这个俚语中ask/cry/wish for意为“索要……,哭喊着要……”。想要得到月亮,这显然是不可能的事情。所以ask/cry/wish for the moon 译为“想做办不到的事情,想要得不到的东西,异想天开”。
Dont cry for the moon. The only way to get a good grade in the exam is to work hard.
We cant afford all the things you ask for. So stop asking for the moon!
bark指“犬吠”。有时候狗会对着月亮狂吠,可是无论它们怎么咆哮,月亮依旧明亮,它们只是在白费力气而已。所以人们用 bark at the moon 表示“徒劳,枉费心机”。
Stop barking at the moon. You should try to find a better way to deal with it.
美国当代著名作家Les Brown说过这样一句名言:Shoot for the moon.Even if you miss, youll land among stars.努力奔向月亮,即使失败,也将跻身繁星之中。
该俚语中shoot for 意为“力争获得……,力争达到……”。shoot for the moon 意思就是“树立远大目标,志存高远,力争做到最好”。
If you dont shoot for the moon, youll never know what you can get.
"I dont think I can do it."
"Believe yourself! You can shoot for the moon."
“人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。”不得不说用changeable(善变的)来形容月亮再贴切不过了。as changeable as the moon 指“像月亮一样善变,反复无常的,善变的”。例如:
The weather in summer is as changeable as the moon, because it was sunny just now, and it begins raining again.
夏天的天气真是反复无常, 刚才还是艳阳高照,转眼就下起雨来。
这个习语源自经典童谣《Hey diddle diddle》
Hey diddle diddle.
the cat and the fiddle.
The cow jumped over the moon.
The little dog laughed to see such sport.
And the dish ran away with the spoon.
童谣里边的over the moon 作为习惯用语流传下来。over the moon字面意思是“在月亮上面”。试想一下:如果你能上天,你会不会开心得飞起来呢?所以over the moon 的意思就是“欣喜若狂的,万分高兴的”。例如:
Anna was over the moon when hearing her winning the game.
He has been laughing all the time today. Do you know why hes over the moon?
蓝月亮(blue moon)起源于西方国家,指天文历法中的一种特殊现象。当一个月出现两次月圆之夜時,第二个满月就被人们称为蓝月亮。蓝月亮平均2.4年才出现一次,有的年份还会没有。于是,在日常生活中,人们用blue moon 表示“罕见,不常发生的事情”。
once in a blue moon 表示“千载难逢,百年难遇,极少”。例如:
My sister moved to another city, so we only see each other once in a blue moon.
"Do you often go to theater? "
"Once in a blue moon. "