一些词语是用and把两个单词连接起来,表达一个完整的意思,例如day and night(夜以继日地),come and go(来来往往),on and off(间断地),here and there(到处),now and then(时不时)等等。这种词语可不能望文生义,下面一起来学习几个实用而有趣的成对词,以飨读者。
1. apples and oranges 风马牛不相及的事物
You cant compare your job as a doctor to mine as a musician —thats comparing apples and oranges!你是位医生,我是位音乐家,你没法比较咱俩的工作,因为它们风马牛不相及。
2. bread and water粗茶淡饭
I have to live on bread and water when I was a university student. 当我还是个大学生的时候,只能靠粗茶淡饭生活。
3. carrot and stick软硬兼施的
He likes to use the carrot and stick approach when managing his team. 他喜欢用软硬兼施的办法管理他的团队。
4. down and out穷困潦倒的
Hes really down-and-out since he lost his job. 他自从失业以来就真是穷困潦倒了。
5. fair and square光明正大
Im sure he won the race fair and square without any cheating. 我相信他是光明正大取胜的;没有任何欺骗行为。
6. hit and run 肇事逃逸
He hit and ran in the road accident. 他在车祸中肇事逃逸。
7. man and boy从小到大
I have been doing the same job for forty years,man and boy. 我从小到大一直在做这份相同的工作,已经做了四十年了。
8. right and left四面八方
He owes money right and left. 他到处欠债。
9. safe and sound安然无恙
We have arrived home safe and sound. 我们已经安全到家。
10. toil and moil 埋头苦干
I toil and moil for my future!我為我的未来埋头苦干地工作着!
11. ups and downs起起伏伏;沉浮
The team had its ups and downs during the season. 这个球队整个赛季的表现时好时坏,起伏不定。
12. wine and dine大吃大喝
We were wined and dined by our host at the best restaurant in town last night. 主人家昨晚在城里最高档的餐厅里设宴招待我们。
A and B结构的词语,短小精悍,形象生动,给句子带来了很强的感情色彩和修辞效果。不管是应用文写作还是读后续写,只要用好了,这一类词绝对是加分神器!
责任编辑 蒋小青