
2021-09-12 08:51尹慈马晓玢
赤峰学院学报·自然科学版 2021年8期

尹慈 马晓玢

中圖分类号:O157.6  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1673-260X(2021)08-0001-03


〔1〕I. Sciriha. A characterization of singular graphs[J]. Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 2007,  16(01):451-462.

〔2〕Y. Fan, Y. Wang, Y. Wang. A note on the nullity of unicyclic signed graphs[J]. Linear Algebra Appl., 2013, 438(03):1193-1200.

〔3〕J.M. Guo, W. Yan, Y.N. Yeh. On the nullity and the matching number of unicyclic graphs[J]. Linear Algebra Appl., 2009, 431(08):1293-1301.

〔4〕I. Gutman, I. Sciriha. On the nullity of line graphs of trees[J]. Discrete Math., 2001, 232(1-3):35-45.

〔5〕F. Ashraf, H. Bamdad. A note on graphs with zero nullity[J]. MATCH, 2008, 60(01):15-19.

〔6〕G.J. Chang, L.H. Huang, H.G. Yeh. A characterization of graphs with rank 4[J]. Linear Algebra Appl., 2011, 434 (08):1793-1798.

〔7〕S. Hu, X. Tan, Bolian Liu. On the nullity of bicyclic graphs[J]. Linear Algebra Appl., 2008, 429 (07):1387-13917.

〔8〕G.J. Chang, L.H. Huang, H.G. Yeh. A characterization of graphs with rank 5[J]. Linear Algebra Appl., 2012, 436 (11):4241-4250.

〔9〕L. Wang, Y. Fan, Y. Wang. The Triangle -Free Graphs with Rank 6[J]. Journal of Mathemtical Research with Applications., 2014, 34(05): 517-528.

〔10〕Y. Fan, K. Qian. On the nullity of the bipartite graphs[J]. Linear Algebra Appl., 2009, 430(11-12):2943–2949.

〔11〕L. Wang, Y. Fan. The signature of line graphs and power trees[J]. Linear Algebra Appl., 2014, 448(05):264-273.

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