胡文睿 谈潘攀
中图分类号:TP302 文獻标识码:B
Design of Smart Bathroom System Based on Internet of Things
HU Wen-rui, TAN Pan-pan
(College of Computer Science, Chengdu Normal University, Chengdu 611130, China)
Abstract: Set up sensors in the bathroom environment to monitor the changes in bathroom environment temperature and humidity around the clock, such as environmental temperature and humidity sensors, hot water temperature sensors, etc., for real-time monitoring of environmental temperature and humidity and bathroom hot water temperature. Real-time monitoring of bathroom environment temperature, humidity and hot water temperature greatly reduces the cost of bathroom environment control and makes bathing more intelligent and automated. In the system, turn on the main switch to turn on the environmental regulation system. If the indoor temperature and humidity exceed the set value, the system will automatically turn on the exhaust fan and heating plate according to the set threshold to adjust the indoor temperature and humidity. If the hot water temperature exceeds the set value Quantitative, then the system will automatically turn on the water heater according to the set threshold and adjust the temperature of the hot water. In this adjustment process, the user can terminate the process or modify the threshold through software control. After the bathroom environment layout is finished and the hot water temperature adjustment is finished, the Blinker output is used to inform the user in time.
Key words: sensor; bathroom environment; automatic adjustment; hot water pump; esp8266WiFi module
1 引言
为了让消费者的沐浴生活变得称心如意,针对现有的沐浴痛点,几乎所有国内外主流热水器企业都推出了“即开即热”热水器。例如内置即热巡航系统的方太燃气热水器 JSQ31-X1601、搭载直驱变频循环水泵的万和变频云智能零冷水燃气热水器 L8、具有核心专利单管巡航即热系统的 A.O. 史密斯零冷水型燃气热水器、配有专利温 控仓的华帝 TA2 燃气热水器。AWE2018上“即开即热”更 成为各大企业推出热水器新品的标配功能[3]。