Sharon Oosthoek
Look at what you' re wearing. There's a good chance it includes blue jeans or other itemsmade from denim l. At anv moment. about half the world's population is wearing this fabric 2.Tinv bits of denim have been adding up to a surprising amount of pollution in rivers. lakesand oceans. new research shows.
Savs Sam Athey, one of the study's authors. “We don't know yet the influences onWildlife and the environment."But she is worried. “Even though denim is made of a conlains chemicals.”she points out.
Everv time we wash clothes. these microfibers 3 come loose and flow out of washingmachines. doWn the drain and into the world's rivers. lakes and oceans. Microfibers make upa lot of the smallest bits of pollution.
The scientists found microfibers from other fabrics. too. But the team focused on denimbecause so many peopleWear jeans.
Today's jeans are colored with synthetic indig0 4 dye 5. (Synthetic means it is made bypeople.) Some chemicals in the dve are toxic6. Athey and her team worry about how far andwide these long-lived chemicals are spreading.“These fibers occurred everywhere,”she says.
People have been paying attention to microplastics. But chemically treated naturalmicrofibers. such as denim, might be just as worrying, says Athey.
Smaller organisms, such as planktod 7, also could eat microfibers. This would stopthem from being able to eat the food they need to survive 8.
Athey and her team washed jeans to see how manv microfibers each pair shed 9 perwash. The answer ? About 50.000.
Not all of those fibers make their way into the environment. Wastewater treatmenlplants capture anywhere from 83 to 99 percent of them. But it still adds up to lots ofmicrofibers entering environments.
Everyone wears jeans so it could be our largest input 10 of microfibers into theenvironment. An easy way to limit that is bv washing our jeans less often.
“We need to buv fewer clothes and only wash them when they truly need it," Atheysays.
1.denim[?den?m] n.斜纹粗棉布;牛仔布
2.fabric [?f?br?k] n.织物;布
5.dye [da?] n.染料
6.toxic[?t?ks?k] adj.有毒的
7.plankton [?pl??kt?n] n.浮游生物
8.survive[s??va?v] v.存活
9.shed [?ed] y.流出;脱落
10.input [??n?p?t]n.输入