Zeng Ming1,Gong Ting, Dai Dengyun,Peng Jia,Zhang You, Liu Xingquan
Establishing and highlighting Chinese cultural symbols shared by all ethnic groups of China and the image of the Chinese nation is an important way to tell China's story to the world, convey China's voice, and manifest the Chinese spirit. For this reason, it is necessary to make an in-depth exploration of the following five issues: conceptual understanding, demarcation principles, main categories, fundamental characteristics of Chinese cultural symbols, and the image of the Chinese nation.
The demarcation principles include four aspects: i)identification according to different categories and making a hierarchical ordering; ii) highlighting the inner identity of China while also emphasizing the external references; iii)clearly pointing out that the internal identity of China is diachronic and diverse; and iv) combination of tradition and times. According to different specifics and dimensions, Chinese cultural symbols and the image of the Chinese nation can be roughly divided into the following six categories: i) geography(including physical geography and human geography); ii) the material(a variety of typical tangible cultural heritage); iii) the spiritual(including all kinds of symbolic and spiritual symbols); iv) history(including major historical events and representative historical figures of all ethnic groups ); v) culture and art(including all kinds of representative mythological epics, religious beliefs, literature and art composition, and core ideology and values,etc.); vi) daily life(including all kinds of characteristic customs, folk traditions, clothing culture, food and beverage, housing, transportation, festival celebrations, etc.). Chinese cultural symbols and the image of the Chinese nation have the following characteristics: i) pursuing a harmonious relationship between humans and nature, humans and humans; ii) inclusiveness and diversity, regarding the world as a living ecosystem of differences; iii ) tending towards a unified social governmental order and maintaining social stability intentionally; iv) constantly striving to become stronger, and seeking spiritual transcendence in daily life and artistic pursuit.
To set up and highlight Chinese cultural symbols and the image of the Chinese nation is an important step towards liberation from a Western-centric view of civilization. From the perspective of history and cultural development, civilization is not Western-centered but diversified. Civilization is the fusion of human wisdom, and we should learn from history and strive to build a new pattern of diverse civilizations in the context of globalization. Setting up and highlighting Chinese cultural symbols and the image of the Chinese nation strengthens cultural self-confidence. Establishing and highlighting Chinese cultural symbols and the image of the Chinese nation is vital to better grasp the gene of Chinese culture and revitalize it, to display the dignity of Chinese civilization, and progress towards “a community with a shared future for humankind.”
Key Words:
Chinese cultural symbol; image of the Chinese nation; the principle of demarcation; categories and characteristics