Lets Go on a Space Trip!
Lets join two astronauts who have been stuck in their space ship together for several months. And tensions are running high. Or in other words, they are not getting along.
Lets listen as they use a variety of space expressions.
Roger, Mission Control. This is Odyssey 14 logging out. Okay, we are officially done working for the night.
Great! Movie time! How about Failure to Launch?
Not that movie again!
What? Its a great film.
It reminds me of your friend, Marco from New York. The one you talk about all the time!
Marco did not fail to launch. Hes just saving money to buy his own place.
Marco is a classic example of a failure to launch. He still lives at home with his parents and he doesnt have a real job.
Yes he does. He gets paid to take part in drug studies.
Like I said, he does not have a real job. Besides, Im sick of hearing about him. So, enough already!
Okay, okay. Calm down. You know, I had to hear about your space cadet friend for weeks and weeks. Whats her name?
Nina? She is not a space cadet. Shes actually very smart. She just, um, spaces on some basic life skills.
She forgot that she needed a drivers license to drive a car. That is a pretty basic life skill to space on. She sounds like a total space case to me—nothing upstairs.
Oh, forget it. When it comes to our friends, we are not on the same wavelength. Lets just agree to disagree.
Speaking of not being on the same wavelength, we dont agree on something else.
Oh yeah, like what?
Like…landing on the International Space Station.
Uh-uh. No way! We do not have enough fuel to dock on ISS. Anyway, you just want to see that Russian astronaut.
That is not true. Well, maybe its a little true. But I only see her once in a blue moon, which, as you know, is almost never.
Did you know a “blue moon” is not really blue? Every month has a full moon. But because the moons cycle is not in line with the calendar, about every three years we get two full moons in the same calendar month. So, a blue moon only happens every two to three years. Just amazing!
And its been almost that long since Ive seen her—Natasha! I think she is involved with someone on the space station.
Uh-oh. “Houston, we have a problem.”
Dont make fun. This is serious.
Well, we do say that when we want to joke that something has gone wrong. But did you know that that is exactly what astronaut Jack Swigert said in 1970 on the Apollo 13 mission when an oxygen tank blew up? And here we are…up here.
I get it. I get it. But please, dont give me any more facts. Anyway, Im light years ahead of you. I have already programmed the computer for arrival at the ISS.
What? Are you crazy?! When it comes to making decisions with your crewmate, you are light years behind even the worst astronaut!
Say what you want. But wait until you see this Russian astronaut. She is out of this world!
Of course, shes out of this world. She lives on a space ship!!
I cant wait for someone else to talk to.
You and me both.
Failure to Launch美国喜剧电影《赖家王老五》,赖家王老五是指成年后还同父母居住在一起,年龄大多集中在二三十岁的特定群体。
space cadet 指不现实的人;想入非非的人;心不在焉、爱忘事的人;(小说或电视剧里的)年轻宇航员;向往宇宙飞行的青少年。
nothing upstairs 意思是愚蠢的;没大脑的。
on the same wavelength 是(与某人)志趣相同的意思。
agree to disagree 指求同存異;同意各自保留不同意见。
light years ahead 数光年领先,指遥遥领先。
out of this world 意思是出色的;了不起的;极好的。