4 (792) Correlation Analysis of Volatile Flavor Components and Metabolites Among Potato Varieties LI KaiFeng,.

4 (804) Enantiomeric Analysis of Free Amino Acids in Different Teas ZHU Yin,.

5 (1017) Response of Chloroplast Ultrastructure and Photosynthetic Physiology of Two Tomato Varieties to Low Light Stress MENG XianMin,.

5 (1029) Physiological Response of Mitochondrial Function of Strawberry Roots to Exogenous Phenolic Acid LU XiaoFeng,.

5 (1043) Metabolic Analysis of Aroma Components in Two Interspecific Hybrids from the Cross ofDuch. andSchlechtWANG AiHua,.

6 (1199) Function Analysis of vvi-miR172s and Their Target Genes Response to Gibberellin Regulation of Grape Berry Development XUAN XuXian,.

6 (1218) Rescue and Molecular Marker Assisted-Selection of the Cold-Resistant Seedless Grape Hybrid Embryo ZHU PeiPei,.

6 (1229) Spatial Distribution of Phytic Acid and Minerals’ Availability in Pomelo Fruit SONG Biao,.

8 (1728) Effects of Simulated Acid Rain Conditions on Plant Photosynthesis and Disease Susceptibility in Tomato and Its Alleviation of Brassinosteroid LI JianXin,.

8 (1739) Genetic Diversity Evaluation ofin China Based on Fluorescently Labeled SSR NIE XingHua,.

8 (1751) Construction of Molecular ID for Tea Cultivars by using of Single- nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) Markers FAN Xiaojing,.

9 (1952) Functional Identification of Grape Potassium Ion TransporterUnder Salt Stress LIU Chuang,.

9 (1964) Characterization of Volatiles Changes in Chinese Dwarf Cherry Fruit During Its Development.

9 (1981) Quality Analysis of Frozen Pear Based on Color, Aroma, Taste and Texture WANG Yang,.

10 (2154) Research Advances of Applying Virus-Induced Gene Silencing in Vegetables LI Jie,.

10 (2167) Fine Mapping and Candidate Gene Analysis of Seed Coat ColorGeneMA Jian,.

10 (2179) Expression Characteristics and Function ofSUN HongYing,.

11 (2389) A New Classification Standard for Different Grape Cluster Shapes and Investigation on Cluster Shape Dynamic Development Process HUANG YuQing,.

11 (2406) Diversity Analysis of Phenotypic Characters in Germplasm Resources of Ornamental Peaches ZHANG BinBin,.

12 (2619) Effects of Dark and Light Treatments on Wound Healing of Potato Tubers WEI YaNan,.

12 (2630) Influence of Plastic Film Covering of Tree Canopy on Fruit Postharvest Storage Performance in Shatangju Tangerine ZHU ZhiFeng,.

12 (2644) Analysis of Key Genes About Flower Color Variation inLIN Bing,.

13 (2830) Identification of Grape Cultivars Based on KASP Markers WANG FuQiang,.

13 (2843) Isolation ofand Its Regulation Pattern of Endogenous Hormones During Flower Development inLI YanLin,.

13 (2858) Anthocyanins and Flavonoids Accumulation Forms of Five Different Color Tree Peony Cultivars at Blooming Stages CUI HuLiang,.

14 (3077) Effects of Two Microbial Agents on Yield, Quality and Rhizosphere Environment of Autumn Cucumber Cultured in Organic Substrate WANG JunZheng,.

14 (3088) Screening of ARF-Aux/IAA Interaction Combinations Involved in Apple Fruit Size ZHOU Zhe,.

14 (3097) Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Pattern Analysis of LRR-RLK Gene Family in Apple HUANG JinFeng,.

15 (3279) The Carotenoid Cleavage Dioxygenases GeneRegulates the Pigmentation of Celery Tissues with Different Colors WANG Hao,.

15 (3295) Development and Application of KASP Molecular Markers of Some Important Traits for Peach MENG JunRen,.

15 (3308) Fine Mapping of an Immature Rind Color Genein Melon XU XinYang,.

16 (3488) Identification and Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes in Adventitious Shoot Regeneration in Leaves of Apple LIU Kai,.

16 (3502) Purification, Characterization and Expression of Ionically Bound Peroxidase in Litchi Pericarp during Coloration and Maturation of Fruit GUO ZhiXiong,.

16 (3514) Construction of Core Collection of TraditionalBased on Phenotypic Traits LI JiaWei,.

17 (3737) Fruit Growth Modelling Based on Multi-Methods - A Case Study of Apple in Zhaotong, Yunnan SUN Qing,.

17 (3752) Effects of Paclobutrazol on Soil and Endophytic Microbial Community Structure of Bayberry REN HaiYing,.

18 (3932) Identification of Candidate Genes for Waterlogging Tolerance in Apple Rootstock by Using SLAF-seq Technique SONG ChunHui,.

18 (3945) Genetic Analysis and Gene Mapping of Canary Yellow in Watermelon Flesh DIAO WeiNan,.

18 (3959) Effects of Tea-Intrercropping on Soil Microbial Community Structure in Tea Plantation HAO HaiPing,.

19 (4169) Cloning and identification of γ-glutamyl transpeptidasegene from onion () Xu Huanhuan,.

19 (4179) Metabolomics Comparative Study on Fruits of Edible Seed Watermelon, Egusi and Common Watermelon YUAN PingLi,.

19 (4196) Specific Length Amplified Fragment (SFLA) Sequencing Mapping Construction and QTL Analysis of Fruit Related Traits in Muskmelon WANG Ling,.

20 (4396) Screening and Sequence Analysis of BAC Clone Contained PG Gene Controlling Clingstone/Freestone Characteristic of Peach MENG JunRen,.

20 (4405) The Influence of Rootstocks on the Growth and Aromatic Quality of Two Table Grape Varieties SUN Lei,.

20 (4421) Fruit Quality in Storage, Storability and Peel Transcriptome Analysis of Rong’an Kumquat, Huapi Kumquat and Cuimi Kumquat LIU Lian,.

21 (4623) Effects of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Dosage on the Yield, Root Morphology, Rhizosphere Microbial Quantity and Enzyme Activity of Eggplant Under Substrate Cultivation GAO YongBo,.

21 (4635) Comparison Analysis on Volatile Compound and Related Gene Expression in Yali Pear During Cellar and Cold Storage Condition YUE YingXiao,.

22 (4851) Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Analysis of ACA Gene Family inWANG Jie,.

22 (4869) Analysis of Changes in Phenolic Acids ofPulp During Browning Based on Metabolomics WANG YaHui,.

22 (4880) Commonality Identification of Molecular Markers Linked to Seedless Genes in Grape CHEN DouDou,.

23 (5068) Identification, Cloning, and Expression Characteristics Analysis of Fe-S Cluster Assembly Genes in Grape ZHANG Lu,.

23 (5083) Identification of Bud Sport Mutation ofSatsuma Mandarin by Target SSR-seq Technology HU DongMei,.

23 (5097) Correlation Analysis of Auxin Involved in the Process of Petal Abscission of Tree Peony Luoyanghong Cut Flowers by Ethylene Promoting YE Di,.

24 (5266) The Role and Mechanism of Tomato SlNAC29 Transcription Factor in Regulating Plant Senescence WANG Ping,.

24 (5277) Accumulation of Sugar and Flavonoidsas Well as Their Association with Changes of Light Intensity During Fruit Development ofFAN WeiGuo,.

1 (179) Water-Holding Capacity and Water Migration of Lamb Gigot During Dry Aging WANG Xu,.

1 (190) Effects of Germination and Extrusion on Volatile Flavor Compounds in Brown Rice CHEN YanFang,.

2 (379) Dynamic Analysis for the Characteristics of Flavor Fingerprints for Brown Rice in Short-Term Storage Under High Temperature Stress LIU Qiang,.

2 (392) Application of Stable Isotope Technology in the Origin Traceability of Sheep WANG Qian,.

3 (643) The Influence of Low-Temperature and Long-Time Cooking on the Quality of Pork Products WANG JingFan,.

4 (820) Insight into the Impact of Heat Treatment on the Foamability and Structure of Gliadin Colloidal Particles WANG LiFeng,.

5 (1055) Determination of 5 Nitropolycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Roasted Meat Products by High Performance Liquid Chromatography- Fluorescence Detection BAI Xue,.

6 (1243) Evaluation of Rice Eating Quality and Optimization of Varieties of Southwest Indica Hybrid Rice Based on Three Taste Evaluation Methods LU Hui,.

6 (1258) Influence of Exogenous Protein Addition on Whole Wheat Dough Properties and Bread Quality Characteristics WU Di,.

8 (1761) Effects ofon Physiological Properties ofand Its Spoilage Potential in Chilled Chicken WANG GuangYu,.

8 (1772) Changes of Wine Flavor Properties from the Decreased Higher Alcohols Induced by Ultrasound Irradiation ZHANG QingAn,.

9 (1993) Effect of Low Voltage Electrostatic Field-Assisted Short-Term Frozen Storage on Quality of Pork HU FeiFei,.

9 (2006) Implantation and Persistence of Inoculated Active Dry Yeast in Industrial Wine Fermentations SUN Yue,.

10 (2192) Research Progress on Mechanisms of Apoptosis to Postmortem Tenderization in Muscle HUANG Feng,.

11 (2419) Research Progress of Food-Borne Pathogen Detection Based on Electrochemical and Optical Aptasensors HUI YuanYuan,.

12 (2653) Extraction Technology, Preliminary Structure and-glucosidase Inhibition of Polysaccharide with Alkaline-Extracted from Sugarcane Peel WANG XuanXuan,.

13 (2870) Natural Occurrence and Characteristic Analysis of 40 Mycotoxins in Agro-Products from Yangtze Delta Region FAN Kai,.

13 (2885) Preparation of Soybean Protein-Derived Pro-osteogenic Peptides via Enzymatic Hydrolysis LI Yu,.

15 (3320) The Mechanism of Myofibrillar Protein Gel Functionality Influenced by Modified Sugarcane Dietary Fiber ZHUANG XinBo,.

16 (3527) Synergistic Enhancement of Gelling Properties of Oxidatively Damaged Myofibrillar Protein by Sodium Pyrophosphate and Transglutaminase LI BaoLing,.

18 (3970) Application of Ultrasound-Assisted Thawing in the Role of Maintaining Physicochemical Properties and Reducing Protein Loss in Mutton During Multiple Freeze-Thaw Cycles GU MingHui,.

18 (3984) Changes in Lipid-Soluble Pigments in Fresh Tea Leaves Treated by Methyl Jasmonate and During Postharvest Oolong Tea Manufacturing SHI Jiang,.

19 (4207) Effects of Steaming-Retrogradation Pretreatment on Physicochemical Properties andStarch Digestibility of the Roasted Highland Barley Flour WANG YuLin,.

20 (4434)-Coumaric Acid Promoted Wound Healing of Potato Tubers by Accelerating the Deposition of Suberin Poly Phenolic and Lignin at Wound Sites LIANG Wei,.

20 (4446) Effects of Camellia Oil on the Properties of Myofibrillar Protein Gel HAN KeYing,.

21 (4650) Effects of Different Drying Methods on Functional Components and Antioxidant Activity in Sweet Potato Leaves ZHAO Shan,.

22 (4894) Regulation Effects of Ultrasound on the Structure and Emulsification Properties of Pea Protein Isolate LI ZhaoRui,.

23 (5110) Changes of Antioxidant Activity and Its Possible Mechanism in Tan Sheep Meat in Different Postmortem Time HOU ChengLi,.

24 (5290) Effects of Trolox on Proliferation and Differentiation of Pig Muscle Stem Cells Hu RongRong,.

1 (203) Effects of Dietary Energy Levels on Production Performance, Blood Index, Slaughter Performance and Meat Quality of Holstein Steers Zhang MeiQi,.

1 (213) Effect of the Heterozygous Sex-Linked Dwarf Gene on Fat Deposition in Normal Type Chickens ZHU XingHao,.

1 (224) Regulatory function of long non-coding RNAs inZHOU Dingding,.

2 (400) CRISPR/Cas9 Mediated Exogenous Gene Knock-in at ROSA26 Locus in Sheep Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells LI SongMei,.

2 (412) Preparation and Expression ofDouble Transgenic Rabbits SONG ShaoZheng,.

2 (422) Comparison of Growth Physiology and Gut Microbiota Between Healthy and Diarrheic Lambs in Pre- and Post-Weaning Period YANG NingZhi,.

2 (435) Comparison and potential functional analysis of long non-coding RNAs betweenmycelium and spore Chen HuaZhi,.

3 (653) Establishment of a Novel Immunochromatographic Assay Based on Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Serotype A Labeled by Pt-Pd Bimetal Nanoparticles SUN YanYan,.

3 (662) Prediction and Bioinformatics Analysis of BLV-miRNA Transboundary Regulation of Human Target Genes WANG Yong,.

4 (831) Effects of Whole Plant Corn Silage Ratio in Diet on Growth Performance, Rumen Fermentation, Nutrient Digestibility and Serological Parameters of Dorper×Hu Crossbred Female Lambs WANG JinFei,.

4 (845) Expression Patterns of TETs and Programmed Cell Death Related Genes in Oviduct and Uterus of Early Pregnancy Goats ZHAO Le,.

4 (855) The Induction of Unfolded Protein Response in Tembusu Virus Infected Ducklings ZHAO DongMin,.

4 (864) Construction and annotation offull-length transcriptome utilizing Nanopore third-generation long-read sequencing technology DU Yu,.

5 (1063) Molecular Epidemiological Investigation of Porcine Group A Rotavirus in Sichuan from 2017 to 2019 ZHOU Qun,.

5 (1073) Development of a TaqMan Real-Time PCR Targeting the MGF360-13L Gene of African Swine Fever Virus WANG Tao,.

6 (1270) The Temperature-Humidity Index Estimated by the Changes of Surface Temperature of Broilers at Different Ages YANG YuYan,.

6 (1280) Based on PK15 Cell Line for PCV2 Fully Suspension Culture Process WANG JiaQi,.

6 (1288) Improvement ofgenome annotation based on Nanopore full-length transcriptome data CHEN Huazhi,.

8 (1787) Curcumin Alleviates H2O2-Induced Oxidative Stress in Bovine Mammary Epithelial Cells Via the Nrf2 Signaling Pathway JIANG ChunHui,.

8 (1795)ofRescues the Growth of Heme Deficient Yeast Strain ZHOU JingRu,.

8 (1805) MicroRNA-mediated Cross-kingdom Regulation ofworker toDU Yu,.

9 (2017) Comparison Analysis on Eggshell Quality, Biochemical Index of Calcium Metabolism and Calcium Binding ProteinmRNA Expression Between Langya Chicken and Its Synthetic Lines ZHANG NingBo,.

9 (2027) Expression Analysis of IGF1-PI3K-Akt-Dependent Pathway Genes in Skeletal Muscle and Liver Tissue of Yellow Feather Broilers SHU JingTing,.

11 (2434) Transient Expression and the Effect on Proliferation and Apoptosis of Granule Cell Stimulating Factor in Ovarian Fibroblasts LI RunTing,.

11 (2445) Research Progress of Intelligent Sensing Technology for Diagnosis of Livestock and Poultry Diseases LI QiFeng,.

11 (2464) The Capping Pheromone Contents and Putative Biosynthetic Pathways in Larvae of HoneybeesQIN QiuHong,.

12 (2666) Advances of Biosynthesis and Toxicity of Cereulide Produced by EmeticCUI YiFang,.

12 (2675) Protective Effects of Chinese Propolis Extract Against Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Acute Mastitis and Mammary Barrier Functions in Mice SONG MeiJie,.

12 (2689) The Effect of Flumethrin on Metabolism of Worker Larvae ofwith LC-MS Technique YU LongTao,.

13 (2895) Functions of Antibacterial and Inducing Defense Peptide Expression of Medium-Chain Fatty Acid and Its Application in Piglet Feeds YU ZhengWang,.

13 (2906) The Ability of Acidic Calcium Sulfate to Kill Common Clinical Pathogenic Microorganisms FU XiaLi,.

14 (3113) Screening, Identification and Functional Analysis of Important LncRNAs for Lactation Traits in Small-Tailed Han Sheep WANG JiQing,.

14 (3124) Effect and Mechanism of Tea Tree Oil on LPS Induced Mastitis in Dairy Cows CHEN Zhi,.

15 (3331) Identification of the Core Promoter of Linc-and Its Transcriptional Regulation in Erhualian Pig DU Xing,.

15 (3343) Index System for Quantitative Evaluation of Pasture Degradation in Meadow Grassland of Inner Mongolia YAN RuiRui,.

16 (3537) Energy and Protein Requirements of Alpine Merino Growing Sheep WANG Chen,.

16 (3549) Requirement of Vitamin D3on Fast-Growing Yellow-Feathered Breeder Hens WANG YiBing,.

17 (3766) The Changes of Eggshell Quality in the Laying Cycle of Hy-Line Brown Layers MA LingLing,.

17 (3780) Analysis of Plasmid-Mediated AmpC β-lactamases Gene and Plasmid in PoultryStrains ZHAO ShiYu,.

18 (3998) Identification of circINHBB During Follicular Atresia and Its Effect on Granulosa Cell Apoptosis MA MengNan,.

18 (4008) Effects of Dietary Zearalenone Adsorbent on the Distribution and Expression of LC3 and PCNA in the Uterus of Gilts HUANG LiBo,.

19 (4218) Evaluation of Feeding Value for WholeSilage in Diet of Wuchuan Black Beef Cattle CHEN GuangJi,.

19 (4229) Correlation Analysis of Inosine Monophosphate Specific Deposition Related LNC_003828-gga-miR-107-3P-MINPP1 inChicken Muscle Tissue YU BaoJun,.

19 (4243) Detection of Interaction Between Porcine Type I Complement Receptor and C3b Active FragmentSUN YuChen,.

20 (4456) Transcription Factor TEAD4 Regulates Early Embryonic Development in Pigs ZHANG DanDan,.

20 (4466) Alternative Splicingand Its Effect on the Differentiation of MuSCs in Goat CHEN Yuan,.

20 (4478) Establishment and Preliminary Application ofIPMA Antigen Detection Method Based on SodC Monoclonal Antibody LI MinXue,.

21 (4664) Expression Differences and Functional Analysis of Exosomes microRNA in Porcine Mature and Atretic Follicles CHEN HuiFang,.

21 (4677) To Evaluate the “Two-Step” Genomic Selection Strategy in Pig by Simulation TANG ZhenShuang,.

21 (4685) Interference inGene Inhibits the Differentiation of Bovine Myoblasts DU JiaWei,.

22 (4906) Effects of Dietary Supplemental Pattern of Trace Eloments on the Growth Performance, Carcass Traits and Meat Quality of Broilers ZHANG Lan,.

22 (4917) Effects of Glucose Oxidase on Growth Performance, Immune Functions and Intestinal Health of Ducks Challenged byLIU Jiao,.

23 (5125) Comparison of Genomic Prediction Accuracy for Meat Type Chicken Carcass Traits Based on GBLUP and BayesB Method ZHU Mo,.

23 (5132) Effects of miR-31-5p on the Proliferation and Apoptosis of Hair Follicle Stem Cells in Goat FENG YunKui,.

23 (5144) Biofilm-Forming Phenotype, Antibacterial Resistance Genes, Integrase Genes and Virulence Genes Detection ofIsolated from Yaks and Tibetan Pigs in Northwest Sichuan Plateau CHEN ChaoXi,.

24 (5302) Genetic Diversity and Origin Characteristics of Chicken Species Based on Mitochondrial DNA D-loop Region TANG XiuJun,.

24 (5316) Advance in Genome-Wide Scan of Runs of Homozygosity in Domestic Animals ZHANG PengFei,.

2 (449) Effects of Different Soybean Varieties on the Yield and Quality of Yuba ZENG Shixiao,.

11 (2476) Analysis of Fruit Aromatic Components of Ten Plum Germplasm Resources in Northeast China WANG ShanShan,.

13 (2916) Genetic Analysis of Peanut Kernel Traits in a Nested-crossing Population by Major Gene Plus Polygenes Mixed Model ZHANG MaoNing,.

14 (3134) Investigation of miR-486 Target Genes in Skeletal Muscle of Bashbay Sheep in Different Development Periods ZHANG Wei,.

15 (3355) Fluorescence Characteristics Study of Nitrogen in Alleviating Premature Senescence of Spring Wheat at High Temperature After Anthesis JIAN TianCai,.

18 (4018) Endophytic Bacterial Community Composition and PICRUSt Gene Functions in Different Pumpkin Varieties HUANG ZiYue,.

21 (4694) Molecular Evolution and Function Analysis of bZIP Family inYE FangTing,.


(The end)

Frog whisperer
红的基因 绿的本色