
2021-10-27 11:56王建国,高庆辉,赵效鹏
世界建筑 2021年10期


Located at the subsidiary CBD in Zhengdong New District, the project site is part of the urban design for the subsidiary central business area. The project was led by Arata Isozaki, the internationally renowned architect. With the integrity of urban design and the economy and rationality of the building functions in mind, the project aimed for a higher floor area ratio, while keeping balance

项目信息/Credits and Data

设计团队/Design Team: 王建国,高庆辉,赵效鹏等/WANG Jianguo, GAO Qinghui, ZHAO Xiaopeng, et al.

建筑面积/Floor Area: 41,992 m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2012-2015

竣工时间/Completion Time: 2019

摄影/Photos: 侯博文/HOU Bowen with the surrounding high-rise buildings. Based on the current conditions of the landscape and orientations, the design focuses on the symbiosis among human, nature and the building by means of offsetting and slanting the building volumes, in order to create more visual space for the lake view and diversified experiences of the place for the occupants of the building.□

1 总平面/Site plan

2 鸟瞰/Aerial view

3 外景/Exterior view

4 幕墙细部/Detail of curtain wall






5 首层平面/Ground floor plan

6 五层平面/Fourth floor plan

7 剖面/Section


ZHANG Lei: In 2012, Japanese architect Arata Isozaki led the completion of the urban design for the Longhu sub-centre of the CBD in Zhengdong New District.Mr. Isozaki invited 10 architects to participate in the architectural design of the first phase of the financial building to create an overall unique Longhu sub-centre urban landscape.

The work focuses on the dual attributes and uncertainty of the intermediary field between architecture and city, and pays attention to the interior and the exterior space of the building likewise the sharing space. It creatively responds to the planning concept and genius loci of symbiosis with concise geometric forms and unique visual language through the separate constituent units of the main space and the basic structure.

This design shows the comprehensive consideration of environmental elements and flexible use of space. The traffic core of the tower is arranged on the north and south sides, making the office space relatively concentrated. The adoption of the split-level technique provides a good view of the landscape on both sides of the building. The open side courtyard and sky lobby facing the lake enhanced the fluidity of the space and facilitate interactive communication. The arrangement of auxiliary houses in the north direction has become an ecological strategy to effectively cut offthe northwest wind.

This building subverts the conventional pattern of office space, emphasises the symbiotic relationship between users, lake view, and place, creating a rich and colourful experience of the place. The wide and narrow changes of the horizontal lines on the façade form a gradual relationship between virtual and solid from bottom to top. The density changes correspond to the indoor functions and have an active environmental affinity at the same time. As an important constituent node of the linear space interface of Longhu City, this building presents the unique landmarks of conciseness and unity in form, overall connection in space, and ecological symbiosis in concept.

8 外景/Exterior view

9 内景/Interior view

龙湖金地双剑合璧 打造城市中心“立体都荟”创新IP
邂逅异龙湖 恋上山光水影
人与熊猫 和谐共生
兵器 多元共生