
2021-11-24 10:02宗望远黄木昌肖洋轶邓丁霖
农业工程学报 2021年18期

宗望远,黄木昌,肖洋轶,李 茂,邓丁霖



宗望远1,2,黄木昌1,肖洋轶1,2,李 茂1,邓丁霖1

(1. 华中农业大学工学院,武汉 430070;2. 农业农村部长江中下游农业装备重点实验室,武汉 430070)

针对板栗人工收获效率低、高空落果易伤人等问题,该研究设计了一种板栗收获拍打式落果装置。装置采用无急回特性的摇杆机构,建立拍打摇杆的角位移、角速度和角加速度运动学方程,进行动力学数值仿真。通过板栗树果实与树枝的分离力试验,得出不同拉力角的分离力变化规律,0°~90°,随着拉力角的增大分离力逐渐减小,拉力角为0°时最大分离力为65.24 N。对4种常用材料的拍打条分别进行三因素三水平正交试验。结果表明,聚氨酯材料的拍打力小于板栗与树枝的分离力,铁片和玻璃纤维拍打力满足要求但作用力过大容易损伤板栗树枝,最佳拍打条材料为低密度聚乙烯,最优组合为电机转速600 r/min、拍打条长度350 mm、拍打角度20°,此时拍打力大小为70.71 N。田间试验结果表明,该落果装置能有效采摘板栗果实,平均落果率为90.5%,且对板栗树枝损伤较小。该设计满足板栗果实的采摘要求,对板栗收获机的研发提供了理论依据。


0 引 言

板栗中富含淀粉,还有蛋白质、脂肪、B族维生素等多种营养物质,素有“干果之王”的美称。中国是板栗第一生产大国,种植面积和产量均居世界第一,到2020年,中国板栗种植面积达183.24万hm2,产量为214.91万 t[1-3]。国内板栗种植主要分布在丘陵山地,其中湖北是板栗主产区之一,湖北罗田板栗于2007年被国家质量监督检验检疫总局认定为地理标志产品[4]。在当前国家粮食安全战略背景下,提高板栗生产机械化水平对促进板栗果实深加工产业发展具有重要现实意义[5-6]。



1 整机结构与工作原理

1.1 整机结构

板栗收获机基本结构如图1所示,主要由履带底盘、电器控制箱、升降液压台、定位结构、落果装置和电源等组成。落果装置安装于定位结构前端,用于采收板栗果实;电器控制箱内装有控制器,可实现手动或遥控操作;定位结构通过安装板固定在升降液压台上,主要由电机、电动推杆和伸缩架组成,可带动落果装置在6个自由度上运动。升降液压台固定在履带底盘上,通过液压驱动带动工作部件上下移动,最高作业高度可达8 m。

履带底盘有高速、低速和倒挡3个档位,最大爬坡角度为35°,最小转弯半径为1.1 m,丘陵山地板栗种植地区地面坡度多为6°~25°,种植间距为3~5 m,因此板栗收获机可以在板栗种植地区正常行驶;履带底盘上装有柴油机、液压泵和电源等供能设备,底盘上方的支撑架用于支撑非工作状态下的定位结构,可增强机器在行走过程中的平稳性,底盘两边用于支持地面的4个螺旋杆用于保证整体机器在作业时的稳定性。板栗收获机主要作业参数如表1所示。

表1 板栗收获机主要作业参数

1.2 工作原理


2 采收机关键部件设计

2.1 拍打机构


2.2 无急回特性的曲柄摇杆机构设计


对于上述成对存在的无急回特性曲柄摇杆机构,由于结构呈对称性,选其一侧设计即可。其机构简图如图 3b所示,摇杆在运动时,到达1和2两个极限位置,1和2的延长线1和2所扫射的角度即装置拍打板栗的范围。曲柄1与2的极限位置夹角为0°,此时2、1、2、、1点在一条线上,能够保证两侧摇杆同时到达最上和最下2个极限位置,同时这条直线与箱体侧面平行,以此满足拍打条以相同的角度沿上下方向运动。

1.曲柄 2.机架 3.连杆 4.摇杆

1. Crank 2. Frame 3. Connecting rod 4. Rocker

a. 摇杆上下极限位置运动简图

a. Rocker upper and lower limit position motion diagram

注:、、、为曲柄摇杆机构连接点;为摇杆延伸点;为机架水平投影方向与竖直投影方向的交点;1、2为曲柄的极限位置点;1、2为摇杆的极限位置点;1、2为摇杆延伸方向的极限位置点;1为曲柄长度,mm;2为连杆长度,mm;3为摇杆长度,mm;4为机架长度,mm;为机架水平方向投影长度,mm;为曲柄角速度,rad·s-1;为摇杆摆角,(°);为传动角,(°)。 Note:、、、are the connecting points of the crank-rocker mechanism;is the extension point of the rocker;is the intersection of the horizontal projection and vertical projection directions for the frame;1、2are the limit positions of the crank;1、2are the limit positions of the rocker;1、2are the limit positions of the extension direction of the rocker;1is the length of the crank, mm;2is the length of the connecting rod, mm;3is the length of the rocker, mm;4is the length of the frame, mm.is a projection length of the rack horizontal direction, mm;is the angular velocity of the crank, rad·s-1;is the swing angle of rocker, (°);is the transmission angle, (°).

b. 无急回特性曲柄摇杆机构结构简图

b. Structural diagram of crank rocker mechanism without quick return characteristics

图3 摇杆极限位置和无急回特性曲柄摇杆机构示意图

Fig.3 Limit positions of the rocker and schematic diagram of crank rocker mechanism without quick return characteristics


2.2.1 曲柄长度1和摇杆长度3的确定


为了使装置在工作中有较好的拍打效果,需在保证结构强度以及装置在移动过程中的灵活性,同时保证结构的轻量化,本文取1=11 mm,=8 mm,由此可得摆角为

由式(3)解得<60.1°,取=60°,由式(1)得摇杆长度3= 22 mm。

2.2.2 连杆长度2和机架长度4的确定


3 拍打机构仿真分析


3.1 运动规律分析


Note:1is the angular displacement of the crank, rad;2is the angular displacement of the connecting rod, rad;3is the angular displacement of the rocker, rad.

图5 曲柄摇杆机构矢量图

Fig.5 Vector diagram of crank-rocker mechanism














3.2 运动学仿真分析


由于在实际板栗采收中,300 r/min以下拍打效果不佳,而大于600 r/min拍打机构振动效果较为明显,故在300~600 r/min的转速内分析摇杆运动较为合适;设定分析时间为0.5 s,仿真步数为500步,通过改变偏心块的输出轴转速,在300、450、600 r/min的条件下分析摇杆的运动曲线。

表2 仿真分析主要结果


4 板栗果实与树枝的分离力测量

4.1 试验设备与方法

为获取板栗树果实与树枝的分离力,2020年9月份在湖北省孝感安陆市孛畈镇板栗园对板栗果实与树枝的分离力进行了测量。测力设备采用数显拉力计(型号:ELK-300,量程:0~300 N,精度±0.5%),测量位置为果实与果柄连接处,选择果实数量较多的板栗树,由于落果装置拍打时板栗果实主要沿着果实生长方向0°~90°脱落,故选择沿着板栗果实生长0°、45°和90°三个拉力角方向进行测量[26],每个测量角度的试验样本数量为40个。所测样本在果实与果柄位置处的分离力如图7所示。

4.2 试验结果分析

由图7a可知,在0°方向上,最大分离力为65.24 N,最小分离力为14.81 N,平均分离力为39.38 N,分离力范围主要集中在20~60 N之间。由图7b可知,在45°方向上,最大分离力为45.64 N,最小分离力为13.56 N,平均分离力为28.94 N,大部分果实分离力集中在15~40 N之间。由图7c可知,在90°方向上,最大分离力为46.13 N,最小平均力4.56 N,平均分离力为19.31 N,分离力范围主要集中5~30 N之间,大部分果实分离力小于30 N。

a. 0°b. 45°c. 90°

根据测量数据分析可得,平均分离力的大小与作用在果实生长方向的拉力角有关,在不同的角度上其平均分离力也不同。随着拉力角的增大,分离力主要分布范围和平均分离力逐渐减小[27],在0°时的平均分离力比90°时大20.09 N,说明在板栗采摘过程中垂直果柄方向比沿果柄方向更易脱落。为了保证收获效率,拍打机构所提供的最大拍打力应不低于最大分离力65.24 N。

5 拍打力试验

5.1 板栗采摘过程碰撞力分析



注:ω' 为拍打条角速度,rad·s-1;O为碰撞接触点;ατ为碰撞点切向加速度rad·s-2;αn为碰撞点法向加速度rad·s-2;Fτ为碰撞点切向摩擦力N;Fn为碰撞点法向接触力N。


5.2 材料与方法

刚柔并济的材料能避免拍打机构工作时在铰接处因受力过大而产生结构破坏[29],同时也能减少刚性碰撞对板栗树枝的伤害,选用弯曲能力不同的PU(聚氨酯,Poly-urethane)、LDPE(低密度聚乙烯,Low Density Polyethylene)、铁片(镀锌铁皮)和玻璃纤维4种常见材料进行试验,材料属性如表3所示。所选材料PU最易弯曲,其次是LDPE,铁片和玻璃纤维较难弯曲。

针对公式(18)分析出的2个主要影响参数,进行如图9所示试验,拍打机构固定,压力采集设备采用JN-CJ型采集卡和平面膜盒式压力传感器(型号JHBM-H1,量程200 N,精度0.1%)。试验过程中,拍打条拍打压力传感器,采集卡将采集数据上传到上位机,实时记录传感器测量数据。丝杠升降台调节拍打条的测力角度,以得到不同拍打角度的拍打力;在拍打条不同长度处标记测试点,测试不同拍打长度的拍打力;驱动器改变电机的转速,使拍打条达到不同的拍打频率,从而得到不同频率下的拍打力。采集卡采样频率选择200 Hz,采样时间10 s,拍打力取采样平均值;上位机测试界面结果显示如图10。

表3 材料属性

1.台架 2.采集卡 3.可调电源 4.上位机 5.升降台 6.传感器 7.拍打机构 8.电机驱动器

5.3 正交试验

5.3.1 试验方案

5.3.2 试验方案与结果

通过表5数据分析可得,4种材料中,影响PU材料拍打力大小的主次因素为、、,较优组合为332,在该因素组合下进行试验,得出拍打力大小为 44.31 N;影响LDPE材料拍打力大小的主次因素为、、,较优组合为321,在该组合下进行试验,得出拍打力大小为70.71 N;影响铁片材料拍打力大小的主次因素为、、,较优组合为321,在该因素组合下进行试验,得出拍打力大小为87.46 N;影响玻璃纤维材料拍打力大小的主次因素为、、,较优组合为311,在该因素组合下进行试验,得出拍打力大小为94.03 N。

表4 因素水平

表5 试验结果与分析

分析可知,采用PU材料进行拍打力试验,最大拍打力44.31 N小于板栗与树枝的最大分离力65.24 N,因此在实际采摘中最大分离力超过44.31 N会导致板栗果实落果困难。其他3种材料在最优条件下最大拍打力均大于65.24 N,故满足板栗果实落果要求,结合公式(18)可知,拍打接触力与材料属性有关,通过对比,铁片和玻璃纤维拍打力虽然较大,但其弯曲能力较LDPE弱,易损伤树枝,且对机械装置冲击较大,因此拍打条材料选择LDPE较为合适,电机转速600 r/min,拍打条长度350 mm以及拍打角度+20°时拍打条能提供最大拍打力70.71 N。

6 田间试验

每年8月下旬是板栗收获时期。如图11所示,2020年9月份在湖北省孝感市安陆市孛畈镇板栗种植林区进行田间试验。为了验证实际工作中拍打机构能否有效拍落板栗果实,根据台架测力试验最优组合,选择拍打条材料LDPE,长度350 mm,电机转速600 r/min。

为评估所设计落果装置的拍打落果性能,将落果装置移动后进行定点采收,选择多块相互独立、果实数量较多、面积相差不大且拍打条能覆盖到的树枝作为采收区域。在采收过程中,拍打后存在少数板栗果实难以脱落,但长时间在同一区域拍打会对树枝产生损伤;经试验采摘时间超过10 s后,果实虽能完全采收,但板栗树大量树叶被打落,树枝出现磨损情况,对枝芽产生一定程度损伤,如图12所示,而采摘时间在10 s内能完成大部分果实采收,打落树叶较少且对树枝无明显损伤,故每次试验时间选择10 s较合适。试验前,先统计所选各区域树枝板栗果实总数,拍打采收后,记录各区域未被采收板栗果实数,以落果率评价落果装置的工作性能:


表6 收获试验结果

7 结 论



3)通过板栗果实与树枝的分离力试验,得出在0~90°上,随着拉力角的增大分离力逐渐减小,在0°拉力角上存在最大分离力为65.24 N;对4种材料的拍打条进行三因素三水平正交试验,结果表明:最佳拍打条材料为LDPE,当电机转速600 r/min,拍打条长度350 mm,拍打角度20°时,拍打力大小为70.71 N。通过田间试验结果表明:落果装置的平均落果率达到90.5%,且对树枝损伤较小。所设计落果装置基本满足板栗采收要求。

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Design and experiment of the fruit-beating dropping device for chestnut harvesters

Zong Wangyuan1,2, Huang Muchang1, Xiao Yangyi1,2, Li Mao1, Deng Dinglin1


Difficult picking is often found in the harvesting of fresh chestnut, particularly in the low efficiency and high labor cost of manual harvesting, as well as the high risk of high-altitude picking. However, only a few research focused on this field in China. In this study, a beating-type fruit dropping device was proposed for a chestnut harvester, according to the characteristics of chestnut trees and the planting mode of Chinese chestnut. The overall structure and working principle were also introduced into the design of the chestnut harvester. Two situations were included to separate the chestnut fruit from the branch. When the beating bars hit the fruit, the beating force was directly transferred to the fruit. As such, the fruit was separated from the branch, if the beating force was greater than the binding force between the fruit and the branch. When the beating bars hit the branch, an inertia force was transmitted from the branch to the fruit, where the chestnut was separated from the branch to complete the chestnut harvest, if the inertia force was greater than the binding force. A beating mechanism was also designed as a crank-rocker without quick returning, in order to ensure the overall performance of the machine, and the stability of the fruit dropping device in the process of operation. The size of the crank-rocker mechanism was also determined under the optimal conditions. A kinematic model was established for the crank-rocker mechanism, further to obtain the kinematic relationships of angular displacement, angular velocity, and angular acceleration of the rocker. A dynamic simulation was also performed on both sides of the beating device in the crank-rocker mechanism. It was found that the motion of the rocker was symmetrical in terms of the motion curve, where the swing angle of the rocker reached 60° suitable for the stability requirements. Furthermore, the variation of separation force between chestnut fruit and branch was obtained at different tension angles. Specifically, the separation force decreased gradually with the increase of tension angle in the range of 0°-90°, where the maximum separation force was 65.24 N at 0° tension angle. The collision model between the beating bars and the branch was established to determine the main factors affecting the beating force, including the speed of the motor, the length of the beating bars, and the beating angle. A three-factor three-level orthogonal test was conducted, where the materials of beating bars were selected as polyurethane, low-density polyethylene, iron sheet, and glass fiber. The results show that the maximum beating force was only 44.31N for the polyurethane, while the maximum separation force of chestnut fruit and branch was 65.24 N, indicating that the maximum beating force provided by polyurethane was less than that of chestnut fruit and branch, fail to meet the requirements of beating force for fruit picking. The maximum beating forces of iron sheet and glass fiber were 87.46 N and 94.03 N, respectively. Nevertheless, the excessive force was easy to damage chestnut branches. Fortunately, the maximum beating force of low-density polyethylene was 70.71 N, similar to that of chestnut fruit and branch (65.24 N), indicating the best beating material. In this case, the optimal combination was achieved, where the motor speed of 600 r/min, the beating bar length of 350 mm, and the tapping angle of 20°. A field test of the chestnut harvesting machine was carried out to verify each area for harvesting. Several areas were selected on the chestnut tree for the harvest experiment after the positioning structure moved the fruit dropping device. The field test shows that the beating force provided by the fruit dropping device can effectively beat the chestnut fruits within 10s, where the fruit drop rate was 90.1%, while less damage to the chestnut trees. Consequently, the beating-type fruit dropping device can fully meet the harvest requirements of chestnut fruits. The finding can provide a strong reference for further research and development of chestnut harvesting machinery.

agricultural machinery; harvest; chestnut; fruit dropping device; numerical simulation; separation force; beat









宗望远,黄木昌,肖洋轶,等. 板栗收获拍打式落果装置设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(18):1-10. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.18.001 http://www.tcsae.org

Zong Wangyuan, Huang Muchang, Xiao Yangyi, et al. Design and experiment of the fruit-beating dropping device for chestnut harvesters[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(18): 1-10. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.18.001 http://www.tcsae.org

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