
2021-09-26 06:21余佳
河南科技 2021年24期


摘 要:本文选取了长沙黄花机场一次辐射雾天气过程,采用边界层风廓线雷达风场数据,跑道RVR、MOR值,温度、露点等实时数据,分析了底层风场与能见度下降的相关性。分析后发现:稳定较小的风速(4 m/s以下)以及稳定少变的风向有利于辐射雾的形成,同时500 m高度有弱的风向切变比500 m以下一致风向更有利于大雾发展。500~600 m高度以下风场结构对于辐射雾的形成有着较大影响。当中空(1~2 km)风廓线上显示有反气旋高压环流时,往往反映着逆温层的存在,而高压环流底部位置与逆温层的底部有着相关性。


中图分类号:P412.25      文献标识码:A       文章编号:1003-5168(2021)24-0019-04

Application of Wind Profiler Radar in Radiation Fog Process

YU Jia

(Meteorological Office of Hunan ATM Sub-bureau,  Changsha  Hunan  410000)

Abstract: In this paper, a process of the radiation fog weather was selected at Changsha Huanghua Airport, and the boundary layer wind profile radar wind field data, runway RVR, MOR value, temperature, dew point and other real-time data were used to analysis the correlation between the wind field on the bottom of stratosphere and visibility decrease. It found that the stable and small wind speed (below 4m/s) and the stable with less variable wind direction are conducive to the formation of radiation fog, the weak wind shear at 500 m height is more conducive to the development of fog than the uniform wind direction below 500 m. The wind field structure below the height of 500-600 m has a great influence on the formation of radiation fog. When the wind profile in the mid-air (1-2 km) shows an anticyclonic high pressure circulation, it usually reflects the existence of an inversion layer, and the bottom position of the high pressure circulation is correlated with the bottom of the inversion layer.

Keywords: wind profile radar;radiation fog;low level wind field;inversion layer;weak wind shear




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