Ethical approvals and informed consent statements were not included in the published version of the following articles that appeared in previous issues of theChinese Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.The appropriate ethics declarations provided by the respective authors are included below:
The publisher would like to draw the reader’s attention to the following errors.
1.Ethics declarations were not included in the article“Accurate Application of the Levator Palpebrae Superioris Anterior Migration and Shortening Technique in Blepharoptosis Correction Surgery”(2020,1:1-7).The statements should read:The authors declare that this study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital,and written informed consent was obtained from all individual patients included in the study.All the patients included in this research gave written informed consent to publish the data contained within this study.The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
2.Ethics declarations were not included in the article“A Fast and Effective Surgical Method for a Painful Skin Lesion”(2020,1:8-11).The statements should read:The need for ethical approval was waived as it is a case report,and written informed consent was obtained from the patient.The patients also gave written informed consent to publish the data contained within this study.The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
3.Ethics declarations were not included in the article“Total Nasal Tip Defect:Bilateral Lateral Nasal Artery Flaps for Lining Reconstruction”(2020,1:12-17).The statements should read:The authors declare that this study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital,and written informed consent was obtained from all individual patients included in the study.All the patients included in this research gave written informed consent to publish the data contained within this study.
4.Ethics declarations were not included in the article“Robust Genetic Diagnosis of Split Hand-Foot Malformation by Exome Sequencing”(2020,1:18-24).The statements should read:The authors declare that the study received ethical approval from the Ethics Committee of the Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital(approval no.201580).The patients or their legal representatives provided written informed consent prior to study enrollment.
5.Ethics declarations were not included in the article“Differentiation and Pro-Angiogenic Potential of Infantile Hemangioma Stem Cells”(2020,1:25-34).The statements should read:The need for ethical approval was waived due to the study design,and written informed consent was obtained from the legal representative of the patient.The legal representative also gave written informed consent to publish the data contained within this study.The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
6.Ethics declarations were not included in the article“Classification of Hemifacial Microsomia Based on Bone Volume Ratio of the Healthy and Affected Sides of the Mandible:A Retrospective Selfcontrol Experiment”(2020,1:35-39).The statements should read:The authors declare that this study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital,and written informed consent was obtained from all patients’ legal representatives.They also gave written informed consent to publish the data contained within this study.
7.Ethics declarations were not included in the article“Therapeutic Efficacy of Complex Decongestive Therapy in the Treatment of Elephantiasis of the Lower Extremities”(2020,1:40-43).The statements should read:The authors declare that this study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital,and written informed consent was obtained from all individual patients included in the study.The patients gave written informed consent to publish the data contained within this study.The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
8.Ethics declarations were not included in the article“Evolution of the Incision Technique to Construct a Superior Palpebral Fold”(2020,1:44-50).The statements should read:The need for ethical approval was waived due to the retrospective nature of the study.The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
9.Ethics declarations were not included in the article“Advancement of Complications Related to Augmentation Mammoplasty using Silicone Gel Prosthesis”(2020,1:51-58).The statements should read:The need for ethical approval was waived due to the retrospective nature of the study.The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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10.Ethics declarations were not included in the article“Modern Composite Materials and Technical Strategies in Posttraumatic Augmentation Rhinoplasty”(2020,1:59-62).The statements should read:The need for ethical approval was waived due to the retrospective nature of the study.The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
11.Ethics declarations were not included in the article“Pre-expanded Muscle-sparing Latissimus Dorsi Flaps for Reconstruction of Severe Scar Contractures on the Anterior Chest”(2020,2:63-68).The statements should read:The authors declare that this study received ethical approval from the Ethics Committee of Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital of Shanghai Jiao Tong University(approval no.SH9H-2019-T163-2),and written informed consent was obtained from the patients or their legal representatives prior to study enrollment.The patients or their legal representatives also gave written informed consent to publish the data contained within this study.The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
12.Ethics declarations were not included in the article“Use of Autologous Costal Cartilage Combined with Expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene in Asian Rhinoplasty”(2020,2:69-77).The statements should read:The authors declare that this study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Peking University Third Hospital(approval no.IRB00006761-M2020215).All participants provided written informed consent prior to study enrollment.The patients gave written informed consent to publish the data contained within this study.
13.Ethics declarations were not included in the article“Laser-Assisted Liposuction Combined with Masseter Dissection for Mid-Lower Facial Recontouring”(2020,2:78-87).The statements shouldread:The authors declare that this study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine,and written informed consent was obtained from all individual patients included in the study.The patients gave written informed consent to publish the data contained within this study.
14.Ethical approval was not included in the article“Comprehensive Strategy for Keloid Treatment:Experience at Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital”(2020,2:88-92).The statement should read:The need for ethical approval was waived due to the retrospective nature of the study.
15.Ethics declarations were not included in the article“Pedicled or Free Flap from Contralateral Breast for Autologous Breast Reconstruction”(2020,2:103-106).The statements should read:The ethical approval was waived as it is a case report.The patients included in this research gave written informed consent to publish the data contained within this study.
16.Ethics declarations were not included in the article“A Case of Coexistence of Aplasia Cutis Congenita and Giant Congenital Melanocytic Nevus:Coexistence of Two Rare Skin Diseases”(2020,2:107-108).The statements should read:The ethical approval was waived as it is a case report.The legal representative of the patient gave written informed consent to publish the data contained within this study.The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
17.Ethics declaration was not included in the article“Diagnosis and Treatment of Axillary Web Syndrome:An Overview”(2020,2:128-136).The statement should read:The need for ethical approval was waived due to the retrospective nature of the study.The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Chinese Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery2021年3期