宁波红牡丹书画国际交流社以中国书画国际教学为切入口,除了传统课堂外,还充分利用自身优势,联系对接各类民间组织等,把传播中国文化的流动课堂办在社会中,共开展150多场次规模不同、有5000多位外籍人士参与的中外文化活动。春节期间,交流社组织国际友人写春联、送祝福到家庭、与社区居民联欢、展演各民族风情节目、学宁波戏剧、包宁波汤团、讲宁波方言等;“学雷锋”活动期间,让他们参与体验系列爱心活动,讲好中国的雷锋故事;重阳节期间,组织国际友人参与慰问当地长者。我们还组织国际友人参与“中国书法之乡 · 鄞州命名授牌仪式”现场书法创作活动,走访体验宁波“沙孟海故居”“潘天寿故居”等名人村居,感受书法泰斗沙孟海“真力弥满,吐气如虹”的书风,以及国画大师潘天寿博大静穆、苍古雄伟的艺术风格。
在宁波学习中国文化、爱上“红牡丹”的外籍友人,很多在回国之后邀请我去海外讲学,让当地民众有机会共享学习中國优秀传统文化。2016年1月11日至2016年2月20日,受英国诺丁汉大学艺术中心(Lakeside Arts)邀请,我在英国开展为期40天的中国书画艺术国际教学与文化交流活动,成为英国“欢乐春节”的重要内容。
“我们欣喜地遇上充满魅力、才华横溢的艺术家姜红升,他的精美艺术作品,释放着一种宁静与祥和。”诺丁汉市民Cressida and Julian夫妇在那次英国艺术中心书画展的留言中这样写道,话语间情不自禁地流露出对中国艺术与作品的由衷赞赏。
诺丁汉大学艺术中心人力资源部主任Sofia Nazar-chadwick在百米牡丹长卷前接受采访时说:“假如去问绝大多数的英国人,他们都会告诉你,‘我不会用毛笔画画。但看看这些学员们的作品,绝对让人难以想象!姜红升能够让人们做到他们曾以为根本不可能办到的事。”
传播中国文化期间,我们与国际友人一起不断组织策划爱中国的主题活动。2015年国庆前夕,我们和宁波大学一起策划了宁波国际庆典盛会,我们联袂宁波大学,组织在宁波学习、生活、工作、参观考察、旅游、访学等涵盖五大洲66个国家和地区的国际友人,共同组成中国书画国际创作团,在9.9米长的一大幅画卷上,用五彩缤纷的笔墨,创作出有66朵形态各异、争奇斗艳的中国画牡丹长卷, 为中华人民共和国66周年华诞献上了一份跨越国界和民族的特殊大礼。66国外籍学员献墨祝福,表达了世界人民对中国文化的热爱,对当代中国的美好祝愿。
活动准备期间,宁波大学德国籍留学生Fransi与巴基斯坦籍留学生Maida Malik,以及红牡丹“国际班长”、澳大利亚女士Gillan,把对中国牡丹文化的喜爱,对中国艺术文化的憧憬,对中国美好未来的祝福,寄情在中国画牡丹画的创作中。一幅幅寄托国际友人真挚情感的画作,如盛开的牡丹,香飘四海,交融世界,绽放美丽。一些专业画家看到长卷后叹为观止,称赞国际友人把对中国艺术的爱深深地凝聚在笔端,具有很好的创新精神和艺术功底。
参与活动的摩洛哥友人Soukaina Bouziani在活动结束的当晚发来信息,表达对中外文化交融活动的由衷喜爱:“和你们一起参与活动,让我度过了美好难忘的一天。能成为中外交流活动大家庭的一员,我倍感喜悦。希望以后能有机会参与更多的活动。”
This is a special report on Jiang Hongsheng, the Founder and President of Ningbo Red Peony Academy of Traditional Chinese Painting & Calligraphy, and his international students.
We All Love Painting Red Peonies
By Jiang Hongsheng
In October 2012, I gave up my job as an English teacher for the last 22 years to establish the Ningbo Red Peony Academy of Traditional Chinese Painting & Calligraphy in the library of Ningbo University (Yinzhou district) from scratch. I intended to build it into an artistic platform of culture and education, combining tradition and modernity, and connecting the East and the West. For foreigners who visit Ningbo or choose to live, study and work here, it is a window to understand Chinese culture in depth through Chinese painting and calligraphy.
In the class, I use English to teach Chinese painting and calligraphy to my students throughout, and I start by teaching them how to draw a red peony. With poetic languages, I encourage them to express their feelings through painting and open their heart to the colorful, friendly and emotional world of Chinese painting and calligraphy.
Those foreigners who fall in love with drawing red peonies first are turning their passion into other subjects in Chinese painting, such as plum, orchids, bamboo, chrysanthemums, and Chinese calligraphy. Some of them have even developed a strong interest in Chinese literature and history.
After studying Chinese calligraphy and painting, Jace, a student at a Canadian art school, left a message in Jiangs notebook before returning home: “Chinese calligraphy and painting are excellent artistic vehicles for expressing inner thoughts, emotions and ideas. I always look forward to your calligraphy and painting classes because, with your art of calligraphy and painting, you have led me to inner peace and meaning in life. The time I have spent in classes with you is a treasure that I will always cherish in my life. Your passion for art and your kindness will always be my inspiration.”
Gabi, a Bolivian teacher, said in an interview: “Thanks to the ‘Red Peony for building a bridge of friendship, for sharing Chinas wonderful art and culture with the rest of the world. Learning Chinese painting is easier than learning Chinese, and it has brought me to China. Chinese painting and calligraphy has become an indispensable part of my life.”
We have been focusing on an international style of teaching Chinese painting. In addition to giving classroom courses in a traditional way, we have also made full use of our own advantages, contacting various NGOs who help us bring our lessons on Chinese culture to different communities. We have carried out such cultural activities of different scales for more than 150 times, which have been participated by over 5,000 foreigners.
This cultural communication model of “Red Peony” has won the love and support from people all over the world, under the influence of which a unique group of international friends has been gradually formed for the purpose of promoting Chinese culture. By teaching in classrooms, organizing activities, making videos, textbooks, news stories and so on, they have turned themselves into friendly messengers for introducing Chinese culture to the rest of the world. Gillian, an Australian lady, is one of them. After learning Chinese painting for several years, she has now become a teacher herself and helped develop the international syllabus, promoting the art of Chinese painting and calligraphy.
International friends who have studied Chinese culture in Ningbo and have been attracted to the “Red Peony” have invited me to give lectures overseas so that local people can have the opportunity to learn the excellent traditional Chinese culture as well. From January 11 to February 20 in 2016, I was invited by the Lakeside Arts Center of the University of Nottingham to do a 40-day international teaching project of Chinese calligraphy and painting, which was an important part of the “Happy Spring Festival” event in the UK. The feedbacks were quite positive. “We are delighted to meet the charming and talented artist Jiang Hongsheng. His exquisite works of art have this kind of peace and tranquility, which goes out to the nature and to people from different countries,” wrote Cressida and Julian, a Nottingham couple, in their message after they enjoyed my exhibition in the Lakeside Arts Center.
Sofia Nazar-chadwick, Director of Human Resources at the Lakeside Arts Center, said in an interview with China Daily: “If you ask most British people, they will tell you, ‘I cant paint with a brush. But look at what these students have created, its absolutely unimaginable! Jiang is able to make people do things they never imagined they could do.”
During the period for the Chinese culture promotion, we have been organizing and planning the “Red Series” patriotic activities together with our international friends. For example, on the eve of the Chinese National Day in 2015, we joined hands with Ningbo University to plan the Ningbo International Celebration, where Ningbo-based international friends coming from 66 countries painted 66 peonies with different shapes and colors on a 9.9-meter-long scroll. The peony symbolizes openness, love, and happiness and beauty, therefore it is a perfect Chinese cultural symbol to share with peoples from all over the world.
In order to meet the spiritual and cultural needs of rural people and improve international cultural exchange, Ningbo Jiulonghu Lake Red Peony International House has invited the ambassador of China-Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) Expo, a Latvian lady named Helena to paint peonies with local people every Saturday since July 10, 2021.
“I have been in China for many years and I am also a Ningbo daughter-in-law. I like Chinese culture very much, and I hope to make my own contribution to Ningbos foreign cultural exchange.” Helena told the reporter.
Since March this year, Red Peony has carried out more than 30 international cultural exchange activities, successfully making international friends better understand the beautiful Chinese culture and also allowing the Chinese rural culture to go global.
(written by Jiang Hongsheng, the Founder and President of Ningbo Red Peony Academy of Traditional Chinese Painting & Calligraphy)