To Create a Better Country

2021-09-05 03:58倪燕萍
阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2021年8期



金海欣 黄天羽 黄乙耘 金若彤 蒋一菲 梅钰艳 巢欣雨

王钰凯 黄心尧 石涵淼 吴 婧 童 瑶 范雨欣 吴欣澄

唐润湫 王艺璇 刘玺彤 周靖程 赵俊鑫 滕思远 韦泽云

林昳霏 王 涵

Queen: Hey, wheres my cappuccino(卡布奇諾)?

Maid: Here it is. Im so sorry, My Queen. Im late today.

Queen: It is unforgivable. Put it here. Guards, take her away. Spank her twenty times.

Guard 1 & 2: Yes, Your Majesty.

Maid: My Queen, forgive me. Help! Help!

Queen: Is there anything you want to report to me?

Officer 1: Yes, there is. According to the weather broadcast, these days the air is very bad. Smoke from cars and factories makes the air even worse. It affects peoples health.

Officer 2: Your Majesty, many rivers are dirty. People throw rubbish in the rivers. There is not enough clean water to drink.

Officer 3: In some places, people dont have enough food. Theyre starving(饥饿的).

Queen: Is the air in my palace clean?

All: Of course it is.

Queen: Is the water in my palace clean?

All: Of course, its very clean.

Queen: Is there enough food in my palace?

All: Yes.

Queen: Then its OK. Anything else?

Officer 4: Your Majesty, I have heard that there is an enemy troop(敌军) coming to our country.

Queen: Oh, really? My general(将军), do you train the soldiers every day?

General: Yes, I do.

Queen: Train harder! Prepare for the war!

Soldier 1: Look, the enemy is coming!

Enemy 1 & 2: Lets break into the palace.

Queen: (wandering alone) Im hungry but there isnt anything to eat. Im thirsty but the water in the river is so dirty.

Girl: What a poor woman! Do you regret, madam? Here is the only apple my mother left to me. Here you are. Eat it, and you will be better.

Queen: Thank you so much.

(However, the girl fainted from hunger.)

Queen: Whats wrong with you? Wake up! Wake up!  Youre so kind. Lets start working. I want to make a better life for you. My people deserve(应得) it.

(The queen organized a team. After several years of unremitting efforts, everyone gained a lot.)

Man 1: Now, we have enough food to eat.

Man 2: Yes. We are not hungry anymore.

Man 3: There are so many fruit trees in our mountain.

Girl: I like eating apples. I can eat apples every day.

Man 4: The water in the river is so clean. We can drink as much as we like.

Queen: This is called “Hard work gets harvest”. I miss my old life in the palace.

Man 1: You lived in the palace before?

Queen: Yes, I did.

Man 2: Oh, I see. You are the queen, are you?

All: Your Majesty!

Queen: Im not the queen now. I made my people suffer a lot before.

Man 3: But now you have changed.

All: Yes, you have.

Man 4: We work together. We live together. You are nice to people now.

Queen: Do you really forgive me?

All: Yes, we do.

Queen: Thank you very much. The enemy has occupied (占领) the palace for a long time. Lets go and take it back.

All: I agree.

Queen: Thanks a lot. Now we have so many people. There is strength in numbers.

(The queen led the army, held the forces together, and won at last.)

All: We win! We win!

Man 2: Be quiet, everyone. I want to say something. Now we have taken back our country, but we still need a leader. We still want this lady to be our queen.

All: We still want you to be our queen!

Queen: Im so happy today. I come back to my home again. These days Ive learnt a lot from you. Now I know it is the queens mission(使命) to make people live better. I will try my best to serve the people(為人民服务).

All: Your Majesty!

(The End)
